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Revenge Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  Ronald slammed her forward onto the counter. She turned her head so that she didn’t smash her nose on the granite worktop. The pain was instant.

  Closing her eyes, she felt Ronald’s hips settle against her ass.

  Please, God, no.

  “Maybe I just need to change it up a little.”

  The barrel of the gun was pressed to the back of her head.

  “Leave my fucking wife alone,” Devil said. He sounded lost.

  “Fucking, that’s a good word. A strong word,” Gonzalez said.

  The dress she was wearing was thrust up to her waist. Lexie couldn’t contain the whimper any longer. She was scared of what was going to happen.

  “I said fucking leave her alone.” Devil dropped the gun he was holding.

  Opening her eyes, she turned to see that Devil held his hands up, surrendering to whatever Gonzalez wanted.

  For several seconds nothing happened. The tension in the room could be cut through with a knife.

  “Ronald,” Gonzalez said.

  Her dress was placed over her thighs, covering her up.

  “Now, I think it’s time for us to leave for now.” Gonzalez stood to his feet, leaning down to pick up Devil’s gun. “I find it fascinating.”

  “What do you find fascinating?” Devil asked.

  She was pulled up from the counter. A hand wrapped around her neck as she was moved backwards around the counter. Ronald held her tight to him. Devil didn’t hold any weapon, but they were being cautious.

  “How amenable you are when it comes to Lexie. I wouldn’t have pegged you for the kind of man to step away from a kill.”

  “Let my woman go.”

  The hand around her neck tightened.

  “Let her go, Ronald,” Gonzalez said.

  Lexie was thrust into Devil’s arms as the two men left their house. She wrapped her arms around his neck, never wanting him to let go. Devil buried his head against her neck.

  “Thank you,” she said, sobbing against his chest.

  “Baby, I promise you that you will always come first.”

  “How did you know he was here?” She didn’t even want to think about what would have happened if Devil hadn’t been here. Would Ronald have hurt her? Or would Gonzalez?

  “I talked with Tiny. Gonzalez called Butch, and the bastard let him know that we were back in Piston County.”

  He kissed her neck, offering her some comfort with the warmth of his arms.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too, baby. I promise you that I wasn’t even tempted to risk your life. I couldn’t live without you.”

  “Do you think it was a test?” she asked, worried. Did Gonzalez come to test Devil?

  “Are you hurt?” He pulled her head back, and she saw he was looking in her eyes and over her body.

  “I’m not hurt.”

  “He pushed you on top of the counter, hard.”

  “Devil, the guy who held me, Ronald, he wasn’t hard. It was a test of some kind. I don’t think he was going to hurt me.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Lex. As far as I’m concerned, Ronald’s a fucking dead man, along with Gonzalez. He touched what was mine.” He cupped her cheek, turning her face this way and that. “No one touches you but me.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, holding her tightly.

  After several seconds they were interrupted by his cell phone. Getting to her feet, she gave him privacy and made her way into the kitchen. Simon was standing at the edge of the play area looking toward them.

  The moment he saw her, he lifted his arms up. “Cuddle, Mommy.”

  Going to him, she pulled him into her arms. Simon surprised her by wrapping his arms around her neck and stroking her hair. “I love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you, too, angel.”

  “I don’t like that bad man. He was going to hurt you.” Simon always surprised her with his observation. “Daddy wouldn’t let him hurt you.”

  She got a kiss on the cheek and he tightened his arms around her. Her body was shaking from what happened.

  “I’m okay, honey.” She placed him down on the ground.

  “I want to see Tabitha,” he said.

  Staring down at him, Lexie smiled. “We’ll see Tabitha soon.” Out of all the children, Tabitha had been the one kid that Simon gravitated toward.

  Stepping back, she quickly put the kettle on for something to do with her hands. She hated what just happened, and she struggled to stop her hands from shaking.

  “We need to get to the hospital,” Devil said.


  “Judi’s been badly beaten. We need to go and help Ripper. He’s beside himself as he left her alone this morning.”

  There was no need to argue. She turned the kettle off and started to grab the kids.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Devil and several of the crew stood outside of Judi’s door. Ripper was beside her bed, holding her hand with Lexie in the room. Phoebe was taking care of the kids in the sitting room.

  “What the fuck happened?” Death asked.

  “We’re waiting for her to wake up. Ripper was at the club this morning, and when he went home, he called us after the ambulance. The doctors had to take her into surgery to drain the excess fluid from her brain. She got hit in the head,” Devil said. Judi was his daughter, and he was able to get all the information he needed from the doctors.

  She was in a medically induced coma until it was safe to wake her up. Devil hadn’t gone into the room yet. He couldn’t. After the visit this morning and the threat against Lexie, he wouldn’t be able to handle seeing the damage to Judi. Today he’d had the perfect opportunity to take Gonzalez out, and he couldn’t do it because of Lexie. The bastard would have killed her, and the thought of having Lexie’s blood on his hands filled him with dread. She was the one good thing in his world.

  “Who would touch Judi?” Pussy asked.

  “I don’t know. When she wakes up we’ll find out.”

  “Boss, you’re shaking,” Snake said.

  Devil looked down at his hands to see that he was actually shaking.

  “Gonzalez paid a visit to the house today. He wasn’t expecting me at home, and he brought with him one of the bastards that works for him, Ronald.” He kept his gaze on the glass.

  Ripper’s head was pressed against Judi’s hand. Lexie was holding onto his shoulder, trying with all of her might to comfort him.

  In his mind, Devil saw Ronald pressing her against the counter, about to rape her. He didn’t know how far Ronald or Gonzalez would have taken it, but that was already too much for him.

  “Fuck, boss,” Pussy said. “Why didn’t you call us?”

  “There wasn’t enough time. By the time I realized he was in my house, there was no time to warn anyone.” Devil pressed a hand to the glass. His gaze was on Lexie. He loved Judi like a daughter, but Lexie was his very reason for breathing. She’d been pretty shaken up by what was happening, and he’d seen the way Simon held onto her.

  His son was as protective of Lexie as he was.

  “What did they want?” Death asked.

  “I don’t know what he wanted. I could have shot him and ended all of this.” He spoke the words through gritted teeth. Years ago, before he met Lexie, he’d have killed Gonzalez without any worry of anything happening to the woman. He’d met Lexie, and now he couldn’t take any risks.

  “Then why fucking didn’t you?” Snake asked. “We’re all waiting for a reason and an opportunity to take this man out and you pass it up?”

  Staring at his woman and then at the bed, he could only see part of Judi’s face. She didn’t deserve this, and neither did his woman.

  “Ronald had a gun at Lexie’s head. I could take out Gonzalez, but Ronald was going to kill Lexie. He could have also taken out one of my kids before I shot him. There was too much to lose.” He kept his gaze on his woman, needing to know in his heart that she was safe.

  His men were
silent for several moments.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I know what I lost today. Judi’s attack had to have been happening while he was with us. We know Everett is dead, and Pussy killed Homer. Who else does he have to work for him?” Devil wasn’t going to allow this to simply pass him. He was going to get retribution for Kayla and for Judi.

  “I don’t know. He’s got favors. We know that much from Whizz and the Fort Wills police force.”

  Turning away from the window, Devil wiped at his eyes in an attempt to clear his thoughts. He had to think.

  “There could be someone on the police force, but they wouldn’t risk it. Gonzalez would know that’s where we go for first.”

  Staring at his men, he waited for them to come up with an idea. They all looked as confused as he was.

  “It has to be one of the pimps over at the apartment blocks,” Ripper said.

  Devil turned to see Ripper standing in the doorway. His eyes were red-rimmed, and he looked like shit.

  “You don’t need to be part of this. We’re trying to figure shit out. Your woman needs you.”

  “Judi’s not waking up anytime soon. She put up a fight. Whoever it was broke into our house. They did a rape kit.” Ripper paused as he stared at the ground.

  Devil felt his gut tighten.

  “Whoever it was they didn’t get a chance to do anything more than beat her up. I didn’t hear or see anything when I walked in. It had to be me arriving that was the reason he stopped before he violated her further. I didn’t give myself a chance to fucking listen for someone escaping. Fuck, I could have taken this fucker out.” Ripper cupped the back of his head, cursing.

  “You can’t blame yourself, and you did stop him from hurting her further,” Devil said. He had no doubt of Ripper’s love for Judi. Everyone in the club knew Ripper would die trying to save Judi.

  “Shit, boss, what do you think this is all about?” Pussy asked.

  Twisting away from the group, he watched as his woman sat in the chair that Ripper had vacated. She was stroking Judi’s brow, probably talking to her.

  “Gonzalez is playing a game. I don’t think this is personal. I actually don’t think he gives a shit about an alliance with us or with The Skulls. All these attacks, the deaths, this is a warning for others. When Gonzalez takes over, either join him or die, it’s as simple as that. There’s no getting away from this.”

  “I want to find the fucker who did this. The only people Gonzalez can send to Judi are pimps. Whizz didn’t reach out to them. They’re the only ones left close enough to Piston County to be left alone. None of us have gone searching for the pimps. We’ve been too fucking busy with all this shit. He’s got a couple of them over at the apartment blocks where Judi used to work.” Ripper wiped a hand down his face. “I need to be part of this. I can’t sit around and watch her like this. I shouldn’t have abandoned her this morning. Fuck!”

  Ripper glanced behind him.

  “This is not something you should do today,” Devil said.

  “Yes, it is. When Judi wakes up, I’m not leaving her side. Whoever did this needs to be caught today. I’m not handing him over to the law. I’m going to kill him.”

  “Get the boys,” Devil said, agreeing with him. “We’ll meet at the apartment block where we first met Judi.”

  They all left him stood outside of Judi’s room.

  Letting out a breath, he closed his eyes as he tried to think past the pain of what had happened to Judi. She was under the Chaos Bleeds’ protection. Not only was she the princess of the club, his adopted daughter, but she was also an old lady and the men loved her.

  When he could stand it no more he walked inside the room.

  Judi’s face was badly bruised, and she had a white bandage all over her head. Lexie held her hand, and he saw Judi’s hand had another bandage. Her leg was covered in a cast. He recalled the doctor say her leg had been broken. When he asked how that was possible, the doctor explained that with enough force on the body the bone could break easily.

  “Devil, she’s hurting,” Lexie said.

  “She can’t feel it.” He moved behind his woman, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I promise the doctor promised that.”

  “I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about during the attack. She fought back, Devil. She fought back harder than ever before. No one should have had to go through this.” Lexie glanced over her should at him. “What are you going to do?”

  “The boys are rounding up some men. We’re going to take care of this, and I promise you, nothing else will happen.”

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  “Get in touch with Phoebe. Tell her to get our kids and herself to the clubhouse. I’ll put a guard on Judi’s door. I doubt Ripper’s going to leave her side without a fight.”

  “He’s left her side now.”

  “Only to get a little payback. Before the end of this day, he’ll be back and waiting for her to wake up.”

  Lexie covered his hand with her own. “This is a nightmare. Do you have a clue who did this?” she asked.

  “I don’t know who did it, but I’m not going to stop until I find out the truth. You’ve got my word on that, Lexie.” He leaned down to brush a kiss against her cheek. “I’m going to retaliate for your sister, and I’m going to make sure whoever did this will not be walking around by the end of the day.”

  He saw she closed her eyes as he kissed her cheek.

  “What about Gonzalez?” she asked.

  “I’ll talk to Tiny. I think we’re going to be heading back to Fort Wills before long. It’s time to put an end to this.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too, baby. You don’t need to tell me what you’re thinking or feeling just to get me moving.” He tried to tease her.

  “I’m not. I know this time it’s worse than ever before.”

  “I’m going to send one of the boys to you here.” Devil kissed her cheek and reluctantly walked out of the room. He looked back at her, to see Lexie grasping Judi’s hand and praying.

  She shouldn’t be praying.

  Without giving it anymore thought, he left the hospital and grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket. Dialing Tiny’s number, he waited for the other man to answer.

  “What the fuck do you want now?” Tiny asked.

  “Gonzalez paid me a visit today.”

  “Is he dead?”

  “No. I couldn’t kill him. He brought a friend who would have killed Lexie. I love my woman a lot more alive than with a bullet through her head.”

  Tiny cursed. “I don’t know about you, Devil, but I’m getting tired of men trying to use our women against us.”

  “I hear you. Kayla, Lexie’s sister, was used as a test for Everett. Gonzalez wanted to know if the guy would do whatever he asked. He got his answer.”

  “Eva wants to know how Lexie is holding up.”

  Devil sighed. “That’s what I’ve got to tell you. Someone went after Judi. She’s been beaten up pretty bad and is surviving in a medically induced coma. We’re waiting to see how she is when she wakes up.”

  It was taking every ounce of strength to keep in his anger. No one went after his family, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he was becoming.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry.”

  “I want to organize the wedding. I want Gonzalez vulnerable, and I want to kill whoever is working for him.” Devil stopped, moving the cell phone to his other ear. “The faster we put this fucker in the ground, the happier I’ll be.”

  “He’s coming after all of our family. That leaves a couple of thoughts, he lied, which we know he did, or he’s getting desperate. We know he’s lost what his father created back in Europe.”

  Devil listened as Tiny started to list everything Gonzalez had left behind. “He wants Piston County, Fort Wills, and Vegas, and I bet he plans to expand his business there. Who needs a base in Europe if he controls most of the states here?”
br />   “I got a call from Ned last night,” Tiny said. “He didn’t know about the hit on Eva, but he caught one of Gonzalez’s men. A pimp and drug dealer who Whizz couldn’t get in touch with. He was paid to start looking at the competition in Vegas. Slowly, he was going to build up a portfolio for Gonzalez to come and use people against them. Ned hasn’t been attacked in some time, and he’s found a way past the system to get us some men. Whizz has taken all the men Gonzalez pitted against us. The cops and men in Fort Wills are no longer answering Gonzalez’s calls. We’re ahead at the moment, but we don’t know if he’s got more people up his sleeves.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Devil asked, straddling his bike. He saw one of his men, Butler, he believed, drive into the hospital. A few months ago Butler had been one of the brothers who spent a great deal of time at the bottom of a bottle and some coke rather than face whatever problems he had. When Devil ordered rehab, Butler was one of the first men to take the rehab and get better.

  Butler pulled in front of him.

  “I’m saying that I’m in talks with Ned. We’re going to get a few of his men here within the week. The more men we have wanting to get rid of Gonzalez the better we’ll be.”

  “Okay, we’ll deal with it in a week. That what we agreeing on, one week?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to get Butch to put the women in a secured location while we lure Gonzalez into the town hall. The aim is to have minimal civilians present.”

  “Eva’s been making plans then.”

  “Yeah, she’s been having my balls, but I can’t argue with her when I’m wrong.” Tiny sounded stressed even over the line.

  “I’m going to start some retaliation here. I can’t let shit like this stand. We’re agreeing on a week until the wedding. Don’t worry, we won’t be staying around too long.”

  “Devil,” Tiny said.

  “No, you called my women whores. I’m not going to just forgive. We sort out this mess with Gonzalez, and then I suggest we go our separate ways. I don’t agree with how you run the club or Alex’s involvement. Once this is done, we’re done.”


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