WIFE FOR A PRICE: A Hitman Fake Marriage Romance

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WIFE FOR A PRICE: A Hitman Fake Marriage Romance Page 61

by Thomas, Kathryn

  My mother’s hand reaches up to touch my face as she mouths quietly, “Oh Vanessa. I love you, but you have to run.”

  “Run? Where’s dad? Is he here?”

  “Run!” She coughs, a small trace of blood spitting out.

  Gavin grabs my shoulders and spins me around towards the bathroom door and back towards the hallway leading outside. Standing in the doorway is my father. His hand waves the same piece of glass my mother stabbed him with earlier. His bare chest is wrapped in the sheet she had torn from the bed, evidently putting pressure on the wound she had caused. Clutched in his hand was a rifle and a nearly empty bottle of Jim Beam.

  “It’s no use, Vanessa. Your mama isn’t going to make it -- at least when I’m done with y’all.” He lifts the gun and points it straight up and out, but in his state, it doesn’t point at either of us. It just leans to and fro as he tries to steady himself. He looks back at Gavin as he says, “You managed to get past my boy, did you? I knew you were a clever son-of-a-bitch, but I didn’t think you had those nine lives either.”

  “Martin’s dead. We killed him. And you’re next if you don’t play your cards right, Barber.” Gavin’s voice has suddenly grown stronger as he pushes himself against a wall for support. “The whole club knows about your plans with the Senators and their coming. Even if you kill us three, you’ll be chased and hunted down and given a traitor’s goodbye. You surrender now, and maybe I’ll put in a good word for you.”

  “You’re bluffing.” My father replies as he looks back to me. “You set him to say this shit, didn’t you? You were always the smart little girl, my perfect angel. I should have known that one day you would turn on me like this. But at least I know you’re not going to get that happily ever after with a bastard of your own.”

  He pulls the gun back up to his eyes again and places his finger on the trigger. The gun aims at Gavin as he laughs, “Say goodbye Vanessa! Can’t say I’ll miss him!”

  They say that a mother has this innate power to protect its family when in danger. You hear these stories about women who move cars off of their babies that have been run over or mothers who walk thousands of miles in the desert for water during famines. For me, it’s shooting my father.

  As he cocks the gun back to his shoulder, I move in speeds I’ve never thought possible. The gun I set on the counter of the bathroom finds its way to my hand and, unlike when I had to use it with Martin, the trigger pulls back. The force of the gun sends me back up against the side of the wall to where Gavin is standing, but I don’t stop. I fire it again. And again. And again. Three bullets each hitting their mark directly into the center of my father’s chest. They make bulletholes he’ll never recover from as his body falls to the ground in a loud, unearthly thud that seems to shake the entire home.

  So many things happen in the moments that follow. My mother cries out as if something is being physically released from her body. It’s not sorrow, pain, or guilt. It’s a release that takes all of her remaining energy from her. As I look towards her, I feel Gavin’s weight press down on me, his body giving in finally. He falls ontop of me, giving me just enough time to set the still warm gun down on the ground next to where I lay him, in a puddle of my mom or dad’s blood. I don’t even know now.

  And as I think there could be possibly no way out of it, as I look to that gun for some relief, Gavin’s threat to my father comes true. The front door slams open followed by the sound of boots -- Bloody Pagan boots. At least 15 or 20 men I don’t instantly recognize outside their club color jackets storm into the kitchen, each stopping in their tracks as they spot the carnage. They look to me kneeling with Gavin’s head in my lap for how to approach.

  And I can only cry, “Help. Please help.”

  Epilogue: Together

  I stand up, wedging my feet into my new pair of heels. The leather backs rubs up against my skin, and I wonder why I didn’t take all that advice about breaking them in before wearing them. No one wants to be in pain on their wedding day, especially while walking down the aisle to the man of their dreams.

  “Are you ready?” Alice asks as she holds my white gown up above her head. “We’re already running late.”

  “I know, I know. I just want to hold my baby one last time before I get in there. I’d really like to avoid messy fingerprints all over my gown.” I walk over to my mom who has been sitting quietly in her wheelchair, my baby girl in her arms. She smiles down at her as she hands her back to me.

  When Hazel was born, I was a mess, a total wreck. It had been seven months since the night my entire life changed, and I was still feeling the weight of it on me almost every day and night. My life was full of nightmares and daydreams of bodies on the ground, Gavin falling into my arms, the sound of my mother’s scream. But as soon as I heard Hazel’s cry, I knew that my life would never be the same. It would be more than my past or who I was brought up to be. It would be about her, about our family.

  And now, it’s going to become official: Mrs. Gavin Wren. We could all three have the same name. I could burst just thinking about it as I stare down at my tiny redheaded baby with those almond eyes that belong to me and the rest that was all her daddy. With those eyes, she would get to witness her parents finally becoming one. What more could a girl like me ask for?

  After a few kisses and hugs, I place my baby back in my mother’s arms and allow Alice to slip my dress over my head. It’s nothing too formal. Just a lacey white dress with cap sleeves. Everyone was telling me to go for something beaded and bedazzled, but that’s just not my style. I also couldn’t imagine Gavin looking at me covered in fake jewels and sparkles. I instead got something timeless, practical, simple.

  When I spin around to face my friend and mom, I know I’ve made the right choice in dresses. Their eyes light up when they see me with my veil in place. “You look amazing -- everything I dreamed you would look like on this day, Vanessa.” My mom wheels herself to my side and takes my hand in hers. Even though it’s been nearly a year since I found her cut up in the bathroom, she’s still much weaker than I could remember. Still, her hand presses into mine as she adds. “I couldn’t be more proud of you than I am right now.”

  I choke back the tears that are forming in my eyes as I look over towards the large clock in Gavin’s and my new house. We just closed the deal on it last month, and I’ve already spent countless hours painting and priming everything, including overseeing him build the in-law suite for my mother to be as close to us as possible. It was the least I could do given all that she sacrificed for me.

  “Oh man,” I say, overwhelmed by my own thoughts, “It’s time to go. The guys are waiting for us.”

  Alice walks outside, baby in her arms, and flags down the limo driver. He helps my mother into the car while Alice puts Hazel into a car seat. I hang out in the back. I wasn’t going to be riding with them. I had other plans today -- a surprise fit for Gavin. I watch as the limo turns off our road and down towards the wedding chapel.

  When it’s all clear, I carefully hike the skirt of my dress up and exchange my heels for a pair of brown, dusty cowgirl boots. My bike, a vintage Harley painted in a flashy pearl white, is waiting for me all polished and ready to go. For the last few months, while Gavin’s overseeing official Bloody Pagans business and managing the merger between them and the Senators, I’ve been taking riding lessons with Thad, Alice’s new boyfriend. Once I was comfortable, I put in the order for two new matching bikes -- one in the black on black Gavin loved and this white one for me. A “bride and groom” pair, the dealer noted as I smiled happily.

  I head out towards the chapel slowly, enjoying the ride and even the curious stares from the few gawkers out on the main roads. The California sun beats down on my skin and the wind whips through my curled hair, but I don’t mind it. I’ve never felt so alive in my entire life. This is what I have been missing out on for all those years locked up in my bedroom, dreaming of what life would be like when I was finally set free. Who knew my savior would have been a man on a mo

  I turn into the church, parking just outside the doors. From just outside, I can hear the music starting and I get a glimpse of Alice carrying Hazel in her arms down the aisle. I put the bike in park and wait for Gavin to hear the engine rev over and over again. A few heads turn before the entire congregation is staring out at the woman on the bike. Thad grabs Gavin’s arm and drags him outdoors, pointing at me as I come into view.

  “Vanessa?” He says as he places his hands over his mouth in complete shock. “What the hell is this?” His tuxedoed arms stretch out towards me as he gestures to the bike.

  “You like it?” I smile over to the crowd of onlookers staring at me in total disbelief. Not many MC women ride bikes. Then again, most of them aren’t like me.

  “I love it,” He stammers as he walks out towards me. I place the bike in park and dismount as he asks the million dollar question, “But how? How did you do this?”

  “Well, it’s not just this bike… it’s that one too.” Thad reappears from around the chapel wheeling the matching bike towards him. I wait for him to speak, but Gavin just stares at me completely dumbfounded. I explain quickly, fearing the worst, “I just wanted you to know that I will always ride with you. No matter what life puts us through, no matter what roads it takes us down, you will always have me as your partner. Forever.”

  Gavin takes one giant step towards me and scoops me up in his arms. Our bodies collide as our lips touch and part. We both melt into one another as we take in my words. Forever. We were in this together forever. Throughout the rest of the ceremony and dance, we held on to the other, our hands never leaving the other’s.


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  Devin owned me from the second he walked into my shop.

  He was like something out of a romance novel.

  And I wanted to see where our story went.

  I just never guessed it would end with his baby in my belly.

  It was obvious from the second our eyes met:

  Devin wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  He saw something in me that he wanted…

  And I was powerless to deny him.

  But that was before I knew the kinds of people who were after Devin’s blood.

  Bad men.

  Evil men.

  Men who wouldn’t hesitate to hurt me, too.

  I never signed up for all this.

  But when Devin puts his seed inside me…

  I’m stuck going along for the ride.



  Impossible. Off limits. Suicidal to even try.

  But that’s never stopped me before.

  I want the president’s daughter to carry my baby…

  And the devil himself won’t be able to stop me.

  Her father’s got a temper that’s as famous as him.

  No one in the state would dare defy his orders.

  No one except for me.

  Call me what you want: a rebel, a lone wolf, or a straight-up a**hole.

  But following rules has never been my strong suit.

  He can warn me, threaten me, do everything in his power to stop me.

  But it ain’t gonna work.

  Because I want Vanessa.

  I want her now and forever.

  In my bed and on my bike.

  Naked and in a wedding dress.

  Most of all, I want her round with my baby.

  So do your worst, you S.O.B.

  She’s mine now.

  We’re a family.

  Me, Vanessa, and the baby in her belly.



  It all started with a lie.

  I’m terrified of how it’s going to end.

  Because I let myself fall for the hitman…

  And now I’m pregnant with his baby.


  He said he was my blind date.

  I guess I just wanted to believe him.

  He was tall, dark, handsome – and dangerous.

  So I let him take me to bed.

  But the best night of my life turned into the worst morning.

  Because Roman is gone…

  But he left his baby in my belly.


  A gorgeous girl alone at a bar?

  I’ll be whoever she wants me to be.

  It’s not the first time I’ve lied.

  And it sure as hell won’t be the last.

  Because lies are my profession.

  I hurt.

  I torture.

  I kill.

  Compared to all that, lying is the nicest thing I do.

  Lily doesn’t have to know all that, of course.

  After all, she’ll only know me for a night.

  I plan to disappear as soon as the sun’s up, never to be seen again.

  But when I end up on her operating table a month later with a bullet in my shoulder,

  I realize what I left behind with her.

  From now on, I won’t let her out of my sight.

  She belongs to me now.



  The artist in me wants to admire him.

  The bad girl in me wants to strip for him.

  But Bo Braxton doesn’t care about what I want.

  Because he’s about to put a baby in my belly.

  A man like Bo is used to getting his way.

  He doesn’t say please.

  He doesn’t say thank you.

  He just sees what he desires and claims it as his.

  And his sights just landed on me.

  From the moment he walks into my tattoo parlor, he owns me.

  I can’t say no.

  And I wouldn’t, even if I had the chance.

  He’s just too much in every way.

  Too much man.

  Too much power.

  And far, far too much danger.

  It’s not enough for Bo to own my body, my heart, my mind.

  He’s got to brand his mark on me – permanently.

  By putting his baby in my womb.

  But what I didn’t know is that he has enemies.

  And they’ll do whatever it takes to hurt him.

  Even if that means hurting me.

  Now, I’ve got a child growing inside of me and a war raging around me.

  I’m gonna give Braxton a piece of my mind…

  As long as we both get out alive.



  I let things go too far.

  But I couldn’t stop him – the mystery man who owned me for the night.

  Submitting to him was a welcome escape from my horrible life…

  But there’s no escaping the baby he put in my belly.

  It was a wild Halloween party where I met him.

  The masked man with a kiss like fire and a body like a god.

  I wanted to feel alive again.

  And when he held me down, I felt freer than I had in years.

  I wanted his touch, his kiss, his power .

  But I didn’t ask for what he gave me:

  A child in my womb.

  He left as suddenly as he came.

  Now, I’m worse off than I ever was.

  Pregnant and alone.

  No hope in sight.

  Even though he was masked, I swear I’d recognize him if only we crossed paths again.

  There’s no mistaking that aura.




  If I could only find the devil who did this to me…

  I’d make him pay.

as I soon discover…

  The devil might be closer than I ever could have imagined.


  I CAN NEVER LET HIM KNOW THAT HE GAVE ME A BABY. Submitting to Leon was heaven and hell all in one.

  I’ve tried my hardest to put it behind me.

  Because if he finds out that he gave me my son…

  He’ll never let me out of his sight again.

  I’ve had a lifetime’s worth of bad luck in my twenty-five years.

  Dead parents.

  An abusive older brother.

  The list goes on and on.

  Everything I do ends in pain and disaster.

  But I can’t let that happen to my son.

  He’s the one good thing that ever happened to me.

  And I’ll be damned if this harsh world lays a finger on him.

  But just when I think we’re finally safe…

  The past comes hurtling back into the picture.

  In the form of one dangerous, sexy man:


  The biker, the rebel, the bad boy.


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