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Encircled Page 55

by Robin Roseau

  They took over for me, both of them smiling broadly. And while they played, I used Kylie’s robe, laying it out on the floor behind her. I was half done when Dee appeared with pillows. We set them out, and then I turned back to Kylie. “Help me.” Together, we lowered her to the floor, her legs still tied, and then I gestured. Sari and La-la each took a hand, and we pulled Kylie further from the bench, sliding across the floor. I climbed atop her then laid down, opening my own robe as I did so. She smiled at me, although it was ragged.

  We kissed. I stroked her. Sari and La-la stroked her. I teased. I touched. And then I looked up at Gigi.

  She nodded. I went back to paying attention to Kylie, but then Gigi was there with my pouch. I took it from her, but I didn’t let Kylie see what I withdrew. Instead I laid out along her top, taking possession of her arms from my slaves. “Help me,” I said. “You know what to do.”

  They did. It was a few minutes later when Kylie began to squirm. “Slowly,” I whispered.

  “We will,” Sari said.

  Kylie squirmed, then she gave a little gasp, her eyes widening. In that moment, I leaned down and kissed her, quite sweetly. A moment later, Sari and La-la set their hands on my hips, and they guided me.

  They had already entered her, and now I lowered myself over the device, the other end entering me. I gave my own moan and a smile, then I whispered to Kylie, “We will make love together. There are two ends.” I moved, and she gasped.

  The angle was poor for me, and I couldn’t control it for Kylie either. And so Sari and La-la took over her arms, touching and kissing. I straightened and shifted.

  And, slowly, I made love to my new slave.

  * * * *

  She cried out at the end, panting heavily and chanting, “Please, oh please, oh please,” before she began to shudder. She gave a great cry and a moan, and another cry.

  And I felt the magic take her. And in that moment, I began my own shudders, receiving my own pleasure. I rode them out, and hers too, before collapsing atop her.

  We stayed that way for a while, and then Olivia was beside me, kneeling down with her hand on my back. “Are you with us, Claary?”

  I turned my head and smiled. “I like my way better than your way.”

  She smiled at me. “I was pacifying an entire country. And you love my way.”

  “True,” I said. I looked over my shoulder. Sari and La-la had untied Ky’s legs. I climbed from her and then knelt beside her. “I miss the resin.”

  “It’s too much,” Olivia said. “But we’ll dress her now.”

  It was actually two of the soldiers who helped me, Sari and La-la helping to support her as we dressed my new slave. She was, as I had been, entirely out of it, but she made little sounds of pleasure a few times. I spoke soothingly to her.

  “I need to sit for a bit,” I said.

  “I imagine you do,” Olivia said. “We have a sofa for you.” She led the way, with the soldiers picking up Ky and bringing her after me. Everyone else watched, and even Amber and Yelshie were no longer blindfolded. I sat, and the soldiers gave Ky to me. Sari and La-la clustered around us, taking their own places and squirming until they were comfortable. Sari smiled at me.

  Melartine said something to Gigi. I was surprised, but Gigi released her, and Ky’s mother moved to us, kneeling beside the sofa to look at her daughter.

  “She’s fine,” I said. “I was like this my first few times.”

  “We were all like this our first time,” Olivia said. “Well, maybe Jessla wasn’t.”

  “I most certainly wasn’t,” Jessla said. “I passed out entirely.”

  Ky was out of it, but not entirely out of it. She was clearly cuddling with me. She wasn’t unconscious. She was just entirely blissed out.

  “She looks…” Melartine said.

  “Like she’s had the best sex of her life,” Tressain said. Then she laughed. “Oh. I suppose it could have been terrible, and that would still be true, but you know what I mean.” Then she looked at Lassa. “Am I going to look like that?”

  “You better believe it,” Lassa replied.

  * * * *

  Olivia claimed Amber and Yelshie, one after another. I extricated myself from Kylia but gave her to La-la and Sari. I knew she’d be comfortable with them. I untied Rishia from the chair and helped her to stand. She looked me in the eye, smiled, and then walked straight to the bench. She had the robe on the ground, her legs tied, and was working on her hands by the time I arrived with Ti-ti, Vi, and Emsie. I didn’t have to say anything. The slaves finished securing her and began to slowly tighten the bonds.

  I began to tease her.

  It was no more than five minutes later that she said quite firmly, “Get on with it already.” She didn’t remain pushy too much longer.

  We watched as the others claimed their slaves.

  And then we went home.


  I’m going to tell a little bit of this out of order then come back.

  I kept Shi-shi, as I chose to call Rishia, and Ky for the two months I was allowed. I treated them like I did all my slaves. I let them decide how physically affectionate they would be with each other, and they found a happy arrangement, touching and kissing often, but no more than that.

  They saved more intimate touches for the rest of my household, and in that, they were nearly insatiable. That was no surprise at all.

  Gigi named Melartine “Meah”, and dressed her in red. She shared pleasures with her and shared Meah with her other slaves the same way I shared Shi-shi and Ky.

  At the end of two months, by mutual agreement, we freed my slaves first. They both sobbed and clung to me, begging for me to keep them. I took care of them, and I encouraged them to also take care of each other. Then Gigi freed Melartine, and she was even worse, although she recovered more quickly.

  We kept the three of them in our home for an additional three weeks, ensuring they were safe to resume their lives outside our protection.

  On the last day, Kylia and Rishia both clung to me. They thanked me with words and kisses. I did the same with them. Then I told them, “You both have things to think about. Please do not do anything rash without talking to me about it.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Rishia says.

  “She’s lying,” Kylia said. “She knows exactly what you mean, and so do I. Claary, if we were going to make that sort of decision, you know it would be for you.”

  After that, we returned them to Olivia, although we saw them once more the day they departed Charth, a week later. Kylia and Rishia kissed me once more, then Melartine surprised me by kissing me when she was done with Gigi.

  But then Pelnie stood in front of me. I looked her in the eye. “You drugged me.”

  “I sure did,” I told her.

  “I wanted you.”

  “I thought perhaps you did,” I said. “And yet you chose Jessla. Did you enjoy your time?”

  “Do you think I’m going to answer that?” I smiled and waited. Finally she said, “She’s an interesting woman. Is it true you’ve been hers?”

  “Quite true,” I said. “Did you enjoy the plants?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I did.” But she pointed a finger at me. I waited to see what she would say. “I understand you still accept challenges.”

  I laughed. “You’ll lose.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Maybe we will. Prepare to belong to me for two weeks. You’ll love every minute.”

  * * * *

  I didn’t see any of them for six months, and the other events of life arrived, moving me along. And so I had stopped thinking about them.

  It was a stormy night when the front door of The Baby Blanket Inn opened. Two women, dressed for the weather, stepped inside. Like I often did, I was doing paperwork from a table in the corner. I looked up, but I left seeing to our patrons to my staff, and I returned to my work. And so I was rather surprised when two women sat down at my table.

  I looked up and smiled. “K
y! Shi-shi!”

  “Those aren’t our names,” Ky said. Then she grinned, “But maybe that will change.”

  I laughed. “There’s a thought I can get behind. How have you been?”

  “Good,” Kylia said.

  “I didn’t know you were here,” I said. “I’m sorry. I would have met you.”

  “We arrived yesterday,” Rishia said. “We led a caravan.”

  “A small caravan,” Kylia said. “Six wagons. But enough small talk. We want to challenge you.”

  “Together or one after another?”


  “I was kidding.”

  “We’re not,” she replied.

  “Lady Olivia said there are dozens of things three women can do,” Rishia added.

  “Ah, so you didn’t mean two on one.”

  “That would be fun,” Kylia said with a grin. “But would you agree?”

  “Probably not.” Then I offered my own grin. “But we could include Gigi.”

  They shook their heads. “If you win, you may share us with Gigi, but we both want to belong to you.”

  “Not that we’re going to make it easy,” Rishia said.

  “Of course not,” I said, wondering if they’d even be a challenge. “When?”

  “We need to do some business here. After. Next week.”

  “How long?”

  They grinned again. “However long you want.”

  I laughed. “That’s not a wise thing to say. I bet you have an idea.”

  The two exchanged looks. Then they sobered, although slowly. “I can’t stop thinking about you, Claary,” Rishia said.

  “Neither can I,” Kylia added.

  “You realize that’s going to get worse if we do this. The best cure is to ask someone else.”

  “I don’t want to be cured,” Rishia said. “I like thinking about you.”

  “I can tell when she’s thinking about you,” Kylia said.

  “You can not.”

  Kylia turned to her. “You touch yourself.”

  “I do not!”

  “Sometimes here,” Kylia continued. She set two fingers on her breast, and I rather thought I knew what was most directly under her fingertips. “But just as often, I find you with your fingers here.”

  She started moving her hand down her body, but Rishia grabbed it and said, “I do not!”

  “Well, one of us does that,” Kylia said with a grin. “It must be you, because I wouldn’t do something like that.”

  Rishia snorted. “She totally would.”

  I laughed.

  * * * *

  They belonged to me for two weeks. After that, they came to me every few months, every time they were in Charth. Sometimes it was one or the other of them, but most of the time, they came together. Every three or four visits, I talked them into some other arrangement. The first time, the three of us offered ourselves to Olivia. Bee and Dee were in heaven over that. Another time, we challenged Gigi, and I let her pick the event. Yes, she won.

  Sometimes they couldn’t stay as long, and so I only had them for a few days. But most of the time, they stayed for two weeks.

  They lost every event, and I didn’t think they were even trying.

  * * * *

  Gigi met me at the door. “We have guests. It’s Kylia with a friend.”

  “A friend, is it?” I asked. Gigi and I kissed. “Is she cute?”

  “I don’t think this is a good visit, Claary,” Gigi said. “But Kylia asked to speak directly to you about it. They’re in the front parlor.”

  I nodded and headed in that direction. Gigi had left Sari and La-la with them, although I didn’t hear any talking as I approached. I swept into the room and smiled, “Kylia!”

  She rose to her feet and crossed the room to me. And her expression nearly killed me. “Kylia?”

  “Kiss me,” she said. And when she got closer, she whispered, “Make it a really good one, but I need your help.”

  I nodded, and then I did, indeed, make it a good one. Kylia fanned herself when we were done, and then she stepped to my side and slipped her arm around my waist.

  At that point, I got a look at our other guest. She looked deeply haunted. “You two, stay close,” I said, but I gestured for the door. They stepped out, closing it, and then Kylia and I stepped closer.

  “Claary Rosebush,” Kylia said. “This is Myreedie Citrine.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Ms. Citrine,” I said, offering my hand. She gave me hers, but it was tentative, and she mumbled some sort of agreement.

  “May we sit?” Kylia said. She moved away from me, taking Myreedie’s hand and pulling her to a sofa. I took a chair opposite. Kylia looked at her friend. “Trust me, Myreedie. You’ve come this far. Just trust me a little more.” The woman nodded, but she looked terrified.

  And broken. She looked broken.

  “Claary,” Kylia said. “I’ve told Myreedie all about you. She wants to have her First Enslavement with you, but only for two weeks.”

  “I see,” I replied. “Do you mind if I call you Myreedie?” I asked her. She shook her head. “Myreedie, do you understand what Kylia just told me?” She nodded. “And is this what you want?”

  The woman said nothing for a moment then dropped her gaze. That wasn’t extraordinary, as she hadn’t looked me in the eye yet, anyway. “Kylia said you’d be good to me.”

  “I would,” I confirmed. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty,” she said.

  “Myreedie and I went to school together,” Kylia said. “She’s been my best friend forever.” Kylia turned to her friend. “We have to tell her.”

  “She wants me to be a slave.” The woman looked up. “You want me to be a slave.”

  “We’d be slaves together,” Kylia said. She turned to me. “Wouldn’t we, Claary?”

  I leaned back and looked at the two of them. “What’s going on?”

  “Please don't ask.”

  “Kylia, you can tell me now, or you can tell me later. Either way, one of you is going to tell me.”

  “This is a mistake,” Myreedie said. “We should go.”

  “Trust me,” Kylia said. “You aren’t committing to anything. Just trust me. I never played a trick on you. I’ve done this a dozen times. It’s fun. It’s more than fun. Trust me. I know I promised not to tell anyone, but we should tell Claary. She’ll help. I know she will. Please let me tell her.”

  Myreedie sat quietly, but finally she nodded.

  Kylia didn’t require more than that. “Myreedie doesn’t know it yet, but she wants to stay here, with you. Forever.”

  “I see,” I said. “And First Time is to convince her?”


  “I don’t think Myreedie is at all convinced she wants a First Time,” I said. “I think Myreedie is running from something.”

  “My family,” she whispered. “They’re trying to force me to marry someone. He’s a horrible person, but he has money, and they won’t listen to me.”

  “Claary, he’s hit her. Myreedie show her.”

  “Kylia…” she whined.

  “Show her. Just show her.”

  Myreedie nodded and then she opened her tunic. It took her a minute, but she showed me a very large bruise on her side. My lips tightened as I looked at it.

  “All right,” I said. “Can’t you tell your family ‘no’.”

  She looked away.

  “All right,” I said. “I think I understand. Myreedie, I don’t make the laws here. If you want to stay in Charth, you can, but one law is that you have a First Enslavement. I would love if you had that with me, and Kylia is right. I would take care of you.”

  “What can we do?” Kylia asked. “Could we do it tonight? We could both be yours, right?”

  “You could,” I said. “Myreedie, do you want to return to Flarvor?”

  She didn’t answer right away but then asked, “Would you hit me?”


  “I don’t want to go back
to Flarvor,” she said. “But I don’t want to be a slave.”

  “You’d only be a temporary slave,” Kylia said. “To see if you like it. You once told me you’d try anything once, if I tried it with you.”

  Myreedie didn’t respond to that. Eventually I nodded and said, “Give me a minute.” I stood and walked to the door. Sari and La-la were sitting on the floor down the hall, cuddling together and talking quietly. “Sari, I need paper and pen. Then I’ll need both of you to run an errand.”

  They scrambled to their feet. While they saw to that, I turned back to my guests. “I’m going to find out how much authority I may assume. Have you two eaten?”


  “All right. I’ll get some food for us in a bit. We’ll talk all you want. And then we’ll see what we’re going to do. How are things for you, Kylia?”

  We made small talk for a few minutes. Sari brought supplies. I sent them to arrange food, but told them to come back once that process began. In the meantime, I wrote my note.

  Lady Olivia,

  I seem to have a refugee from Flavor in my home. She is asking for a First Time, but the situation is sensitive. I do not know how much leeway I have to make an agreement. She’s skittish, and I’d rather avoid Government House. Please advise.

  Claary Rosebush

  Sari and La-la returned, and I sent them off to deliver my note.

  * * * *

  We ate a light meal, delivered by Hessey herself. I got to know Myreedie. Kylia tried to lighten the mood, but it wasn’t working. Myreedie was scared and confused, and I didn’t blame her.

  Sari and La-la returned. They handed me an envelope containing a note and official forms for both a First Enslavement and a Practice Challenge.



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