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Sinjin Page 5

by J. A. Templeton

  No doubt the pairing would be the topic of discussion at dinner this evening.

  Yet another reason she should stay in her room and use a headache as an excuse as to why she had missed the festivities.

  The door opened and closed behind her. “Surely you did not beat Victor in chess already?”

  The footsteps came closer to the privacy screen, and Katelyn went very still. Those footfalls were heavier than her sister’s would be. She sat up a little. “Marilyn?”

  “I am afraid not.”

  Her breath left her in a rush. “Sinjin.”

  “What a lovely sight.”

  She caught his reflection in the long, oval mirror. His hands were planted firmly on his narrow hips, and to her dismay, he looked even more handsome than before. Damn him!

  Ignoring the excitement that rushed through her, she slid down, her chin hitting the water. “My lord, what are you doing here?”

  “Please, we have shared too many intimacies to allow such formality between us. I insist you call me Sinjin,” he said, approaching the tub, his eyes scanning the water.

  There were suds, but not enough to hide everything.

  She crossed her arms over her breasts.

  The side of his mouth curved in a smile, as though amused by her modesty.

  “Sinjin, please, if someone were to discover—”

  “Everyone in the house, save for a handful of servants, are downstairs…where you should be as well. Are you not coming to dinner?”

  “I wanted to savor the bath.”

  He reached down, his fingers dipping into the water. “It is getting cool.”

  She felt anything but cool. In fact, she felt positively flushed.

  A dark brow lifted. “Tell me the truth—were you intentionally ignoring me, Katelyn?”

  “Not at all,” she said, a touch too quickly. And how dare he ask her such a question when he so obviously had been ignoring her. Unable to meet his quizzical gaze, she glanced away. “I thought you would be occupied with a certain duke’s daughter.”

  She clamped her mouth shut. Now why had she said that?

  He pulled a chair up to the side of the bath and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. “Are you jealous, Katelyn?” His voice was silky soft.

  “Why should I, of all people, be jealous? I am as good as married.”

  Any humor left his face and he sighed heavily. “I need not be reminded.”

  “No, but perhaps I do.”

  “Why? You are not yet married.”

  “No, I am not…but soon we will both be married, will we not? After all, isn’t this party about finding you and your brothers brides?”

  He was on his haunches beside her seconds later, a long hand gliding through the water, just inches from her right breast. “That was my mother’s intention all along.” His fingers brushed over her nipple, and it was all she could do not to arch against him. “Who knows what the future holds.” He rolled a nipple between thumb and forefinger, the sensation delicious. “But I suppose it would not be wise for either of us to spend too much time in each other’s company, since you constantly remind me that you are to marry.”

  Was that why he had so clearly ignored her earlier today—because he didn’t want anyone to speculate on their relationship?

  She glanced at his hand and then into his eyes. The blue orbs sparkled with mischief and something else she dare not explore.

  “Tell me, what would your betrothed say if he knew I was watching you bathe…running my fingers through the water, touching your breast?” he asked, weighing her breast in his hand before a fingertip circled around her rigid nipple.

  Need and desire pulsed through her, and she yearned to pull his hand down between her thighs, to the throbbing that had started the second he touched her.

  Without even being aware of it, she leaned closer and he smiled softly. He had a sexuality that couldn’t be denied…one that drew her to him like a bee to honey.

  He pulled on her nipple, his fingertips squeezing lightly, and then a touch harder. Surprisingly, she did not feel pain, but instead an intense pleasure that made her hunger for more.

  With her body on fire, and a thousand different thoughts rushing through her head, she finally closed her eyes and allowed herself only to feel and not think of the consequences.

  Her thighs relaxed and fell open; then his hand was there, sliding between her legs. She sighed as the tips of his fingers circled around her tiny nub, teasing the sensitive flesh before sliding over her slit. He parted her inner lips and eased his finger inside.

  She groaned with pleasure and knew she approached dangerous territory—the point of no return. Her mother had always warned her to guard her maidenhead, a woman’s greatest treasure meant for her husband. Indeed, Ronald would expect her maidenhead to remain intact, his to take come their wedding night.

  And yet, despite the warning bells clanging in her head, she could not say the simple word no. How could she, when her body was screaming for him to continue?

  “So tight,” he whispered, sounding pleased.

  Her channel squeezed his long finger, adjusting to the intrusion as his thumb brushed over her sensitive nub again and again.

  Sinjin wanted Katelyn with a desperation that frightened him. How passionate she was, and each time they were together, he wanted her even more.

  She lifted her hips against his hand and sighed loudly when his other hand plucked at a nipple. Sinjin swallowed a moan as her head fell back on the tub’s edge and her breathing quickened.

  Katelyn opened her legs wider, and a deep moan emanated from Sinjin, a sound so deliciously primal, she longed to hear it again.

  He leaned forward and kissed her, and she opened to him, savoring the taste of him as his tongue swept inside her mouth.

  Adding another finger inside her sheath, he very slowly started to simulate the act of making love.

  Katelyn wished it was his manhood inside her and not his fingers. In fact, she nearly told him as much but stopped herself short of doing so. What would he think of her if she said the words? Certainly the virginal, virtuous Lady Celeste would never be so scandalous.

  His lips left hers and he slowly kissed a trail down her neck to the pulse beating wildly at her throat. She reached up, her fingers weaving through his silky dark hair, the band that had held it back dropping off into the bath water.

  Sinjin smiled, excited by her reaction. Her nails brushed against his scalp and he moaned, urging her on.

  Once again, he kissed a path downward, to her collarbone; then he kissed her breasts, taking special care to lavish attention on one, then the other.

  As climax claimed her body, her snug sheath gripped his fingers. She held tight to his arm, her hand curling around his bicep. “Sinjin…” She said his name on a sigh and his cock swelled harder against his belly.

  After the tremors stopped, his fingers slid from her body and her hips followed. She could feel her cheeks burn, but she didn’t care. Let him know the need she felt pulsing through her.

  He looked deliciously ruffled from where she had brushed her hands through his hair. How she wished they had the luxury to get to know each other, to spend long hours talking and making love.

  As she stared at him, white-hot need rushed through her entire body. He could lift her from this bath right now and do whatever he pleased, however he pleased, and she would not deny him.

  Wicked, wicked woman, she thought as he stood and raked his hands through his hair, tying it back with the band that he fished out of the tub.

  A knock at the door had her heart jumping to her throat. He handed her the robe draped over the privacy screen and went to the door.

  “It’s Victor,” came the voice from the hallway, and Sinjin sighed with relief.

  “What is it?” he asked, opening the door a fraction.

  “Mother is looking for you,” Katelyn heard Victor say through the crack. “We are getting ready to sit down to dinner. Do not linger, Sinjin.
She already has Jeffries scouring the ground floor for you.”

  “I’ll be there shortly. Tell her I spilled a drink on my shirt and I needed to change.” It was not entirely a lie, as his shirt front was wet from her bath water.

  “Oh, and check a mirror, will you? You look a bit rough,” he said with a wink, and Sinjin shut the door behind him.

  Katelyn stepped from the tub, and before she had a chance to reach for her wrap, he stood there, his gaze searing into her.

  She noted the obvious bulge in his pants and swallowed hard.

  He crossed the room, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. “I would give anything to stay with you,” he whispered. “Please reconsider coming down to dinner. I want to see you before I go to bed.”

  There was no way she could face anyone right now. Plus, she needed the time to compose herself and her emotions. Perhaps she would write a letter to her mother, expressing her thoughts and trepidation about marrying Ronald. Maybe, just maybe, her mother would understand and let her off the hook, and honestly, she had no desire to see Lady Celeste at the moment. “I shall see you tomorrow.”

  He smiled softly. “I shall tell your sister you have decided to stay in for the night. Sweet dreams, Kate. Until tomorrow.”

  Grinning, Katelyn replied breathlessly, “Until tomorrow.”


  Sinjin checked his appearance in the mirror outside the ballroom. He wore a black suit with a gold vest and crisp white shirt that Jeffries had set out for him. He could hardly wait until the end of the party, when he could return to wearing more casual attire.

  “Good evening, my darling,” Betsy said, coming up from behind Sinjin. He swore she relished her sneak attacks.

  “Good evening, Mother.” He extended his arm. “May I escort you to dinner?”

  “Of course.” She slid her hand around his arm. “So what do you think of Lady Celeste?”

  “She is lovely,” he said with false enthusiasm.

  “Did I mention her father is a duke?”

  “Indeed, you did mention it. Several times, if I recall.”

  She snapped her fan against his bicep. “The man who takes Lady Celeste as a bride is a lucky man indeed. We are fortunate to have her attend our little soiree.”

  “Perhaps Victor or Rory would be interested.”

  “Perhaps they would be, but Lady Celeste is a duke’s daughter.” She glanced over her shoulder, no doubt looking for Victor and Rory, then back at him. “No disrespect to your brothers, but Lady Celeste’s chaperone said she would expect her charge to marry the heir.”

  “And you did not argue?”

  “I wanted to, but you made such a connection with Celeste it seemed a moot point.”

  “It sounds as though you are already planning the wedding.”

  She touched his jaw with a gloved hand. “Not necessarily. I love you, and I want only the best for you. There are some of the most beautiful women in all of England beyond that door, desperate for the chance to get to know you better. Be the generous host that I know you can be and shower them all with attention.”

  “I shall certainly try, Mother.”

  “But be sure to pay Lady Celeste extra special attention.”

  He forced a smile. “Yes, Mother.”

  Victor and Rory raced up the steps, and Betsy turned. “It is about time you two made an appearance. I just sent Jeffries off to find you.”

  “Sorry, Mother,” Victor murmured, brushing his still-damp hair back with his hands, while Rory flashed a smile as he pulled a pair of rumpled gloves from his jacket pocket.

  Betsy shook her head in dismay.

  The footman opened the door, and they walked into the crowded ballroom.

  All eyes turned to them, and Sinjin was relieved to see the familiar faces of his friends and acquaintances looking back at him. An old childhood friend Everett Johnston actually appeared sympathetic. He understood Sinjin’s position, given that his overbearing father was pushing him to marry. Even Sinjin had told Everett to find a bride, and fast, since his father had recently married a nineteen-year-old who already looked heavy with child.

  “Mingle, boys,” Betsy said, wandering off to do the same.

  Sinjin scanned the ballroom for the woman who had bewitched him. Since his mother’s lecture, he would be wise to focus his attention on Lady Celeste.

  He recalled Katelyn’s innocent touch from earlier, the way she had looked at him with such desire. Though she had no idea what she was doing, he certainly could tell that with a little tutoring, she would be an incredible lover.

  Where the bloody hell was she?

  As the musicians began to play, he scanned the dance floor and saw Marilyn dancing with a young man he recognized as an acquaintance of Rory’s. Nearby, Katelyn danced with Thomas Lehman, a filthy rich Irishman who had come by his fortune through a wealthy grandfather who had died under mysterious circumstances.

  The man had been linked to some of London’s most beautiful courtesans, and apparently he was on the make for a new mistress, as he couldn’t take his eyes off Katelyn.

  Thomas was extremely clever, it was told, going to any lengths to get what he wanted.

  “Looks like Lehman is treading on your territory,” Victor said, coming up behind Sinjin.

  “You say that like I should be concerned.”

  “I did walk in on him fucking my mistress.”

  Sinjin frowned. “Which mistress?”

  “Do you remember Alexandria?”

  “The dancer?”

  “Yes, incredibly flexible.”

  “If I recall, he did you a favor. She was too demanding.”

  Victor’s lips quirked. “Perhaps, but I did miss her oral technique.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Tell me what you want me to do. I am at your complete disposal.”

  “You should be worrying about yourself and your own future. Is there not a single woman here who has caught your fancy?”

  “No, and to be honest, Rory and I are depending on you to take the pressure off of us. We have high hopes that once you make a good marriage, Mother will be so content, she will renege on her demands.”

  “Rory’s optimism is rubbing off on you, I see,” Sinjin said, keeping a watchful eye on the dancers. He was relieved when the dance ended and another, a paunch-bellied man claimed Katelyn’s hand. She seemed much more relaxed with her new companion, and he felt a certain amount of relief knowing she was out of Thomas Lehman’s clutches.

  Victor nodded. “Now I will ask for the next dance, and I’ll see if Rory will claim another. One or two will suffice, although honestly, I think Katelyn will not be in short supply of dance partners tonight.”

  Sinjin sighed, knowing Victor was probably right.

  * * *

  Katelyn glanced at the grandfather clock in the far corner. It was nearly midnight and she had not once danced with Sinjin. It did not help her increasingly sour mood that he seemed to occupy his time with a certain blonde-haired duke’s daughter, who was dressed in an amazing gown that showed off her slim body to perfection. Her every movement was grace itself.

  “You are sulking, dear sister,” Marilyn said, giving her a quick hug. “Tell me what is going on in that head of yours, or need I ask?”

  “I was just thinking how very unfair life can be.”

  Marilyn took a sip of punch. “She cannot possibly compete with you.”

  “I hate to tell you this, but she is. Sinjin has been with her all night.”

  “Only because his mother asks it of him.”

  “How do you know?”

  Marilyn shrugged. “Lady Rochester is not stupid. Lady Celeste is the wealthiest woman here and, therefore, a perfect match for her eldest, the heir.”

  “I thought you were supposed to make me feel better.”

  “However, her son is infatuated with someone else. You should have seen Sinjin’s face when you were dancing with Thomas. I swear he was ready to come out of his skin.”


/>   “Oh, yes. It was delightful to watch.”

  The words brought some relief. “Why has he not asked me to dance?”

  “His mother is watching his every move. You must remember that from the second he met you, Sinjin has focused his attention on you. One of Lady Rochester’s best friends inundated me with questions about you and your forthcoming marriage. I reassured her that you were counting the days until you became Lady Balliford.”

  “Did she look convinced?”

  Marilyn nodded. “Yes, very much so.”

  “I am in hell.”

  A smile touched Marilyn’s lips. “No, you are not. I assure you that you have not seen the last of Sinjin Rayborne. You know that you could always use Thomas to further aggravate Sinjin. Let’s face it, men want what other men have.”

  “And what about you, Marilyn? Are you not the least bit interested in Victor or Rory?”

  Marilyn brushed a wayward curl off her cheek. “I find it hard to imagine a life with either man as a husband. It is my opinion that such a man could never be true to me.”

  Just as Sinjin could never be faithful to his wife. She must face the fact that the brothers had gained a reputation that they had truly earned in every sense of the word.

  “Lady Katelyn, could I have the privilege of this dance?”

  Katelyn glanced up to find Thomas standing before her, dark blond curls gleaming under the lights of the four enormous chandeliers. He was extremely handsome, and well he knew it, smug, confident smile in place. Within the first five minutes of meeting him, he had talked about himself incessantly, asking nothing of her. She detested talking about herself, but still…

  She did not want to leave Marilyn alone, and she was about to decline his invitation to dance when she saw Victor walking toward them. Marilyn grinned widely, and soon Katelyn was led to the dance floor by her escort, Victor and Marilyn directly behind.

  As luck would have it, the dance ended up being a waltz. Thomas looked pleased as he took her in his arms, holding her far closer than she was comfortable with. Her heart slammed against her breast when she saw Sinjin walk onto the dance floor with Lady Celeste. The girl’s cornflower blue eyes sparkled with delight as she stepped into Sinjin’s powerful arms.


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