ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 144

by Jane Price

  And I was. I felt like this every time I was near them. Warm, unsteady, wet. But pushing those words out past my lips was hard. I closed my eyes against Alex’s stare, against the nerves that threatened to stop me.

  “I do.” I said, my voice barely registering above a whisper. “I feel it too. But I don’t know how to do this.”

  “Open your eyes.” Alex commanded. I obeyed. “You’re already doing it. Being honest about what you want is all you need to do. We’ll do the rest. But I’m going to honest with you here too. If we do this it has to be all the way. I can’t be your experiment, that’s not what I want here. If you do that’s fine. Just not with us.”

  I saw the truth in his words, the hurt behind them. I had done that when I left the first time and when I pushed them away after that. I wanted to take that look away. I wanted to show him that I wanted the same thing.

  “I understand.”

  With a glimmer of a smile Alex took a step into me. Pinned between the two of them ignited my memories and my body warmed. Alex’s palm slid along the back of my neck, cupping it with a firm grip. I slid my fingers along his chest, gathering a fist full of material in my hand. He pulled me to him, his lips tasting and teasing, his tongue sliding against mine. I moaned into the kiss.

  From behind me Evan’s hands slid down my hips and to the tops of my thighs. He was dangerously close to where I needed him most, but not nearly close enough. I arched my hips back into him, seeking, and he didn’t hesitate in fulfilling my silent request. Hands tightened on my hips as the hard length of him pressed into the curve of my ass.

  Alex released me from his kiss and I panted to catch my breath. I only had a moment to, though, before Evan spun me around and picked up where Alex left off. His mouth was hot against mine and my eyes drifted shut. Their attention was forceful, consuming, and if it weren’t for Alex’s hands planted on my waist, his lips on my shoulders, I would have been worried about being overcome.

  I held onto Evan, tight. With all I had. I felt out of control and safe all at the same time. They overwhelmed my senses, overrode that part of my brain that made me doubt. That was something I wanted to feel over and over again.

  With no words spoken and no time to find restraints or whatever else they kept in here, Alex walked us forward, pushing Evan and I to the edge of the bed. Evan sat and pulled me on top of him, lips meeting mine. I already knew his taste, the feel of his fingers inching up my shirt. From behind me Alex raised it the rest of the way and pulled it over my head. His deft fingers unclasped my bra, hands covering my breasts.

  Evan moved back to the center of the bed, shucking his clothes along the way. Alex pulled the rest of my clothes off before I followed Evan back onto the bed, my legs straddling his. Hands encased my body, igniting my skin wherever they touched.

  I was wet, my thighs damp already when Alex’s cock slid along me. His shaft pushed against my clit, teasing, before moving all the way back. As he became coated in my juices me slowly pushed into my ass. Just the tip at first, then more each time. Evan took Alex’s place, his cock rubbing along me while his mouth licked and kiss my neck.

  Evan entered me, his length filling me and I moaned at the feeling. With each of his thrusts up into me Alex pushed in further until he too was moving inside of me. I was filled and whole. Each movement, no matter how small, was a powerhouse of pleasure. They guided me slowly at first, getting a feel for their movements.

  As we began to move faster I abandoned all movements, Alex’s thrusts into me from behind propelling me over Evan. He set the pace and I gripped onto Evan’s shoulders to brace myself against the powerful thrusts. Evan’s teeth nipped at my nipples and Alex’s fingers dug into my hips. I cried out against the barrage of sensations, the pain and the pleasure washing over me. I didn’t want to let go of this pleasure. I didn’t want to let go of them.

  I was so close, riding the edge of something I wasn’t sure I was ready for. Being with Alex and Evan was bringing forth an intensity and an emotion that stung my eyes. It was too much and it wasn’t enough. As my body tightened around them, my climax bursting, I was shaken to the core. I had shown them far more, had trusted them far more, than anyone else.

  The room filled with the mingled sounds of our climax. Hands gripped tight to one another until the strength drained from our bodies and we lay in a tangled heap of limbs.

  I signed in contentment as Alex’s words of commitment ran through my thoughts. I was bare but I was whole. Laying here between these two men I had found a place where I fit in. I could struggle beyond these walls, but with them I knew I would never be more valued.



  Complete Pleasure

  Chapter 1

  Lily screamed in excitement as she stood in front of the mailbox. She never expected this to happen, but now that it did, she was beyond the point of elation. She stared at the letter she was holding in disbelief. She reread it countless times, trying to figure out if it was real or some sort of scam.

  Eventually, after analyzing every detail of it, she pulled the ticket and backstage pass at the bottom of the letter and held them tightly in her hand. As she walked back inside, she still couldn’t believe this was happening. It felt like some sort of dream and she feared she would wake up at any moment.

  “This is awesome…” She finally said, before letting the door slam behind her. As she was all alone, she screamed out, momentarily forgetting about her upstairs neighbors. Blushing in embarrassment, she tried to calm down, but at the same time, she was way too excited to stop the thudding of her chest.

  Lily was Planet Mansions’ number one fan. She owned all of their CDs, a lot of their merchandise, and, of course, followed them on every single one of their social media networks. What she really wanted to do, was go to one of their concerts. She wanted nothing more than to see them in person, to experience the energy they would surely display on stage. She wanted to know what they were like in reality, but unfortunately, life always got in the way.

  She worked a minimum wage job at a supermarket and for this reason, she rarely had extra money that she could use on things like concert tickets. So she often found herself entering contests and various sweepstakes, in hopes that it would get her one step closer to her favorite band.

  Each time, however, her efforts had been returned with nothing more than junk mail. This would dampen her spirits for a moment, but each week she would try again, certain that one day she would be the lucky winner. Today was indeed her day.


  Three weeks had passed since Lily’s lucky day. It was the day of the concert and she couldn’t be more excited about the whole thing. She was getting dressed, trying to figure out exactly what she wanted to wear.

  Looking through her closet, she finally pulled out a pair of dark skinny jeans decorated with faded splotches throughout. She looked back in her closet, looking for a top now, and eventually pulled out a long sleeved black shirt and a white leather vest fashioned with golden studs throughout the intricate collar.

  She smiled, seeing her outfit stretched out on the bed. It looked perfect but still lacked some vital accessories. Lily searched her room for a moment, before digging through her closet, trying to find some shoes. She ended up choosing a worn-out pair of maroon, low top sneakers. She tossed them toward the foot of her bed, before making her way to her jewelry box.

  She quickly grabbed one of her bracelets, also made of leather with similar studs and smiled. Now she was ready. She quickly undressed, taking her time as her hands slowly ran over her body. Walking over to her outfit, she passed the mirror she kept hung on the back of her door. Her reflection caught her eye and she stopped to look at herself.

  Her medium length silver hair was fading to a shade of gray now. Lily would have to dye it again soon. Her body was slender throughout, with her delicate curves on display as she stood there in only panties and a bra.

  She sighed as her hands went up to her breasts, nestled inside her bra.
She was rather petite upstairs and it often made her a little ashamed of her body, but today it didn’t matter. Today she was going to a Planet Mansions concert.

  With this thought in mind, she got dressed as quickly as possible. When she was done, she stood in front of the mirror, so she could style her hair. She didn’t do much besides tease it a bit, giving it a little more volume, letting her unique hair color stand out. She smirked a bit before grabbing her makeup. After some mascara and blush, she was ready to go.

  She grabbed her bag and made her way outside, thinking she had everything she needed. She stood by the bus stop, waiting anxiously for the vehicle that would bring her to the men of her dreams. She couldn’t wait.

  Eventually, she made it to the concert. The atmosphere was insane. Fans were crowding, bubbling with excitement to see one of America’s up and coming boy bands. They were taking media by storm, amassing a large fan base in a short amount of time.

  Somehow, they were even able to make their billionth dollar sale in less than six months. They were now considered billionaires and many people, including Lily, really admired their work ethic and everything else they did in order to reach success.

  Unlike other pop stars, they were straight-edged and seemed like perfect gentlemen who really cared about their fans. Lily still couldn’t believe that she had won a backstage pass, which would allow her to personally meet the two men. She didn’t know what she was going to ask them or what she would do, but one thing was for sure, it would be the best time of her life.

  As Lily stood in line and inched forward, she saw the mean looking bouncer and bit her lip, knowing she wouldn’t want any trouble from a man like that. As she approached him, she began to look in her bag, ready to pull out her pass and hand it to him. However, as she kept searching, she found absolutely nothing.

  She started to panic, taking her bag off her shoulder and looking through it as frantically as possible. While doing this, the people in front of her cleared.

  “Your ticket ma’am.” The bouncer announced, sounding slightly annoyed.

  Chapter 2

  “Please… I seem to have misplaced my ticket… I won a backstage pass in a sweepstakes.” She tried to explain herself as she took a few steps forward until they made eye contact. Lily with her small size was about a head shorter than him, but she still tried to stand her ground, taking the time to process her thoughts and make a convincing argument. If she was going to be let through into the concert, she needed a good excuse as to why didn’t have her ticket with her.

  “Tell that to everyone else.” The man answered, looking at her with an air of indifference. It wasn’t the first time a crazed fan had tried to trick him. He, however, always upheld the rule of concerts: No ticket, no entry.

  “No… listen to me… I won and I have every right to see this concert!” She explained, her voice a little distressed. She hadn’t come this far, just to be thrown out. One way or another she would get into the concert.

  “I’m sorry miss, I cannot let you inside without a ticket.” The bouncer explained, his arms now crossing over his chest. He didn’t need to deal with this. Eyeing security, they came over quickly, pushing Lily to the side. She didn’t want to start a scene, but at the same time, she was on the verge of crying out that this wasn’t fair. She had been so close…

  As the men dragged her away, however, someone stood before them, blocking their way. Lily looked up and her eyes grew large as she saw the two members of Planet Mansions standing in front of her.

  “Now, what are you doing to this poor young woman?” A deep voice called out, looking at the security. Lily looked at the taller man, Riley, who ran fingers through his long brown hair, taking it out of his eyes so he could stare at the security guard with his infamous dark glare.

  The security guards didn’t know how to react at first, but eventually, they let her go. She rubbed her arms vigorously, trying to make the blood flow back into her arms. Anton, the other member of Planet Mansions stepped forward and looked at her with concern in his eyes. Lily stared into those gorgeous bright blue eyes and smiled. “Did they hurt you?” His sweet voice rang out. No wonder he was the lead singer, he had an angelic voice.

  Lily quickly shook her head. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Was she really standing in front of Planet Mansions? “Good. Now why was security giving you such a hard time?”

  Anton asked as he reached up, playing with the small gauges in his ears, a nervous habit of his. He didn’t know what it was about this girl, but for some reason, at the sight of her, his heart started to thud quickly, making him shiver with delight.

  “I… won a ticket and a backstage pass… but in my excitement, I must have forgotten them at home…” She explained, feeling a little ashamed. She should have checked and double checked her bag before she had left her home.

  “How do we know you aren’t lying to us?” Riley asked as he leaned down, his long hair moving into his eyes for a moment before he swept it to the side quickly. When she gave no answer, his hand went to her chin, pulling it up slightly, until she was forced to look into his impossibly dark eyes. Lily tried to look away, to admire the rest of his face. He was exceedingly handsome with an intimidating air surrounding him.

  She felt her body fill with adrenaline in his presence but she tried to keep her composure. “I… I wouldn’t lie to you guys… I really appreciate your music… I think you are great musicians…” Lily stammered, suddenly rendered a little scatter brained.

  “C’mon Riley… she seems like a sweet girl.” Anton said, before moving forward and wrapping his arm around the girl. He squeezed her against his muscular chest for a moment, before smiling, showing off perfect white teeth.

  “Fine. She can come with us.” Riley uttered, before picking up his guitar and walking inside. Anton smiled, glad that he had managed to convince his partner to let the cute girl through.

  “He’s not always this standoffish. I promise. He is actually very nice.” Anton offered his hand to Lily, much to her surprise. She stared at it in disbelief, wondering if she should really take it. Why was he being so nice to her? She couldn’t understand it, but at the same time, she wouldn’t pass up a chance to hold hands with one of her favorite pop stars.

  Hesitantly she placed her hand in his. He smirked and squeezed it tight, before leading her inside. The bouncer watched and said nothing. She figured he was just holding her hand, so no one would question her going backstage with them.

  When Lily finally made it backstage, she was awed by everything that went on. Anton brought her over to a dark skinned female that looked like some sort of Amazonian goddess. “Kim!” He called out suddenly, waving at her with his free hand.

  The woman looked up from her clipboard a moment before her eyes landed on the small girl he was towing in her direction. She raised one well-groomed eyebrow in question, wondering what he was up to this time.

  “This is uh….” Anton was suddenly a little embarrassed as he looked down at Lily. “I’m sorry… I never caught your name.” He chuckled, trying to dissipate the awkwardness he now felt.

  “Lily…” She answered softly, looking at him innocently, a soft blush painting her pale cheeks a delicate shade of pink.

  “Right… Kim this is Lily. She is a friend. Can you do me a huge favor and take care of her during the show?” He asked with a serious expression as his hand went up to his nearly clean shaven face.

  Had Anton just called her a friend?

  Chapter 3

  Lily couldn’t believe what was happening. This was all so unexpected, but at the same time, she wasn’t about to start complaining. She had held Anton’s hand and was now listening to the concert while watching the performance from the various screens set up backstage.

  She was instructed to stay by Kim’s side throughout the whole show and did just that, instantly liking the woman. She didn’t say much, but there was something about her that made Lily feel at ease. “So… what’s your job?” Lily fin
ally asked when the woman didn’t seem to be busy. She looked up and placed her clipboard down for a minute.

  “I’m their manager,” she explained. Lily looked a little amazed. She didn’t know they had a manager. She always thought they were self-sufficient. This, of course, didn’t diminish their value in her mind, but at the same time, it was somewhat odd to think that there was a woman behind them, who helped them get through their musical career. “You?”

  “Oh…” Lily said, looking down, not wanting to admit that she was nothing but a supermarket cashier. She felt a little embarrassed about her position. As she looked up, making eye contact with the woman in front of her, she knew she couldn’t deny her an answer. “I work at a supermarket… as a cashier.” She whispered softly, hoping the woman wouldn’t hear her.

  Kim suddenly smiled a nostalgic look on her face. “I used to work as a cashier too. Nothing wrong with that.” She said, reaching forward and giving the girl’s shoulder a soft squeeze. Lily smiled, glad for the woman’s words. “You know… I think Anton likes you.” She whispered, now leaning forward until their faces were close together.


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