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Sinjin Page 9

by J. A. Templeton

  Katelyn nodded. “I won’t be long.”

  “I’ll take my time walking to the room. Perhaps I will read a chapter of the book Aunt Lillith brought for me. It is quite good.”

  “You are the best sister a girl could ask for,” Katelyn said as they came upon the study.

  Marilyn looked both ways. “Now go.”

  “Thank you, Marilyn.” Katelyn kissed her cheek and disappeared into the room.

  Sinjin stood before the fireplace, his back to her.

  Her heart constricted. All night she had watched him as he talked with other women, laughed, flirted. All night she had waited to be with him again.

  “Lock the door.”

  She did as he asked, her stomach twisting with anticipation.

  He turned, his gaze sliding over her slowly. “God how I want you,” he said, coming toward her, taking her into his arms, crushing her to him. Relief washed over her in waves.

  Reaching up, he cupped her face with both hands and kissed her softly. Her eyes closed and she breathed deeply of his scent. “You don’t know how desperately I have wanted to be with you all night.”

  His words thrilled her. “I’ve wanted to be with you, too,” she said. Her pulse skittered when he pressed a kiss against her forehead. He made her feel so cherished, so desired. “I saw you talking to my aunt at dinner.”

  “She is a lovely woman. So beautiful and kind.”

  His thumbs brushed along her cheeks. “Yes, she is.”

  “It sounds as though you are very close.”

  “We are very close.”

  “Your aunt says that you were the perfect child,” he said, his tone teasing.

  “Well, I was easier to control than my sister, but hardly perfect.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, Marilyn sounds like she was a bit more of a handful. From what little I know of your sister, I am not at all surprised.”

  Katelyn laughed under her breath. “Indeed, Marilyn is more of a handful than I, but a more loyal sister I could never find.”

  He nodded. “I always yearned to have a sister, but I would not trade my brothers for anything. I still do not know how we will stand to be apart once we all marry.”

  At the mention of marriage, Katelyn sobered. These past days had been a wonderful dream, and soon that dream would end and she would have to return to a life with Ronald.

  An endless life of needlepoint and long, agonizing days and nights.

  “You are daydreaming, Katelyn,” he whispered against her lips, and she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. His tongue teased her lips and she opened her mouth to accept him.

  Her hands moved up and down his strong back. Hard muscle shifted beneath her fingers, and she yanked his shirt out of his pants, desperate for skin-to-skin contact.

  He cupped her breasts, using his thumbs to lift the heavy globes up and over the bodice. Bending his head, he sucked and laved one peak, then the other.

  Katelyn threaded her fingers through his hair, holding his head there. He lifted her skirts with one hand and cupped her mons. Glancing up at her, he said, “Are you sore?”

  “A little, but I don’t care. I want you.”

  His gaze searched hers, and she would never forget the expression for as long as she lived. He looked ravenous, ready to rip off her clothes. “You are already wet for me, Katelyn.”

  The words excited her, sending a thrill rushing up her spine and heat flowing through her veins.

  He fumbled with the buttons on his pants. Impatient, she pushed his hands out of the way and took his hard length in hand, her fingers curling around the thick base.

  A moan came from deep in his chest; then he was lifting her, and her back came up against the wall.

  His sex probed her entrance, then he eased her down on his rock-hard shaft, inch by delicious inch.

  At first, he did not move a muscle, just groaned, his eyes closed. Then he opened them, and he stared at her as he began to move, his jaw clenched tight.

  Sinjin’s hands cupped her bottom, and he tried to be as gentle as possible. It wasn’t easy, especially with her firm breasts bouncing with each thrust and her soft moans urging him on.

  He cupped his hips, staying deeply imbedded inside her heated walls as he sucked on a nipple.

  Katelyn felt the stirrings of climax begin low in her belly. As he teased the rigid peaks relentlessly with his tongue, she clung to him and rolled her hips.

  He lifted his head and kissed her, then he thrust hard, his hips moving in an even rhythm.

  She dug her hands into his hair, her fingers weaving into the silky softness. He ground against her delicate nub, and she cried out as she came, her velvet walls pulsing around his hard length, drawing him deeper into her body.

  Sinjin watched as Katelyn’s lips opened slightly, the way her chest heaved, her rosy nipples erect and swollen from his kisses, poking over the trimming of her gown. He looked down where he was buried to the hilt within her molten core. He slowly slid out, then in, and knew by her expression she was climbing higher and higher toward orgasm.

  He pulled out completely, the head of his cock teasing her tight opening. She followed his rod with her hips and moaned in frustration, and he slid inside.

  As her insides clenched him tight and throbbed around his hard length, he thrust faster and harder and came with a satisfied moan.


  “Shall we go for a walk?” Aunt Lillith asked Katelyn.

  They had joined many of the other women for tea out on the verandah, where the guests could enjoy the sunny day.

  Katelyn set her cup down and stood. “Of course.”

  Marilyn stood to join them, but Aunt Lillith shook her head and she sat back down.

  Their gazes caught and held for a moment, and Katelyn’s pulse quickened. Did Lillith know about Sinjin?

  They walked down the steps and onto the pathway in silence, passing by two male guests who rushed to get out of the way. The older of the two stared at Lillith, but she did not take any notice. She never did.

  “Come, let’s get off the path, shall we?”

  Katelyn nodded, her foreboding growing as they cut across the lawns. Lillith slid her hand around Katelyn’s elbow. Birds flew from a tree, nearly startling her out of her skin, but her aunt didn’t flinch.

  Lillith seemed so…intense. Very unlike the Aunt Lillith she knew and loved. “You wished to speak with me?”

  Lillith looked over her shoulder, and seeing that they had walked a good distance from the manor, nodded. “I think it might be wise if we leave the party, my dear.”

  Katelyn nearly tripped. “Whatever for?”

  Lillith stopped, and Katelyn was forced to as well. She straightened her shoulders. “Because you are falling in love with Sinjin Rayborne, and you know such a union cannot be since you are already spoken for.”

  She opened her mouth to deny it, but Lillith cut her off. “Every time you look at him, you glow from within, and I can tell he desires you as well.”

  She had not realized they had been so obvious.

  “I do not know how far your relationship has progressed, and a part of me does not wish to know.”

  “I could not help myself, Aunt Lillith. I gave myself to him, and it was wonderful.”

  Lillith closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Oh dear,” she whispered, opening her eyes a second later. To Katelyn’s relief, she saw no condemnation there, no disappointment—just sadness.

  Katelyn dropped her gaze. “I should not have told you. I should have kept it to myself.”

  Lifting Katelyn’s chin with a trembling hand, Lillith smiled softly. “Thank you for telling me the truth. I expected nothing less of you.”

  She dropped her hand, looked toward the manor, then back at Katelyn. “And I understand why you could not help yourself when it comes to Sinjin. He is very handsome and charming. However, like most beautiful men, he knows his power over women.”

  Those were the last words she wanted to hear. “Sinjin is not like t
hat, Aunt Lillith, I swear.”

  “I know men like Sinjin Rayborne and his brothers,” Lillith said softly. “Trust me, my dear, I do.”

  Katelyn wanted to defend Sinjin, but she stopped herself short of doing so. “I thought you and Uncle Winfred were happy.”

  Her lips quirked. “Everyone thought we were happy because we were such excellent actors. When I first met your uncle, I was a year younger than you are now. So young, and he was everything I desired in a man—charming, handsome, and older, which meant he had experience in the ways of the world, and I found that exciting. I yearned to be taken care of, and I felt this man, who was ten years my senior, could do just that.”

  “What happened?”

  Lillith pressed her lips together. “Well, the infatuation I felt for Winfred during our courtship faded quickly in the face of reality. The charming man who had once treated me like a princess during our courtship changed into a monster the moment the wedding ceremony was over and the ring was on my finger. I endured years of harsh treatment at his hands. I will not bother you with the details, but those years were horrific. They did serve a purpose. His cruelty shaped me into the woman I am today.”

  The words squeezed Katelyn’s heart. “You are well respected, Aunt Lillith.”

  “Yes, and I have fought hard for that reputation. Winfred chipped away at my soul year after year, but slowly and steadily I am regaining what he stole from me.”

  Katelyn had no idea her aunt had suffered through a miserable marriage. “I am so sorry, Aunt Lillith.”

  Lillith took a deep breath. “I do not tell you this now to change how you feel about your uncle, but rather for you to learn from my mistakes.”

  “I honestly thought you were happy.”

  Her aunt smiled tightly. “You would be amazed at what people can hide behind a smile.” She looked away for a moment, as though she were remembering another time. “Anyway, I did not mean to turn the attention of this conversation toward me, but I wanted to let you know I do understand what you’re feeling. But having said that, you have to remember not only that Sinjin Rayborne is a notorious rakehell, but that you are engaged to another man.”

  The reminder was like a dash of cold water to the face. “I cannot stand Lord Balliford, Aunt Lillith. We have nothing in common, and I swear that we have not but two words to say to each other. When he does talk, it’s to tell me how disapproving he is of women doing this or that. A life with such a man would be sheer misery.”

  Aunt Lillith frowned. “I am sorry, Katelyn. Truly. I wanted differently for you. I wanted you to have the chance to choose your own mate, but your mother has, for whatever reason, cast her eye on Lord Balliford. I know your mother better than anyone…and I honestly fear she will not be moved in this matter.”

  Fear and disappointment rushed through Katelyn. “I must marry Ronald, then?”

  “I do not see a way out of it, Katie. I wish I could help, but your mother is so stubborn. She refuses to listen to reason. You are already married in her mind.”

  All the hope Katelyn had built up slowly started slipping away. Aunt Lillith had always known what to do. Katelyn’s heart constricted. Sinjin would go on to marry another, and she would marry Ronald, and all she would have to sustain her would be the memories of these two glorious weeks.

  * * *

  Sinjin sat on a settee beside his mother, watching as yet another female guest made her way to the pianoforte to display her musical talents.

  Even a few of the gentlemen had joined in to sing, one of them the infuriating Mr. Lehman.

  Sinjin wished the man would just leave already.

  As Miss Suzanne started to play an interesting rendition of “Greensleeves,” he looked around the long parlor, searching for Katelyn.

  Where on earth was she? He had not seen her, Marilyn, or Lillith all day. His mother had mentioned seeing the women at tea earlier today, but no one had seen them since.

  Had Aunt Lillith found out about the liaison in the study? Perhaps she had followed Katelyn? Or perhaps he was being paranoid.

  Rory laughed at something the woman beside him said, and Betsy straightened, her sharp gaze moving to her youngest son.

  As though sensing his mother’s disapproval, Rory cleared his throat and turned his full attention to Miss Suzanne’s performance.

  Three performances later, Sinjin was ready to excuse himself when Marilyn and Katelyn approached the pianoforte. His heart nearly leapt from his chest. Katelyn was so pretty in an ice blue gown, her hair styled beautifully. She took a seat before the pianoforte, and Marilyn stood beside her.

  Katelyn began to play, and immediately it became obvious she had a natural talent for the instrument. He realized then how very little he knew about her. What other interests did she have? What were her favorite foods, her favorite writers, her favorite colors? It dawned on him that he had never been interested to know these things with his other lovers.

  How nice to watch her and have a reason to stare without being obvious. Every move was one of grace, her hands light on the keys.

  Marilyn sang the first verse with her sister, and Sinjin smiled. What a talented duo. Any parent would be proud. Any husband would be proud of such a treasure.

  Aunt Lillith had sat down near Sinjin, and she glanced at him. He nodded, and she smiled softly before returning her attention to her nieces. She could not be much older than himself, and yet in those lovely blue eyes he saw a lifetime of living.

  Sinjin could feel his mother watching him, and he made sure not to stare at just Katelyn, but it was difficult, especially after doing everything in his power these past days to avoid looking at her in order not to cause undue suspicion.

  Katelyn played the final note, and the entire room erupted into applause. The sisters stood and bowed, and it was then she finally looked up and met his gaze. She abruptly looked away, up at her sister, and smiled. They took a seat next to their aunt, and Lady Celeste sat down to perform next.

  “Lady Celeste was a pupil of Jacque le Cue, one of the most sought-after musicians in Paris,” his mother murmured.

  To Sinjin’s irritation, Thomas sat down beside Katelyn and whispered something in her ear.

  Sinjin drew his hands into fists at his sides. He glanced in her direction, but she did not notice, too intent with whatever Thomas was saying.

  “She plays beautifully, does she not?” his mother whispered behind her fan, and Sinjin returned his attention to Celeste, whose high voice was beautiful and befitting of any opera singer.

  “Indeed, she does.”

  He felt Katelyn’s gaze burning into him, and he shifted. However, he could feel his mother watching him, and it took all the will he possessed to stay put, focus on Celeste, and stand to applaud her the second she finished.

  His mother winked at him, and as Celeste returned to her seat, she had a triumphant look on her face that unsettled him. In her mind, she was already celebrating and planning the wedding.

  * * *

  Katelyn shifted in her seat. Lady Celeste was doing everything in her power to win over Sinjin, and it was obvious to everyone that she had already succeeded in winning over Lady Rochester, because the woman positively beamed throughout Celeste’s flawless performance, and now they sat on the settee looking like one happy family.

  Marilyn squeezed Katelyn’s hand in quiet commiseration.

  Thomas leaned in. “I would be delighted if you would take a walk in the gardens with me, Lady Katelyn.” His gaze flicked to Aunt Lillith. “With your lovely aunt’s permission, of course.”

  Aunt Lillith glanced at Katelyn, then Thomas. “Of course, but only if I accompany you.”

  His smile slipped only a little, and he inclined his head. “Of course. I would consider it an honor to walk with the most beautiful women at Claymoore Hall.”

  Aunt Lillith’s lips curved into an amused smile. “Very well, then. I shall go upstairs and get our wraps. Shall I meet you out on the verandah in—say—five minutes?”

  “Are you coming, Marilyn?” Katelyn asked.

  Marilyn shook her head, but Katelyn pinched her thigh. “Of course.”

  They were just leaving the house when Victor passed them. “There you are. I was hoping to catch up with you and see if perhaps I could interest you both in a walk about the grounds.”

  Marilyn smiled, looking happy to see him. “We are already going with Thomas, but you are welcome to come along.”

  “You do not mind?” he asked, already extending an arm for Katelyn to take.

  “Not at all,” Katelyn and Marilyn said in unison. “We are awaiting our aunt, though. She is getting our shawls.”

  “I have not had the honor of meeting your aunt yet. I look forward to it.”

  Thomas looked exceedingly disappointed that Victor had joined their little party, while Katelyn could not have been more relieved.

  Aunt Lillith arrived shortly after and stepped onto the verandah. “Here you are, my dears.” She handed a shawl to each, then finally noticed Victor. A blush touched her cheeks and she looked almost girlish.

  Victor nodded. “Ah, you must be the lovely Aunt Lillith I have heard so much about. I am Victor.”

  “One of the Rayborne brothers, I presume?”

  “Yes, I am smack in the middle.”

  One side of her mouth lifted the slightest bit. “I am a middle sibling also. It is nice to meet you, Lord Graston.”

  “Please, let there be no formality between us, Lily.”

  Lillith opened her mouth as though to reprimand him for using her Christian name, and a nickname at that, but pressed her lips together a second later.

  “Shall we go, ladies?” Thomas asked, and Katelyn felt guilty because she had completely forgotten about the man.

  Aunt Lillith slid her hand around Thomas’s elbow, while Marilyn took the other; Victor and Katelyn followed behind.

  “You look quite fetching tonight,” Victor said, falling into step beside her.

  Katelyn grinned. “As do you.”

  “You are too kind. I look like hell. Feel like it too. Damn the side effects of one too many brandies. I never could hold alcohol like my brothers can.”


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