Beautiful Strangers

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Beautiful Strangers Page 21

by Ellen Dean

  The gypsy continued, ‘You must avoid the diamond people. They are dangerous. They will hurt and use you. You must not let them. ‘She released her hold on Beth’s hand. ‘Heed my words, sister. I’ve been sent to help you.’

  Beth dropped her head fighting back tears, swallowing hard. Searching in her bag for her purse, she wanted to give the gypsy some money. She pulled out a handful of notes then looked up to say her thanks. She was alone.

  Standing up, shading her eyes from the sun, Beth looked around but couldn’t see the gypsy anywhere.

  The only people were a couple walking a black standard poodle through the nearby gardens. Beth approached them. Describing the gypsy, she asked if they’d noticed which way she went. The couple shook their heads. They had seen no-one.

  Beth returned to the seat and sat down again, pushing the money back into her purse. Confused and convinced she was finally losing the plot, she sat for a few seconds with her eyes closed until a shadow in front of her blocked out the sun. Ha, she’s come back for her money.

  ‘Beth, darling, it is you. How wonderful. This is my lucky day.’

  Beth stared vacantly into Hyacinth’s face.

  Taking Beth’s arm, Hyacinth cooed, ‘Come with me, darling. I have The Amethyst docked in the Marina. We can spend some time together, catching up. We’ll drink some champagne. I have your favourite on board.’

  Like a zombie, Beth allowed Hyacinth to walk her to the berth where The Amethyst was moored.

  Hyacinth was concerned about the state Beth was in. Instead of cracking open the champagne she ordered the chef to prepare smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on toast. Treating Beth with a care and tenderness she normally kept well hidden, H fussed over her, ensuring Beth ate every bit of the food.

  The girl looks dreadful. H felt a tinge of guilt at recruiting Vanessa to help in her quest to bring Beth to her. Heartbreak definitely didn’t suit her. Questions were bursting to be asked, but she kept them in check, talking quietly, casually.

  Full and relaxed for the first time since seeing Lou kissing Vanessa, Beth fell asleep on the shaded sun lounger. H sat on deck beside her like a wolf guarding its prey.

  A couple of hours later Beth stirred, opening her eyes, ‘Hyacinth . . . I thought I was dreaming.’

  ‘No, you’re not dreaming, darling.’ H signalled the cabin boy to bring some cold drinks. ‘I’ve been thinking.’ She paused. She had to play this sympathetically, strike the right note. ‘Why don’t you stay on board with me?’

  Beth tried to speak.

  ‘No, don’t decide now,’ she took hold of Beth’s hand, ‘let me tell you what I’m planning first, see if it appeals to you.’

  The drinks arrived. Beth took the chilled glass of lime and lemon without speaking.

  ‘You’ve probably already realized I have a professional crew to look after everything,’ Hyacinth waved her hand in indication.

  Beth nodded.

  ‘Hand-picked for reliability, and discretion. They are at my beck-and-call, and would be at yours too.’

  ‘Sounds tempting.’

  ‘I don’t plan to stay here in Cannes much longer, a couple of days perhaps, no more.’ H sipped her drink allowing the words to register in Beth’s muddled mind. ‘I plan to sail to Majorca and drop anchor there for a while, before going on to Corsica. What do you think?’ H took another sip of her drink. ‘No strings, darling. I know you’re unhappy. I’m offering you some real time out. Just one friend looking out for another.’ Her smile so genuine it was almost tangible.

  While she spoke she sensed Beth’s mind opening to her. I’m in, I’m in, she’s finally dropped her guard, H almost screamed out loud with glee as she was able to read Beth’s thoughts — something she had been unable to do for months; she could physically feel Beth’s emotional pain and the deep love that bound her to Lou. Confident she could step into Lou’s shoes H lay back and relaxed. If I play my cards right, she’ll be mine.

  Beth was taken aback by H’s invitation. They hadn’t seen or spoken to each other for quite some time. Beth had heeded Lindsay’s warning and kept her distance from this woman, and yet she felt as if some sort of coincidence had brought them together, here, today. There had to be a reason for it, especially as H was offering the hand of friendship. Her offer to stay on board The Amethyst sounded just the tonic. And she needed a friend right now.

  ‘Let me think about it. I am grateful, really I am . . . but I’ll not be good company and wouldn’t want to spoil your holiday.’

  ‘Of course you should think about it, darling. Trust me, I’m a doctor.’ H smirked at her own joke. ‘Pampering in the sunshine, enjoying the sea air and getting some good food into you are just what the doctor ordered.’

  Beth couldn’t help but smile. Perhaps it wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.

  ‘Sleep on it, darling. I’ll still be here tomorrow. I have to meet an old friend tonight. Where are you staying?’

  ‘The Majestic.’

  ‘That’s where I’m meeting my friend for dinner.’

  The conversation lulled, H wondered if she had pitched it right, would Beth accept her offer? Of course she would. She was bombarding Beth’s mind with thoughts of desire. Dressed in the sheerest purple bikini she lay back on the lounger pretending to read her book, yet watching Beth, she continued to transmit sexual thoughts to her. Moving her

  position on the lounger H casually draped her leg over the side giving Beth an almost uninterrupted view of her crotch and the outline of her womanhood.

  Beth’s eyes were drawn. Little flames of desire began flickering, mounting, building, becoming stronger, taking control of her. She stared at Hyacinth, experiencing an almost irrepressible urge to reach out to touch her. She wanted to kneel before her, open her legs, part her lips, greet her clitoris with her tongue while slipping her fingers into her. She wanted to stroke, tease and suck until she brought her to a shuddering climax.

  ‘Everything all right, Beth?’ H enquired, knowing exactly what Beth was thinking.

  Beth couldn’t answer.

  ‘Beth . . . Beth . . . are you with me?’

  In her dream like state Beth felt her orgasm building joining with Hyacinth’s.

  ‘Yes, H,’ she whispered. ‘I’m with you all the way.’

  Mission accomplished H released Beth’s mind.

  Feeling drained Beth fell into a deep sleep again. While she slept, Hyacinth showered and changed ready for her dinner date. Wearing a stunning black evening dress she gently shook Beth awake.

  ‘You could sleep for England. I guess that’s because you feel safe with me, darling.’

  ‘I know.’ Beth answered. In that moment she decided to accept H’s offer, but she wouldn’t tell her yet not wanting to be seen as too keen. It was good to feel safe and secure.

  They took a taxi to the Majestic.

  ‘Why don’t we take The Amethyst and explore the coastline tomorrow? There are some beautiful coves where we can drop anchor and have lunch. Will I come to collect you in the morning?’

  Beth nodded in agreement.

  ‘About ten, yes?’

  ‘Thanks. That sounds wonderful.’ Beth glanced out of the window, wondering if she would see the gypsy again. Turning her attention back to Hyacinth she said, ‘Why are you doing this?’

  H smiled, patted Beth on her knee, but didn’t reply.

  ‘Surely you must have better things to do. This is your holiday time after all.’

  ‘It’s a sort of working holiday, darling . . . and you are my friend. Like I said this afternoon — a friend in need.’ H took a compact out of her handbag and checked her lipstick. ‘We may have had our differences, Beth, but you know how fond I am of you.’ Her sympathetic tone almost reduced Beth to tears. ‘I heard about Lou and Vanessa. I blame myself . . . I should have warned you.’


  ‘They have been in and out of each other ’s bed ever since you and Lou became an item.’

  ‘What?’ />
  ‘Yes, I’m afraid it’s true, but I couldn’t tell you.’ H bowed her head. ‘I had to let you find out for yourself. My poor darling, I’m so sorry.’

  H’s revelation nearly cracked Beth up all over again. She swallowed hard, fighting to stem the flood of tears that threatened to engulf her.

  As they walked into the Majestic Hotel, Beth said, ’When you pick me up in the morning I’ll check out of here and stay with you on board The Amethyst.’

  H felt triumphant. ‘Beth, darling. You’ve made the right decision. There’s my dinner date. He’s early. I’ll introduce you to him.’ H called out, ‘Enzo! Over here.’

  A rather nondescript Italian man walked purposefully across the foyer to join them. He air kissed Hyacinth.

  ‘Enzo, may I introduce my good friend, Miss Beth McConnell.’

  ‘Charmed, Miss McConnell.’ Enzo lifted Beth’s hand to his lips and brushed it with a kiss.

  Putting her arm loosely around Beth’s shoulders, H said, ‘Beth I’d like you to meet Enzo Gonzales. An old friend and business acquaintance.’

  ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Enzo.’ Beth said.

  She noted his smart, expensive silk dinner suit, but his only distinguishing features, apart from his mop of jet- black hair and somewhat edgy manner, were his thick bushy eyebrows.

  ‘I think we’ve already met.’

  ‘No, Signorina, I don’t think so.’

  ‘Did you attend Ascot this year?’ Beth persisted.

  ‘Alas no, Signorina. I have never been to Ascot. I must have a double.’ Enzo said.

  ‘Time to eat.’ H was bored with their inane chatter, plus her stomach was rumbling. She kissed Beth lightly on the lips, ‘See you in the morning darling.’

  H took Enzo’s arm and they walked towards the restaurant.

  Watching them Beth wondered what sort of business Enzo was in. I hope it isn’t diamonds. He reminded her so much of the man she had seen talking to Penny at Ascot. In fact he bore a striking resemblance. She shrugged her shoulders. I must be mistaken. She headed for the lift. They do say we all have a double.

  As the lift doors opened at her floor she decided to call Lindsay and let her know she was still on the planet, and tell her all about Lou’s deception.

  Chapter 43

  Hyacinth and Enzo were shown to their table in a secluded corner of the restaurant. As she walked, Hyacinth’s eyes swept the room for familiar faces. As usual it was full of the rich and famous. A group of twenty something’s had taken over all of the window tables and were noisily enjoying themselves. Expensive gems flashed under the chandeliers, but nothing sparkled as vividly as the diamond necklace nestling around Hyacinth’s throat.

  She didn’t care for Enzo, didn’t like the way his sweaty hands carelessly wandered, but she had to be pleasant and put up with his schoolboy groping because he was a trusted long term contact. It was hard for her to concentrate on business tonight when all the time her soul was singing out with the joy of finding Beth. Selfishly relishing how Lou’s loss was now her gain. Penny would be furious at this unexpected turn of events.

  At last the coffee and brandy arrived, and as was the way of business between them, Enzo dipped into his pocket and pushed a pretty package across the table.

  Hyacinth opened the package to examine the contents. ‘Thank you Enzo. How lovely.’ Smiling she withdrew a fat envelope containing a wad of money from her handbag and pushed it across the table towards him. ‘Don’t spend it all at once.’

  The swap was done casually, mimicking an exchange of gifts between lovers, culminating with kisses.

  H wanted to vomit at the sloppy contact of Enzo’s lips. It took all of her willpower not to whack him across his smug Italian face. Steady girl, she warned herself, this is not the time to spoil the façade. Enzo had just proved his loyalty, and been handsomely rewarded for it.

  They left the restaurant a short while later, standing close together in the warm night air, maintaining the loving couple charade before going their separate ways.

  ‘Till next time, darling.’ H held out her hand.

  Enzo lifted her hand to his lips and planted a wet kiss. ‘Till next time. Buonanotte bella Signora.’

  H desperately wanted to storm Beth’s room as incredible lust assailed her. But not tonight. She needed to study the information Enzo had given her.

  Chapter 44

  Showered and wrapped in a cosy bathrobe after another harrowing day, Lindsay hurried to answer the telephone.


  ‘Beth! Where the fuck are you?’

  ‘So nice to speak to you too.’

  ‘I thought you’d been abducted by aliens. Are you okay? Have you been in touch with Lou? She’s frantic with worry. She’s been pestering me every day. She doesn’t believe I don’t know where you are.’ Pausing, expecting a response, Lindsay continued when none came. ‘Where the hell are you?’ her angry tone changed to concern, ‘Do you need anything?’

  ‘First off, I’m staying at the Majestic in Cannes, and no thanks, I don’t need anything.’ Beth deliberately didn’t acknowledge the mention of Lou’s name.

  ‘Cannes, eh? Trust you to go somewhere plush.’

  ‘It wasn’t planned. I just got on the first plane that had a vacant seat. It didn’t matter where it was going, Timbuktu or Toronto, I didn’t care.’ She paused to sip the chilled champagne she was holding. ‘Cannes is a bonus though.’

  ‘I’ll bet it is. Beth, we have to talk about Lou.’

  ‘No, Lindsay, we don’t.’

  ‘She’s desperate to know where you are.’


  ‘Let me tell her you’re okay at least.’

  ‘Yes, you can tell her that, but no more. Make sure you let her know I don’t need her to be able to get on with my life.’

  ‘I thought you were in love with her.’

  ‘I am, but that’s not the point.’

  ‘What is the point then?’



  ‘Exactly!’ Beth sipped the champagne again as her emotions started to run riot. ‘Ask Lou, and then see what she’s got to say for herself.’ Another sip, ‘She didn’t tell you about Vanessa, did she?’

  ‘Okay, I will ask her. So, what are you doing with yourself? What are your plans?’

  ‘I have the best tan ever.’ Beth chuckled knowing how jealous Lindsay would be, her pale skin only ever burned red.

  ‘Bitch.’ Lindsay laughed.

  ‘Tomorrow I’m joining a friend on her boat. We’re going to explore the coastline.’

  ‘Sounds wonderful.’

  ‘You’ll never guess who it is.’

  ‘No, you’re right, I won’t.’

  ‘It’s Hyacinth.’ Beth cringed, waiting for Lindsay’s reaction.

  Lindsay wanted to scream in frustration. Here was her dearest friend ignoring everything she’d told her about Hyacinth and the diamond smuggling. She wanted to yell at her to get on the next plane home, but knew Beth well enough to know that if she did her words would be ignored. Drawing on all of her years of calm persuasion she knew she had to come across as normal.

  ‘Fancy that, the delightful Hyacinth in Cannes. What’s her boat like?’

  Beth described The Amethyst as best she could. She hadn’t taken much notice of her surroundings whilst on board, but she did remember to mention the professional crew. Then she explained how H turned up right after the encounter with the gypsy.

  Lindsay wasn’t surprised about the gypsy. ‘Did this gypsy not tell you to keep away from H and her women like I did?’

  ‘She did say something about staying away from the diamond people, but never mentioned H. Just after the gypsy vanished, and I mean vanished into thin air, I turned around and she’d gone, H turned up.’

  Lindsay could say no more on the subject. ‘Give me your telephone number so I can keep tabs on you, or at least switch your mobile on so I don’t lose you again.’

kay, I’ll switch my mobile on in the morning. I’ll need to charge it up first.’

  ‘I’ll ring you tomorrow night. You can tell me about your day with the lovely Hyacinth.’

  * * * * * * * *

  As soon as Lindsay replaced the receiver, her telephone rang again. She listened only briefly before interrupting, ‘Constance, we have a problem. I’ve just spoken to Beth, and you’ll never believe it. She’s in Cannes with Hyacinth.’

  ‘I know, and if I know, The Syndicate will know about her, too.’

  ‘Trust her to end up in Cannes when Hyacinth’s there.’

  ‘I did try to warn her, I dressed as a gypsy and read her palm.’

  ‘I had a feeling you were the gypsy. Thanks.’

  ‘I’ve spoken to the Governor. It looks like this surveillance is paying off. I’ve just watched H and Enzo Gonzales exchanging packages while eating dinner. Diamonds and cash, no doubt. So it looks like she is up to her tricks again.’

  * * * * * * * *

  Beth was enjoying a blissful day on board The Amethyst. H ensured everything was relaxed and without pressure or effort.

  They anchored at a jetty in a beautiful secluded cove over lunchtime, swimming in the clear blue water while the crew set up everything for the chef to prepare a beach barbecue.

  After lunch, while Beth and H were stretched out under purple and pink beach umbrellas, three attractive women appeared carrying beach bags.

  Dumping their stuff a good distance away from H’s party they ran for the coolness of the water, noisily splashing each other and generally larking about.

  Disturbed by their frivolity H raised herself up on her elbows watching them with the intensity of a predator. Beth gave them no more than a cursory glance before closing her eyes again. They didn’t raise a flicker of interest in her.

  When the women came out of the sea they shook out colourful beach towels, ready to stretch out in the sunshine. H got up from her lounger and walked over to them. Her gracious offer of cool drinks was immediately accepted and soon all four were enjoying Bucks Fizz, and chatting like long lost friends.


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