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Revenge Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “We’re working toward taking out Gonzalez.”

  “What?” Her eyes were wide as she handed him a sandwich. Tapping his leg, he waited for her to sit down before he started to eat.

  “Whizz came up with a plan. I’ve never seen him like this. It’s like he’s his old self. He got a plan, and we’re working to put it into effect.”

  “You’re not going to keep me in the dark about this, are you?” she asked.

  Tiny had learned his lesson the hard way. “No, I’m not going to keep you in the dark. We’re thinking of taking him out in the town hall. Inviting him to a fake wedding and when there is some commotion, Butch is going to slit his throat while we take out his men.”

  “What have you learned to make you decide this plan?” Eva nuzzled his neck.

  “For as many men that Gonzalez has favors owned to him, there are the same number of men who hate his guts. Whizz has got several of the men in agreement. We take him out, and they’ll back off. Also, your father phoned me. There’s a group of men who want to take their businesses back from Gonzalez. Gonzalez went to them offering them a better deal and then took what they had, hurting them. Women started to turn up dead as he took what they weren’t prepared to offer. Girls, boys, and women, they were all found dead at some point. Men are no long prepared to take the fall for a man who won’t do shit to help anyone. They want him gone, and they’ve sided with us. We can start to get ahead. Gonzalez has fucked with too many people to get where he is, and now they want him dead.”

  The news had given Tiny hope of getting rid of Gonzalez faster than he originally planned. With more men on his side, they had a better chance of surviving.

  Eva ran her hand up and down his thigh. “My father didn’t call me.”

  “This was strictly business. He’s been helping the club to get back on its feet ever since Gonzalez came into our lives and fucked it up.” Eating his sandwich, Tiny tried not to think about how close her fingers were to his cock.

  “What about Butch? What’s he got to do now?”

  “No word on Butch. He hasn’t heard from Gonzalez since Patricia and the planned raid, nor has he gotten any more orders. We’re expecting him to call and give some news out about one of you. In return, we get some more details on the men close to Fort Wills. We get the men close to us out of the way, and we can go to the next step.”

  “This is dangerous, Tiny. I don’t like it. If the men knew you were putting Butch in danger, there’d be problems.”

  “Once this is all over I’m going to tell the men. I’m not going to let Butch take the fall for my mistake.” He pushed his plate away and turned to her. Eva rested her head against his chest, her gaze on his.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “Do you have to guess?” He slid his hand from her waist up to cup her breast. “Why do you have to keep wearing jeans?”

  “I almost fell down the stairs while carrying Miles. I doubted you’d be happy with me if I hurt our son or daughter.” She moaned as he pinched her nipples.

  He loved it when Eva wore the flimsy bras. They didn’t do much in the way of covering her body from his touch. Slowly, he released each small button holding her shirt together until she was bare for him to touch.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  “Stop and I’ll shoot you.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty to me.” With his other hand, he turned her head to the side and started to kiss her neck. She shuddered, arching up to his touch.

  “Please, Tiny. I need you to fuck me.”

  “Tell me exactly what you need,” he said. “Don’t leave a single detail out.”

  “I need your cock inside me.”

  “In where? Your mouth? Your cunt? Or your ass?” The pain intensified as his cock thickened. There was nothing he hadn’t done to her in the last few years. He knew every inch of her body, had spent hours learning what she liked, how best to touch her to bring her to orgasm. Tiny knew her neck was one of her most erogenous zones. If she wasn’t in the mood, all he had to do was stroke and nibble her neck to get what he wanted.

  “I want you in my mouth, Tiny. I want to suck your cock,” she said. Releasing her body, he pushed away from the counter and stood.

  “Get on your knees.” He wasn’t the kind of man to deny his woman what she wanted. Unbuckling his belt, he pulled out his cock and stroked the length. “Do you want this?”

  With Eva on her knees, she nodded her head. “You know it is.”

  “Come and take it.” She shuffled forward, placing her palms on his thighs.

  “You may need to sit down, Tiny,” she said, warning him.

  “I can take your mouth. Get me ready and I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk properly for a week.”

  “Only a week.” She gripped the base of his shaft, working from the root to the tip then down again. Gritting his teeth, he fisted his hands at his sides to stop himself from taking over and forcing his cock down her throat.

  Eva licked the tip, flicking her tongue across his slit. His pre-cum leaked out, and he watched her swallow down each droplet as it appeared.

  “Do you like the taste of my cum?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, moaning.

  When he was in control of his mind and body once more, he reached out to wrap the length of her hair around his wrist. She opened her lips and took more of him inside.

  Once she had the tip of his cock in her mouth, he thrust a little more, desperate to feel her mouth over all of his cock.

  She moaned, and the vibration ran up his shaft.

  Watching his cock disappear inside her mouth turned him on more as her moans increased and deepened. “Fuck, baby, that’s it. You know how to take a cock in your mouth. Fuck yeah.”

  Eva released his cock to slide her tongue down the long vein down the side.

  Several times she licked across the vein before swallowing him down.

  “Fucking shit,” he said, growling the words out as she took him to the back of her throat.

  When she started to gag, Eva pulled away and repeated the motion until she stopped licking and simply sucked him into her mouth. Her head bobbed in his lap.

  Minutes passed as she brought him close to orgasm. When he could no longer stand the feel of her lips around him, he tugged on her hair, drawing her up to her feet.

  “I want inside you.”

  “Don’t you like me sucking your cock?” she asked.

  “You know I do. There’s nothing I like more than having your mouth on me.” He kissed her lips, not caring if he could taste himself on her tongue.

  Lifting her up onto the counter, he tugged at her jeans, cursing her taste in clothing. “From now on you need to start wearing skirts.”

  She chuckled, lifting herself off the counter so he could slide the jeans and panties off her.

  Drawing her to the edge of the counter, he sank down on the chair and admired the sight of her naked pussy. She’d started to have her lips waxed until she was smooth.

  The first time he saw her like this, he’d hated it. Now, he loved the sight as being waxed made licking her out far more pleasurable.

  “Fuck, baby, you make me ache for you.” He ran his fingers through her slit, watching as she screamed and cried out from the pleasure.

  She soaked his fingers with her cream she was so turned on.

  “Open your thighs wide. I want to see the cunt I own.”

  “Oh, Tiny.”

  “I know, baby. I’m going to have you feeling good in no time.” Sitting in front of her, he waited for Eva to spread her thighs wide before he did anything else. She rested her feet on the counter, opening herself up. He got a lovely view of her pink pussy, creamy cunt, and sinful ass. His biggest problem now was deciding which to fuck.

  Tiny loved being in her ass and cunt.

  Sliding a finger into her cunt, he watched and felt how she gripped his digit. She flung her head back, moaning. The house was large enough
for her to make as much noise as she wanted to without fear of waking their kids up.

  “Please, Tiny,” she said, begging.

  Adding a second finger to her pussy, he pressed his thumb to her clit. The walls of her pussy gripped him tightly. Her cum swamped his fingers, soaking them.

  Easing two fingers out of her cunt, he slid them to her ass. She gasped but didn’t pull away from him as he pressed one finger to her anus.

  Within seconds she took his finger into her ass. Sliding the digit in and out he waited for her to scream in pleasure before adding a second.

  “Please, Tiny, I need you.”

  Leaning forward, he slid his tongue from her clit down to her entrance. Thrusting his tongue into her creamy cunt, he mimicked the action he was doing to her ass with his fingers. Her cum exploded on his tongue, making him want more. Swallowing down every drop, he flicked her clit then thrust inside her. Each action drew her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Her body shook underneath his touch. Playing with her ass, he licked her pussy, feeling his cock answer in response. He wanted inside her.

  “Come for me, Eva. I want you to explode.”

  She gripped the edge of the counter as he attacked her clit. Within seconds she was screaming in release. He swallowed down her cum, loving the taste. When he was finished, he wiped her juices from his chin.

  Pulling his fingers out of his ass, he wiped them on a towel, grabbed his cock and stroked the length through her slit.

  “Tiny, please, fuck me,” she said, begging him for more.

  “I’ve just made you come and you need more?”

  “Yes, always need more of you.” She reached between them to stroke his cock.

  “Put me inside you,” he said.

  Staring down at where they were joined he watched as she slowly put his cock inside her sweet pussy. Eva was warm, wet, and tight.

  Gripping hold of her hips, he slammed inside her, going in deep.

  “Yeah, fuck, baby. You feel so fucking good.”

  Eva cried out. He pulled out of her pussy then slammed in deep, relishing her cries of pleasure. Her tits bounced in the bra, but it wasn’t enough for him.

  Grabbing a knife, he cut into the bra removing the remains of the bra out of his way.

  “Love watching your tits fucking bounce.” In between each thrust, he spoke each word.

  She cried out, arching up against him.

  “Please, Tiny.”

  “Touch your pussy. I want to see you come apart,” he said.

  Her fingers glided between them. He watched her fingers work her swollen clit.

  “That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock.”

  Over and over, he thrust inside her, going as deep as he could. She tightened around his cock and was screaming her release.

  He loved how responsive she was.

  No matter how many times he fucked her, he never grew bored of being inside her.

  The tightness of her pussy along with the wet warmth was all it took to take him over the edge. He didn’t pull out of her.

  Ramming inside her one final time, he felt his cum spurt into her body. Tiny didn’t care if she ended up pregnant from this. All he cared about was feeling her take all of him.

  “Yes, Tiny, please don’t stop.”

  Riding his orgasm to completion, he dropped his head to her chest when it was over. Gasping for breath, he sucked the hard nipple into his mouth.

  “I want another baby,” she said, taking him by surprise.

  Glancing up, he shook his head. “I’m too old.”

  “No, you’re not. I want another child, Tiny.”

  “We can’t have another one.”

  “Yes, we can. I’m not on the pill, and you know that. You’ve come inside me twice now.”

  “I’m old, Eva.”

  “No, you’re not. Do not do this to me, Tiny. We can have more kids. If you’re wanting to hand the club over in a few years then we’ve got more than enough time to have more kids. You’re not old.”

  He pressed his head against hers. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, yet it felt like all he did was hurt her.

  “No,” he said.

  “Don’t do this, Tiny.”

  “Gonzalez is not dead yet. We’ll talk more when he is.”

  She pushed him off her. “When he is, we better be having another discussion, as otherwise there’s going to be trouble.”

  Eva picked up her clothing and left him alone. On the way out he saw his cum sliding down her leg. He’d fucked up again. Why couldn’t he ever get anything right when it came to her?

  Dropping his head into his hand, he wiped at his eyes wishing he could give her whatever she wanted.

  It was then he noticed the monitor in Miles and Tabitha’s room. He stared at his two sleeping children.

  They were angels to him. He wouldn’t dream of wishing them out of his life.

  Sitting down at the counter, he wondered what the hell he was supposed to do to keep his family safe. If Eva wanted more kids he knew it was only a matter of time before he caved and gave them to her. What kind of a husband was he to deny her?

  Chapter Six

  Butch stared down at his woman as she slept. He hated sneaking out on her more than anything. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he saw Gonzalez’s name light up on his phone. Going into the bathroom, he was as quiet as he could be. Closing the door, he accepted the call.

  “What?” he asked.

  He’d come to dread this call more than anything. After doing what he did to Patricia’s grave, he wanted to pull out or at least come clean to Tiny. Instead, he felt worse than the worst. Alex told him not to worry, but it didn’t stop the hatred from building inside him. Butch had never wanted to be part of Gonzalez’s circle. He lost everything to the bastard’s father. The last thing he wanted was to lose everything to the son now.

  Not only was he doing what Alex wanted him to do with Gonzalez, he was also feeding information to the Savage Brothers. He didn’t know which one upset him the most. The Skulls was his home, his family. Seeing Gash again after all this time had really shoved to home how much the club meant to him. The Savage Brothers were not part of him anymore. They were all in the past, and he was still in the present. What he didn’t know was how to get them to leave town without drawing attention to themselves? They’d come to town because of Gonzalez. He doubted they’d leave quietly until they got what they wanted. He was up shit creek and didn’t even know how to get himself out of it.

  Should he really be helping a club he was never a part of?

  What about your dad’s memory? He’s in your blood, and you’re disrespecting him in not helping.

  “What’s the matter, Butch? I thought we were good friends?” Gonzalez said.

  “You’re only calling to put in an order. Tell me what you want so you can leave me alone,” he said. “I didn’t come to you to be your fucking whipping boy.”

  “It’s pretty simple. I want to know what Eva does in her spare time. Where she goes, what she does, who’s with her.”

  The questions unnerved Butch. He didn’t even have time to talk with Alex before he answered.

  “It’s really late, and you’re interested in Eva’s social life? Don’t you have something more interesting for me to do?”

  “Well that depends, Butch. Do you want to be one of my men or not?”

  Alex needs you to do this.

  “Lockdown is over. Eva will spend most of her time at their home or visiting the spa. She takes care of all the kids when no one can.” Butch hated himself the moment the words left his mouth. He should have spewed lies before spilling the truth. When Alex came to him with this suggestion, he should have turned him down.

  “Good. There’s no surprises then?” Gonzalez asked.

  “Eva doesn’t stick to a tight schedule. She does what she wants when she wants to. You’ve got no chance of getting to her, Gonzalez.” Please, leave her the fuck alone. Leave all the women alone and die.

  “That’s fine. I’ll be stopping by for the wedding. I look forward to seeing Pussy with his blind girl. I may even let him live through it. Your girl will live. She’s got my vote. I like her.”

  Gripping the cell phone tightly, Butch tried not to give himself away.

  “You’re coming for the wedding?” he asked.

  “I thought it would be a nice visit. I mean, The Chaos Bleeds crew and The Skulls are all together to marry each other. The only thing better would be one man and one woman. Shame, they won’t be alive long enough to know what’s going to happen.”

  Silence followed as Butch absorbed everything he’d just said.

  “You’re going to kill them?”

  “I’ve not thought about it. Forget what I just said. It’s nothing personal. I’m just rambling.”

  Had Gonzalez just fucked up in what he said?

  It seemed too good to be true.

  “Do you want anything else?” Butch asked, itching to get to Alex.

  “Do you hate them?” Gonzalez asked, catching him off guard.


  “The Skulls? They blackmailed you into being with them. I was just wondering how you were finding life with them. You’re still in the clubhouse, right?”

  Sitting on the toilet, Butch stared straight ahead of him.

  “It’s difficult. We’re going back home the day after tomorrow. Alex wanted a bit more time with his kid.”

  “I can kill Alex for you, and then you can have Matthew and Cheryl all to yourself.”

  “I’ll kill Alex when the time is right,” Butch said, lying. They had an understanding when it came to Cheryl and Matthew.

  “You’re no fun. Oh, well, everything will come to a head soon. I’ve got the wheels in motion.”

  Gonzalez disconnected the call leaving Butch to stare at the dead phone.

  “Fuck.” Leaving the bathroom, he saw Cheryl was still sound asleep.

  He couldn’t leave this information until the morning.

  Closing the bedroom door behind him, he walked down toward Alex’s room. When no one responded to his knock, he opened the door to find the room vacant. There was only one other place he knew where to find him. Going back in the direction of his room, he stopped at the door next to his.


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