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Painless Page 17

by Brooklyn Jones

  It was hard to find a woman who didn't put handcuffs on you once they found out how much you were worth. Hiding my identity from Pearl was the only way. But now she was gone and didn't know anything about her other than her name.

  A week later I'd forgotten all about that pretty brunette and moved on. My brothers and I were moving on a major business deal that could gain us some serious cash.

  John found me in the basement one morning pumping iron on the bench press. “Isn't that too much weight?” he asked, rushing over to spot me.

  I strained as I lifted the two hundred bar of weights above my chest. A few years ago I was only able to do under one-fifty. Not having a job, I had a lot of time on my hands and working out was the natural way to pass it. Add a competing brothers and weight training was all you knew.

  John grabbed the bar and helped me lift it back into place. I sat up and grabbed a white towel to wipe the dripping sweat from my face. “Where are we with Kernal Co?”

  John started lifting two free weights. “We have a meet set up with them later this week,” he grunted.

  “You think they're going to go through with the deal?”

  John strained his bicep as he brought the weight to his shoulder. “Should go smoothly. Their company is in dire need of cash.”

  “Why are we buying another business? We have plenty.”

  John smirked. “You always have to stay on top of the competition.”

  John's explanation made sense. But I still had a nagging feeling that this was a bad move. But I'd never question my older brother.

  John set down the free weights. “You seen that chick that was at the pub last week?”

  He was talking about Pearl. I hadn't seen her but she had been on my mind since that first meeting. I shook my head. “Haven't seen her since that first day.”

  “That's a shame. She was a fine piece of ass. Someone you can actually take home to mother. If you know what I mean.”

  I knew exactly what he meant. Pearl was smoking hot but didn't look like the other bimbos I'd dated in the past.

  Chapter Seven


  I sat in the library, daydreaming about Alexander. His tight shirt and shredded muscles were so damn hot. How could a man affect me so much? I could barely think straight. I needed to focus on my history paper.

  I couldn't stay at the pub. Something about the place scared me. I don't know what it was exactly. But after meeting with Alexander, my instincts were to run for the hills. That left me in a precarious situation. I wanted to see Alexander again but I needed to see Mr. Capshaw and ask for help. This paper wasn't going to write itself.

  “You going to stare at that wall all day?”

  That voice snapped me out of my head and I looked up to find Alexander standing there, his arms crossed and a giant grin across his face. My heart fluttered. “What are you doing here?”

  Alexander sat down at the table across from me. “You ran out on me last week. I just wanted to check in and see how the paper was going?”

  I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes. “I'm sorry. It got late and I needed to get back to my dorm.”

  Alexander snatched the paper from out in front of me. “So what do we have here?” Alexander grinned and passed my paper back to me. “You still don't have a clue what to write about, do you?”

  I looked up and into his eyes. My whole body warmed as I stared into his brown globes. “I've been going through books but can't seem to pick a figure. Any suggestions?”

  Alexander smiled. “Of course. How about me?”

  I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't hold it. I burst into a fit of laughter that brought the attention of the students sitting around me.

  Alexander had a straight face. He wasn't fucking joking.

  “You're serious?” I asked.

  “I didn't want to scare you away when I met you. But I'm a prince.”

  You just scored big, Pearl.

  I brought out a pad of paper. “Can I interview you?”

  Alexander checked the expensive watch on his wrist. “There's nothing more I'd love, darling. But I have a meeting I need to get to.”

  “Can I come with?” I don't know what came over me or where that burst of confidence came from.

  Alexander narrowed his eyes at me.

  “I promise I won't get in the way.”

  “You can't write about what you see.”

  I nodded. “You got a deal.” I shook his hand and felt that same spark from before shoot through me.

  “Meet me at the pub and we'll leave from there.”


  I came to a row of cars at the pub. John, Charlie, Hudson, and Bryce were all there, working on their cars. I couldn't help but say it over and over in my head. Alexander was a prince. Alexander was a prince.

  Bryce bent over and hugged his knees as he vomited all the whiskey he just consumed.

  Hudson let out a hearty life and slapped Bryce on the back causing him to throw up even more.

  “Which one is yours?” I asked Alexander.

  Alexander pointed to the classic Aston Martin at the end of the line. I'd only seen one of those old Bond movies.

  “Ever ridden in one before?”

  I shook my head.

  “You're going to like it.” Alexander shot me a devil-may-care smile that made me melt into a puddle of desire.

  Charlie came over and pulled Alexander to the side. “You're taking her along?” They spoke in hushed tones but it was still easy to overhear.

  “Yeah, why not?” Alexander whispered.

  “She's not family.” Charlie glanced over at me and snarled.

  “I'm taking her with us. She won't get in the way.”

  John pointed at Alexander. “You make sure she keeps her mouth shut. Can't risk ruining this deal.”

  Fear bubbled in my chest, raging through my system. Where were they taking me? If it was so dangerous, maybe I shouldn't go. My history paper wasn't more important than my life.

  Alexander escorted me to the Aston Martin and opened the door for me. “Don't worry, it'll be fine.”

  I smiled. He instantly put me at ease. His strong presence and soft face made me feel safe. I could definitely fall for a guy like this.

  Alexander climbed into the driver seat and started the engine. The car rumbled to life. The vibration beneath my thighs was exquisite. “Ready, Pearl?”

  My heart pounded in my ears. I'd never felt this excited and scared before. I nodded. I looked for the shoulder seat-belt but couldn't find it. Only a lap belt. I snapped it around my waist.

  “This baby was built before all those seat-belt regulations. But don't worry. You'll be safe.”

  I laughed. “Good to know.”

  Alexander put on a pair of black Ray Bans that made him look so cool and sexy. “You might want to wear sunglasses.”

  Alexander switched gears and we lurched forward. We followed the gang out of the parking lot and onto the street. I'd never felt like this around a man before. Dirty thoughts invaded my mind of Alexander taking me the backseat.

  Alexander gripped the steering wheel and we launched down the street. The wind blasted around my body and face. My hair whipped back and I inhaled the clean air. Alexander shifted gears and we picked up speed. My heart was beating faster and faster. The adrenaline rush was addicting.

  We weaved in and out of cars, following the rest of the group. We slowed down and turned off onto a country road. We stopped at a gate blocking our way and Hudson got off and unlocked it for us.

  Alexander looked behind. “You're enjoying this aren't you.”

  I smiled and nodded. The scenery was jaw-dropping. Green pastures and beautiful trees. The sun sat overhead, shining down on us. The perfect day.

  The ride was so bumpy and rocky. I felt like I was on a bucking bronco. I gripped onto Alexander's arm harder to keep myself from being thrown out through the open roof.

  So many emotions were rolling around in my stomach that I
didn't know what to feel. I was falling hard for Alexander.

  Chapter Eight


  What was I thinking—bringing a woman out here with us? My head needed to be examined. There's just something about her that I'd never experienced before. Out of all the women I'd been with, none were like Pearl.

  She wiggled in her seat as we drove down the country road, taking every turn hard and fast. My heart skipped a beat as Pearl's hand crept over onto my lap. She was frightened but loving it. I was loving it too.

  Hudson opened the gate leading to the abandoned estate. It was the perfect place to conduct our business—private property and away from any prying eyes. We rode up the hill on the uneven dirt and came to the mansion.

  A white lavish manor surrounded by overgrown trees stood at the top of a hill. Two black Escalades were parked in the front lawn and four men dressed in dark suits were holding assault rifles at their sides. Pearl hugged me tighter.

  I parked my car a good distance away and got out. “Stay here,” I told Pearl. She had the deer-in-the-headlights look. “Don't worry, everything will be fine.”

  I turned my back towards the Russians and pulled out my nine millimeter. Pearl's eyes widened. She probably had never seen a gun before. I pulled out the clip to make sure it was loaded and jammed it back inside. I lifted my shirt up and placed it in my waistband.

  “What do you need that for,” she asked.


  “Be careful, Alexander,” she said.

  “I always am, love” I replied.

  We approached the Russians and Charlie took the lead.

  “How's it going, Boris?” Charlie shook the nicely-dressed Russian's hand.

  “Could use a bottle of vodka,” he replied in a thick accent.

  “Show us the paperwork,” Charlie ordered.

  Boris scoffed. “What, no small talk?”

  “Let's just get this over with.”

  Boris shrugged. “Money first.”

  Charlie turned towards Hudson who threw a huge black suitcase at the feet of the Russians. One of the goons bent over and opened the case, revealing neatly stacks of cash.

  “Looks good, boss,” he said to Boris.

  “Let's get down to business then.” Charlie followed Boris to the back of one of the Escalades. Boris produced the paperwork and the pen. The back-door deal to acquire another company was almost complete.

  A reflection caught the corner of my eye. I looked to the right and saw light reflecting off a small circle off into the woods. That could only be one thing.

  “Everyone down!” I yelled. My brothers dropped to the floor as I pulled out my gun. A sniper shot echoed through the air, the bullet burrowing into the dirt in front of me. I pointed my gun at one of the Russian goons and fired two shots off, hitting him square in the face and neck—blood sprayed in an arc, covering the Escalade behind him.

  Another Russian started firing at John with his assault rifle. John rolled out of the way and fired back with his pistol, hitting the goon in the stomach.

  I ran to a fallen tree for cover just as the second sniper shot went off, narrowly missing my leg.

  Hudson pulled a sawed-off shotgun from behind his back and blew away the third Russian, sending him flying into the barn.

  I aimed my gun at Boris but not before he took out a giant knife and sliced Charlie's neck right in front of me. I walked out from behind the tree, screaming Charlie's name. I unloaded my entire clip into Boris, tearing his body apart.

  A rifle shot went off behind me and I swung around to see Bryce behind his car—two shots and the sniper was dead.

  I walked over to Charlie and fell to my knees. He was already dead. Tears filled my eyes.

  “We need to get the bloody hell out of here,” Bryce howled. Hudson yanked my arm until I was back on my feet. I snapped back to reality and ran to my car. Pearl cowered behind my Aston Martin, shivering.

  “Are you okay, love?” I asked. I bent over and checked her for any wounds. There was no blood that I could see.

  She nodded and stood up.

  “We need to go. Everything is going to be all right.”

  Chapter Nine


  I heard Alexander yell and then a loud crack rang through the air. I ducked behind the car, peeking out through the window. Alexander's brothers were on the ground, firing their weapons and killing the Russians. I'd never seen so much gore in my life.

  I watched from afar as Charlie's neck was opened up and blood stained his white shirt. The alcohol and lunch from earlier almost came back up. Alexander fired countless rounds in a blind rage until the last Russian was killed.

  I sat down in the dirt and hugged my knees. I couldn't believe what I just saw.

  Alexander rushed over and bent down touching me all over. He seemed so far away.

  “Everything is going to be all right.”

  His words brought me back to life. I stood up and got into the Aston Martin. We rode out of there and I placed my hand in Alexander's. I felt safe now.

  We drove back to the main road and a black Escalade came out of nowhere, swerving and skidding to catch up with us.

  Shots fired into the air, zipping right by me. I ducked down, burying my head between my legs. My chest pounded and the blood in my veins blazed. Alexander switched gears and sped up. But we could only go so fast around the corners.

  Alexander pulled out his pistol and returned fire out the driver-side window. His gun let out a bang close to my head.

  I looked back to see Hudson on a motorcycle. He pulled out his shotgun and cocked it. Hudson nodded to us and slowed down, confronting the Escalade. We rounded a bend and lost sight of Hudson. Alexander, John, Bryce, and I were the only ones left now.

  “What about, Hudson?” I screamed to Alexander.

  “He can take care of himself,” Alexander replied.

  We made it back to civilization and I finally eased my grip on Alexander. We came to an intersection and stopped. Without saying a word, John and Bryce went their separate ways.

  “Where are they going?” I asked.

  “We need to split up. At least until things cool down.”

  I nodded and we continued driving.


  Alexander stopped the car in front of a broken-down motel. It had the classic neon light sign that said: Vacancy.

  “We can stay here for a little while,” he whispered.

  I stayed in the car while Alexander went to the front desk to check in. How did I end up in here with a prince? Oh I know why, the most attractive and sexy man in the world came into my life. I never thought of myself as one of those girls. I was smarter than that—or at least I thought I was.

  Alexander came back out swinging a key around. I stepped out of the car and my head felt woozy and my legs wobbly. Alexander rushed to my side and held me up to keep me from collapsing.

  “I'm sorry, I don't know if I can walk.” The weight of everything that happened today hit me hard. I was embarrassed and tired.

  Alexander swept me off my feet and carried me up the stairs and into the motel room. The place was the size of a tin can. An old tube TV sat on a desk with antennas sticking out of it. Alexander gently laid me down on the bed that was hard as a rock. The springs squealed and moaned as Alexander sat down next to me.

  “That was fucked up,” I said.

  Alexander laughed and started crying. I couldn't hold back the tears either. Being so vulnerable around a man I knew nothing about was a first for me.

  There were a lot of firsts today.

  Alexander grabbed my head and laid it on his chest. His heart was racing and so was mine. I looked up at him and he wiped away my tears.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are, Pearl?”

  I flushed. Kiss me now.

  Alexander ran his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes and focused on his touch. His hand ran around the back of my head and pulled me in. Our lips met and thunder roared deep in m
y core. His tongue entered my mouth and I moaned. He pressed his body to mine and his hard erection was pinned against my hip. His lips kissed my cheek and he tilted my head to nibble on my neck.


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