Beautiful Strangers

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Beautiful Strangers Page 29

by Ellen Dean

  Standing in front of H, the girl picked up a long riding crop from a table. She flexed it, then pointed it at H’s forehead letting it rest there before she ran it lightly down her face, and down between her breasts that were straining for freedom from the sheer purple bra, pausing to circle her navel, before reaching the line of the tiny panties that barely covered her pubes. She slipped it lower, pushing lightly against her clitoris. H laboured for breath, every inch of her pulsating with pleasure.

  ‘What would you have me do for you, Mistress?’ H said, licking her lips.

  Her seducer moved behind her, and unlocked the hand- cuffs, the coat fell to the floor. She pushed Hyacinth forward to kneel on the floor at the foot of the bed. The girl sat astride her back as if she was riding a horse and Hyacinth groaned with pleasure as she felt the girls juices on her bare skin. Whack! The riding crop bit into her buttocks; Hyacinth new better than to scream. More whacks, both women were wildly excited, the girl stood up, pulling H onto the bed beside her. She ripped off the panties and her fingers plundered H’s dripping, swollen opening.

  Hyacinth was in heaven. Her back arched under the relentless stabbing of the girls fingers. She writhed as the girl’s thumb scorched her clitoris.

  She reached out to touch her seducer, wanting to feel her wetness, wanting their body fluids to mingle, but her hands were harshly slapped away as the girl took H into an orgasm, the like of which she had never experienced before.

  Chapter 60

  Hyacinth rolled onto her back in the king-sized bed, sore but totally satisfied. She had never in her life enjoyed herself as much as she had in the past few hours. Stretching her aching body, she reached out, expecting to touch her seducer. She was disappointed to discover she was alone.

  She checked in with Angela casually asking if she had any messages. She hadn’t. For once, uncertain of what to do next, she decided she may as well go home, convinced the little minx wanted to continue playing cat and mouse. Well, that was fine with her. It would be fun and something to relieve the mind numbing tedium of her present situation.

  It was almost midnight when she arrived back at The Old Manse. Beth was in bed and Angela left almost immediately. During the drive home she had contemplated the situation with Beth. The last few hours had made one thing crystal clear for sure; Beth was not the one for her, it was time to move on.

  Her mystery lover had been one step ahead of H all the way, pushing the boundaries between them into new realms. Something new to her, and she’d relished it. The girl would get in touch. She had no doubt about that. If the sex continued in the same theme then her mystery woman could have whatever she wanted. The no kissing, and no speaking rule had made things even more erotic.

  Constance arrived the following morning; H summoned her upstairs immediately. Shortly after she joined Beth in the kitchen. ‘It seems our costly surveillance of H turned out to be a total waste of time and money,’ she said. ‘She wasn’t passing diamonds yesterday.’

  ‘Shame. Here, have a cuppa,’ Beth said.

  ‘Thanks. I haven’t any news yet about the body in the car. Police divers are still searching the River Tyne.’

  ‘Don’t let them stop looking.’

  ‘Are you still okay here?’

  ‘Yes. She hasn’t bothered me.’

  As they walked from the kitchen into the drawing room they heard the beep of H’s mobile announcing an incoming message. They glanced at each other.

  ‘Now what?’ Constance said.

  Suddenly H rushed into the room, ‘I have to go out. Constance you will stay with Beth, won’t you?’

  ‘Yes, of course. Where are you off to in such a hurry?’ Constance said.

  ‘Mind your own business.’

  They watched H’s vehicle race down the drive.

  ‘Must be important to get a reaction like that,’ Beth said.

  Constance agreed. She alerted the surveillance officer positioned near the end of the drive.

  Chapter 61

  The Lochen Hotel on the outskirts of Aviemore was a favourite haunt of the wealthy. Perhaps I should have come here before. H leaned back in her chair, swilling the large gin and tonic around the glass.

  She had chosen a table away from the door so that she could watch guests coming and going. She wasn’t aware there was another entrance, and almost fainted when an arm reached over her shoulder and dropped a delicate leather mask onto the table.

  ‘Hello Mother. I’m so pleased you waited.’


  ‘Shall I sit down?’

  Hyacinth stared unbelievingly at the leather mask — the mask her seducer had worn.

  In an acid tongue the girl continued. ‘What’s wrong, Mother? Cat got your tongue?’

  ‘Serena!’ Hyacinth recognized the pentacle hanging around the girl’s neck. She tried to stand up, but her legs had turned to jelly. ‘I should have known. Why didn’t I? I knew you were wearing a wig. No wonder you were shy of kissing me. I should have bloody well known.’

  ‘But you didn’t know, Mother, did you? You failed to recognize your first born daughter. Oh no. All you wanted to do was have sex. Now that’s what I call mother daughter bonding.’ Serena hissed, her eyes blazing hatred.

  ‘Serena . . . darling . . . I can explain. But not here.’ Flustered, H waved her arm in the air and looked around, ‘it’s so public.’

  ‘Why did you tell the police I was carrying diamonds to America?’ Serena said.

  ‘I didn’t. It was Penny. She must have set you up. If it’s any consolation to you she set me up too, big time.’ H said.

  ‘And Penny’s not the only one to set Hyacinth up, is she?’ a sharp voice interrupted.

  Both women turned to stare at the well-dressed young woman now standing beside their table.

  ‘Well?’ the young woman demanded looking down at Serena.

  Hyacinth did a double take as she stared into the face of her mirror image.

  The intruder spoke again, calmly and with dignity. ‘I’m waiting for your explanation.’ She paused to look from Serena to Hyacinth.

  ‘I can explain.’ Serena insisted passionately.

  ‘Then I suggest you try.’ The intruder sat in the empty seat, removed her fur hat and shook a cascade of honey blonde hair loose. Mesmerized, H watched it falling into soft waves around the girl’s shoulders.

  Confused, and numb with shock, Hyacinth stared at the girls. Speechless, she studied them, looking from one to the other. It was scary; their likeness was uncanny. A wave of nausea hit her. Had she slept with her own daughter?

  Attempting to gain control of the situation, she thumped the table, rocking the glasses. ‘I want to know what the fuck is going on, and I want to know NOW!’

  ‘I am Serena. I am your daughter.’ The intruder said. ‘This is Stephanie, who you had sex with . . . and she has a lot to explain. I was adopted by her parents when you gave me up. Apparently your career came first. To say we have no genetic connection, our striking resemblance is an uncanny coincidence. She knew I was looking for you and stole the information I had gathered, and then had the gall to borrow my identity.’ Pausing briefly to allow her words to register, she continued, ‘I was planning to contact you, but she beat me to it. Her masquerade was excellent, don’t you think? She certainly had Penny fooled.’

  Waves of relief washed over Hyacinth. Thank God she hadn’t slept with her daughter. That was taking things too far, even for her. Every maternal emotion she’d denied and kept locked inside over the years exploded. She flung her arms around her daughter, and wept.

  H had never expected to see her first born ever again. She kissed the real Serena; they were both crying now, tears of joy and happiness. Hyacinth never wanted to let her go again.

  Stephanie got up to leave the table and H didn’t attempt to stop her. For now, she needed time with her first born daughter and she was wise enough to know that both girls were going to be a big part of her life from now on.

  The police surveillan
ce team had drifted in, surreptitiously surrounding their table, fully expecting to make an arrest. When it became apparent what was going on, the team gradually drifted out.

  Serena excused herself, apologizing. She had to make a phone call. Grateful for the break, H looked round to attract a waitress. She needed another drink, a large one. Grabbing a piece of the hotel writing paper from the display behind her, she wrote quickly:

  Darling Steph,

  Please don’t run away from me when we have such a lot in common. Stay here in the hotel. Charge whatever you want to your room. I will take care of the account. I will be in touch soon.


  Pushing the letter into a matching envelope she handed it, along with a twenty-pound note, to the obliging waitress when she returned with her drink. Five minutes later the note was delivered into Stephanie’s eager hands.

  Angela was amazed when H telephoned just before midnight to say she wouldn’t be home that night, but she would be returning some time the following day. Would Angela mind staying with Beth and could she please arrange to have the guest suite prepared. It wasn’t the request that amazed Angela, but the polite way it was asked. Very un-Hyacinth.

  Winter was approaching and an early heavy snowfall overnight turned the roads into an absolute nightmare. It blocked long stretches of the A9 and brought minor roads to a complete standstill. It was mid-afternoon before Hyacinth and Serena arrived at The Old Manse.

  Hugging her daughter close as they stood beside the car, H, overcome with emotion, could barely manage to speak. With her arm around her daughter ’s shoulders she whispered, ‘This is where you were born, Serena.’

  ‘I know.’


  ‘Penny. She told Steph.’ She reached out to take H’s hand. ‘Penny’s obsessed, but it goes way beyond jealousy. She’s not just jealous of you, she wants to be you.’

  ‘We’ll deal with Penny later. I don’t want to think about her right now, not today. Today is the start of a new life for us, and that bitch isn’t going to spoil one second of it.’

  Steph was a sensational bonus. Hyacinth could see them now, sailing the Mediterranean on board The Amethyst, sharing every female they pulled, enjoying sensational threesomes. H’s idea of heaven made her smile, but again, all that was for later. Right now she tightened her grip on Serena’s hand, ready to take her daughter into her home.

  * * * * * * * *

  ‘Angela, this is my daughter Serena. She’s going to be staying here with me. Would you please settle her in while I have a word in private with Beth?’ H didn’t wait for Angela to answer. ‘Beth, come into the drawing room, please.’

  Obediently Beth followed H across the hall.

  ‘Sit down.’ Not an order, more of an indication as H waved towards an easy chair. She poured herself a generous gin and tonic then stood with her back to the roaring fire. ‘Constance will be calling to collect you shortly. Please pack your things and be ready to leave here when she does.’

  ‘Why? I thought you wanted me with you. Do I not turn you on anymore or have you lost your touch? After all, you haven’t had the nerve to come anywhere near me.’ Beth challenged, wanting answers. She’d learned not to trust this bitch.

  The old Hyacinth shouted, ‘Remember, we have unfinished business, darling. Now fuck off before I change my mind. Keep looking over your shoulder, because one day I’ll be back for you.’

  Beth leapt from the chair and ran upstairs to pack after

  almost colliding with Angela in the doorway.

  Angela stepped into the drawing room and shut the door behind her. She leaned with her back against it to keep it closed. ‘H, you’ve got to get out of here, fast. Go to my house, take the helicopter. I’ve arranged to have it ready for you. Just disappear.’

  H looked blank. ‘It’s years since I’ve flown a helicopter.’

  ‘It’ll be like riding a bike.’ Angela assured her. ‘There’s no time to waste. I’ve just had a call from a trusted friend in the police. They are coming to arrest you for murder, something to do with a body police divers found in the River Tyne.’

  H dropped the gin and tonic she was holding.

  ‘Take Serena, and get the hell out of here.’

  ‘I’ll have to wait for Constance. She’s coming to collect Beth.’

  ‘Constance is an undercover police officer.’

  H’s jaw dropped.

  ‘Get the hell out, while you can. Go NOW!’

  * * * * * * * *

  As the four-track turned right at the bottom of the drive heading for Angela’s, a police car appeared round the corner and gave chase. H had the advantage in the difficult driving conditions and put her foot down gaining some time and distance between them.

  Wishing Angela lived beside the A9, H expertly maneuvered the heavy vehicle along the snow covered track, but it slid into a ditch when she took a corner a little too fast.

  They were stuck. Going nowhere. The police siren was closing in on them.

  She wrenched the gears, forward and reverse, forward and reverse, rocking the vehicle until they shot forward onto the track.

  ‘I hope Steph’s made it,’ Serena said.

  ‘Thank God you managed to get her on her mobile,’ H wrestled to hold the vehicle on the road, ‘the reception up here isn’t good at the best of times.’

  ‘We’re here. Where’s Steph?’ H’s eyes scanned the area. ‘Jump out, quick. We can’t wait. Run.’

  Grabbing their bags, they ran towards the helicopter. H covered the ground much easier than Serena who was struggling, hampered by the snow. She fell over. H stopped, quickly retraced her steps and pulled Serena up onto her feet. ‘Come on. We’ve got to hurry.’

  ‘Where’s Steph?’ Serena shaded her eyes against the white glare. ‘We can’t leave her.’

  ‘I don’t know. But the police are almost here. Listen to that siren; it’s getting louder.’ H pulled Serena forward, ‘Come on!’

  They struggled through the snow, it was getting deeper, hampering their progress. Their breath hung eerily in the air as they gasped trying to fill their lungs with oxygen. Finally they were standing beside the helicopter.

  H reached out to open the door. Thank you Angela. ‘At last. We’re in.’ H said as they climbed into the little red helicopter. H fired the engine and the blades came to life, slowly gathering momentum. ‘I’m sorry, darling,’ H looked at Serena, ‘but we can’t wait for Steph.’

  A blue streak appeared from nowhere running towards them.

  ‘She’s over there! Quick, Serena, open the door. Be ready to pull her in. We’ll only have seconds to get her.’ H lifted the machine into the air, the blades generating a mini blizzard. She flew over the top of the police car dipping down to wave at the officers before landing again to pick up Steph.

  ‘Welcome aboard, darling,’ she grinned at Steph. ‘Cutting it a bit fine, weren’t you? Hang on tight girls, we’re going over the Cairngorms. I’ll need to fly low, and it might get a bit rough.’

  She turned the helicopter fast and headed over the mountains. As they started to climb the weather broke; blizzard conditions battered them as a storm force wind took hold of the little machine sweeping it in an ark as if it was a feather. Both Serena and Stephenie screamed while H fought to keep the spluttering engine alive. Suddenly their world changed into a maelstrom of swirling white images and visibility dropped to zero.

  Steph was fighting to stay calm. ‘I can’t see anything! ’ she yelled. ‘What was that?’

  ‘We need to climb, and fast, or we’re going to crash!’ H shouted above the roar of the storm.

  ‘Look out, mum! We’re in the trees . . .’

  * * * * * * * *

  Police alerted every airport and private air field, there was no record of the helicopter landing. Because of the atrocious weather H had flown into, it was assumed that the little machine had crashed, probably in some remote and inhospitable part of the Cairngorm mountain range.

  A walker who h
ad taken refuge in a mountain hut reported to Search and Rescue that he thought he’d heard a helicopter come down, but couldn’t be sure because of the screeching wind, and the atrocious weather conditions.

  The Search and Rescue Team were quick to respond to his information. Following his map coordinates they discovered debris from what they presumed was Hyacinth’s escape helicopter, scattered over a wide area. They didn’t find any survivors.

  No-one could survive out there, they informed the police, not in that weather. Had the women been fortunate enough to survive the crash and started to walk, they could have literally fallen off the mountain into one of the deep crevices, or into one of the mountain lochs. Their bodies might never be found.

  Chapter 62

  It was Christmas morning. Penny lay on her top bunk staring up at the ceiling. The sounds of the prison dorm invading her mind, already some of the inmates were awake and shouting, wishing one another a Merry Christmas. Somebody started singing Oh Come All Ye Faithful and one by one several others joined in. Penny sneered in disgust.

  Bloody fools! she thought, satisfied with a few paltry gifts. She was rigid with anger. This was not the Christmas she’d planned. Right now she should be enjoying the Caribbean high life with Felicity. Instead she was banged up in this hellhole. While the other girls had been placed in open prisons to serve their time, as leader of The Amethyst Group, she had been considered too high a risk, too dangerous. Her ten-year prison sentence would be served in a secure unit and it was that back-stabbing bastard Hyacinth’s fault.

  But hell, she would still be a young woman when she got out and then she would find H and take her revenge. She had years to work on her perfect plan; a plan fuelled by flames of pure hatred. Not for one second did Penny consider that she’d been instrumental in her own downfall.


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