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Revenge Page 27

by Sam Crescent

  Taking his time in touching her legs, he made sure she was gasping when he finally put his fingers across her pussy. Opening the lips of her sex, he stared down at her swollen clit. Putting her feet on the end of the bed, he went to his knees and knelt between her spread thighs.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he moaned as the taste of her exploded on his tongue. He was rock hard, begging to simply thrust inside her tight cunt. Devil forced himself to hold back from simply fucking her hard. It was hard for him to do as all he wanted to do was ram home.

  “Fuck, Devil.” She screamed his name, arching up.

  The rope kept her in place and gave him plenty of room to play with her.

  Pressing two fingers inside her pussy, he sucked her clit into his mouth, biting down on the small nub. She screamed out her pleasure as he touched her pussy. This was going to be their last night together until they took out Gonzalez.

  “Fuck.” She cried out his name. Her legs closed around his head.

  He didn’t let up on touching her pussy. Moving down, he thrust his tongue into her cunt then slid up to tongue her clit.

  Devil changed between her clit and cunt.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come,” she said.

  Pressing two fingers inside her, he focused on her clit, watching her come apart.

  She screamed louder than ever before. Her cream soaked his fingers as her cum spilled onto him. Lapping at her clit, he closed his eyes, relishing the taste and feel of her.

  Only when she begged him to stop did he go back to sitting on the chair in front of her. Wiping her cream from his mouth, he sucked his fingers into his mouth.

  “You taste so fucking sweet, baby,” he said.

  She whimpered. “Please, Devil. You’ve done your torture, please, just fuck me. I can’t stand to wait anymore.”

  Lexie turned so that he could see her eyes. The need within her was reflected back at him.

  “I’ll take you when I’m ready.” Fisting his cock, Devil had an idea.

  Going to the bed, he untied the rope and flipped her over onto her knees. When he was satisfied with her in place, he retied the rope back into place.

  Once he was satisfied with the ropes and the way Lexie was on her knees for him able to see her creamy cunt and ass, he took a seat on the chair once again.

  “You’ve got no idea how tempting you look to me,” he said.

  No, he couldn’t handle it anymore. He needed to be inside her.

  Climbing onto the bed, he cupped her hips drawing her back on the bed. With one hand, he held her hip and with the other, he gripped his cock. Pressing the tip to her creamy pussy, he slid the first few inches inside her.

  “Yes,” she said, moaning.

  When he was inside her enough, he placed both hands at her hips and slammed inside.

  Her moan turned to a scream. Devil didn’t mind what sounds she made so long as he could hear them.

  Pulling out of her heat, he thrust back inside.

  The heat of her pussy surrounded him. Closing his eyes, he pounded inside her for several strokes.

  Opening his eyes, he watched his slick cock appear and disappear inside her. Her cum covered his cock with each thrust.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.

  Fucking her from behind, doggy style, was not what he wanted anymore. Withdrawing from her warmth, he reached up to the rope. Working the knot, he released her hands, and together they climbed up the bed. He took hold of her hands in his and pressed them down on either side of her head.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him to her. Holding both of her hands within his, he reached down between them. Sliding the tip of his cock through her slit, he coated his hard prick with her cream before moving down to press inside. She took every inch of him without complaint. Once he was all the way inside her pussy, Devil closed his eyes basking in the feel of her.

  He rested his head against hers.

  “Devil?” she asked.

  “Sh, I just want to feel you around me. This is what I love the most. I love holding you, knowing you’re all mine.”

  Capturing her hands within his, he held them to the bed and pulled away so he could look down at her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  Leaning down, he took possession of her mouth. He wasn’t careful about the kiss he gave her. Sliding his tongue within her mouth, he deepened the kiss.

  She opened up for him, meeting each of his strokes with her own tongue.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me what I need,” he said.

  Lexie kissed him back, and only when he couldn’t stand to simply be inside her did he start to move. Pumping his hips in and out of her, Devil took his time to build up a pace. He didn’t want this to be over yet. The only man he wanted Lexie to want was himself. Even if he died, he wanted it to be hard for her to replace him. He knew it was selfish, but he really didn’t care either way.

  “You’re so fucking tight. I love being inside you, and I never want to fucking leave.”

  “Please, Devil. Harder.”

  He didn’t give her what she wanted right away. Devil made sure she earned it. She tightened her grip on his hands as she kissed him back.

  Finally, he pulled all the way out of her body so that only the tip of him was inside her. Using all of his strength and force, he slammed back inside. The headboard hit the wall. There was no stopping his thrusts. Holding himself up from her but also keeping hold of her hands, Devil pounded inside her pussy, watching her response to his thrusts. She cried out. Her lips opened to release her screams.

  “I love you,” he said.

  There was no stopping his thrusts now. He fucked her hard, ramming in deep so that it was on the verge of pleasure and pain for her. Devil wanted to imprint and leave a brand on and inside her body so that she’d never forget about him.

  Releasing one of her hands, he ordered her to touch herself. The only thing he was waiting for was for her to come all over his cock. He felt her hand stroking her bud.

  Slowing his thrusts, he waited and watched her response. Her eyes sparkled with lust. She gasped as she grazed her clit. He knew she loved being filled with cock when she was close to coming. Devil wasn’t going to deny her.

  Within minutes her orgasm crashed over her. He didn’t stop thrusting inside her. Devil kept up his strokes, loving the feel of her pretty pussy tightening around him.

  “Fuck,” he said, growling the word. It was the only word he got out, and seconds later his orgasm took him by surprise. Holding onto her hands, he pressed his head to hers.

  Blood pounded through his veins as the pleasure pulsed throughout him.

  Releasing her hands, he held Lexie tight to him.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too.”

  Kissing her neck, he breathed in the scent of her.

  “Is there anything I can say that will stop you from leaving?” she asked.

  He looked down at her seeing the worry back in her eyes. “Don’t spoil tonight.”

  “We’re about more than good sex,” she said. “The thought of you dying makes it hard for me to breathe.”

  He stroked her nose, seeing the pain in her eyes.

  “You need to stop worrying. I’m going to do everything in my power to come back to you.”

  Her hands were resting on his back while he stared down at her. His cock was flaccid but remained inside her.

  “I don’t want to think about tomorrow,” he said.

  “Then let’s not. We’ve got tonight together.”

  He released her body, pulling out of her tight warmth. Standing up, he tugged on her hand and picked her up in his arms.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We’re going to have a wash and then we’re going to fuck. I’m banning talk for the rest of the night. You don’t need to worry about the future. I’ll take care of all of our futures.”

  Entering the bathroom, he was careful not to bang her
head on the doorframe. She rested her head against his chest.

  He liked doing this, holding his woman in his arms and caring for her. Lexie gave him a reason for living. Turning the shower on, he placed her on the floor and brought her closer to him.

  “Now, I’m going to wash you, and you’re going to love every second that I touch you.” He pushed her hair off her shoulders, revealing her body to his touch.

  The future could wait while he spent the night loving her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Staring down at his woman, who was finally sleeping after a night of loving, Devil was tempted to climb back in bed and stay with her. He couldn’t do it no matter how much he wanted to. The rest of the club was going to be waiting for him. Some of his men were staying behind to look after the women, but several of his men were coming with him. Even as he thought this, he didn’t walk away from her. In sleep she looked relaxed, happy. He didn’t want to cause her any more pain.

  “No matter what happens, Lex, I love you.” He pressed a kiss to her head and left the room. Phoebe was stood across the hall, grasping Vincent’s jacket.

  “Please, don’t go,” she said.

  “I’ve got to, baby. I can’t stay here knowing the risk that bastard poses to our kids.”

  Phoebe looked up to him. “You’ll take care of him, right? Make sure he comes back to me alive.”

  Devil nodded. “I’ll do everything I can to make sure we all come back alive.”

  Phoebe still didn’t look happy. The tears were falling from her face faster than Vincent could wipe them away.

  “You’re going to stay with Lex, right?” Devil asked, trying to distract her.


  “When we’re done today I want to pick Lexie up so we can get on the road. Make sure she packs. I don’t care what you do, but make sure she has enough for a few days. I called Tiny. He’s pulled the wedding to the day after tomorrow. Gonzalez should be making his way out of town today.” Devil had plenty of plans, not all of them including the other club. He wasn’t bluffing when it came to The Skulls. When Gonzalez was dead, they were over as a family.

  “I’ll make sure she packs and has everything with her. Do you want me to pack for the kids?” Phoebe released Vincent, wiping the tears from her face as she did.

  This was the point he was undecided. If Gonzalez knew them like he made out then he knew Devil wouldn’t leave his kids behind for a family event. To the outside world, this wedding was a family event.

  “Yes, pack the kids.” They were not getting near the town hall, but whoever was watching them would see that he had every intention of participating.

  “She’s not going to like it, Devil. Lexie’s not going to want the kids involved in all of this.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “Tell her to trust me. I know what I’m doing, and plans are already in motion to make it all work.” It wasn’t a lie, or at least as far as he was aware, it wasn’t a lie.

  “Okay, I’ll tell her.” Phoebe returned her gaze to Vincent. “Be careful.”

  Devil watched as Vincent reached out, sinking his fingers into Phoebe’s hair. “I’m always careful.”

  Feeling like a voyeur to the kiss, Devil turned away to give the couple their moment. Phoebe moaned, and seconds later Vincent cleared his throat. Together they made their way downstairs. He heard Phoebe quietly close the door.

  “If you don’t want to do this then you can change places with someone else. I’m not forcing men to do this,” Devil said. He liked Phoebe and Vincent, always had, and the thought of separating the two love-birds filled him with regret.

  “No, I need to do this. I’ve seen what Gonzalez has done to us. I don’t want to walk away unless I know Gonzalez is not fucking breathing.” The determination in Vincent relieved Devil a little.

  “Okay. We can do this, and we’ll be back to our women in no time.” Devil walked downstairs to find his men waiting for him.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Vincent said. “If not, you’re going to get us all killed.”

  “I know what I’m doing.” Devil nodded to all of the men. He wasn’t going to risk talking to them. If Lexie rushed downstairs begging him not to go then he’d give in. This had to be done, and he had to trust Phoebe to do as he asked.

  They all left the clubhouse, climbing on their bikes.

  Taking one last look behind him, Devil knew after today nothing was ever going to be the same again.

  The sound of the engines filled the air. One by one they filed out of the compound heading toward Jerry’s house. He made sure all the men knew where they were going to go first. Several feet from Jerry’s house, Devil stopped, parking his bike. Climbing off, he made his way toward Jerry’s front door. When he was covered by plenty of trees and shade, he drew his gun.

  Knocking on the door, Devil waited.

  Seconds later a woman opened the door. She sported a black eye, and the shirt she wore was covered in blood. Grabbing her arm, Devil spun her so that her back was pressed to his front. “Don’t make a fucking sound and you’ll live.”

  She nodded. Pushing her toward the men, he saw them all preparing her down the line. Someone would take her to a safe house and join them shortly.

  Going through the door, Devil took his time entering the house. Jerry’s place smelled of pot, sex, and death. Passing one of the rooms, he saw a woman with bruises around her neck lying on the floor. The stench of death was foulest in that room.

  “Bitch, who was at the door?” A man yelled from the direction of the kitchen.

  Devil signaled to the men that shit was about to get ugly. He hoped they had the surprise factor about them.

  “Bitch, you better fucking answer me.”

  Staying still, Devil raised his gun, ready to fire.


  The man appeared out of the kitchen door, looking ready to commit murder. Devil didn’t give him chance to get away. He fired his weapon. He didn’t have a silencer on the gun, and within seconds they had at least three other men on their ass. Charging for the man in the kitchen, Devil smashed the man’s face against the counter.

  “Make sure they don’t make a call,” Devil said, yelling the words for his men to hear. Wrapping a towel around the man’s throat, Devil put all of his weight behind it, cutting off the man’s air. He held tightly, refusing to back down.

  When the man made no move to fight, Devil released him. Touching his pulse, he found he was dead.

  “Devil, we’re all okay. They were too high on fucking drugs to get a clear shot off,” Pussy said.

  “I’ve sent a couple of girls off with Butler. The others are dead,” Death said.

  Looking around the kitchen, Devil shook his head. “Yeah, they’ve used Jerry’s place as their own little sex and drug den.”

  He left the kitchen and found his men waiting in the center of the main hall.

  “I didn’t have to leave this spot,” Snake said. “This is shit.”

  “They’re hitting the strip club,” Vincent said. “I got kicked out a few weeks ago, and I’ve not been allowed back in since. They’ve got hookups all over the place.”

  “Why wasn’t I told?” Devil asked, angry that he’d truly lost shit in his own town.

  “You were in Fort Wills, and we were making drops left, right, and center,” Vincent said. “We’ve got shit loads to deal with.”

  Devil shook his head. He’d fucked up.

  “Then we weed them out one by one. I don’t want any memory of Gonzalez in this town.”

  Dialing Tiny’s number, Devil waited for the man to answer.

  “We’re all set for tomorrow,” Tiny said.

  “Good. I want Whizz to get online and get me information on all of Gonzalez’s businesses in Piston County. I don’t care what it takes or what it costs. That fucker is being wiped from my town today.”

  He heard Tiny shout the order.

  “Butch has been in touch with Gonzalez. He’s on his way to town.

  “Good. I’m making sure our men don’t get the chance of making a call. Gonzalez put all of his men to work, and some of them will be with him in Fort Wills. Keep an eye and get Whizz to look into who he’s got connections with.”

  “Will do. How’s Judi?” Tiny asked.

  Devil paused, looking at his men. Ripper’s absence was felt by all of them. “She’s still in a coma. I don’t know if she’s going to come out of it.” He hung up the phone. “Whizz will have all the details we need.”

  “Where are we going next?” Pussy asked.

  “We’re going to pay a visit to our strip club. It’s time we put that place to ground.” Devil left the house, feeling the weight of Jerry’s death on his shoulders. Jerry, Ashley—they were deaths that should never have happened.

  “Boss, do you think this will work?” Pussy stood beside his back as he straddled the machine.

  “I don’t know if it will work, but it’ll certainly make me feel better.” He turned on the engine, preparing his machine to take off.

  “I guess I have my doubts on what we can do.” Pussy shrugged, heading back to his bike.

  He watched his men ready to take off and follow him.

  Are you doing the right thing?

  He thought about Lexie, his kids, all the lost lives he’d dealt with in the past. Yes, this was the right thing for him to do. Taking Gonzalez out one by one was the only way for them to get their revenge.

  The ride to the strip club was uneventful. They passed the town as people got about their business. Some of the locals stopped to watch them pass. He ignored all of them, including a couple of women who showed off their breasts. Devil wasn’t in the mood to deal with a fan club for the boys.

  Outside of the strip club, he cut the engine, and he didn’t even wait for his men. He started to move through the building, taking down men. Girls and women screamed as they heard him coming.

  His men started to fire bullets, aiming them at their enemy. Each time he fired a bullet he saw Lexie the other morning with a gun pointed at her head. He’d do everything in his power to protect her. Women screamed, and he finished firing his gun. When he was done, he grabbed the bottle of fuel he kept stored in the storage room for when he needed to fill his bike up.


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