ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 94

by Jane Price

  The loud knock on her door made her jump, and she rushed across the room to pull open the door. Dante filled the doorway and she brushed off the rush of desire that passed through her as she took in his tall body, remembering his possessive hands on her. She stepped back and let him come in. He entered and, without waiting for an invitation, walked to the island that separated the kitchen from the living room. She followed him and came to stand across the island from him.

  His eyes skimmed over her body and she felt a flush creep up her cheeks. She couldn’t imagine he remembered the other night like she did, he probably slept with a different women each day of the week, but the way his eyes bore into her like he could see through her cotton dress made her think he was remembering it too. His eyes snapped up to hers, his emotions masked.

  “You wanted to talk?”

  “Yes. I want to understand what your intention with Penny is?”

  “My intention? I’m her father. I intend to exercise that right.” He said, his voice hard, clipped.

  “Yes, but I want you to look at this from her perspective. I’m the only family she knows and I really think she needs that connection right now.” Her eyes pleaded with him, hoping for an ounce of understanding.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll still let her see you.” He said, brushing off her concerns. “Maybe she can even crash here while I’m touring.”

  “No, she needs somewhere she can crash all the time. You can’t drag her around with you wherever you go and not expect that to affect her. She’s a kid.” Her voice raised, concern giving way to anger.

  “Yeah. My kid.” He matched her tone, his eyes sparked.

  “Whom you’ve never met. Why do you want her now when you didn’t want to have anything to do with her before?”

  “Because Whitney wouldn’t let me see her.”

  “And why would she do that. I love my sister, but I knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t likely to turn down the help of a hot rich guy.” She dug her fingernails into her palm, her heart rate speeding. She hated confrontation, but this was one fight she couldn’t back down from.

  “Then you should also know her well enough to know that she was a stubborn thing too. We were already history when she found out she was pregnant. Things were messy as shit between us at the time and she said she would never allow her kid to see me. All she wanted me for was money.”

  “If you were paying her child support why was there never any paperwork pertaining to it?”

  “Because Whit was smarter than that. She knew that if she filed for child support through the right channels, that money would be monitored. She would have to spend it on its intended purpose and not on herself. She had me deposit money into her bank account every month.”

  “Which she turned around and snorted. Wow, your case for getting custody just gets better and better.”

  “I was an idiot, okay? The way she said it, if I didn’t go along with her plan she would start telling people it wasn’t consensual, or some other story. And Whit was crazy enough to do it, too, so I figured I would just pay her the money and she would be happy.”

  “And you never thought about Penelope again?” She bit out.

  “Of course I did. I might be an asshole, but it killed me thinking that my kid was going to grow up never knowing who I was. Or worse yet, having Whitney as her mother.” Dante cut his eyes away from her, rubbing the back of his neck. When he spoke again his voice was weary, low. “I tried to get in touch with Whit a few times over the years but she always turned me down. Told me if I wasn’t calling about money then don’t call.” He turned back to her and Jacqueline saw the hurt in his eyes. “I know why Whit thought I would make a terrible parent, but why do you?”

  Looking into his stormy blue eyes she softened, the fight draining from her. “It’s not that I think you would be a bad dad, I just think that Penny needs stability. She needs the chance at a normal life.” Jacqueline inhaled a shaky breath. “She needs to not become her mother.”

  Jacqueline fought back the tears that threatened to spill, the result of her anger, her guilt. She turned her back to him, pacing into the kitchen.

  She didn’t hear him follow her until his voice rumbled from behind her. “That’s all I want for her too.”

  She turned to face him and he caught her in his arms. She looked up to him, gathering her courage to trudge on. “I tried to help Whitney and I failed. I can’t fail Penny. I don’t think I could bear to see her take the same path as Whitney.”

  This time the tears fell onto her cheeks and she cast her eyes down. Dante took her head in his hands and turned it up again. He pressed a kiss to each stream on her cheek, far gentler than she could imagine. The urge to let herself go with him was great, but she held on to the last remaining shreds of dignity she had.

  “Whitney kept her from me for 7 years. I can’t lose her again.”

  “I don’t want to keep her from you, I just want to keep her safe.”

  “Ditto.” Dante’s lips brushed against hers, a flutter of a kiss that made her breath hitch and chased away the sadness, replacing it with an ache of desire.

  “If we both want the same thing for her how do we choose?” The touch of his fingers along her ribcage sent a shiver through her, which culminated low in her belly.

  “We don’t.”

  “What do you mean?” Kisses peppered her jaw until he reached her earlobe making it difficult for Jacqueline to stay focused on their conversation.

  “We share.” Taking her earlobe between his lips, he sucked, then released it.


  “You said it yourself, we’re both her family, we both want the same things for her. Why fight about it?”

  His hands worked their way up her ribs until they were on her breasts, a gentle caress. She arched into his touch, her body remembering vividly his hands on her bare flesh. The wetness between her legs was evidence enough. Her mind tried to discern what he was talking about, but his hands on her body made it hard for her to think straight.

  Just as Jacqueline was moving into his touch he grabbed onto her and turned her around, facing the island. His large body pushed against her and she reached out and gripped her hand onto the cool granite. Dante bent his body over hers, his hands on her breasts again, tugging and tearing at the front of her dress, exposing her sensitive skin to his hands. The sudden switch in him surprised her, but it turned her on even more. She liked that he wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted, and she liked that he wanted her.

  His hips pressed into her and she could feel his erection on her. Jacqueline gathered her courage and pushed back into him, loving the way he felt against her. She was rewarded with his greedy hands tugging her nipple with a startling accuracy. She reveled in the burn, in the pleasure that washed over her. A low moan escaped her lips.

  In a few quick movements, Jacqueline’s dress was torn roughly from her and it fluttered to the floor. She heard the sound of denim being pulled down, and when Dante stepped back behind her she could feel the heat from his body and the silky skin of his cock against her. It seemed as though that was the only part of him that was smooth and Jacqueline wanted to touch it like she had the last time. She wanted to feel the rigid member in her hands and know that she could bring a man like this to the brink of pleasure, then take him over the edge.

  She turned around to face him, Dante quirking an eyebrow in surprise. Being faced with him she felt more nervous than she had a moment ago, but as her gaze moved down to his thick erection jutting out, her nerves were easily forgotten. Her small hand reached out and fisted him, gently at first, learning him. She watched his face as her hand moved over him, watched how she could affect him. Her movements became bolder, more aggressive, until his eyes slipped closed and his hips thrust into her motions.

  Bolstered, Jacqueline bent her body down and tentatively licked the tip of his cock. His eyes flew open in surprise, his hands moving to her head. She moved her hands to the base of him, then slowly took him in
to her mouth. A low groan sounded from above her, but before she could continue Dante pulled her up.

  Her eyes widened in alarm and she looked at him.

  “Babe if you keep doing that I’m going to come, and I don’t want to do that until I’m buried in you.”

  Her body ignited with his words, eager as he was to feel him moving inside her again. She turned back around to the face the counter, eager for him, only to hear a soft chuckle from behind her. She looked over her shoulder to him to see him smiling.

  “Come on.” He said, holding out his hand. She took it and he led the way down the hallway to her bedroom. Dante guided her onto the bed and he followed her.

  Keeping his body close to her, Dante rubbed the head of his cock along her seam, grunting at the wetness he found there. The tip of him entered her a couple inches, then pulled out. He repeated it that pattern until she was writhing with need under him. She let out a growl of frustration and Dante smiled, relenting. This time he pushed into her and buried himself to the hilt. She grabbed onto his shoulders at the sensation, at the tremors that ripped through her. He pumped into her with no prelude, a hard rhythm that left her breathless.

  Her lips sought out his and they met with a passion that was consuming. His merciless pace gained in intensity and Jacqueline brought up her legs around him, opening herself up to him. His eyes watched her face and this time she wasn’t nervous. This time she wanted to let go in front of him, for him to see what he did to her. The tension in her sex tightened as she neared release, the friction of him inside her was driving her to the edge.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders, holding onto him as the savage rush consumed her. That ever present tension in her body came undone. Above her Dante’s primal sounds told her that he too was nearing climax. She watched through the haze of her own release as his features became rigid and his movements became frantic. A groan of pleasure echoed throughout the room.

  Dante stilled above, looking down at her face. He smiled broadly, something she had never seen him do before. He rolled off of her and pulled her close to him.

  “I love watching you let go.” He said, breathless. His smile was still in place.

  “I don’t know what it is but you bring out a side of me I didn’t even know I had. I’ve never had the desire to give a man head before today.” She said with a smile, inspecting the small nail marks on his shoulder.

  “See? I knew we would make a good team for Penny.”

  She propped herself up on his chest to look at him wholly. “You can’t be serious about trying to parent together.”

  “Sure I am. Why not?”

  “Because we hardly know each other.”

  “I think I’m getting to know you pretty well.” He said, his fingers trailing down her back.

  “You know what I mean.” She playfully slapped his chest, then settled back against him. “You’re a hard core rocker and I’m, well, just a regular person.”

  “I think that’s what makes this idea great. You’re calm and nurturing where I’m not.”

  “I suppose. And you’re confident and bold, and I’m not either of those things.” Jacqueline laid on him, thinking, tracing the dragon tattoo the covered most of his chest, and basking in how good it felt in his arms. After a moment she said to him, “This is a crazy idea, you know that right?”

  “The craziest.”

  “We need to make sure we take things slowly. Gradually.”

  Dante laughed. A low rumbling sound that had her blood start racing again. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but we don’t do ‘slow’ very well.”

  Smiling, she swung her leg over his hips and straddled him. Pinning his arms above him, she trailed kisses along his jaw, letting herself go once more.

  “Well in that case we should just fuck it and do it our own way.”

  “That’s my girl. We’re already a family now. Blood has nothing to do with it.”


  The Maid Affair

  Chapter 1

  Life is a series of ups and downs, a cyclical process that we cannot escape. There are points in our lives where we find ourselves riding on cloud nine, where we feel like kings of the universe, and where we assume that nothing is capable of taking us down. Then, there are points where we hit rock bottom, where everything falls apart and it seems like nothing will ever be right again. Axel Brooks’ life was no exception.

  His childhood was a traumatic one. He had grown up with an abusive father and an alcoholic mother, yet; he managed to motivate himself through school and get himself into a prestigious business university. In college, he experienced the four greatest years of his life. However, soon after college he found himself falling into a rut. For many years, he was unable to find himself a job and was very close to filing for bankruptcy.

  Then suddenly, when he was 25 things picked up again when he launched into his business career. After that, he stayed on top for a long time. By the time he was in his mid-thirties, he had already made a name for himself in the world. Everyone knew about the great Brooks Empire. Everyone saw it growing exponentially year by year with the help of its CEO, Axel. It was amazing how he had started as a simple stock broker and was now the CEO of countless organizations, which brought him millions, sometimes even billions of dollars in revenue each year. He had even managed to get married and have kids. Everything about his late twenties and thirties seemed to be perfect.

  Then, however, his 40th birthday came along and everything changed. Everything went downhill, fast. His beautiful wife, Gretchen, started to lose her luster around this time. Day by day she became unhappy, she gained weight, became distant and cold. Worst of all, she had lost her famous spark in the bedroom. She was no longer the sexy woman he had married, who would stay up all night fucking him. Now, all she wanted to do was go to sleep by nine o’clock. All he wanted to do was have some real sex, but all he could do was go into his study and jerk off while drowning in a bottle of whisky, trying to pretend that his marriage wasn’t falling apart.

  For ten years, he tried to ignore what was happening. He tried to convince himself that it was nothing he couldn’t handle. He was a ruthless businessman who handled the stress of countless organizations each day, could he not handle some sexual frustration? He had tried everything, however, from strip clubs to toys, but they weren’t the same as actually pinning someone’s body to the bed and fucking their brains out. Axel longed for his younger, happier wife. Axel could feel himself rushing toward rock bottom.


  Today was Axel’s 50th birthday. His wife, surprisingly enough, had organized a party for him. Axel had almost smiled at the gesture, thinking she was trying to impress him. Hell, maybe he would get lucky tonight and they could turn their marriage around.

  However, once the party started, he didn’t feel so confident. Even though the party was meant to celebrate him, when it was in full swing, he just felt like an outsider. It was his 50th birthday party, where he felt he should have been the center of attention, but he wasn’t. Instead, the younger entrepreneurs were stealing the spotlight, making him feel old. He missed his twenty-year-old days, where he could capture anyone’s attention with a simple glance, where he could fuck anyone he wanted, and where he could make a million dollars in one day with just his good looks alone. He missed those days like nothing else but knew, deep down, that he would never get them back, no matter how hard he tried.

  Despite this, Axel tried to stay positive. Maybe tonight would be different. Maybe he would finally spend a night in his wedding bed. It was his big day, after all, and maybe Gretchen would want to give him a special kind of birthday present. Maybe she would wear nothing but a big pink bow on her head like she did for his 30th birthday. Axel smiled at the thought. Even though Gretchen was now 45, and her breasts weren’t as perky as they were twenty years ago and she didn’t have the animalistic lust she was famous for, sex was still sex. It would definitely be better than just jacking off in his study by himself that was for

  So when the party ended and everyone left, Axel eagerly made his way to the bedroom, hoping to find Gretchen waiting for him. He imagined her dressed in something provocative, in some sort of sexy position. Axel licked his lips in eagerness.

  Axel opened up his bedroom door and found Gretchen. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the Gretchen from his fantasies. She wasn’t wearing lingerie but her stupid nightgown, a shapeless piece of fabric. Axel hated that damn nightgown. It transformed his once sexy wife into nothing more than a box of asexuality. He just wanted to rip it off her body, and maybe, tonight, he would. Axel smirked.

  While smirking, he jumped onto the bed, crawling over to her, like he had done countless times before when they were younger. He had a sexy grin painted on his face before he quickly pounced on her. Quickly, he snatched the book she was reading out of her hands. She glared at him, unamused. If she had been Medusa, Axel would have turned to stone. He tossed the book away, smirking, oblivious to the death stare his wife was giving him.


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