and foreign affairs, ref1
fragile health of, ref1, ref2
public figures vilified by, ref1
Stockton title of, ref1
and Suez, ref1, ref2, ref3
Thatcher loathes, ref1
and Tolstoy’s polemics, ref1
unpopularity of, ref1
wartime bravery of, ref1 (see also World War One; World War Two)
and wife’s affair with Boothby, ref1
Macmillan, Maurice Crawford, ref1
Macmillan, Maurice Victor, ref1, ref2
Macmillan, Nellie, ref1
Macmillan, Sarah, ref1
Mahony, Rev. Francis (‘Father Prout’), ref1
Major, John, ref1, ref2, ref3
The Making of the English Working Class (Thompson), ref1, ref2
Makins, Roger, ref1
Malenkov, Georgy, ref1
Mallon, Seamus, ref1
Malmesbury, Lady, ref1
Malone, Edmond, ref1
‘The Man Who Would Be King’ (Kipling), ref1
Mandela, Nelson, ref1
Mann, Thomas, ref1
Manners, Lady Diana, ref1
Mansfield, Katherine, ref1, ref2
Mao Zedong, ref1, ref2
A Map of the World (Hare), ref1
Margot at War (de Courcy), ref1
‘The Mark on the Wall’ (Woolf), ref1
Marquand, David, ref1
Mars, Tim, ref1
Marshall, Alfred, ref1
Martin, David, ref1
‘Martin’s Close’ (James), ref1
Masaryk, Jan, ref1
Masefield, John, ref1, ref2
Maskhadov, Aslan, ref1
Maudling, Reginald, ref1, ref2, ref3
Maurice, F. D, ref1
Mehta, Ved, ref1
Melbourne, Lord, ref1
Memento Mori (Spark), ref1
The Memoirs of Walter Bagehot (Prochaska), ref1
Men and the Fields (Bell, Nash), ref1
Metcalfe, ‘Baba Blackshirt’, ref1
Metcalfe, ‘Fruity’, ref1
Methodism, ref1
decline in, ref1, ref2
‘form of psychic masturbation’, ref1
Methodism: Empire of the Spirit (Hempton), ref1
The Middle Way (Macmillan), ref1
Middlemarch (Eliot), ref1
Middleton, Peter, ref1
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare), ref1
Miguel Street (Naipaul), ref1
Milbanke, Sir John, ref1
The Military Philosophers (Powell), ref1
Miller, Terence, ref1
Millgate, Prof. Michael, ref1, ref2
Milton, John, ref1
The Mind of Gladstone (Bebbington), ref1, ref2
The Minister and the Massacres (Tolstoy), ref1
Minto, Lord, ref1
The Mission Song (le Carré), ref1
Mitford, Diana, ref1, ref2
Mitford, Nancy, ref1, ref2, ref3
Mitford, Pamela, ref1
Mitford, Unity, ref1
Molière, ref1
Moltke, Helmuth von, ref1, ref2
Monnet, Jean, ref1
Montagu, Edwin, ref1
Moore, Charles, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Moorehead, Alan, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Morris, William, ref1, ref2
Morrison, Herbert, ref1
Morrison, Sara, ref1
Mosley, Alexander, ref1
Mosley, Cimmie, ref1
Mosley, Oswald, ref1, ref2, ref3
and abdication crisis, ref1
ancestors of, ref1
and anti-Semitism, ref1, ref2, ref3
and electoral failure, ref1
hereditary blackguard, ref1
jailed, ref1, ref2
and released, ref1
‘most unpopular person in England’, ref1
‘most vindictive hater’, ref1
and New Party, ref1, ref2
parsimony exhibited by, ref1
as womanizer, ref1
as youngest MP, ref1
Motion, Andrew, ref1
Mountbatten, Edwina, ref1
Mountbatten, Lord, ref1, ref2
Mrs Dalloway (Woolf), ref1, ref2
Muggeridge, Malcolm, ref1, ref2
Mumford, Lewis, ref1, ref2
Murdoch, Iris, ref1
Murdoch, Rupert, ref1
Murphy, Bob, ref1
Murray, Andy, ref1
Murray’s Berkshire Architectural Guide (Betjeman, Piper), ref1
Mussolini, Benito, ref1, ref2, ref3
Nabokov, Vladimir, ref1, ref2
Naipaul. V. S., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
(see also individual works)
and father, ref1
and Hare play, ref1
and spirituality, ref1
Namier, Sir Lewis, ref1 Napoleon III, ref1, ref2
Nash, John, ref1, ref2, ref3
Nasmith, Lt-Cdr, ref1
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, ref1
Nazarbayev, Nursultan, ref1
Needham, Joseph, ref1
‘A Neighbour’s Landmark’ (James), ref1
New Grub Street (Gissing), ref1
Newman, Cardinal John Henry, ref1
Newton, Douglas, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Niblett, Bryan, ref1, ref2, ref3
Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens), ref1, ref2
Nicolson, Adam, ref1
Nietzsche, Friedrich, ref1
Niven, David, ref1
Norfolk, Duke of, ref1, ref2
Northcliffe, Lord, ref1
Norton, William, ref1, ref2
Not for Turning (Harris), ref1, ref2
Nuttall, Prof. A. D., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Nuttall, Jeff, ref1
Oakeshott, Michael, ref1, ref2
Oaten, Mark, ref1
O’Casey, Eileen, ref1
O’Casey, Seán, ref1
O’Connell, Daniel, ref1, ref2
The Odd Women (Gissing), ref1
‘Ode to Autumn’ (Keats), ref1, ref2
‘Ode to a Nightingale’ (Keats), ref1
‘Oh, Whistle and I’ll Come to You, My Lad’ (James), ref1
Okri, Ben, ref1
The Old Devils (Amis), ref1
Ollard, Richard, ref1, ref2
On Behalf of Russia (Ransome), ref1, ref2
On Drink (Amis), ref1
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), ref1
The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (Waugh), ref1
Orlando (Woolf), ref1
Ortega y Gasset, José, ref1
Orwell, George, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Osborne, Helen, ref1
Osborne, John, ref1, ref2 (see also individual works)
CND supported by, ref1
depression suffered by, ref1, ref2
as Porter understudy, ref1
and religion, ref1
trade periodicals work of, ref1
Who’s Who entry of, ref1
Osborne, Nellie Beatrice, ref1
Osborne, Nolan, ref1
O’Sullivan, John, ref1
Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), ref1
Owen, Dr David, ref1
Owen, Peter, ref1
Owen, Susan, ref1
Owen, Tom, ref1
Owen, Wilfred, ref1
killed, ref1
and mother, ref1
sexuality of, ref1
wit, realism and directness of, ref1
Pakenham, Thomas, ref1
Palmer, Christopher, ref1, ref2, ref3
Palmerston, Lord, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
and American Civil War, ref1
Commons seat of, ref1
five-hour speech of, ref1
at Foreign Office, ref1, ref2
at Home Office, ref1
and Italian unity, ref1
and press, use of, ref1
as prime minister, ref1
as Secretary for War, ref1
igo income of, ref1, ref2
Party in the Blitz (Canetti), ref1, ref2
A Passage to India (Forster), ref1, ref2
Patten, Chris, ref1
Pattison, Mark, ref1
Paul, Leslie, ref1
Pearson, Lady, ref1
Peel, Arthur Wellesley, ref1
Peel, Julia, ref1, ref2
Peel, Sir Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Bagehot’s view of, ref1, ref2
generosity of, ref1
horse throws, ref1
Hurd’s biography of, ref1, ref2
and Ireland, ref1
and police force, ref1
public grief at death of, ref1
strong-willed foreign policy of, ref1
vibrant presence, ref1
wealth of, ref1
Penn, Pegg, ref1
Penn, Sir William, ref1
Penrose, Roland, ref1
Pentecostalism, ref1
Pepys, Elizabeth, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Pepys, Samuel, ref1, ref2
dalliances of, ref1
failing eyesight of, ref1
imprisonments of, ref1
last years of, ref1
Perry, Fred, ref1
Grand Slam success of, ref1
outrageous gamesmanship of, ref1
sportswear brand of, ref1
Wimbledon success of, ref1
Perry, Sam, ref1
Peters, Yakov, ref1
Pevsner, Nikolaus, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Philby, Harry St John, ref1
Philby, Kim, ref1
Physics and Politics (Bagehot), ref1, ref2, ref3
Pinion, Dr F. B., ref1, ref2, ref3
Pinochet, Augusto, ref1
Pinter, Harold, ref1, ref2
Piper, John, ref1, ref2, ref3
Pitt, William, the Younger, ref1, ref2
The Pity of War (Ferguson), ref1
Plain Tales from the Hills (Kipling), ref1
Playfair, Sir Edward, ref1
Poetry Society, ref1
Point Counter Point (Huxley), ref1
Pond and Stream (Ransome), ref1
Poole, Lord, ref1
Pooley, Fred, ref1
Pope, Alexander, ref1, ref2
Portsmouth, Lord, ref1
Potter, Stephen, ref1, ref2
Pound, Ezra, ref1, ref2, ref3
Powell, Anthony, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Powell, Charles, ref1
Powell, Enoch, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Powell, Michael, ref1
Powell, Philip, ref1
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (Spark), ref1
Prior, James, ref1, ref2
Prochaska, Frank, ref1, ref2, ref3
Profumo, John, ref1
Proust, Marcel, ref1
Pryce-Jones, Alan, ref1
Puck of Pook’s Hill (Kipling), ref1
Pückler-Muskau, Prince, ref1
Pugh, Martin, ref1, ref2, ref3
Pye, Henry, ref1
Pyke, Geoffrey, ref1
Pym, Barbara, ref1
Queensberry, Lord, ref1, ref2
Quennell, Marilyn, ref1
Quennell, Peter, ref1
Rackham, Dr Oliver, ref1
Radek, Karl, ref1, ref2
Raine, Craig, ref1
Raine, Kathleen, ref1
Randal, 8th Earl of Berkeley, ref1
Ransome, Arthur, ref1, ref2 (see also individual works)
as accredited British agent, ref1
and celebrity interview, ref1
and hero worship, ref1
as propagandist, ref1, ref2, ref3
and Russia, ref1, ref2
Ransome, Ivy, ref1
Ratibor, Princess, ref1
Rattigan, Terence, ref1
Rawlings, William, ref1
Rayleigh, Evelyn, ref1
Rayleigh, Lord, ref1
Red Dean, see Johnson, Dr Hewlett
Redmayne, Martin, ref1
Redwood, John, ref1
Renwick, Lord (Robin), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
The Repatriations from Austria in 1945 (Cowgill), ref1
‘The Residence at Whitminster’ ( James), ref1
The Return of the Native (Hardy), ref1
The Revolt of the Masses (Ortega), ref1
Rhodes, Cecil, ref1, ref2
Rhodes James, Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3
Richard II (Shakespeare), ref1
Richards, Gordon, ref1
Richards, J. M., ref1
Richardson, Ralph, ref1
Richmond, Duchess of, ref1
Rickards, Jocelyn, ref1
Ridley, Jasper, ref1
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Coleridge), ref1
The Rings of Saturn (Sebald), ref1
The Rise of Suburbia (Thompson), ref1
Roberts, Alfred, ref1
Roberts, Andrew, ref1
Robey, George, ref1
Robins, Col. Raymond, ref1
Rodd, Peter, ref1
Roe, Nicholas, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Rogers, Richard, ref1
The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid (Hardy), ref1
Rose, Jonathan, ref1
Rose Price, Lt Col. Robin, ref1, ref2
Rosebery, Lord, ref1, ref2, ref3
crowds loved by, ref1
at Foreign Office, ref1, ref2
and local politics, ref1
and Lords reform, ref1
and ‘model race’, ref1
oratorical skills of, ref1
as prime minister, ref1
properties of, ref1
sexuality of, ref1
spoilt nature of, ref1
three ambitions of, ref1
Rosebery (McKinstry), ref1
Rothermere, Lord, ref1
Rothschild, Hannah de, ref1
Rothschild, Lord, ref1
Rowland, Tiny, ref1
Rowse, A. L., ref1
Rumford, Count, ref1
Running, Arnold, ref1
Rushdie, Salman, ref1, ref2
Ruskin, John, ref1, ref2
Ruskin, John James, ref1
Russell, Bertrand, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Russell, Lord John, ref1, ref2
Sackville-West, Vita, ref1
Sage, Lorna, ref1
St John-Stevas, Norman, ref1, ref2
Saki, ref1, ref2
Salisbury, Lord, ref1, ref2
Sampras, Pete, ref1
Sandwich, Earl of, ref1
Sartre, Jean-Paul, ref1
Scargill, Arthur, ref1
Schmidt, Helmut, ref1
Scott, Peter, ref1
Scott, Sir Walter, ref1
Scruton, Roger, ref1, ref2
Searching for Light ( Johnson), ref1
Sebald, W. G. ‘Max’, ref1, ref2, ref3 (see also individual works)
autobiographical wanderings of, ref1
car-crash death of, ref1
and famous people, ref1
on burial customs, ref1
recycling by, ref1
writing style of, ref1
The Secret Glory (Machen), ref1, ref2
Sergeant Shakespeare (Cooper), ref1
Seth, Roshan, ref1
Settling the Bill (Dugdale), ref1
Severn, Joseph, ref1, ref2, ref3
Sewell, Fr Brocard, ref1
Sex and Destiny (Greer), ref1
Shaftesbury, Lord, ref1
Shakeshafte, William, ref1
Shakespeare:An Ungentle Life (Duncan-Jones), ref1
Shakespeare, John, ref1
Shakespeare the Thinker (Nuttall), ref1
Shakespeare, William, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6 (see also individual works)
appearance of, ref1
‘Delphic lines’ of, ref1
fertile mind of, ref1
linguistic difficulties concerning, ref1
‘lost years’ of, ref1
and religion, ref1, ref2
tomb and bust
of, ref1
Shannon, Richard, ref1
Shaw, George Bernard, ref1, ref2, ref3
Shaw, Norman, ref1
Shelepina, Evgenia, ref1
Shelepina, Iroida, ref1, ref2
Shelley, Percy, ref1, ref2
Shephard, Gillian, ref1, ref2
Sheppard, Rev. David, ref1
Sheppard, Rev. Dick, ref1, ref2
Sherman, Alfred, ref1
Shirley, John, ref1
Sickert, Walter, ref1
Sidgwick, Henry, ref1, ref2
Sieff, Israel, ref1
Simenon, Georges, ref1
Simond, Louis, ref1
Sinclair-Stevenson, Christopher, ref1
Sisson, C. H., ref1
Sitwell, Dame Edith, ref1
Six Weeks in Russia (Ransome), ref1, ref2, ref3
Skelton, Barbara, ref1
Skidelsky Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Skinner, Mary, ref1
The Sleepwalkers (Clark), ref1
Smith, F. E., ref1, ref2, ref3
Soames, Christopher, ref1
The Socialist Sixth of the World ( Johnson), ref1, ref2, ref3
Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, ref1
Something of Myself (Kipling), ref1
‘Sonnet Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition’ (Keats), ref1
Sontag, Susan, ref1
Spark, Muriel, ref1 (see also individual works)
begins writing novels, ref1
and ‘condition of exiledom’, ref1
friendships of, ref1
gay friendships of, ref1
hallucinations suffered by, ref1
London quit by, ref1
and Poetry Society, ref1
and religion, ref1
son’s relationship with, ref1, ref2
Stannard biography of, ref1
Spark, Robin, ref1, ref2
Spark, Solly, ref1
Speak, Memory (Nabokov), ref1
Spence, Lewis, ref1
Spencer, Herbert, ref1
Spies (Frayn), ref1
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (le Carré), ref1
Stalin, Joseph, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Stalin’s Secret War (Tolstoy), ref1
Stallworthy, Jon, ref1
Stanford, Derek, ref1, ref2
Stanley, Venetia, ref1, ref2
Stannard, Martin, ref1
The State in its Relations with the Church (Gladstone), ref1, ref2, ref3
Steffens, Lincoln, ref1
Stephen, J. K., ref1
Stephen, Leslie, ref1
Stephens, Caroline, ref1
Stewart, Dugald, ref1
Stone, Lawrence, ref1
Stopes, Marie, ref1
Stopford, Gen., ref1, ref2
Strachey, Amabel, ref1
Strachey, Lytton, ref1, ref2
English Voices Page 50