ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 136

by Jane Price

  “Wait, what’s wrong? I know it’s been a few years, but I mean-” James grabbed the sheet away from her and threw it across the room towards the desk.

  “Stop, I’m just taking this in. This is better than all the fantasies I’ve had over the past two years.” Teresa relaxed and James slowly approached her, carefully sliding in on top of her. He kissed her forehead gently and proceeded to kiss her cheeks, lips, and ears. She giggled and looked back at him.

  “What’re you doing, James,” Teresa asked, not irritated by the show of affection, but it certainly seemed out of place seeing the way they got into the building.

  “Just remembering your taste. That’s all.” James kissed her, their lips forming a perfect seal, as if they were made for each other, their kisses forced their bodies to contort and intertwine. One hand grabbed her by the back of the neck, just like she remembered, the other hand rested over her shoulder, holding him up above her slightly.

  He began to kiss her neck, and she kissed his as his strong hand forced her head back and forth so that he could kiss both sides. She resisted slightly, but just to tease him. After a few moments of kissing and biting, she flipped him over on his back and mounted him.

  Her pussy was already moist by the time she started to rub herself on his hard dick. She didn’t let him slide inside her yet, but took the time to tease her own clit and the tip of his cock. His hands lifted off the bed and each grabbed a tit, they each were bouncing slightly with each of her thrusts. His fingers cupped them perfectly, pinching her nipples slightly, causing her to let out a low moan.

  Teresa raised up on her knees and took his dick in one hand. She bent down and flicked her tongue on the head of his cock. James shook for a moment as a wave of pleasure swept over him. She spit on his dick and rubbed the shaft, as he reached down still grabbing her tits. Teresa took the tip into her mouth and allowed her tongue to play with his dick as she continued to rub his cock with her free hand. James moaned loudly for a few moments, and with one hand brushed her hair away from her face so that he could watch as she played with his dick.

  After a moment she raised back up and remounted him, his hands grabbed her thighs and pulled her close. She took his throbbing cock in her hand and slid it into her pussy. She rested back onto her legs slowly and James watched as his dick disappeared inside her. Teresa very gently started rocking back and forth, her warm pussy fit like a glove over James’ dick. He joined in as well, rolling his hips into her hips.

  She arched her back in pleasure and she screamed his name, their thrusts came faster and harder, his hands moved from her thighs to her hips, where he pulled and pushed her hips, driving her to new orgasmic heights than she had ever reached before.

  Teresa was unable to hold herself upright anymore, her body covered in goosebumps and shaking, so she fell onto James’ chest. He adjusted his position so that he was now thrusting deeper and harder inside her. Her tits bounced on his chest as he kissed her neck.

  She could feel that she was about to cum, and her nails dug into James’ skin, a sign that he remembered well. He began to slow down and each thrust became more meaningful. With each thrust he would kiss her, her breaths became shallower with each one. Finally, she moaned his name as he held her quivering body.

  Teresa felt her body go limp and James slowly rolled her over onto her back. He reached over her to grab the bottle of water from the bedside table. He handed it to her and she took a sip. As she swallowed the water she looked at him and laughed.

  “My god, I thought I was just getting breakfast.”


  Bad Boy Attraction

  Chapter 1

  “Things are getting busy around here,” Allen commented as he looked down at his clipboard. He was standing in the hallway, right outside one of the examination rooms. Marshall looked up from his own clipboard momentarily prying his eyes away from one of the charts he was trying to decipher.

  “What, are you cracking under the pressure already?” Marshall grinned at his partner, before taking a powerful step forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. Their eyes locked as Marshall’s hand squeezed the other man’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.”

  He tried to assure Allen, before making his way into one of the rooms where an elderly lady was waiting for him. As the door slowly closed shut, Allen could hear the barrage of questions she had for his colleague. It seemed every part of her body had some sort of ache she needed to complain about.

  Allen shook his head, looking down at the paperwork again. They were booked full and the influx of work was only going to increase as their new clinic, A &M Medicine, grew in fame through the small town.

  Since they were one of the only clinics in the area, all the locals were flocking to them. They needed a nurse. Allen thought about this with a sigh, before making his way to his next patient.

  By the end of the day, both of them were exhausted. Marshall still wore a smile on his face, however, and looked just as fresh as he had when he turned up to the office that morning. Allen looked at him, trying to figure out how Marshall did it.

  The tall man in front of him wore a tight fitting, purple dress shirt that showed off his amazing physique. His dark brown hair was perfectly gelled to the side and his face seemed rather relaxed, as he sat back in his chair in their shared office, nestled in the back of the small building.

  “How do you do it?” Allen finally asked, as he dropped his pencil on the desk and grabbed his coffee. While Marshall looked pristine, Allen sported a worn out look from a long day at work and his face showed signs of wear.

  His light green eyes were tired and his short sandy hair was ruffled from his constant toying with it in his moments of focus. Marshall chuckled as he crossed one leg over the other, his hands cupped around his knee. His eyes were intense as he noticed the coffee stain on Allen’s white lab coat.

  “Do what?” Marshall lifted a well-groomed eyebrow in the man’s direction. It was obvious that Marshall was a lot more concerned with his looks than Allen dared to be. Allen often scoffed at Marshall’s playboy gimmick.

  “Always look so put together,” Allen said, sighing as his hand reached up, rubbing the facial hair that had grown ragged along his jaw line. He was aware he needed to shave, but at the same time, he knew that once he got home he would collapse on the couch and relax. Shaving would be the last thing on his mind.

  “Call it a gift.” A grin spread over Marshall’s face as he got up and straightened himself out. Allen rolled his eyes at the answer. “I’ve been thinking about what you said.” Marshall declared after grabbing a cup of water and standing in the middle of the room.

  He had one hand in his pocket while the other held the cup at chest level. In this stance, although relaxed, he commanded his surrounding area, until Allen had no choice but look at him and give him his utmost attention.

  “About what?” Allen questioned, this time supporting a quizzical face. The day had been such a blur that he could barely remember what he had for breakfast, let alone what their rushed conversations had been about.

  “Us being so busy. I think I might just have the perfect solution.” Marshall took a step forward this time. He placed his cup down, before leaning forward and getting close to Allen, a sly look on his face as if he were up to no good.

  Allen clenched his jaw, expecting some ridiculous plan to come out of his partner’s mouth. It wouldn’t be the first time. The two men had gone to medical school together and during that time, Allen had learned first-hand that Marshall didn’t always make the best of decisions.

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “We can hire a nurse.” A grin spread over his face like an infection. His eyes were gleaming as he waited for his partner’s reaction. In his mind, the plan was fool proof and there was no way Allen would deny such a reasonable proposition.

  “Why, so we can relive through what you did last time?” Allen shot an accusatory glance in Marshall’s direction as he got up. Taking a step forward he close
d the distance between them until he squared off to Marshall.

  Allen was a few inches shorter than Marshall, but nonetheless, he made an effort to stand his ground. Marshall smirked slightly in response, thinking the show of dominance to be somewhat diminutive. Marshall had always been the leader of the two and Allen the ever faithful follower.

  “I’ll be good this time.” Marshall paused, as his lips curved into an almost seductive smile, flashing his pearly white teeth. Before he could say anything else, Allen bypassed him, stepping into the middle of the room.

  “That only works on girls. Not me.” Allen retorted, trying to get the devilish smile out of his mind. He hated it when Marshall tried to make him bend to his will.

  “But… if you promise to be good, it can’t hurt to put an ad out there, requesting a nurse.” Allen rationalized the plan in his mind, slowly coming to terms with what his partner requested.

  “I promise.” The answer sounded painfully insincere, but Allen smiled to himself, believing that his partner would not go back on his word. “In fact… I’ll put in the ad myself.” His eyes crinkled with mischief as he sat down, firing up his laptop.

  “Can’t you do this at home?” His voice expressed his fatigue. Marshall stopped his typing for a minute as if contemplating the choice.


  Chapter 2

  A few days later, Marshall was looking through his email, checking all the applications he had received for his job posting. Most of them were older women, who no longer wanted to work in the fast-paced environment of a hospital. He quickly deleted these candidates from his email with a frown on his face. He was sitting on the couch, a cup of hot coffee on the table in front of him.

  “How’s it coming along?” Allen asked as he walked in, sitting down on the nearby loveseat with his own cup of coffee. He turned on their TV and laid back, enjoying the day off. He lived for the weekends when the clinic was closed and they had some time to themselves.

  “No one suitable yet.” Taking a sip of his coffee, Marshall kept looking through the emails, his disappointment deepening. He had hoped for at least one cute nurse to make her appearance in the pool of applicants, but as of right now things didn’t look promising.

  “I don’t believe you. You’re not denying people, based on their looks alone, are you? This isn’t some dating site for your own sick pleasure and gain.” Allen chided as he got up, about to look at his roommate’s laptop.

  As he approached, however, Marshall moved away, keeping the laptop from his grasp. “You promised you would be good about this! Why did I believe you?” Allen shifted his disappointment to himself, something he did often when he got into arguments with Marshall.

  “I am being good! I only want the best nurse for our clinic.” Marshall said, trying to defend his exclusive nature. It was true that he wanted a well-qualified nurse, but what harm would it do if she was good looking as well? As he got sidetracked, daydreaming about it, his guard dropped for a moment and Allen snatched the laptop.

  As he sat down with it, his thumb flicked over a button and all of a sudden, the picture of a beautiful young woman appeared on the screen. Allen stared at her a moment. She looked to be of mixed race: white and Asian.

  Her skin was light and fair. She had shiny black hair, cropped to a shoulder length that framed her face, making her high cheekbones even more pronounced. In the picture, her thin, pink lips were upturned in a delicate smile that made Allen’s heartbeat quicken in his chest.

  Before he could read about her, Marshall managed to steal the laptop back. “Oh! I like this one.” He grinned, walking into the kitchen. He placed the laptop on the kitchen island and leaned against it as he stared at her. He liked her already. With a smirk on his lips, he scrolled down reading her credentials. She was perfect.

  She was a native of the small town, who had recently completed her nurse’s degree. While Marshall had wanted someone with a little more experience, she still seemed to have a vital work ethic. Her resume was filled with various project, classes, and volunteer work that had kept her occupied during college.

  “I think we should hire her,” Marshall called out, even though Allen was already behind him, his eyes fixed on the beautiful woman. Her warm brown eyes seemed to be staring into his own, even if it was just a picture.

  “I agree.”


  “So Miss Klien why do you think you are qualified for this job?” Allen sat behind his desk, looking at the woman, as she sat across him, dressed rather classy. She looked a little nervous, but at the same time, she appeared confident in her abilities.

  “Well, as a native of this town, I have a special interest in your pool of patients. I am also a hard worker and am willing to put in the time and extra effort while working with yourself and Dr. Morris.” Her answers were always short and to the point, something Allen already liked about her.

  As he was conducting the interview, Marshall showed up, his coffee mug in his hands as usual. His eyes shined with excitement as they fell upon the slender girl before him. She was even more exquisite in person. His lips curled in anticipation as he made his way over to her.

  Allen’s fingers tightened around the pen as he watched his partner make way toward the would-be nurse, an almost predatory stance in his every movement. Marshall was always like this. He was never afraid of making a move, of getting intimate with others, despite any possible consequences.

  In this manner, he was Allen’s opposite. Allen, due to his almost fear of approaching others and expressing his feelings had remained single for many years now.

  “Hello, Hazel. I’m your new boss.” Marshall said informally as he held out his hand. Hazel slowly got up to shake it in response. As she reached out her small hand, Marshall moved forward, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into a firm hug.

  Hazel’s eyes grew large as one of his hands moved down, giving her ass a firm squeeze. She jumped and blushed deeply at the interaction, before looking between the two men, trying to figure out how she should react.

  Allen shot Marshall a glare, who in turn grinned and offered a shrug as if he had done nothing wrong. A moment of awkward silence filled the room, wrapping itself around the trio until Marshall spoke up. “Welcome to the team.” He winked in her direction before turning around, leaving Hazel and Allen alone.

  “I apologize for my colleague,” Allen said quickly, trying to reassure the woman.

  “Don’t worry about it. Both of you seem very nice and it will be my pleasure to work with you.” Her voice was sweet and her smile even more so, as she gave a small bow of respect in Allen’s direction. With that, she started to make her way out of the clinic. Allen watched her go, a bittersweet feeling of longing lingering in his chest.

  Chapter 3

  “She was amazing wasn’t she?” The smell of food filled the kitchen as Marshall stood there, an apron wrapped around his waist. Allen was next to him, cutting up some potatoes for their meal, his mind far away from the current situation.

  As he continued to slice, his mind wandered to the nurse yet again. There was something about her that made him feel like never before. There was a tingling sensation that overwhelmed his entire body whenever he thought about her or anytime she was nearby. He didn’t know what was happening, but a part of him enjoyed it… a lot.

  In his current daydream, he didn’t pay attention to his actions. All of a sudden, he sliced through his finger. “Ow!” He exclaimed, pulling back and holding his finger.

  It was bleeding profusely and he cursed under his breath at his clumsiness. His finger started to throb with the pain. Before he could do anything, Marshall was by his side, wrapping a paper towel around the injured finger.

  “It looks deep,” he said with concern as he looked at his friend’s cut. He sighed. “You need stitches.” Allen sighed as well, realizing he was right. A few minutes later they were pulling up to the clinic and Marshall was organizing some medical supplies. Soon enough, Allen’s wound was patched
up. “What were you daydreaming about that you allowed this to happen?” Marshall implored.


  “Don’t lie. I’ve known you long enough to know when you lie and when your mind is lingering on other things. It’s Hazel, isn’t it? You like her, don’t you?”

  Marshall’s face exploded with excitement, certain that he was right. It was written all over his partner’s face. He grinned. “I knew it.” His voice sounded almost cocky as he started to put away the supplies.

  Allen sat there, looking grumpy. He didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. He really liked their new nurse. She was nice, caring, and incredibly beautiful. To be honest, he couldn’t keep her out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried. “Why don’t we invite her to dinner?” Marshall finally offered as he leaned against the wall.


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