Southern Riders (Scars Book 1)

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Southern Riders (Scars Book 1) Page 6

by Robin Edwards

  The grocery store is of course the only one in Danville, but thankfully it’s rather large and stocked with everything I could imagine needing. After making my way through the aisles to pad my pantry, I head to the butcher stand at the back of the store and order a few cuts of beef in addition to two large chicken breasts.

  I’ve just gotten off of the phone with Lindsay, and remembering some of her quirky responses of what she would’ve said to Michael are still making me giggle, she is so hilarious without even trying.

  “What’s so funny?” I hear the low voice behind me and spin quickly although I’m already sure who it is.

  “Daryl!” I smile when my eyes land on his handsome face. He hasn’t shaven today, and the five o’clock shadow suits him nicely. As always, he’s dressed in his casual uniform – a crisp white t-shirt underneath a black leather jacket, with distressed denim jeans and black boots to complete the look. Today he’s not wearing a hat, and his dark hair looks tousled, as if he’s been running his fingers through it all day.

  “I heard you picked up Caroline,” he smirks in that bashful, yet confident way he does.

  “I did,” I blush, a bit impressed and embarrassed that he remembered the name of my Jeep.

  “I was hoping to be there when you came to pick it up,” he catches me off guard, because I wanted to see him too.

  “Oh really?” I ask, deciding not to let him know I shared his sentiments, besides it was nice to meet his grandma.

  “Yeah, I wanted to ask you out,” he says casually, his gray eyes piercing through me. God, he’s handsome, and in that annoyingly unaware way. He doesn’t have that pretentious attitude that attractive people can sometimes embody, he’s more like me, yeah I happen to look appealing, but I don’t lean on it.

  “Ask me out?” I repeat his words, a contagious grin quickly spreading across my face. I watch as Daryl flashes those pearly white teeth of his before biting his bottom lip to hide his grin.

  “Yeah, we’re gonna go to the fair,” he says absentmindedly as he waves and nods to the butcher, placing his order without a word.

  “Oh are we?” I quip, my hand on my hip in defiance.

  “Well, that’s what I was gonna ask, if you wanted to come to the fair with me,” he clarifies, his eyes again trained on me. His undivided attention feels a bit intimidating, with his broad shoulders squared off, his head cocked to the side in anticipation of my response.

  “That could be fun,” I openly flirt. There was no way I was going to that fair before Daryl asked, despite my partner’s insistence that I attend.

  “So meet me at seven,” he shrugs before reaching for my hand, where I’m still holding my smartphone after ending my call with Lindsay.

  His fingers gently cascade over my knuckles as he retrieves the phone and I feel the breath catch in my throat from the spark between us. Seemingly unbothered, he takes the phone and begins to tap the screen.

  “What’s your password?” He asks with his eyebrows furrowed.

  “Huh?” I ask confused, my brain still processing how much I enjoyed his rough touch.

  “Your password?” He repeats, turning my phone to me so that I can see the prompt preventing him from accessing my phone.

  “That’s a bit personal don’t you think?” I tease and he extends his hand, returning the phone for me to input the code privately.

  “Zero-Four-Zero-Two,” I say without accepting the phone, our eyes locked on each other as he pulls the phone back, before looking down to input the code.

  “Is that your birthday?” He asks, referring to my passcode, his attention still on my phone as he taps away on the screen.

  “My mom’s,” I admit as he nods and hands me the phone back.

  “I’m a Pisces too,” he winks and raises one eyebrow before glancing in my cart. “What are you making?” He asks.

  “I was going to make tacos,” I reply, my body begin to itch from the nerves rushing through me. My thighs are pressing together as desire pools for him, and my underarms are sweating from the nerves I feel under his gaze.

  His behavior is always so comfortable that it feels odd. He acts as if we know each other, or everything is just standard, while I flap away like a fish out of water through every interaction. He’s so cool and laid back and I’m so, not. And it’s only around him!

  “I’ll get you tacos at the fair. Call me when you get there,” he says, watching me until I nod in agreement to his plan before moving to pass me, his hand grazing the small of my back as he passes me on his way to the butcher counter. The tall butcher, in his stained white apron, reaches across the glass counter, handing Daryl two packages wrapped tightly in white paper before returning to his work table.

  “Seven,” Daryl reminds me as he passes by once more, this time not touching me at all and I instantly regret not placing myself more in his way so he’d have to move around me.

  “I’ll see you then,” I assure him, as he moves through the aisle, raising his hand in a goodbye gesture as he walks away.

  Embarrassingly, I watch him move through the store until he’s out of sight, before glancing around to make sure no one saw me gawking. Luckily it seems I’ve stared on in obscurity as he strolled out the store without even glancing back in my direction.

  Chapter Eight


  I guess I’ll have to take Daryl up on his offer to get tacos at the fair, because I’ve spent the entire afternoon preparing for our date like it was prom and now I’m starving. Maybe calling it a date is a bit overzealous, but I think it fits the description quite stereotypically. It doesn’t get more cliché than a date at the local fair, does it?

  After parking my Jeep, I catch one more reflection of myself in the dark tinted windows of the black SUV parked next to me. My dark hair is cascading over my shoulder in waves, falling down to the sweetheart neckline of my short yellow romper, a color Lindsay assure me always looks great against my tan skin. I’ve added just a touch of make-up, the kind that makes it look like I’m not wearing any while still defining my cheekbones and accentuating my eyes.

  Walking up to the entrance gate, I’m tempted to pull out my smartphone and call Daryl, because there are so many people pouring in and out the fair. Just before I dig in my small wristlet I see him struggling to end a conversation with an elderly couple, which instantly brings a smile to my face.

  “Sorry,” he says as I approach. “The Jamesons are hard to get away from,” he explains, motioning towards the couple.

  “It’s fine. You seem to be quite popular with the older crowd,” I joke and a flash of a smile passes his face.

  “My grandpa is really popular because of the shop, so I grew up around everyone. They used to do everything for me, so I guess I try to return the favor now,” he shrugs, looking me over.

  “You look nice,” he says quietly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as he leads me into the fair.

  Okay, this is definitely a date. You don’t just walk around the fair with your arm draped around anyone. Looking around, the decorations bring back so many memories of childhood summers attending the LA County Fair. No matter where you go, they’re all pretty much the same – food, games, rides, laughter.

  “Do you ride rollercoasters?” Daryl turns to me as we pass a ride that gushes by so fast as everyone on board screams at the top of their lungs. My heart sinks realizing he might want to get on.

  “Oh God no, do you?” I ask nervously.

  “Hell no! We’re not touching those things,” he steers me clear of the rides and I exhale with relief as we wander through the excited crowds.

  “Do you come every year?” I ask looking up at him, his jawline tense as he scopes the scene.

  “Yeah,” he answers with furrowed brows, smirking when he glances down to see my eyes trained on him. Butterflies flutter in my belly in that nervous giddiness that tends to accompany first dates.

  “I used to go to the
county fair every summer with my dad, but I haven’t been since I was little,” I share as we make our through the organized chaos.

  “Oh yeah? What was the fair like in California?” He asks, leading me towards an amazing sweet aroma.

  “Just like this!” I giggle.

  “Really?” He asks shocked.

  “Yep! I really can’t tell a difference, but that might change after I try the funnel cakes.” I rub my hands together.

  “You like funnel cakes?” He perks up, walking faster.

  “I love funnel cakes,” I giggle again as we rush towards the smell.

  Arriving at a red and yellow painted stand, Daryl first greets the blonde teenage boy working behind the counter before ordering a funnel cake for us. I’m not sure if I should offer to pay, but I don’t really have a chance because he hands the young kid a twenty dollar bill before he’s even done ordering.

  With his arm still draped around me, he takes paper plate carrying the fried cake batter and lowers his arm, offering me first dibs. I tear a piece off and hold it up to him. I can see the reluctance in his eyes, but after a brief hesitation he bites the cake from my fingers and slowly closes his eyes in satisfaction.

  “It’s so good,” I exclaim, licking my fingers after taking a bite of my own.

  “I was trying to give you the first taste,” he explains and I laugh at his gentlemanly attempt as we wander through the fair, each tearing away at the fried deliciousness.

  “Well, I appreciate the gesture. I haven’t had a funnel cake in years,” I shake my head as he throws the now empty plate into a cardboard trash can.

  “What else haven’t you had in a while?” He looks down into my eyes and I feel myself melting again. Gosh, he has such a strong effect on me and I can’t tell if I enjoy or despise his power.

  There’s no way I could argue that he definitely meant the question to be taken sexually, but that’s exactly where my mind races. It’s been quite a while since I had any type of touch from a man, hence my hyperventilation every time he touches me.

  “Let’s get some French fries,” I suggest, spotting a small glassed in stand a few feet away.

  “French fries it is,” he says, pulling me into his side as we walk together towards the stand.

  “I can get these,” I say, reaching to unzip my wristlet.

  “Don’t.” He says flatly, before turning to the pretty, young woman behind the counter. “Hey, Steph! Let me have a large fry and a large,” Daryl pauses and turns to me, “Lemonade or sweet tea?”

  “Sweet tea!” I answer excitedly and he smirks like I made the right choice. Nodding to the girl, who is fawning over him, she writes down my decision before looking up to Daryl with longing eyes.

  “That’s it,” he nods, handing her a twenty-dollar bill and moving to the side of the line.

  Following the woman’s I notice how closely she watches Daryl and can’t help but feel a twinge of territorial protectiveness. I mean, he’s not my boyfriend, but he is on a date with me, pick your tongue up off the floor!

  “Come on,” he disrupts my glare on the woman, his hands full with our super-sized bucket of fries and sweet tea.

  Squirting tons of ketchup to coat the fries, he lowers the large cup to again give me the first taste. This time I allow him his gentleman gesture and dig right in.

  “Mmm,” I hum after trying tasting the salty perfection.

  “You like them?” He raises his eyebrows while shoving two fries into his mouth.

  “I do,” I smile before adding the question I wanted to ask before the woman’s fawning interrupted me. “Why don’t you want me to pay for anything?”

  “Because you don’t have to,” he says matter-of-factly before pausing his steps and lifting his hand to my face. I freeze when his thumb grazed the corner of mouth, the touch taking my breath away. As if its normal, he takes his thumb to his mouth, eating the ketchup from my lip. Now I’m sure I’m horny, because that was the sexiest thing that’s happened to me in months.

  We wander through the fair eating our French fries, Daryl holding the huge cup of sweet tea to my mouth every so often, so I can enjoy the incredibly sweet drink between stuffing my face.

  “Let’s play some games,” Daryl announces after we finish the fries.

  “Okay, but I’m usually really good at carnival games,” I warn him, and he chuckles at my confidence.

  First we go to a tent set up with an endless supply of glass bottles lining the floor. Daryl hands the man a bill and then I get a handful of colorful rings to toss at the bottles with the hopes of one of the rings landing on one.

  One by one, I miss every opportunity, and before I know it, I’m stomping my foot in frustration.

  “Here, this is for trying,” the attendant wearing a red apron hands me a teddy bear so small it fits in my hand.

  “I don’t want this. I want that!” I point to the largest stuffed animal I’ve ever seen hanging from the ceiling of the game.

  “You’ve got to land five rings for that,” he laughs before turning to help the next customer.

  “These games are rigged!” I cross my arms and Daryl smirks before wrapping his arms around me. I’d be lying if I said having his heavy arms draped over my shoulders didn’t make me feel better. We walk together like that, him behind me hugging me with those muscular arms.

  “You just need some sweets,” he whispers in my ear, and the feel of his warm breath on my ear triggers my abdomen muscles to clench.

  Pulling me to another colorful stand he orders while I glance around at the games, seeing which ones I could win to get that huge teddy bear. The fair is bustling with families and couples, teenagers and senior citizens alike. Earl was right, it is a lot of fun, and in that moment I’m so glad Daryl invited me because I know I wouldn’t have enjoyed myself so much alone.

  “Here. Try these,” Daryl orders, holding out a paper plate of round, golden brown crispy treats.

  “What are they?” I tilt my head in confusion.

  “Those are fried Oreos,” he points to one treat. “And these are fried Snickers,” he identifies another with a mischievous grin on his face.

  “Hmm,” I hum, contemplating before picking a treat from the Snickers pile and taking a bite. The chocolate oozes out onto my hand and Daryl laughs watching me try to lick it away.

  “Like it?” He asks once I finish and I nod profusely. What’s not to like about fried candy?

  Picking a golden treat from the Oreo pile, he takes a smile bite before offering the other half to me. Looking up into his gray eyes, I open my mouth slightly and he lays the warm cookie on my tongue. Is he trying to tease me?

  Again, we walk through the fair, Daryl’s arm draped over my shoulder, as we eat another batch of fried food, maneuvering around the clusters of people.

  “Ooh! Let’s take a picture!” I shriek as we approach a photo booth.

  Daryl looks down at me, but I can’t read the expression on his face. “Come on,” is all he says before pulling me a little closer against him as we walk to the booth.

  “Okay, we get four picture. It’ll beep before it flashes,” I explain as I settle onto the bench after reading the instructions.

  We’re both looking at our reflections displayed on the screen, my jaws sore from holding my smile for so long as Daryl barely smirks. The machine beeps and an image of us is frozen on the screen.

  “Now it’s another one?” He asks and I look forward, just as the machine starts beeping.

  “Oh shit! We missed it!” I yell and we both burst into laugher just as the camera flashes again, another shot of us in a candid moment of hilarity frozen on the screen.

  “Come here,” he wraps his arm around me, pulling me close after determining that I don’t know how the machine works as well as I thought. The camera catches the confident swagger in his beautiful eyes on that shot. As the machine beeps for the final picture I make a last se
cond decision and plant my lips on Daryl’s cheek just before the flash, his expression a mix of shock and happiness.

  We walk out of the photo booth laughing like idiots, and I can’t help but wonder what people looking on must think. We’ve eaten every bit of chocolate our bellies can handle, acting like two kids on a date. I haven’t laughed this hard in ages.

  “Come on,” Daryl pulls my arm, again leading me somewhere.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, my feet struggling to keep up with his fast pace.

  “The fair’s almost over and I still gotta get your bear,” he calls over his shoulder, pulling me through crowds of people who all seem to happily make room for him.

  He stops at a tent with different stations of three bowling pins stacked in a pyramid shape on a table. After handing the attendant some money, he receives three small bean bags. With squinted eyes, he leans over slightly, softly tossing the bean bag, and all three bowling pins tumble over.

  “Yay!” I scream like a child and he looks over at me with the rarest, sexiest, smile, showing his perfect set of teeth.

  Pointing to the bear after getting my nod of approval, the attendant stand on a step stool to unhook the bear that is so large, you can’t see him anymore as he hands the prize to Daryl.

  “This is what you wanted?” He teases and I could pass out from the innocent cuteness of his bashful smirk.

  “Just what I wanted,” I nod.

  Daryl reaches down, interlocking our fingers and I feel a rush of butterflies. Holding hands has always been so intimate to me. I never even held hands with Michael, but it doesn’t feel strange with Daryl. Everything just feels normal, yet exciting.

  When we finally reach my Jeep, Daryl stuffs my new teddy bear in the back seat after opening my car door and helping me inside.

  “I didn’t strap him in the seat belt,” he nods towards the bear and I giggle glancing over my shoulder. It is seriously the largest stuffed animal ever.

  “Thank you for bringing me, Daryl. I had so much fun,” I blush. It’s been years since I’d been on a date and I couldn’t imagine it going any better than tonight.


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