Beautiful Strangers

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Beautiful Strangers Page 18

by Ellen Dean

  ‘Is there any tea in the pot?’ Lou said as she kicked her boots off.

  ‘I’ll pour you a cup.’ Beth opened the fridge door to put the milk away. ‘Lou have we been burgled?’

  ‘No. What made you ask that?’

  ‘There’s no food in the fridge.’

  ‘That means we need to shop, silly.’

  ‘I have something to tell you.’


  ‘Sit down, you probably won’t like this, but it was a surprise to me too. I was coerced into helping at Hyacinth’s charity auction . . . and somehow a photograph of her and I ended up on a magazine cover.’

  Lou sat down at the table. ‘I know. I’ve got a copy of the magazine.’

  ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’

  ‘I knew you would tell me eventually.’

  ‘You’re not mad at me, are you?’

  ‘No, of course not, hun. I knew it would be something and

  nothing. It was a beautiful photo of you, though. I have it here.’ Lou opened one of the kitchen drawers and passed it to her.

  Beth looked at the cover. ‘They must have got my good side. Ha-ha.’

  * * * * * * * *

  Felicity rang the farm early the next day. Beth answered.

  ‘We’re having a fancy dress party at the weekend. We’d love for you both to come, and to stay over. We can all ride together on Sunday.’

  ‘Thanks Felicity. We’d love to. How exciting. Is there a party theme?’ Beth conveniently forgot her promise to Lindsay.

  ‘No, not really. Anything outrageous will do.’

  ‘You sound excited,’ Lou said warily.

  ‘I am.’ Beth repeated Felicity’s invitation.

  ‘It’s bliss having you here. I wish I could keep you here to myself.’

  ‘When we get back after the party I’ll be all yours.’

  At Melton Manor Felicity greeted Beth and Lou enthusiastically.

  ‘Hello, darlings. Sorry Mummy isn’t here to meet you, but she has left us lunch. She and Julie have nipped out to a boring catering exhibition or something like that. They won’t be too long. Now, just leave your bags and Petra will see to them. I’m so pleased you’re here. Come on through.’ She led the way along the grand hallway and through the double doors at the far end taking them into an enormous kitchen.

  Felicity and Lou talked about Badminton throughout the meal. Not knowing enough about the horses and riders Beth was unable to take an active part, but she didn’t mind. Instead she idly studied the layout and contents of the kitchen imagining which door led where into the vast house. Her memory of her previous kitchen visit was vague, although she did remember the mismatched blue walls. It’s a lot like home, except there are no dogs. What a waste to have a big place like this without a couple of Labradors.

  Davinia and Julie returned just as they finished eating.

  After more hello darlings, Davinia suggested the three girls go for a ride in the park. ‘It’s such a lovely day, and it will keep you all out from under my feet.’ She spoke to them like they were children. ‘We need to put the finishing touches to the food for tonight. Don’t we, Jules?’

  Julia nodded in agreement.

  A short while later they were standing in one of the smartest stable yards Lou had ever seen.

  Felicity introduced her horses to them, telling Lou their history and ability in detail. She’s trying to make a sale, Beth thought, scratching the forehead of a pretty dappled grey mare.

  ‘I see you’ve made friends with Phantom.’ Felicity said.

  ‘She’s a real sweetie.’

  ‘Would you like to ride her? She is a real sweetie, forward going, but gentle as a lamb.’

  ‘Yes, please . . . thanks. What about Lou? Which one is she going to ride?’ Beth smiled at Lou who looked fabulous in her toffee-coloured breeches and cream polo shirt.

  ‘The choice is hers. Whichever one she fancies.’ Felicity flashed her eyes suggestively at Lou. ‘What about it, Lou? Which one’s for you?’ She moved to stand beside Beth, as though giving Lou the choice between them, her question positively loaded with innuendo.

  Lou completely ignored it. ‘I think I’d like to ride that lovely chestnut. Bamber, isn’t it?’ She walked across to Bamber ’s loose box.

  Beth could see that Felicity couldn’t believe her flirting had gone over Lou’s head. ‘Come on then, let’s get them tacked up.’

  Lou sat tall in the saddle, shoulders back, and breasts thrusting forward rhythmically as they trotted through a leafy avenue of trees. Beth enjoyed watching her curvaceous bottom encased in the tight breeches.

  Felicity was almost drooling as she watched Lou. She kicked her horse forward to ride alongside Lou.

  Pangs of jealousy assailed Beth. She urged Phantom forward so they were riding three abreast. Bloody Fliss, how dare she try to monopolize Lou. What’s she up to? What the hell’s wrong with them all? Beth fumed.

  Felicity was showing off, desperate to make a good impression on Lou. She pointed out various landmarks to her as they rode through the parkland, purposely trying to keep Lou’s attention away from Beth. She was proud of the family estate, and she wanted to ogle Lou, and this was a perfect way of doing it.

  Despite Felicity’s blatant interest in Lou, Beth suddenly saw the funny side of it. She settled herself down and actually enjoyed the ride. She fell in love with Phantom, who carried her as if she were precious china. Galloping flat out along the track taking them back to the stables, outpacing the other two horses, Phantom made sure they were first back. Beth had the horse untacked and her flysheet on before Lou and Felicity clattered into the stable yard.

  Back at the Mansion Felicity ushered Beth and Lou up to their room.

  ‘Everything is ready for you. Petra will see you have a snack brought up. She’ll give you anything you want.’ Felicity paused winking at Beth. ‘Just ring the bell, and she’ll come running.’ Then to Lou she said, ‘If you want anything, I’ll be happy to see to it personally.’ With that she turned on her heel and flounced away leaving Beth and Lou to collapse on the bed in fits of giggles.

  They showered and dressed ready for the party, both as sexy St. Trinians girls. Short gym-slips, black stockings, suspenders, high heels, straw boaters, complete with their hockey sticks. From their room they could hear other guests arriving. Sitting close to the window Beth tried to identify the voices then froze as she thought she heard H, but couldn’t be certain.

  The ballroom was a mass of colour. Flamboyant costumes were favoured, as were exotic masks. It was impossible to guess who was who.

  Davinia greeted Lou and Beth as they entered the ballroom, pushing masks into their hands. ‘Girls, what a marvelous choice of costume. Lou, your legs go on forever.’ She ran her hand up Lou’s thigh. ‘My oh my. You are a lucky girl, Beth, fancy having those legs wrapped around you!’

  Beth was not at all amused. ‘Luck has nothing to do with it.’

  ‘Ha, ha, ha, now don’t be such a spoilsport. I’m only joking. Now, put your masks on. You can blame Felicity for these. She decided at the last minute that we should have a masked ball . . . such fun. Enjoy.’ She left them to mingle.

  Drink flowed freely. Petra was overseeing the team of waitresses circulating through the guests, ensuring glasses were never empty. Beth was careful with the wine, she didn’t want to become giddy, and it didn’t take much. Despite numerous attempts at telling one waitress she’d had enough, the girl tried to refill her glass again.

  ‘Lou, am I talking Swahili, or is this girl just not listening to me?’

  ‘Beth, calm down. Put your hand over the glass. Better still, put the drink down and come and join in this daft dance with me.’

  Oops Upside Your Head blasted out from the amplifiers, and everyone rushed to sit in a line on the floor forming a mass of moving bodies, legs spread, arms waving in time to the music.

  At the end of the song some of the elegant costumes were in glorious disarray and guests had to s
cramble hastily off the floor as the opening bars of Hey Big Spender sounded announcing the imminent arrival of the drag double act. They glided in, instantly commanding centre stage, to perform Shirley Bassey and Marlene Dietrich numbers with utter brilliance. As the final strains of Falling in Love Again faded, the room was plunged into darkness.

  ‘Don’t move, hun. Be back in a second. I’m sure I saw the fuse box in the hall.’

  There was a glimmer of light coming from the door. Lou headed for it.

  Beth had no intention of moving until the lights came back on.

  Lights and loud music came back to life, and the drag act continued with their performance.

  Beth needed to pee.

  Returning to the ballroom she noticed a door tucked away into a corner of the hall. She couldn’t remember seeing this door before. Curious to know what was behind it she stopped and reached for the doorknob. Her hand froze in mid-air.

  Chapter 36

  Hyacinth passed a crystal brandy balloon to Penny, affectionately touching her cheek. ‘We’ll have to organize an outing on The Amethyst soon. I’ve checked the long range weather forecast and next week sounds promising. We could spend a few days on board. Enjoy some sailing. What do you say?’

  ‘Just name the day.’ Penny gazed up adoringly. ‘I’ve discovered a wonderful artist in St. Ives.’

  ‘Are you up for it, Serena?’

  ‘Yes, please. My first sailing trip with you — how fabulous.’ Serena lowered her eyes coyly. ‘Thank you, H.’

  Flames flickered in the dying embers of the fire, briefly illuminating the room, highlighting the heavy old furniture, and laden bookcases. The location of the snug at Melton Manor was the perfect place for secret trysts; the French windows allowed unseen, unhindered access to the outside world.

  Two lamps glowed dimly, casting further shadows onto the three women as they sat by the fire. Penny continued to gaze at Hyacinth. Why did she love her so much? She could be such an obnoxious, demanding bitch. It was bad enough when Beth came on the scene taking H’s attention away from her, and now here was another. Penny sensed danger in Serena who had pursued her relentlessly, expertly manipulating her way into Penny’s bed and into the group. Penny couldn’t remember agreeing to bring Serena here tonight, yet here she was. She’s no different from the rest of us, she thought, watching Serena hang onto H’s every word. We’re all Hyacinth’s slaves or pleasure puppets, depending on how you looked at it.

  ‘How’s our little game panning out, darling?’ H’s attention returned to Penny.

  Jerked back to reality, Penny floundered lost for words, ‘Oh yes . . . well . . . I mean . . . you know the blackmail wasn’t a good idea . . . ‘

  H stopped lighting her cigarette to scrutinize Penny, ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ Penny’s face was blank.

  ‘Honestly, Pen, I wonder about you at times. You were supposed to set Montanna up with Lou. What happened?’

  ‘Oh that,’ Penny laughed nervously, but long enough to regain her composure. ‘Well it’s no wonder I forgot about it . . . it was a complete non-starter. I’d have had more success fielding Fliss than Montanna. She’s smitten.’

  ‘Is she, darling?’ H looked intently into Penny’s eyes, knowing her ability to instil the fear of God into her. ‘I’ll have to remember that. Perhaps we should bring the ritual forward. Get Beth initiated. What do you know about her friend, the Inspector? Are they really close?’

  Penny shrugged her shoulders. ‘Friends since childhood.’

  Serena sat silent, swilling brandy around the glass, fighting the torrent of emotions racing through her, jealous

  as hell of Penny getting H’s attention, of being her confidante. Serena wanted H’s attention back on her. Now.

  H loved Penny. She had always been loyal, and H had felt she could be trusted her with her life. Or could she? H moved to sit on the arm of Penny’s high backed leather chair. Fully aware of the effect it would have on Serena, she bent forward to kiss her trusted friend, while slipping her hand down the inside of Penny’s shirt.

  ‘I do love your tits, Pen.’ H pushed her tongue into Penny’s mouth.

  Holding the kiss, Hyacinth moved in front of the chair. She lifted Penny to her feet and clasped her buttocks pulling her close. Penny moaned, why did she allow H to do this?

  Serena was green with envy. She desperately tried to establish eye contact with H, almost begging permission to be in on the act.

  Hyacinth deliberately made Serena wait, enjoying her anxiety.

  ‘I think I can hear someone in the hallway.’ Serena quickly stepped backwards taking herself out of H’s reach.

  Interesting, mused Hyacinth. So the little minx wants to tease me. She wasn’t happy about Serena being here tonight, or about how she’d managed to wangle her way into the group in the first place. No one in the group knew anything about Serena’s background, and H’s enquiries hadn’t provided any answers. Penny never could resist a pretty face, but there again, neither could she. There wasn’t really that much to hide at the moment with the termination of the diamond run, just a little magic involving Beth’s initiation. And it might do Penny good to be sidetracked with a young beauty like Serena. Hopefully it would take her mind off diamonds. Or whatever it was that Penny was keeping to herself.

  Releasing Penny, she fired Serena an angry glance. Blast the girl. She’d better check. Easing the heavy door open H stepped out to look. The hallway was deserted just as she’d expected it would be. Stupid girl.

  Time to go, H decided. Closing the door and heading for the French windows, ignoring Serena, she looked back over her shoulder. ‘Ring me later, Pen. I need to know when we can go to Cornwall. We might even stay a couple of extra days, do some walking. Oh, and by the way Serena . . . I’ve changed my mind, you’re not welcome.’

  Serena opened her mouth to protest.

  Immediately Hyacinth raised her hand, ‘No! I said not this time.’ She dismissed Serena’s tearful expression with a cruel sense of satisfaction. Speaking to Penny in a softer tone, ‘Penny, darling, we should arrange to go on Saturday then we can spend at least a week sailing. Can you make your arrangements?’

  ‘Yes, H,’ Penny answered. ‘I can make my arrangements.’

  ‘What about Beth’s initiation?’ Serena blurted out. ‘Or, can I seduce Lou for you?’ she was desperate to stay on the right side of H.

  ‘Don’t talk about things you know nothing about, child.’ Hyacinth’s icy voice stopped Serena in her tracks. She was itching to slap that insolent young face, but instead stepped outside and disappeared into the darkness. Moments later Penny, and a glum Serena, followed.

  Beth heard enough fragments of the conversation to be disturbed. Emerging from the dusty folds of some ancient drapes she rushed off in search of Lou.

  Back in the ballroom she anxiously asked if anyone had seen her. Davinia told her that Lou hadn’t been feeling well, and had gone up to bed. Beth glanced at her watch. Well, it was four in the morning. Relieved to be able to excuse herself, she thanked Davinia and hurried to their room.

  ‘Lou! Lou! Are you awake? You’ll never guess what.’ Beth entered their darkened room with the story of the overheard meeting ready to spill from her lips.

  ‘I’m awake.’ Lou said.

  ‘You’re eyes are closed.’

  ‘I know. I’m inspecting the inside of my eyelids.’

  ‘Well, open them . . . now.’ Beth got hold of Lou’s shoulders. ‘Davinia said you came up because you weren’t feeling well?’

  Lou looked sheepishly at Beth. ‘Actually, hun, I have a confession . . . there’s nothing wrong. I was just tired and couldn’t get rid of Montanna. And you’d disappeared!’

  ‘I didn’t know she was here.’

  ‘Well, she is. She arrived late and made a beeline for me. I couldn’t be bothered with her, so made up an excuse to escape. I knew you would follow me.’ She patted the bed for Beth to sit beside her. ‘You’re looking a bit fraught sweethea
rt. What’s up?’

  ‘In the room. Voices.’ Beth started pacing backwards and forwards at the foot of the four-poster.

  ‘What room?’ Lou rubbed her eyes.

  ‘I found a room next to the kitchen. When you come in from the main door you can’t see it, it’s almost hidden behind the drapes. Hyacinth was in there. God, Lou, they’re still talking about initiating me. And soon.’

  ‘Initiate you? Hyacinth? That was at Badminton. What on earth have you been drinking?’

  Frustrated by Lou’s calm reaction, Beth bounced on and off the bed. ‘She was in there I tell you. I am not imagining it! And she wasn’t alone either. There were at least two other women with her. I didn’t recognize their voices properly, but I think Penny Corday was one of them, and someone they called Serena.’

  Lou sat up, pulling the quilt around her, ‘Beth, honey. Calm down.’

  Beth rushed across the room throwing herself into Lou’s arms, ‘My God, Lou . . . do you remember in the hotel? That news item? It was on the television. Someone called Serena had gone missing?’

  Lou tried to remember, hoping her silence would have a calming effect on Beth. Quietly she answered her. ‘Yes, Beth I do. Now calm yourself down and tomorrow we’ll ring either the police, or Lindsay. Whomever you want. How about that?’

  ‘We’ll ring Lindsay. Where’s my phone?’ Beth said while thinking that Linz would kill her for being there in the first place.

  ‘You can’t ring now; it’s four in the morning. Sweetheart just get into bed and we’ll ring later, at a reasonable time.’

  ‘I should have listened to Lindsay. We should never have come here. But no, I . . . ‘

  Just then there was a rustle in the corner of the bedroom. Beth dived under the cover into Lou’s arms. ‘What was that?’ she started to shiver.

  ‘I don’t know, hun. Shush . . . listen . . . ‘

  Complete silence. Then in the dimmed room a faint glow started to emanate in front of them. They watched fascinated, holding their breath as it hovered at the foot of the bed.

  Half-joking Beth whispered, ‘It’s a ghost.’


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