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Revenge Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She shook her head. “I don’t need to see anyone. I don’t want to talk to him.” She pulled away. “I can’t do this. I’ve got to go.”

  He watched her leave. Seconds later a door slammed upstairs.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you said some of you wanted to see me,” Butch said, hating the reaction he was getting. There was a time when he was much a part of the Savage brothers as any of these people. Gonzalez had taken it all away years ago. He wasn’t a Savage Brother anymore. He was a Skull and would always be a Skull. Knowing he was betraying the club by being here without them knowing filled Butch with regret.

  “They did want to see you. I guess they changed their minds.” Danny tugged him out of the room, but Dalton stopped them.

  “Lacey, she had it bad when they all hit. They raped her and left her for dead. She was young and had to deal with it.”

  “They raped and killed my sister. I saw what they did to my sister, mother, and father. I don’t know what she’s dealing with. I was shot in the gut and almost died. I didn’t get out of shit just because of my father,” he said. Butch didn’t know why he was explaining himself, only that he needed for them to know he didn’t get out of anything. Gonzalez had ruined his life as much as everyone else’s. The only difference was the fact he got sent far away from the rest of the survivors. He didn’t know why, but he had. Growing up away from them, he’d found his way to The Skulls.

  “Sorry to hear that,” Dalton said. “She’ll come around. Lacey, she doesn’t always like what needs to happen to fix shit. We’re going to get our revenge if she likes it or not.”

  “Have you got anything to tell us?” Danny asked, changing the subject.

  He hated this. Giving them information behind The Skulls’ back was an act of betrayal. Chaos Bleeds and his own crew wanted to take Gonzalez out. “Are you sure you don’t want to come to The Skulls? They’ll work with you. We all want this fucker dead. You wouldn’t be alone in all of this.”

  “No, this is between the Savage Brothers and Gonzalez. You can help us or get out of the way. We don’t really care. We’re going to kill Gonzalez either way.”

  Butch dropped his hands. “Fine. Gonzalez is currently in Piston County organizing girls to transport. I don’t know the date or when. He’s not leaving any time soon.”

  “Will he turn up for your wedding?” Danny asked.

  Tensing, Butch looked at the two men facing him. They were hurting inside. He saw it easily, and he recognized the pain. They hadn’t recovered from what happened all those years ago. They weren’t going to let it go no matter what.

  “I don’t know.”

  Were they going to cause problems for them? Butch didn’t know. He didn’t know anything right now about these men.

  “Let us know when Gonzalez is in town. We want to take him out, and you owe us. Your father would agree that it’s down to us to take out the bastard,” Danny said.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way. The Skulls are a fantastic club, and Tiny’s a brilliant president—”

  Butch was cut off by Dalton’s laugh.

  “You’re insane if you think we’re going to trust another club. The only thing we want from you is Gonzalez. You give us him, and we’re all even.” Dalton turned to the other man. “I’m going to go and check on Lacey. Get this fucker out of here.”

  When it was only him and Danny, Butch let out a breath. “I guess they blame me for something.”

  “No, they don’t. We’re used to not relying on anyone but ourselves.” Danny led the way down the long corridor toward the front door. Putting his hood up, Butch exited the door. “Let us know when Gonzalez comes back to Fort Wills. We want our shot at him.”

  Butch nodded his head. The door closed in his face.

  Staring up and down the street Butch checked to make sure no one followed him and walked back toward the clubhouse.

  You’re going to get yourself killed.

  Right at that moment the only people he cared about were Cheryl and Matthew. Providing they were taken care of, and he had Alex’s assurance that they would be, he really didn’t care about what happened to him.

  He threw the hooded jacket in the trash before entering the front of the compound. Passing Lash and Nash, he accepted their congratulations on joining the fold.

  “Where you goin’?” Lash asked, slurring his words. “It’s a party, and we saw you slip outside.”

  “I’ve got my woman to get to.” The men had been partying with the Chaos Bleeds crew. Butch hadn’t been the center of attention the moment the guys started betting on who could shoot better at pool. Once they all went inside to play with each other, knowing he was crap at pool, he saw an opening to slip out of the party to visit the Savage Brothers. After seeing them, he didn’t feel he could be part of any celebrations. He was betraying them, and it was killing him inside.

  Taking the digs the men threw his way, Butch laughed it off, charging into the clubhouse. He didn’t see Cheryl waiting around for him. Passing the men and women, Butch made his way toward the staircase.

  He didn’t stop until he got to his door. Without knocking, he opened it and found Cheryl sitting up in bed munching on some chips, watching the television.

  “Hey, baby,” she said, smiling.

  Without another word, he climbed to the bed, took hold of her face and slammed his lips down on hers. She tasted of salt and vinegar from the chips she was eating. He didn’t care. Sliding his tongue along her lips then inside her mouth, he consumed her, trying to get rid of the erratic thoughts he was having.

  “What’s going on?” she asked when he pulled away.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “You’re sweating. Where have you been?” She placed a hand on his head, frowning as she stepped out of the blanket. “What’s going on?”

  “I’ve fucked up and done something terrible.”

  “What could you have done?”

  Licking his suddenly dry lips he stared into her eyes and told her the truth. He told her about his chance meeting with Danny from the Savage Brothers along with the plan Alex had. “Alex wants me to pretend to hate the club, Cheryl. All Gonzalez needs to believe is that I’ve been blackmailed into coming back. He doesn’t know that I wanted to come back. We’re using his assumptions against him. I’m going to get information from Gonzalez so that we can take out others around him, reducing the threat to The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds.”

  “Butch, is this why you’ve been quiet?”

  “That’s not all, baby.” He stroked her cheek, wishing he wasn’t about to tell her the truth of the Savage Brothers. “My old club is back, Cheryl. There were survivors, young survivors. They’re back and want revenge on Gonzalez. They want me to feed them information.”

  “What the hell have you gotten yourself into?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I can’t—I don’t know what to do.”

  “You’ve got to tell Alex the truth.”

  “If I do that after this time I don’t know what Alex and the club are going to think. Fuck, they need me, Cheryl.” He ran fingers through his hair, trying to think of a way out of the mess he created.

  “They’re not your club, Butch. It’s not your problem.”

  “I’ve got no choice.”

  “This is going to put you in danger?”


  “You can’t do this. You need to tell Tiny. I can’t lose you, Butch. I love you so damn much.”

  Taking hold of her hand, he shook his head. “Shut up for a moment.” He kissed her lips to try to soothe any hurt his words might have caused.

  “This is bad, Butch. Really bad. You can’t do this to Tiny or The Skulls. They’re your family.”

  “The Savage Brothers were once my family. I was born to them.”

  “And as far as you were aware, they all died. Your loyalty is to Tiny and the club, not them. They’re going to get you killed,” she said.

  “They wouldn’t do that.”

heryl chuckled. The sound was verging on the hysterical side. “Are you crazy? Can you even hear yourself?”

  “Babe, I know what you’re thinking, but they’re not like that. I promise. They deserve to get their revenge as much as Devil and Tiny.”

  She pulled away from him. “They don’t know you, Butch, and truthfully, you don’t really know them. It has been over twenty years. Time has gone by, and it changes everyone. Look at it from their point of view. You’re not a Savage Brother anymore. You were taken from that life and have been living with The Skulls. You’re nothing but collateral damage to them. They’re using you.”

  He frowned. Butch knew she had a point.

  Wouldn’t he use anyone at his disposal to help The Skulls?

  “You’ve got to stop thinking like a loyal subject ready to take your life at a moment’s notice. You’re better than that. Talk to Tiny and Alex. Let them know what’s going on.”

  Taking hold of her hands, he smiled. “I will.”

  Cheryl let out a sigh. “You won’t. I can hear it in your voice.” She pulled away from him, withdrawing her hands and leaving the bed.

  Matthew had his own room next to theirs. Alex was also on this floor. Cheryl went to the window looking outside. It was dark, and he watched her wrap her arms around her stomach.

  “I can’t tell the other two, Cheryl.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’ve been accepted back into the club. The fact I even had a meeting and left it this long to tell them will show my loyalty is divided. I can’t just go and tell them the truth.”

  “So you’re going to lie about it. Pretend something’s not happening?” She turned to look at him.

  “So long as I’ve got The Skulls’ best interests at heart, they don’t need to know.”

  “They’re your family. What you’re doing is wrong, and it’s going to get everyone killed.”

  Standing up, he walked toward her. She placed her hands on the back of her neck, blowing out a breath. He saw the tears in her eyes as she tried to stay strong.

  “I can’t risk anything happening to you,” she said. “I love you.”

  Reaching out, he cupped her cheek. He caressed the delicate flesh, moving down to cup her neck. She dropped her hands to her sides, smiling. “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can do this. You’re stronger than you realize.” He kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes as he did.

  Don’t make her do this. Don’t make her lie on your behalf.

  “I’ll tell you the truth of whatever is happening or going down. I won’t leave you in the dark.”

  “You’re going to carry on doing this?” she asked.

  The tears shining in her eyes had started to fall. Watching the water streak across her cheeks cut him to the core. He hated the fact he was the cause of her tears.

  “All three of the clubs have one goal in mind, kill Gonzalez. The Savage Brothers want him dead as much as we do.” He wiped the tears off her cheeks. “They’re going to help us even if they don’t know it. Gonzalez is strong, but he makes mistakes. He’s getting greedy, and we’re all going to get out of this alive. The men who are working for him are going to start to disappear. We’re going to win this.”

  She laughed. “You’re crazy, Butch.”

  “Will you stay by my side while I make this right?” he asked.

  Cheryl gazed at his chest. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “It’s simple, trust me, Cheryl. I won’t put you or Matthew in danger. We’re in this for the long haul, but I need your word that you won’t do anything stupid.”

  He kept her eyes on him.

  “I won’t do anything or say anything. I promise. You can trust me to keep my nose out of it.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, Butch pulled her close. He hoped to God that he could keep her safe.

  Chapter Three

  Eva tucked some hair behind her ear as she glanced around the large pantry for supplies to make breakfast. In the far corner stood a large freezer and beside it a large fridge that was bare of supplies. Looking down at her chart she started to make notes of food needed to keep the club sustained.

  “How are you doing?” Lexie asked, leaning against the wall.

  Staring over her shoulder Eva smiled at the other woman. It made a change to see her without a kid hanging off her. Ever since Devil had claimed Lexie, the other woman was always carrying or holding a child to her person. Eva was starting to believe Lexie couldn’t survive without a young kid hanging around.

  “Fine. It’s amazing what two clubs can consume. Some of The Skulls have left to go and deal with their families, but most of us are here and their kids.” She shrugged. “I’m just making a list to start gathering supplies. I thought we could start by visiting all the houses of the club members and grab food from their stores before we head to the shop. No point letting food go to waste while they’re all staying here.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.”

  “How are you holding up?” Eva asked.

  “I’m doing fine. Judi’s going a little crazy. She loves her privacy and Piston County. This is a whole new experience for her, but she’ll deal with it.”

  Eva chuckled. “At least she’s not got any kids to add into the mix of crazy. It’s amazing how much kids can affect a lock in.”

  “Do you want some help?” Lexie stepped into the large storage room. “I’ve not got any kids on me, and I can help where you need me.”

  “Sure. It makes sense us doing it. Us being the two MC leaders’ old ladies and all.” Eva handed the chart to Lexie. “I’ll tell you what we got and need, and you can write it down.”

  “I love being part of the club,” Lexie said. “Elizabeth, Simon, and Josh, they’re all taken care of, and the club would die for them. There’s not much a mother could ask for.”

  Eva smiled. “Yeah, I know. Sometimes it scares me what the men are willing to do to protect their loved ones. Life shouldn’t be like that.”

  “It’s the club life. Was it ever like that in Vegas with your father?”

  Picking up a can of crushed tomatoes, Eva glanced over her shoulder to look at the other woman. “No, not really. My dad, he wasn’t the sort of man who took any crap. Yeah, he does dirty deals, but he never brought it to me.” She shrugged her shoulders. Thoughts of her father always affected her. Eva wasn’t used to being forced not to see him. It was strange. After years of being able to see him whenever she wanted, she hadn’t minded staying away. Having another man, whom she despised, ordering her around and stopping her from seeing her father pissed her off. No one should have the power to stop her from visiting her father. Talking on the phone was great, but it didn’t make up for the missed time together, and it angered her, the power one man held over her life.

  “I’m sorry. Devil told me what happened. It must suck not getting to see your dad.” Lexie placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. There wasn’t much comfort to be had in the touch, but Eva appreciated the gesture.

  “You don’t get to see your sister.”

  “Yeah, well, she was happy to let Devil kill me for Simon. I’m so not missing her.” Lexie rolled her eyes, chuckling. “I sound evil now. I’m an evil bitch because I don’t miss my sister.”

  “No, you’re full of sense, and you’re soon going to be full of cock.” Devil’s voice interrupted the moment. Turning toward the doorway of the pantry Eva saw Devil standing there with his arms above his head, holding onto the door ledge. His gaze was focused on his woman. From the look in his eyes, Eva knew he had sex on the brain. All of the bikers in the club had sex on the brain. It was insane how they could all think of sex at a time like this. You fucked Tiny last night. Yeah, she couldn’t talk. She’d been enjoying pleasure in her own man’s arms. Thinking about sex and actually doing it was way more fun than dealing with the fear that Gonzalez created.

  “Hey, Devil,” she said.

  His eyes never left Lexie while she spoke. If staring could be fucking, D
evil would have Lexie bent over and taking his cock by now. She hoped he appreciated her presence and didn’t actually start fucking in front of her. “Hey, Eva. What are you ladies doing?”

  “Stop it, Devil. You’re not interested in what goes on in the pantry. What’s up?”

  Eva chuckled as he raised an eyebrow. His stare alone said it all.

  “I wanted to see how you were doing. Do I need a reason to talk to my woman?”

  Lexie rolled her eyes. “There’s always a reason when you’re in Fort Wills. You’ve got Tiny, the club, and a lot of loud music. Why would you want me?”

  Going back to inventorying the pantry, Eva listened to the lovesick couple talking.

  “Woman, I’ll always need you.”

  She heard Devil move. Glancing over her shoulder she saw he’d claimed Lexie’s lips and banded an arm around her waist. “I’ll never need an excuse to see you, Lex. Simply breathing is reason enough for me to come and see you.”

  The kiss was explicit as was the way he glided his hand up to stroke Lexie’s nipple. Need for Tiny swamped Eva. Averting her gaze, she continued to take stock of the room, wishing her own man had sought her out.

  “The kids are being looked after, baby.” Devil spoke in a hushed tone. His meaning was clear. They were free to fuck without worrying about their kids. Eva knew the feeling even if she did rarely get to experience it.

  “Eva, are you okay with finishing this up?” Lexie asked.

  “Sure, go and have some fun.”

  She waved a hand at them, shooing them away. Some scuffling was followed by silence at their departure. Sitting on her butt she looked up the long wall, wishing things were different. She loved Tiny and their kids. She even loved the life of being a biker’s woman, an old lady. This waiting around for the bad guy to strike was what she hated the most. Angel and Lash were back from their vacation, and instead of being happy, they were all on guard. In the next couple of days they were going to have to get Gash out of prison, and then life had to carry on as normal.

  Normal with a killer on the loose, intent on causing problems, shouldn’t be normal. She rubbed at her eyes as tears started to fill them. Being upset wasn’t right. She didn’t have time in her busy schedule to cry over what was happening. There was no way for her stop anything. The only way she could help Tiny was by standing beside him while they took the enemy on. Her cell phone ringing pulled her out of her melancholy thoughts.


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