Wolf Warrior 01 The Lost Wolf Warrior

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Wolf Warrior 01 The Lost Wolf Warrior Page 26

by Rae Monet

  Although the enemy had been defeated, Roan could feel no sense of triumph. Richard was in pain, and Serena was lost in grief. When all was said and done, three warriors had died that day and several the days previous. The woods were a shamble of broken and burned debris.

  They returned to the valley behind the falls in shifts, assisting the injured and taking the bodies of those who had been sacrificed. No, Roan could not be happy, but even through his own sense of grief, for the first time in months he felt whole.

  * * * *

  Roan remained next to Serena and her father as they lowered their heads in prayer. Per their custom, they burned the bodies of the dead warriors. She had no tears left to cry over the tragedy that had befallen them. She was sick in her heart after notifying families of their loved ones’ deaths, bestowing their weapons upon the surviving siblings as per tradition. The telling had fallen on her as the high-ranking Wolf Warrior and their guide. She had held so many as their anguish tore them apart. She was exhausted, worn out from absorbing their emotions. She slowly backed away from the orange glowing heat of the fire that burned her body with its sorrow.

  Her steps mindlessly propelled her toward the ridge that had always been her haven. It was there she choose to be alone with her thoughts. And it was there she remained for several hours, comforted by her solitude and uninterrupted in her grief until she sensed Roan's approach.

  For a good part of the day he had remained detached from her. She sensed his presence, a pillar for her to use, if she so desired. He had allowed her to distance herself out of respect, but now she sensed he was done permitting her to place barriers between them.

  He didn't speak as he unhurriedly stepped closer to her. Eventually he came so close she could feel his exhaled breath against the back of her neck. His arms finally came around her. Locking her body to his, he tightened his grip as if he feared she would disappear if he let her go. She closed her eyes in pleasure as the serenity of his embrace stole over her. His hand caressed her hair in reverence, tangling in her dark locks.

  "Serena.” He turned her around in his arms and his lips inched closer, as if testing her resistance. She had none. At last his lips closed over hers, gentle at first, then pushing into a deeper, more intimate, desperate kiss. This kiss communicated much. It told the tale of his despondency, longing and his sheer loneliness when they were parted. She leaned closer. She wanted to touch him, to press her body against his and absorb the heat and energy he radiated into her cold, tired body.

  She cried out against his mouth and entwined her hands in his hair. When neither had breath left, he broke off, and pulled her into him in an embrace so unyielding she had to take in a breath. She was trembling in his arms, not from the cold, but from the hunger his kiss had created in her.

  "I will not depart here without you. If you will not come, then I will not leave.” His words sounded so uncomplicated, yet she understood the impact of his statement.

  "Roan, you cannot. Your people..."

  He pulled back, his troubled eyes clashing with hers. “I will bequeath my castle and lands to Stephen and Diana. They will manage it in my absence. I have trained Stephen well these past few months and I have trust in him."

  She saw the conflicting emotions cross his expression. Diana had told her of her love and eventual marriage to his brother. She radiated with happiness when she spoke of Stephen. Serena was pleased that Diana had finally filled the void within her with a man worthy of her.

  "I fear that it will not remain safe here for long,” she said. “We might need to move."

  Roan's hands clenched on her arms.

  "Then we will go to my castle. The entire Society if need be. Do you not understand? I love you.” He growled out his last statement. “I will have you as my lady wife, the mother of my children, my life mate, or I will plague your every step until you agree. I am resolved in this."

  Serena smiled at his declaration. He smiled back and dipped down, his face eye level with hers, the joy in his eyes matching hers.

  "Need I throw you over my shoulder to seek the priest?” he asked tenderly, his eyes sparkling as if he recognized he had won her this day. “You love me, little one?"

  Serena dipped her head at his endearment. She smiled into the ground, then she looked up and watched his eyes search hers. She wanted to brush the smile from his face at his arrogance. But she wanted even more to see his smile widen.

  "I love you, my lost Wolf Warrior.” Serena's hand caressed his cheek. She watched the breath he had been holding flow out with his next words.

  "Thank the Gods we were brought together on that deadly day when I neared death, only to embrace life when you rode to my rescue."

  His words were her undoing and she launched herself against him. His arms came up to catch her as they held each other.

  "Thank the Gods, Roan.” She rested her head against his fluttering heart.

  "It is well that you want children.” He pulled back. Although she appeared tired and had lost some weight, the gentle rounding of her abdomen, the increase in her breasts and the inner glow that went beyond her outer appearance told him what he need not ask.

  "Tell me it is true, that you carry my babe,” he asked anyway, his excitement mounting.

  "For several months,” she confirmed as she watched his elation.

  "Damnation!” he roared in joy, and swung her in his arms.

  She groaned.

  Immediately, he halted and lowered her feet to the ground. His brow furrowed with concern, he ran his hands over her body. “Are you well?” His hands came to rest on her stomach. His eyes widened and he looked astonished.

  "I am wonderful,” she said, laughing.

  He laughed back, hugging her to him. Then he pulled back quickly. Although he tried to appear angry, his joy could not be hidden.

  "We will discuss the situation I found you in later,” he scolded.

  He referred to her fighting while she was with child, she knew, and she shook her head. She was a warrior and would always be one, with child or not.

  "I will always be what I am. You must accept that."

  Roan nodded in acquiescence. “I know, I know. I am just glad you are safe, that we are together. Now all will be well.” He sighed against her hair.

  "Yes, all will be well.” She fortified her pledge with a rousing kiss that left him groaning.

  "We will marry this night,” he growled out the order.

  She laughed and nodded.

  With another shout of triumph, he took over her inexperienced exploration with a ravishing assault on her body. He was clearly starving in his need as he smoothly dropped her to the ground, his emotions crowding her mind. It was a time before they came off the bluff to fulfill their promise.

  * * * *

  The ceremony that evening was simple and beautiful. Serena dressed in the beautifully uncomplicated white gown the village woman had made for her previous wedding plans.

  She stood next to Roan, her hand encased in his, as they bowed their head in prayer. They began the wedding with a valediction to those who were unable to attend. The heartfelt goodbye was for those who had sacrificed their lives for the cause of her people. Diana stood by her side and Roan's father remained by his. The priest smiled in front of them as he instructed them to repeat the time-honored vows of marriage. She stumbled over the word obey, but otherwise spoke smoothly.

  They faced each other. She could not stop the tears from gathering as Roan raised her hand to his lips and recited his vows to love and cherish her. His words caressed the skin of her palm and slid into the folds of her rapidly beating heart. When he spoke his final words, the crowd fell silent as he slipped a gold band onto her finger. He was kissing her before the priest even instructed him to do so, and the crowd cheered in response. His kiss was gentle, reverent. His hand moved down to cover her abdomen as he whispered his confession of undying love against her lips. In return she gently disengaged her hand and lifted his to slip on his finger the ring she
had made for him, a gold band engraved with the simple outline of a wolf. He smiled at her choice.

  "For you, my lost Wolf Warrior, I pledge my everlasting love and unending devotion,” she said, her voice so low he leaned forward to hear her. “I love you,” she ended.

  "I love you,” he returned her declaration. After the final words they both smiled, then turned to survey the cheering crowd.

  And so the celebration for the new life Serena carried began. Serena and Roan had fulfilled their destiny and found each other. She was sure all the lost Wolf Warriors watched them from above, smiling.


  Richard stood in silence, leaning against the door as he watched the scene before him between his sister and her new husband, Roan.

  He could not hear Roan's quietly spoken dialogue, but the effect on his sister was unquestionable. Richard need not hear Roan's promises to know how deeply his words affected Serena as her hands desperately clung to him.

  Watching them, Richard ran his hand through his long, dark auburn hair in frustration and sighed in longing. He knew he should leave them to peace. Alas, what he needed to confide in them would not wait for the right time.

  Richard wondered if he should simply turn and go away. He began to pivot when Serena's command arrested him.


  He hated to spoil this moment.

  Richard approached Serena, kneeling beside a smiling Roan.

  "She carries my child.” There was a sense of wonderment in Roan's voice.

  Richard laid his hand on Serena's stomach. Taking deep breaths, he nodded.

  "Indeed she does. A strong man lies within her womb. The child is well. Serena, you must commit to eat more and rest well in the coming months. Angus, my apprentice, will be here to help you with the birth, and all will go well. Do not worry.” Richard moved back several paces, distancing himself from his sister's emotions.

  Roan rose off his knees to drop down next to Serena on their bed.

  Richard saw Roan glance at his clothing. He was not outfitted in his traditional healer garb. He was dressed as a warrior, his great claymore strapped to his back, and his leather armor wrapped around his body. His leather gauntlet, courtesy of Robert the Bruce, adorned his arm. The gauntlet would assure his safety anywhere in Scotland.

  "You are leaving,” Roan said. “I can sense the finality in this visit. Am I right?"

  Serena gasped.

  "Yes.” Richard was grateful Roan said the words first. He sighed as Serena rose to her feet. He sensed the protest in her.

  Roan stood too. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, restraining her.

  "My path leads me to The Bruce's men where I will lend my sword to his cause,” Richard said. “I have made a difficult decision in light of my feelings toward my profession. I am unsure how long I will be gone."

  Roan held out his arm for a final farewell. “A'Don ar Cuideachd-ne. We protect our own."

  Richard clasped his arm back. “A'Don ar Cuideachd-ne. We protect our own, Roan. Take care of my sister and nephew."

  Serena enfolded Richard in her arms. “I sensed your unhappiness. I had hoped it was a fleeting emotion. I was denying what I knew to be true. I should have helped you more.” She shed more tears.

  Richard shook his head at her guilt.

  "Serena, I cannot control my reaction to absorbing others’ pain, the most essential element of my craft. I am disgusted at myself and the means that led me here.” He saw Serena open her mouth to argue. “No, I must do this. If I ever hope to survive this profession, I must do this."

  "Take care, Richard, and return to us when you are ready. Take Caine and Greystar. Please.” She lent him her support as she always had.

  "I will.” Richard stepped back and raised his hand.

  He turned slowly and walked out of the protected Realm.

  He didn't look back.

  * * * *

  Serena was unsure if his answer meant he would return or that he would take Caine and Greystar.

  She dropped her head as she watched Richard walk away, Roan's arm tightening around her. Her head rested on his chest, her eyes closed. She should have seen the signs. She was so wrapped up in solving their problems she hadn't noticed the pain of the one person who had always been closest to her. She knew healing was a demanding profession and Richard was an honored healer with superior skills. One of the most gifted healers that the Realm had ever known, he was deemed to become a legend of her people. He had been absorbing others’ pain most of his life. Why hadn't she noticed the strain it had caused him of late?

  "Do not blame yourself, I also knew of Richard's unease.” Roan pulled her around to hug her to him. “We must let him follow his own way. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it, you must trust his judgment. If you look deep enough, you will sense it to be true. He needs to take a different path for a time. He will find his way back. Trust me."

  She smiled at him. He was the most incredible man, so wise, so strong and so easy to love. She knew from the first moment she had laid eyes on him and felt him link with her senses they were fated to be together. Snuggling closer, she heard the rumble of his voice. “A boy, huh? I knew it."

  She smiled against his chest. “Did you?” She punched his shoulder. “Fated to be just as stubborn as his father, I am positive."

  "And just as strong as his mother.” He lifted her into his arms. “Now, wife, I think it is time you abide by your wedding vows and we solidify this union.” The sensual gleam in his eyes and the racing of his heart against her hand told her exactly what he had in mind. Serena threw her head back and laughed, her hair falling over his arm. She heard Roan suck in a breath as his violent desire penetrated her mind.

  "Dear husband, I think we have done that already.” She gasped as he swung her toward the bed.

  "Then, little one, we will do it again and again, until I am satisfied."

  She chuckled. “Husband, I do not think you will ever be satisfied."

  He reached town to lick the shoulder he had exposed. “I think you are correct about that, wife."

  She groaned as he introduced her breast to his mouth. She knew that he would work very hard that night to prove her right.

  And he did.

  The End

  Look for Richard's story, The Solarian Raven, coming soon. WWW.RaeMonet.com

  For the life and breath of this story, my thanks go out to Edie, Karen, Rena, MaryAnn, Amy, Ed, Tera, Shelton and Dick; LSB authors JB Skully and Rae Morgan; Raven Moore, Katie, the SF RWA group, LiquidSilverBooks.com and most of all—my biggest supporter, Rick.

  About the Author:

  Rae Monet is a new Author for LiquidSilverBooks.com, for which she writes paranormal, historical and contemporary erotic romance novels.

  Please check out Rae's website, www.RaeMonet.com and enjoy her world. Rae has been writing for a number of years and is an avid reader. Rae's next novel, The Solarian Raven, the second book in the Wolf series, is coming soon from LSB.

  * * *

  Visit www.liquidsilverbooks.com for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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