No Small Parts

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No Small Parts Page 10

by Ally Blue

  “Maybe.” Inside his bedroom door, Rafael turned, wrapped his arms around Nat’s waist, and peered up into those incredible wolf eyes. “I make a pretty awesome omelet, if I do say so myself.”

  Nat blinked. The implied offer hung heavy and dark between them. Rafael chewed his lip and mentally smacked himself for being such an impulsive idiot. Of course Nat wasn’t going to spend the night, come on. Probably wouldn’t even if he didn’t have a sick dad at home to look after. Which he did.

  Rafael forced a laugh. “Forget that. Live in the moment, as my dad likes to say.” He leaned in and planted a kiss on the place where Nat’s pulse throbbed in his throat. “And I’ve been waiting for this particular moment for a while now.”

  “Mmm. Me too.” Nat’s arms went around Rafael’s waist, hands sneaking beneath his shirt. “So take me to bed already, Hollywood.”

  And there was that damn sexy growl again. Heart jackhammering against his ribs, Rafael hooked his fingers through Nat’s belt loops and led him across the room.

  The backs of Rafael’s knees hit the edge of the mattress at the same moment as Nat decided now was the time to get undressed. He manhandled Rafael’s shirt off and ran both palms over his chest. “Smooth as a baby’s butt. Do you wax or something?”

  “No, I don’t fucking wax. I’m naturally hairless.” Ignoring the suggestive tilt of Nat’s left eyebrow, Rafael shoved Nat’s shirt upward until he obediently lifted his arms, then pulled it off and dropped it on the floor on top of his own. “Unlike some people.” He dug his fingers into Nat’s surprisingly thick chest hair. “Are you an actual wolf? Don’t lie.”

  “Maybe.” Nat’s grin was lusciously evil. “I’m the big, bad werewolf, come to gobble up naughty little Hollywood boys.” He lunged forward and took them both down to the bed, teeth digging into Rafael’s neck.

  Quick as thought, the teasing between them vanished, and the need they’d both been dancing around came boiling back up. Rafael hooked his ankles at the small of Nat’s back, clutched his ass in one hand and his hair in the other, ate at his mouth and drank his low groans like honey and wished he could sink right through Nat’s skin, into his blood and bones, become his breath and his heartbeat.

  A snicker escaped before Rafael could stop it. Nat drew away enough to stare down at him with kiss-swollen lips and glazed confusion in his eyes. “Wha?”

  Damn. “Sorry, I was thinking about an old movie quote. ‘If I hold you any closer, I’ll be in back of ya.’” Rafael yanked on Nat’s hair, anxious to get back to where they’d been.

  He’d barely caught Nat’s mouth again when his lips curved against Rafael’s. “Groucho Marx. A Day at the Races. Heh.”

  A man who knew his comedy classics. Hell if that didn’t make him even sexier.

  Desperate, Rafael wormed a hand between them. Fumbled Nat’s fly partway open in spite of the insistent roll of Nat’s hips. “Goddamn it. A little help here?”

  Nat giggled in Rafael’s ear—giggled, soft and breathy and completely at odds with his usual slinky, sexy-dangerous Wolfman persona, but Christ, it only made Rafael want him more, and that could not be good, right? Definitely not, no . . .

  A sharp tug on Rafael’s pants tore a surprised yelp from him. He blinked up at Nat, who now knelt between Rafael’s legs, grinning. “You’re sexy when you zone out.”

  Embarrassingly, Rafael found speech impossible, what with his jeans and underwear tangled around his thighs and Nat’s white-hot stare raking his body, from his flaming face to his diamond-hard prick and back again.

  “Ah . . .” he managed, grasping at the covers and wishing like hell he could just this once be suave instead of incoherent.

  Not that it seemed to matter to Nat. In fact, if Rafael’s blood-deprived brain was reading the situation right, Nat liked what he saw very much. Cheeks flushed and eyes heavy-lidded, he shoved off both of Rafael’s Keds at the same time, grasped his jeans and underwear, and yanked again. This time, the denim and cotton ended up wadded around Rafael’s ankles, his feet resting on Nat’s chest.

  Nat’s eyes fluttered shut. He pulled off Rafael’s left sock and rubbed his chin against Rafael’s instep, slowly, up toward his toes, then down toward his heel, over and over again, like he had forever to do nothing but that. Nat’s near-invisible golden stubble scraped the sensitive skin like a fine brush. Rafael squirmed on the bed, but didn’t try to pull away. He wanted Nat to play with his body, touch and taste and explore. No way was he going to tell him to stop.

  Finally, when Rafael had started to wonder if a guy could actually come from foot-rubbing, Nat opened his eyes again. He smiled, kissed Rafael’s big toe, then wrestled his jeans and underwear off and threw them across the room.

  Rafael was vaguely aware of the whole knotted mess landing on his dresser, knocking over a picture of his parents and a bottle of cologne. But he didn’t care. Not with Nat kneeling over him, wild and sexy as the werewolf he pretended to be on TV, his strange eyes feral with lust and those long fingers strong and firm as he reached down to spread Rafael’s thighs.

  “Don’t move,” Nat whispered when he’d opened Rafael’s legs as wide as they would go. “I want to look at you while I undress.”

  What could Rafael do? He knew he was a good-looking man, but the way Nat was staring at him right now, he felt like the hottest thing on two legs.

  Or on his back, in this case, naked on his rumpled blue-and-white Ikat comforter, his legs spread and his dick so hard it pulsed with his heartbeat, gaze locked with one of the sexiest men he’d ever seen while that man stood beside the bed and shimmied out of his jeans. The mental picture made him feel hot and dirty and almost too horny to think.

  Then Nat kicked aside his pants and knelt on the bed between Rafael’s thighs, and the almost became for sure. He levered himself up on one elbow, wrapped a hand around Nat’s long, gorgeous cock, and swooped in to dig eager teeth into one little pink nipple.

  “OhmyGod.” Nat whole body swayed toward Rafael like a flower searching out the sunlight. His fingertips raked Rafael’s scalp, trying to pull hair that wasn’t long enough for a decent handful. “Shit. I . . . I . . . OhGod . . .”

  Nonverbal. Oh yeah. Feeling victorious, Rafael sucked Nat’s nipple hard enough to earn him a half-pained, half-turned-on hiss. Shit, he could get hooked on that sound. He sucked again, and Nat thrust into his fist, both hands scrabbling for a hold on the back of his head. “Fucking fuck, man. Fuck.”

  The proverbial lightbulb went ding in Rafael’s brain. That was what was missing here. The fucking.

  Rafael popped his mouth off Nat’s chest and went up onto his knees so fast it made him dizzy. “Yeah. Let’s fuck now.”

  Amusement glittered in Nat’s eyes. One corner of his mouth lifted in a way that shouted trouble louder than a street-corner preacher. With no more warning than that, he tackled Rafael with surprising force for such a slim guy. The two of them bounced onto the bed in a knot of bare skin, grasping hands, and laughter that dissolved into wet, openmouthed kisses as they lay side by side.

  A glorious lifetime later—or maybe only a couple of minutes, who the hell knew—Nat drew back enough to peer at Rafael with hazy eyes. “Where’s your lube?”

  “Oh. Uh . . .” Where had he put it? He’d picked up supplies the other day at the drug store along with some food, and when he’d gotten home he’d put away the groceries, stuck the hair gel in the bathroom, come in here, put his new socks in his dresser, then stashed the condoms and lube in . . . “The headboard!” He twisted, trying to reach it.

  “I got it.” Nat lifted his head to look, then stretched out one long arm and plucked the tube from its spot next to Rafael’s SpongeBob plushy. Which he didn’t comment on, thank God.

  He handed the lube to Rafael. “Hurry.”

  The heat in his eyes sent Rafael’s words scurrying out of reach again. Not that it mattered. Sparkling conversation wasn’t the goal here.

  He pushed Nat onto his back. His legs fell open, and Raf
ael momentarily forgot what he’d been doing, lost in the glory of Nat’s sleek thighs, pale against the patterned comforter, his flat belly with its down of golden hair, his hard cock and drawn-up balls.

  Mine. Rafael leaned down to lap at the head of Nat’s prick, earning himself a gasp-and-groan combo from Nat. Clean skin, a hint of sweat, and the delicate flavor of pre-come flooded Rafael’s mouth. So fucking good. He opened wide and took Nat deep.

  Nat yelped, his hips lifting off the mattress. “Fuck! Goddamn. Oh.”

  “Mmm,” Rafael agreed on the backstroke. He lifted his gaze as much as he could. Nat’s head was tilted back, his chest heaving. Rafael let Nat’s cock fall from his mouth—not without regret—because he really, really wanted his dick in Nat’s ass when they both came.

  Glaring a glazed and desperate glare, Nat pointed at the lube still clutched in Rafael’s hand. “C’mon.”

  “Okay. Right.”

  Thanking his lucky stars for flip tops, Rafael opened the tube with shaking hands, squirted about twice as much as he probably needed into his palm, closed it, and threw it as far away on the bed as he could while keeping it (hopefully) within reach, just in case. Nat pulled his knees up to his chest, lifting his butt off the bed and baring his hole.

  Jesus, even his asshole was beautiful: pale pink and tight with a bare scattering of dark-blond hair. Rafael knew people in Hollywood who paid good money to make their buttholes look that pretty. And here was Nat the Wolfman, with his eyes that weren’t contacts and his asshole that wasn’t bleached.

  “Perfect,” Rafael whispered. He rubbed his slick fingers over Nat’s naturally gorgeous hole, admiring the way the rosy skin shone in the sunlight leaking through the blinds.

  Nat watched him with parted lips and heavy-lidded eyes. “Don’t be gentle with me, Hollywood.”

  Rafael shuddered. That damn growl was going to be the death of him. Biting his lip, he pushed two slippery fingers into Nat’s body, aiming for the magic spot.

  Which he hit dead-on, judging by the way Nat gasped and flung his arms out sideways. “Oh fuck. Yes. Harder.”

  Rafael wasn’t sure how exactly finger-fucking was supposed to be done harder, but he’d damn well give it a try if it meant more of this pink-cheeked, breathless, out-of-control Nat currently knotting the bedding in his fists. Watching Nat’s face in rapt wonder, Rafael pumped his fingers in and out, twisting and crooking so he’d hit the sweet spot every time.

  Nat’s back arched. One long leg lashed out, his foot narrowly missing Rafael’s forehead. “God. Enough. Fuck me.”

  The world went still. Except for Nat’s flailing legs. Rafael grabbed one slim ankle, saving himself from a kick in the head. He stared into Nat’s sex-hazed eyes. “You sure?”

  Nat nodded, his hair bunching behind his neck. “I wanna feel it.”

  Wow. Unable to speak, Rafael leaned over—letting his fingers slip out of Nat’s body—and claimed a kiss that expressed his jumbled emotions better than any words.

  Nat’s tongue slid over his, soft and slick and needy, talking to him in the same silent language. He nestled between Nat’s legs, his cock pressing against the heat and firmess of Nat’s, and Jesus, it felt so right. So perfect. And it would be so easy to slip down a little bit, ease his bare prick up Nat’s ass, and it would feel so. Fucking. Good. He moaned into Nat’s mouth, his hips moving instinctively, rubbing, creating luscious friction, and damn, he was going to come if he didn’t get control over himself, like, right now . . .

  “Stop.” Nat pushed on his shoulders, breaking the spell. “Get a rubber and fuck me, damn it.”

  Grabbing the condom box from the headboard without rolling out from between Nat’s thighs was a stretch, but he managed. Ignoring Nat’s teasing grin, he tore open the box.

  Condoms scattered all over the bed. Nat cracked up.

  Rafael scowled at him. “It’s not that funny.”

  “It kind of is.” Nat grabbed a packet that had landed next to his hand. His wolf eyes glowed with heat and mischief. “Bring that cock up here so I can put this on you.”

  Oh, hello. Pulse pounding in his throat, Rafael rose onto his knees and scooted forward until his thighs hit Nat’s butt. Nat smiled, long fingers petting Rafael’s hip, and a sudden rush of wild joy left him light-headed and tight-chested. He swayed, dizzy. Nat’s knees came up on either side of him, boxing him in, and he clamped his hands on to Nat’s strong legs, hanging on for his life while Nat ripped open the packet and rolled the latex down over Rafael’s cock.

  It was all he could do to find the lube and squeeze out enough to coat his prick. Nat’s touch had apparently killed his logic center. No surprise there. Still, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Nat. So, yeah. More lube. He was pretty sure Nat would still feel it.

  Rafael meant to ask Nat what position he liked. But before he could find his words, Nat wrapped both arms around his waist, rolled him onto his back, and straddled him. Rafael let out a surprised “Oh!” which Nat swallowed with an aggressive kiss. Rafael lay back and let himself be ravished. His sex-addled brain couldn’t figure out where this was going, but he was sure enjoying the trip.

  Nat pushed up on his hands, his hair hanging around his face. “I’m gonna ride you like a fucking bull, Hollywood.”

  Oh, Jesus and Mary. Rafael opened his mouth to say . . . something. He didn’t know.

  “Nat . . .” was as far as he got before Nat positioned himself, took Rafael’s prick in hand, and sank down on it in one smooth motion.

  “Ah . . .” Hardly the eloquent poem Rafael wanted to create to describe the feel of Nat’s body, soft and hot around his cock, but he couldn’t get anything else from brain to mouth. He grasped Nat’s hips, fingers digging into the pale skin there. Nat’s ass clenched around him, so tight it skated the edge of pain, and Rafael had to fight the urge to pump into Nat’s body like a machine. “Ohgodohgod. Uh.”

  “Yeah.” Nat rose up with agonizing slowness, then dropped down again, his prick bobbing above Rafael’s belly. His cry echoed Rafael’s. “Fuck. That’s good.”

  Rafael nodded, since he couldn’t seem to speak coherently. Nat did the up-and-down again, faster this time, and Rafael’s vision blurred a little bit. Shit, he wasn’t going to last at this rate, in spite of the latex dulling the sensation.

  He wrapped his lube-sticky hand around Nat’s dick and started working him with a practiced touch. One thing he could say for himself: guys had always told him he had talented hands.

  Sure enough, it didn’t take more than a few firm strokes along Nat’s shaft, a few thumb-swipes over the pink head, to have him uh-uh-uh-ing, his cock swelling in Rafael’s palm, his rhythm fast and brutal as he rode Rafael’s prick. His pale eyes glittered between slitted lids, his mouth open and panting, his body sheened with sweat. His hair clung to his face and neck in damp strands.

  All his usual reserve was gone, and it was beautiful.

  Entranced, so turned on he couldn’t think, Raphael dug his heels into the bed and thrust up into Nat’s body. Again, and again, until he was breathing as fast as Nat, his hand still moving on Nat’s cock even though he’d lost his rhythm somewhere along the way. Not that it mattered. They were both too far gone to care. There was no stopping this train now.

  Nat ground his ass down on Rafael’s prick, a helpless little noise bleeding from his throat, and Rafael felt himself starting to tumble. The need to take Nat over the edge with him gave him enough control for one last rough pull on Nat’s cock, a gentle rub to his balls. Nat shot with a near-silent gasp, hips rocking, head thrown back and mouth open. His body clutched Rafael’s prick so hard he saw stars, blooming white across his vision as he emptied himself into the condom.

  For a few seconds they stayed that way, Nat astride Rafael’s groin, Rafael clutching Nat’s privates while they both rode the high. Finally, Nat fell forward onto Rafael’s chest. “Fuck.”

  “Uh-huh.” Rafael retrieved his arms, wrapped one around Nat’s ribs and buried the other hand
in Nat’s tangled hair. Grounding himself to the earth. To Nat. “That. Was amazing.”

  “Mmm. Sure was.” Nat wriggled up to nuzzle Rafael’s neck. Rafael’s shrinking prick slipped out of him. The condom came off and plopped onto Rafael’s pubes. He hissed at the sticky warmth, and Nat laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those guys who’s afraid of a little come.“

  “I’m not afraid of it.” Rafael squirmed as fluid leaked out of the condom and trickled down his hip. Ew. “I’d rather be clean, that’s all.”

  Nat snickered again. “Yeah, well. I like getting you dirty.” His teeth sank into Rafael’s shoulder.

  “Hey!” Laughing, Rafael swatted Nat’s bare butt.

  He got a low growl in answer. Nat let go and stuck his tongue in Rafael’s ear.

  Rafael yelped. “Stop! That tickles.”

  Nat raised his head. Mischief sparkled in his eyes. “Duly noted.”

  Oh shit. Playing it cool, Rafael lifted an eyebrow. “So, now you know my weaknesses. You gonna tell me yours? Or don’t you have any?”

  Nat’s playful grin faded, and Rafael mentally kicked himself. He rooted through his mind for something—anything—to say or do to bring back the Nat who’d teased him only moments ago.

  Before Rafael could come up with anything, Nat’s lips curved into a smirk a couple of shades less bright than before. “Oh, I have too many weaknesses to count. But if you want to know, you’ll have to figure them out for yourself.” He leaned down and kissed Rafael, a slow, searching kiss that sparked a deep heat inside him. When Nat broke the kiss, he smiled, his mouth still brushing Rafael’s. “That should be fun, right?”

  Rafael watched in thoughtful silence as Nat rose from the bed, plucked the condom from Rafael’s groin, and carried it into the bathroom. When he returned a few moments later with a damp washcloth, he cleaned the semen off Rafael’s skin and pubic hair without a word, then fished his jeans out of the pile on the floor and started putting them on.

  “I need to get back home,” he said, answering the question Rafael hadn’t asked. “I got a sitter to stay with Dad, but only for four hours. I need to be back before she has to leave.”


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