I Remember You

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I Remember You Page 9

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Honestly, I haven’t given it much thought. I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to be a secret agent. I might look into doing that.” She noticed the surprised look in Vicky’s eyes and laughed half‒heartily, “What? Do I have something on my face?”

  “Aidan, did you hear what you just said? You remembered something from your childhood!”

  “I did? Oh, my God, I did!” She was so excited, that she pulled Vicky in close, and hugged her tight, then just as quickly, released her. “Oh, uh, sorry about that.”

  Vicky smiled up at her, “Well I’m not.”

  They continued talking, mostly about Aidan’s amnesia, and laughing, mostly about misunderstandings, until it was time to end the night. Aidan drove back to Vicky’s house.

  “I’ve had a really good time, tonight, Aidan. Would you, um, like to come in for a nightcap?”

  “I had a really good time too, Vicky. Really good! But I think maybe, I should go.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll see you at work, then, I guess. Um, thanks again, it was fun.” She leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, though everything inside her screamed for more. Just the mere touch of her lips on Aidan’s cheek sent the hairs on her skin into horripilation.

  Aidan watched her go inside, her hand to her cheek. What the hell am I doing? Why did I let her go, when she clearly, was inviting me in? Am I nuts?


  Friday night left both women exhilarated, unsure, euphoric, panicked, head over heels in love. Saturday morning, after lying in bed, tossing and turning for most of the night, Aidan put on her jacket, shorts and tennis shoes, and went for a run. She could think more clearly when she ran, and what she couldn’t understand, was why she left her standing at the door. She wanted to stay, last night. She wanted to make love to her, a feeling so strong that it scared her. But that tantalizing fear wasn’t what kept her from taking Vicky up in her arms, and possessing her heart. No, her fear derived from the unknown. It was still in the back of her mind that she might not be a nice person. Like the demerits Dr. Kline mentioned. What were they for? She knew if she were a bad person, it could have repercussions on Vicky, and she just wouldn’t risk that. She had to protect her, even if it meant going slower than either of them wanted to. She only hoped that Vicky would wait for her to get her head on straight.

  Vicky jogged down by the river’s edge, and up the Arkansas River Trail. It was a beautiful run that she always looked forward to, in the early morning, when everything was fresh and new. Running usually helped her figure out her problems, but this time it wasn’t working. She thought she had done everything right, last night. They laughed, they danced, and they enjoyed the warmth of each other’s company, to the point that she felt sure they would take it to the next level. Granted, she wasn’t as subtle as she probably could have been, but after waiting all those years, she was impatient. So why did Aidan choke? She hoped it was just that Aidan needed more time. Taking our time can be fun too, right? After all, anticipation is half the fun. While she tried to convince herself that was all it was, she had a nagging fear in the back of her head, that Aidan was pushing her away, again.

  Aidan did a double take, then increased her pace, to catch up with her. “Hey, gorgeous, come here often?”

  “Aid. Fancy meeting you here. Are you following me?” Vicky asked breathlessly.

  Aidan grinned, then sped up and teased, “No, I think perhaps it’s you following me.”

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Vicky ran full out, passed Aidan, and kept on running. By the time Aidan caught up to her again, they were both short of breath, and called a truce.

  “So, I had a really good time last night, Vicky.”

  “I did too, Aidan, that was fun. We should do that again.”

  She grinned, that was what she was hoping to hear. “I’d like that a lot.

  Both women were afraid to ask the question, foremost in their minds. Instead, they finished their run, and reluctantly, went their separate ways.

  Chapter 7

  She sat on the couch and took a sip of wine. Antsy, she got up and walked to the bedroom, but forgot why she was going there. She let out a sigh and walked back to the living room. Taking a sip of her wine, she walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door, standing there, staring into an empty fridge. She sighed again, and walked back into the living room. I could clean the toilet, I guess. Or the closet. Or… “Arggh! Just do it, already.” Vicky picked up her phone, and called Aidan, “Hey, got any plans for tonight?”

  The sound of her buoyant voice sent a shiver down Aidan’s spine, “Nope, not a thing,” Just sitting here, all alone in bed, trying to think of an excuse to call you. “Got something at work that you need a picture of?” Aidan jumped up and clicked the phone on speaker, then set it on the bedside table. She pulled off the raggedy, old t‒shirt, and tossed it to the side. Grabbing a clean shirt from the closet, she quickly pulled on her street clothes, almost falling over as she pulled up her boots.

  “No, um…, I thought maybe, if you wanted to, we could order in, and watch the DVD’s you gave me?”

  “Yeah! Uh, I think that’s a great idea. I would enjoy that, very much,” she rushed around the living room with phone in hand, looking for her billfold and car keys.

  “All right then, it’s a date …, oh, I mean, it should be fun.”

  “I’ll be right over.” Aidan replied, as she opened the door to her car.

  A few minutes later, after breaking several speed limits, Aidan was shown in to Vicky’s living room. The high beam ceiling gave the room a spacious feel, while the subdued corner lighting, brought out its southern charm. An overstuffed tan couch against one wall, adorned with natural palette throw pillows, faced a sixty‒two inch flat screen TV, mounted on the opposite wall. To the right of the couch, a big overstuff chair, with more throw pillows, faced the large bay windows. The windows were covered with sheer voile curtains that gave the room an airy feeling. An expensive area carpet covered the dark stained hardwood floor in front of the couch, and an ottoman, a match to the couch, was appropriately placed, to act as a foot rest. Aidan found the room quite inviting, and under any other circumstance, would have had no trouble relaxing here.

  “You have a beautiful home, Vicky.” Aidan looked at the family photos on the wall, and felt a pang of longing.

  “Thanks, just a few things I threw together.” Though dressed casually in a tank top and blue jeans, Vicky’s makeup was flawless, her hair brushed softly back, and her perfume, light, but enticing.

  “Are you kidding? Compared to my drab little apartment, this place is a mansion.” Aidan was in tight blue jeans, and a t‒shirt that fit snug to her muscular shoulders.

  “Maybe someday I could decorate your apartment for you? Oh um,” she thought she was being too obvious, so she changed the subject, “The pizza will be here in forty‒five minutes.”

  “Good deal. What did you order?” Aidan asked, just to make conversation.

  “Oh, my gosh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking! I should have waited and asked you first. Here, tell me what you like, and I’ll call them back.” Oh boy, major slipup!

  “No, don’t worry about it, I’ll eat anything.”

  “Well then. I ordered a supreme, thin crust, with extra meat and extra sauce. Is that okay?” She watched, as Aidan’s eyes grew wide with surprise.

  “That’s exactly the way I like it.”

  “Whew! What are the odds of that, right?” She was counting on Aidan still liking her pizza the same way as when they were kids. Turning back to the pictures on her wall, Vicky again tried to stir Aidan’s memories, “So, this one is of my parents, and over here are my cousins, and this one is of ‒‒”

  “Is that your father?” Aidan blurted out. Something tugging at her, just below the surface of her memory.

  “Yes,” Vicky replied softly, watching for some kind of recognition.

  “You look a lot like him. Are your parents still living?”

  “Yes, and still living in
the same house where I grew up. I try to go see them a couple of times a month, but it’s gotten harder for me to get away from work lately.”

  “Wow. That’s really great that you still have them. I was told mine are dead. I often try to imagine what they were like, but it’s hard… you know?”

  Vicky gently touch Aidan’s elbow, and smiled up at her. Be glad you don’t remember your father, she thought, he was a monster! “So, ready to get comfy and put on the show?”

  The two sat at opposite corners of the couch, uncertainty being the main factor. They watched the show, laughing at the sketches and singing with the musicals. Neither one of them knew the songs very well, but that didn’t matter to them. It was more fun to make up their own words, anyway. Forty‒five minutes, and one DVD later, the pizza arrived. Vicky handed it to Aidan, while she paid the delivery man.

  “Let’s take that into the kitchen, and get some plates and napkins. What do you like to drink, Aid?”

  The kitchen was about three‒fourths the size of the living room, with an island bar separating the formal dining room from the kitchen. It looked to Aidan as though it had never had food prepared in it before, which was very close to the truth, since Vicky was never home long enough to cook. Aidan put the pizza down on the bar, and pulled out a stool.

  “I’ll take a beer, if you have one?” she replied.

  “No problem,” Vicky pulled two bottles of beer out of the mostly barren refrigerator, and handed one to Aidan.

  “Great, thanks,” she twisted it open and took a swig, “So how did you come to be the youngest CEO around? I mean, I read your book, but I’d like to hear you tell it.”

  Vicky picked up the napkins, paper plates and two forks, and joined Aidan at the island bar. It took her a little more effort to climb up onto the stool, and that caused Aidan to grin, in spite of herself. Damn, she’s so cute.

  “Well, if you want all the sordid details?”

  “Oh, I do.”

  “Here goes, then. I was a really lonely teenager, so I focused all my energies on my studies. I was able to test out of most of my senior high classes, and started college early. College was a bit better, I made some friends there. Like my friend, Joyce. You saw me with her at work. Anyway, because I majored in two degrees simultaneously, Registered Nurse, and Healthcare Administration, I didn’t have time for much else. After college, I started out as a nurse at St. Frances, and pushed myself up the ladder, as quickly as I could. But really, even with all that, I was just in the right place, at the right time.”

  “So why were you so lonely?” Aidan couldn’t have known the magnitude of her question.

  “Actually, it was of my own choosing. When I was just thirteen, my best friend ran away, and I had a really hard time dealing with that, and the rape too. For years, even though I was lonely, I just didn’t want to be around anyone. So I stayed home and read books, lots and lots of books. And I’d probably still be at home reading, if it hadn’t been for Joyce. She was determined to help me see that I could take back my life, and make a difference in the world.”

  “You mentioned that friend, in your book. Why do you suppose she ran away?”

  “I think she thought she was protecting me. See…” Vicky swallowed hard, and looked over at Aidan, “she was my first.” You. You were my first, Aidan, if only you could remember that.

  “Your first what?” Aidan asked innocently. When she saw Vicky blush, she knew instantly, what she had meant. “Oh! Damn, I’m sorry, I’m such an idiot sometimes,” It was Aidan’s turn to blush, but underneath that blush, stirred an emotion like none other she could remember. “I don’t know what to say, Vicky, I’m sorry.”

  “It was a long time ago,” she shrugged it off, and handed Aidan a slice of pizza.

  “Never regret your first love, kid, even if it was bad.”

  Vicky’s eyes grew large with excitement, She called me kid! “You called me kid!”

  “I did? Uh, was that rude of me? I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from.”

  “No, it’s fine, Aidan. I like it. It reminds me of my friend. Um, anyway, come on, we’re eating pizza and watching TV, remember? Grab your beer and food, and let’s go.”

  Hours later, both women were sitting closer on the couch with their feet propped up on the ottoman, the last slice of pizza growing cold in the box. They laughed until they were too tired to laugh anymore.

  Aidan got up to put the next DVD in the player, but this time, when she sat down, she sat right beside Vicky, and intentionally stretched her arm across the back of the couch. She was close enough now, that she could feel the warmth emanating from Vicky’s body. I could get use to this.

  “Oh, this one is my favorite,” Vicky yawned, “This skit is the funniest thing ever written.”

  It wasn’t long into the show that Aidan noticed Vicky was unusually quiet. Just before, the funniest line ever delivered on network television was said, Vicky fell asleep. She looked over at her and smiled, as Vicky’s head bobbed, waking herself up. Aidan sat perfectly still, not wanting to disturb her. Then she thought, maybe she should leave, and let the woman rest. But before she could say anything, Vicky practically fell into her lap, sound asleep. Aidan sat there, not sure what to do. Finally, she decided to just enjoy the moment, and let her sleep. She grabbed the afghan off the back of the couch and covered Vicky, then timidly stroked her hair from her face. She seems so fragile, so vulnerable, I wish… Aidan quickly gave up on that thought.

  For a very long time, she sat watching this woman, this tender essence, asleep in her lap. My God, you are so beautiful. Gently, she ran her fingers over Vicky’s arm, caressing her, loving the feel of warm skin under her touch.

  “I love you, Vicky,” Aidan whispered. I am crazy in love with you.

  Vicky mumbled in her sleep, “I love you too, Aid.”

  Did she really say that? Did she mean it? Will she remember it? Finally, Aidan drifted off to sleep, with her arm still draped over Vicky’s side, her head resting on the back of the couch.


  “What? Where are you? I can’t see you?” Aidan rushed toward the voice, but was stopped by a bright light, and a loud noise. She jolted awake. It took her a minute to realize she had been dreaming. Then she heard her name, again.

  “Aidan, Aidan where are you?” Vicky called in a childlike voice, “Aidan, please, come back!” The cry was so painful that Vicky woke herself up.

  “I’m right here, kid”

  “What?” confused, she shifted away, “Oh, I’m sorry, I must have fallen asleep.”

  “Nothing to apologize for, but it sounded like you were having a bad dream.”

  “I was? Oh I don’t remember…” All her life, Vicky had been very susceptible to bad dreams. They nearly always happened, when the problem she was unable to solve reestablished its self in her subconscious. Problems that, as a child, she had no ability to handle, and as an adult, she chose to set aside for another time. She began to nervously fuss with the empty pizza box. I wish I could tell you, Aidan!

  Aidan laid her hand on Vicky’s arm, “You were calling my name.”

  “Oh, well, um, it’s probably just because I was with you all day… and, um…”

  “Vicky, I’ve been wanting to do something all night. And I’m going to do it, even if I get fired for it‒‒”

  Vicky dropped the pizza box, and put both hands on the side of Aidan’s face, pulling her in close for a kiss. Aidan was shocked at first, then responded hungrily, parting Vicky’s lips, and slipping her tongue in, sending tingles down Vicky’s back.

  Wanting to taste her, to memorize her, to love her, Vicky moaned, and responded with equal aggression. I love you, Aidan! She pushed Aidan down and leaned over her, never separating from the kiss.

  “Oh, God,” Aidan moaned, “Are you sure, Vicky?”

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  Aidan did as she was told, and hungrily captured Vicky’s lips again, her eager tongue circling them, tasting

  Vicky sighed, another dream come true, as she anticipated finishing what they had started, fifteen years ago. But Aidan suddenly pulled back.

  “What’s wrong?” Vicky looked around, a momentary fear that her mother was here.

  Aidan ran her hand through her tangled bangs and looked away. “Shit!” She took a moment to suppress her frustration, before she turned back, “I can’t Vicky. You don’t understand. I don’t know who I am. I can’t make love to you, when you don’t know who I am.”

  “Oh, Aidan, I know who you are. I’ve always known, and there’s no need to be afraid, not for me.”

  “You’re not a one night stand, damn it. I want more from you, from us, but I can’t ask you to wait until I can remember again.”

  Vicky’s blue eyes paled with understanding, “You will remember, Aida., You will find out who you are, and I want to be there when you do.” She entwined her small fingers with Aidan’s, and pulled her closer, “Please, let me help you find what you’re looking for, Aidan.”

  A fevered kiss, an emotional groan, and Vicky had her answer. Aidan kissed her jaw, the throbbing pulse just below her ear, the hollow of her neck, and undoing the top two buttons on her blouse, Aidan kissed the soft, tender cleft between her breasts. Vicky tilted her head back and moaned at the searing touch of her lips, the tingles that ran down her thighs, and inside her soul. Aidan finished unbuttoning her blouse, letting it fall to the floor, revealing her soft round breasts. She cupped the warm swollen mounds of pink flesh, and was instantly ignited by their response to her touch. With quivering hands, she slid her hand underneath Vicky’s slacks, helping them glide to the floor as well. Much to her delight, Vicky wasn’t wearing panties.

  “Damn, you are so beautiful.” Aidan gasped, appraising every inch of Vicky’s unclothed physique. Her full liquid breasts, offset by soft sensuous shoulders, and a taut abdomen, that softened as it reached her hips. Her legs, though diminutive, were muscular enough to guard from, or invite in, a would be lover, and Aidan was eager to be invited in.


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