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Revenge Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  Tiny watched him grit his teeth.

  “That bastard has turned the town upside fucking down, Tiny. If we don’t get control of him, Elizabeth could end up like Judi. He could have my little girl working the streets or pushing drugs. I don’t want that for her. She’s my girl, my baby. All of my women need to be protected.”

  “I feel you, man.”

  “I need to know you’re on board with taking this fucker out. I don’t want any arguments from you or begging for me to keep him alive,” Devil said.

  “Gonzalez put my daughter in the hospital. You’re not going to get anything else from me but compliance. I want him dead. I don’t care who gets to end the fucker as long as he’s not breathing and I’m there to see it.” Tiny stood and took the hand Devil offered him.

  “Then we’ve got a deal. I love my family, Tiny. I’ll do anything for them.”

  “Good. Eva wants you and Lexie to come to dinner. Bring the kids. I’m not in the mood to be on the bad side of Eva right now.”


  “She wants more kids, and I’m too old to give her what she wants.”

  “You’re insane,” Devil said. “No one is ever too old to have kids. Give your woman what she wants. She deserves it for putting up with your ugly ass.” Devil moved away. “I’ll be there around seven and bring the kids.”

  “Yeah, Eva said you can stop over. She’s getting the rooms ready for you to stay.”

  “You’re a lucky guy, Tiny. She’s a good woman, and you should let her have more kids. You won’t let her get a job, and it won’t be long before she starts to hate your guts.” Devil left the office.

  What the fuck should he do?


  Tucking hair behind her ear, Eva picked up Miles and took Tabitha’s hand as they made their way out of the bathroom. Dinner was cooking in the oven, slow cooked lamb with mashed potatoes and vegetables. It was a luxury meal but not challenging. If it was just her and the girls from the club then she would have tried something else. There was no point in trying to get Tiny and Devil to eat something different. They were meat and potatoes men, and they never allowed her to forget it. She didn’t mind.

  “Mommy?” Tabitha said.

  “What, baby?” She walked them across the hall into their bedroom where she laid out their clothing.

  “Daddy’s sad all the time.”

  “No, he’s not sad. He’s just busy. He got the club to look after as well as us, angel. He’s busy. Very busy.”

  She placed Miles on the floor. Her two children started to dry themselves as she got together their creams.

  “Bastard,” Miles said, yelling the word.

  He’d spent too much time at the club.

  “Enough!” Eva said, frowning. “It’s a naughty word, and we don’t say naughty words in this house.”

  “Bastard. Bastard. Bastard.”

  “Miles, listen to your mother,” Tiny said, snapping at their son.

  Miles kept his mouth closed.

  “What do you say?” Tiny asked, stepping into the room.

  “I’m sorry for being naughty, Mommy.”

  “Good. Swearing is naughty, and I don’t want to hear you say it.” She tweaked his nose and finished putting his night clothes on.

  Picking Miles up, she watched as Tiny finished dressing their daughter. Glancing at the clock she saw it was six-thirty.

  Tiny took Miles off her, holding both of their children in either arm. “Go and have a bath. I’ll take care of them. Relax. Devil said he’d be here around at seven. Knowing him I’d expect him to be late.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve got the kids. Go, relax, and get ready for dinner.”

  Stepping out of the room, she watched him go downstairs. Moving toward their bedroom, she quickly looked through the wardrobe and picked out a pair of jeans with a red button shirt. She left them on the bed then headed into the bathroom. Stripping down, she turned the tap on. Rubbing at her face, she removed her jewelry and climbed into the tub.

  Resting her head back against the tub, she closed her eyes.

  Seconds passed, and the door to the bathroom opened.

  “Hey,” Tiny said.

  Jerking up, she looked around for a towel.

  “No, don’t worry, the kids are fine.”

  “Why aren’t you with them?” she asked.

  “There’s always a good reason to have a couple of prospects lurking around. They’re happy to take care of kids while their President comes and sits with his wife.”

  She leaned back in the tub and stared at him. “There’s a prospect in my house?”

  “Yeah, Baker is keeping an eye on the kids. I told him I didn’t want to be disturbed.” He moved to the side of the bathtub, kneeling as he rested his chin on his hands. “We need to talk.”

  “If this has anything to do with me leaving or something like that then you can forget about it. I’m not leaving, Tiny.”

  “This isn’t about you leaving or moving away from us.” He swirled the tips of his fingers in the water.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  His fingers went to her knee. She watched as he glided his hand up the inside of her thigh then caressed back down to her knee. The small touch had heat swamping her pussy. No matter how angry she got with Tiny, he always had the ability to turn her on.

  “You’ve been talking a lot about kids.”

  She tensed up. “And at every turn you’ve been telling me no. You don’t want anymore more kids because you feel you’re too old or you’ve been telling me we’ll talk about it later.”

  “I didn’t think about you when I said that. I was thinking about myself.”

  “Tiny, what’s going on?”

  “Lexie’s pregnant again. She’s expecting their third child together. You’ve been through a lot for me and for the club. I don’t let you work as you don’t need to, but I didn’t think how you would feel about staying home all day.” He stopped talking and delved into the water to grab her hand. Tiny pulled her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “What I’m asking now is what do you want? If you want more kids then I’ll give you more. I want you, Eva, nothing else and no one else.”

  He kissed her hand, staring at her.

  “I want another kid. You’re not too old, Tiny. I do want more children.”

  “I wasted eight years with you,” he said.

  The chemistry had always been there between them. They’d never acted on it. She was Tate’s nanny while he’d been her boss. He slept with everything that walked but wouldn’t let her go out on dates. Both of them had come a long way. She had gone back to Ned, and Tiny’s life had been in danger before either of them changed.

  “Don’t. There’s no point in you regretting what happened in the past. We didn’t lose those eight years. We were still together in some way.”

  “It doesn’t feel that way,” he said. “I missed eight years of getting to fuck you.”

  She laughed. “You’re insane, Tiny. We’re making up for missed time now. Stop being a baby.”

  Eva stopped laughing as he released her hand and placed his palm between her thighs. He slid a finger through her slit to sink into her cunt.

  “I’m not being a baby. We’re going to make a baby.”

  In and out he went, sinking his finger in deep. He pressed his thumb to her clit and moved from side to side, caressing over her nub slightly.

  She gasped, closing her eyes.

  “No, I don’t want you to close your eyes. Keep your eyes open. I want to see you come apart.”

  A second finger slid inside her as he continued to stroke her clit.

  Licking her lips, she gripped the edge of the tub as he worked her up to a frenzy.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me hear you scream.”

  Over and over, he caressed over her nub, drawing out the pleasure.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  “Not now, baby. I want to watch and feel you come all over my fingers and then I’m taking you out of the tub and we’re going to fuck.”

  He was relentless with touching her pussy. His fingers filled her as his thumb attacked her clit. She always loved to be full when she came. Her orgasm lasted a lot longer when she came around Tiny’s cock or fingers.

  “You’re so close, baby. I can see it. I’m going to fill you with my cum, and we’re going to make a baby together. You and me.”

  His wicked words thrust her over the edge into pleasure. Crying out, she gripped his wrist, trying to keep him steady and also move away from him. The pleasure combined making it hard for her to focus on anything else but him.

  “Please,” she said.

  Tiny continued to stroke her, refusing to back away until she crashed into a second orgasm. Screaming and crying out the pleasure, she jerked in the water.

  When her second orgasm was over, Tiny helped her out of the bath. He handed her a towel as he stripped naked, revealing his beautiful inked body. In quick moves he had her bent over the bathtub. He kicked open her ankles, spreading her thighs wide.

  She felt him probing her pussy. In one quick thrust, he slammed deep inside her, taking her by surprise. Crying out, she gripped hold of the tub.

  “Fuck, I love your fucking pussy.” He pulled out of her only to slam back inside. “I’m going to give you another fucking baby, Eva. You’re mine, and I’ll give you everything you want and need.”

  He slammed inside her, over and over again.

  Whimpering, she thrust back against him, needing him to go as deep as he could. Closing her eyes, she bit into her lip to try to stop the moans from being heard. She didn’t want to walk downstairs and see the latest prospect smirking at her.

  Tiny gripped her hips, tightening his hold on her.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last.”

  Within seconds, Tiny grunted, and she felt his release fill her pussy. His cock jerked, swamping her with his cum.

  Their breathing was the only sound to be heard in the room.

  “That was perfect, baby. You’re perfect.” He ran his hands up and down her body, stroking her nipples then going down to cup her pussy.

  “We’ve got to move. Dinner is cooking,” she said, pushing some hair off her face.

  “I don’t care about dinner. I’m not moving for a few minutes.”


  “We want to get pregnant, and I’m making sure there’s no chance of this not working.”

  She chuckled. “We can keep having sex, Tiny. I want kids, but there’s no need to make it a chore. It’s supposed to be fun.” She glanced at him over her shoulder.

  “I’m inside you. It will always be fun.”

  Dropping her head to her hands, she blew out a breath.

  “We’ve got guests.”

  “I don’t mind keeping them waiting.”

  “I do. You need to wash as well.” She didn’t want it to end but knew their time had to. At least he was willing to let her have a baby now.

  “Fine.” He pulled out of her, and Eva lowered herself into the water to finish washing.

  Tiny sat on the toilet watching her.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “I’m going to give Lash and Angel the club once all of this is over.”

  She glanced at him as she rubbed shampoo into her hair. “Are you sure? You didn’t seem that certain the other day.”

  “I’m certain now. Lash and Angel are perfect to take over the club.”

  “I trust your judgment.”

  Eva finished washing and climbed out of the bath. Tiny held a towel out to her, and she stepped into it.

  He wrapped the towel around her, kissing her lips.

  “I’m going to wash, and then I’ll be down to help you.”


  Tiny kissed her lips again.

  Pulling out of his arms, she walked around him to go into the other room. She quickly dried her body, wrapping her head in another towel as she got dressed. Once she was dressed, she dried her hair and pinned it up on top of her head to keep it out of the way. She didn’t bother with makeup, toed on some flip flops and walked downstairs. Glancing in the sitting room, she saw Baker was playing with the kids and nothing was going wrong. She was surprised.

  “Do you want a drink?” she asked.

  Baker looked up at her. He had a nice set of blue eyes.

  “I’ll take a coffee, thanks.”

  Nodding, she waited to see if he’d make a comment about the noise. He didn’t and went back to playing with the kids. Shrugging, she entered the kitchen and turned the potatoes off to see they were ready to be mashed. She always left them on low so she had enough time to get ready.

  Setting the kettle on to boil, she glanced at the clock to see that Devil and Lexie were in fact late. Tiny knew his friends well, and she was pleased she hadn’t rushed through dinner but left it on the lowest heat.

  Opening the window, she started to make a drink for Baker. When it was done, she quickly checked on the meat then made her way back into the sitting room. Baker was sitting on the sofa while Miles and Tabitha stared at the cartoon channel.

  “You’ve got no chance of getting their attention,” she said, handing him the cup.

  “Thank you.”

  “You can call me Eva.” She offered him a smile and took a seat on the arm of the sofa.

  “Thank you, Eva.”

  Her two children didn’t even turn to look at them.

  “Thank you for taking care of them.” Heat filled her cheeks even though she willed herself not to get embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry about it. I like looking after kids.” His face darkened as he looked into his cup.

  “Do you mind me asking why you joined the club?” she asked.

  “I’ve got nowhere else to go. I sold the bakery up, and nothing else has my loyalty. I heard good things about The Skulls, and I want to be part of something bigger than what I am. I know it’s what my wife would have wanted, for me to find some focus, some direction in my life.”

  She rested her hand on her thigh, thinking about what he said. It was a good answer, but her curiosity got the better of her.

  “What happened to your wife?”

  “She was hit head on by a drunk driver.” He stopped, and she watched as he gritted his teeth. “She was coming to the bakery to visit me. It was late, and I was just closing up. The truck didn’t even see her walking in the road he was that far gone. He hit her, and she died instantly.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah, the bastard is in prison serving time. I sold the bakery and moved away. She was coming to tell me that she was pregnant with our first kid.” He looked at Miles and Tabitha. “I love kids. I don’t mind babysitting for you whenever you need it.”

  She smiled. Reaching out, she placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry you went through something so awful. I hope The Skulls offer you what you need.”

  Gash was back, and now they had three prospects to nurture. Tiny would put them through hell, but he’d also test them to make sure they were making the right decision. The doorbell rang, and she left him to watch her kids. Lexie stood with Devil, and between them they had their three kids.

  “I’m a big boy. I don’t need carrying,” Simon said.

  “I know, son,” Devil said.

  Chuckling, she took Simon’s hand and led him through to the sitting room. “Baker will keep an eye on you.”

  Simon went to Tabitha’s side and poked her in the arm. “Hey.”

  Before Eva could stop her, Tabitha punched Simon in the face. Instead of the boy crying, he chuckled and sat beside her.

  Kids were certainly strange.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Lexie said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I don’t think they’re holding it against each other. I don’t think we should.” Eva escorted them through to the dining room as Tiny was comi
ng down. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and white shirt. His entire wardrobe was made up of white shirts and jeans along with a couple of leather jackets.

  She watched Tiny and Devil shake hands.

  “Come on, they’re going to start talking and I’m starving,” Lexie said.

  “Will you be going back to Piston County before we get the plans for the wedding?” Eva asked.

  “I don’t know. Pussy wants to marry Sasha as soon as possible. Devil still has his doubts about her.”

  “Why? Pussy and Sasha are perfect for each other.”

  “She’s blind, and Devil worries that she’s not good for the club with her vulnerable state.”

  Eva shook her head. “It shouldn’t be a problem. Pussy will protect her, and Sasha’s clearly not stupid. She won’t put herself in difficult situations.”

  “That’s what I keep telling him, but he worries.”

  She couldn’t argue with Lexie about that. Tiny always worried about his club. He worried about Sophia when Nash and Zero both had a thing for her, but that worked out fine in the end. Sometimes it was easier to take a step back and let life take whatever course it chose rather than interfere.

  Going through to the kitchen Eva worked with Lexie to get dinner finished. They talked about the wedding and what Pussy and Butch wanted for their women. The wedding was going to be a joint one where both clubs joined in on the celebrations. Eva wondered if Lexie knew the truth of what was going to happen at the town hall. Long ago she’d given up caring about what Tiny did to make sure the club survived. Everything he did was for the good of the club.

  Lexie started to hum as they finished serving up dinner. Eva really did like the other couple and hoped nothing came between them all.

  Chapter Eight

  Whizz sat down in the café and ordered himself a sandwich along with a strong coffee. He didn’t know why he was back here again or why he hadn’t even bothered to bring his laptop. Being in the clubhouse was starting to bug him. With the Chaos Bleeds crew camping out with them, the house was feeling cramped. He’d spent last night all alone but thinking about the blue haired siren who’d interrupted his work last night. For the first time since Alan had tortured him, he felt at peace. He knew the guys and the old ladies at the club tried to help, but they couldn’t help him. No one could cure the demons that he suffered. The demons were locked inside his head, refusing to get out.


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