Wrangled Mess

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Wrangled Mess Page 6

by Reese Madison

  “I’d rather…” He tried to get his finger hooked back under the hem.

  I gathered his fingers in mine and put his hand in my lap so he’d behave. “I know you would, but you’re not going to charm these panties tonight. Tell me about yourself.”

  “How did I get into snake charming? Well, I used to charm panties back in the day. That got me in trouble. Got me married to a woman I didn’t love. I set the women aside and went to Florida for couple years after my divorce. Lee had just passed away, so I went to see his father. He got me into wrestling and rescuing gators. We had our share of snakes too. When I finally went home I was ready to start my own company.”

  “Lee’s parents were divorced?”

  “Oh yeah. His mother raised four kids the best she could, but she’s always had trouble staying sober. Still does. My ex is the same way these days from what I understand.”

  “Too bad.”

  “It is what it is.”

  “Is Lee’s father still around?”

  “Oh yeah. I talk to him a few times a year. We swap war stories. I’m thinking about going back to do a little fishing with him sometime soon. You should go with me.”

  “We just met.” I reminded him as much as myself.

  “By then we’ll be engaged.” He topped off my wine, which means I need to slow down. We haven’t gotten to our entrees yet.

  “Speaking of slowing down. Do you always move this quickly?”

  “Depends on what I want. I want you more than any woman I’ve ever met. Pacing myself is not easy when I’m with you Cookie.” His fingers are walking my hem up. Thankfully there’s a nice long white tablecloth draped over my lap along with my napkin.

  “Behave. Here comes our appetizers.”

  He tugged my hem down and looked up to the server. “I’m going to need some coffee.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Long day?”

  “It’s been a long few days Cookie.”

  “Is it because of your sudden interest in me, or is there something else going on?”

  He shifted uncomfortably and shoved a shrimp in his mouth.

  “That means there’s more. Spill it big guy.”

  He swallowed and took a drink of water before wiping his mouth. I thought I was the procrastinator here.

  “It can’t be that bad.”

  “I’m never going to be rich. I didn’t set my life up to be rich.”

  “Are you happy?”

  “What? Yes. What kind of question is that?”

  “If you’re happy, what difference does it make how much money you have?”

  “It makes a difference when the woman I want to marry, and take care of the rest of my life, is used to expensive cars and fancy wines.”

  “I really hope you don’t think I’m that shallow.”

  “It’s a male pride thing. I can live off next to nothing, and have done so in order to get this company where it is today. I’m not saying this very well.”

  “Sure you are. You don’t like that I make more money than you, and you don’t want to change. I don’t want you to change. Seriously Trace. If it was money I was after I’d have stayed with Jerry.”


  I poked him in the stomach, “You’re not funny.”

  “I’m not rich either.”

  We made small talk after that. The money thing could be an issue. I’m not sure why he felt the need to take me to a fancy dinner to tell me this, so I asked on the way home.

  “I’m so busy sometimes I wanted to make sure I took you out at least once before time gets away from me. Make sure you let me know when you get fed up with my schedule. I’m not very good relationship material. I’m hoping tonight buys me some brownie points.”

  “Brownie points duly noted.” Why not? If I get the urge to go out, all I have to say is his brownie points are all used up, and need a refill. Sounds kind of fun. “I like going out now and then, but for the most part I’m a stay at home by the fire and read kind of girl. That’s why I bought the fancy house. I figured if I was going to live and work in the same place, it should be something nice.”

  “You have a beautiful home. I’ve been stealing ideas from your decor to carry over to mine.”

  “Steal all you want.”

  “That’s another reason I wanted to take you out tonight. I need to tell you something about Jackson that’s going to make you very mad.”

  “So you buttered me up first?”

  “I like butter.”

  “I’m not surprised. How many millions did he make off with?” I’m kidding, sort of. After looking over my accounts today I realized the numbers weren’t as high as Eddie and I discussed they would be a year ago.

  His silence told me I was right.

  “How much?”

  “He was able to buy that condo with what he stole.”

  I closed my eyes. “That’s almost a million dollars. How could I possibly be out a million dollars and not know it?”

  “It looks like he used your money to make some rather risky investments. He reported the losses, and some of the gains, but most of the gains went into another account he’s been writing checks from. The paper trail ends up getting tangled in some fake small companies. Joe outlined the details for me in an email for me. When you’re ready I’ll show it to you.”

  “I’ll look at it in the morning. Then send it to my lawyer. I can’t believe he did this to me. I knew something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.”

  “We’re going to have to see that you know a little more about your finances honey.” He scolded carefully.

  I groaned, “Yeah yeah, and I’m a fool for being so trusting. Let’s not rub it in.”

  “It’s a good thing I came along when I did. He might have bankrupted you.”

  “Are you trying to make me feel better?”

  “No. I want you to be less vulnerable. I love you. I have a dangerous job. I may not always be around to protect you.”

  “You’re just a basket of bunnies tonight aren’t you?”

  He pulled into my driveway and put the car in Park. “There’s something else I haven’t told you.”

  “You’re on a roll, don’t stop now.” Sarcasm is not my specialty.

  “That wasn’t a pregnant rattler in your shed. That was a well fed rattler. One that’s been fed for a while in there. Who normally gets things from your shed?”

  “Me. I don’t usually let the kids in there because of the sharp tools and such, but Mark promised to be careful, and I was a few feet away watching him.” My stomach churned.

  “I’m running some tests on the digested rats. If I can trace where they got their food last, and which pet store they were purchased from, I might be able to tie it to Jackson. It could take a couple weeks to do all that though.”

  “Are you saying Jackson fed a rattlesnake in my shed in hopes I’d go out there and get bit and die?? Why? What would he have to gain?”

  “Nothing. Yet.”

  “That’s why he wanted to get married. He wanted to be my widow to get everything I own.” I can’t believe I slept with a con artist!!

  “I’m sorry sweetheart. This is not fun for me to have to tell you all this.”

  “I can’t believe he planned my death. That’s a really fucked up feeling. Knowing somebody wants you dead so bad they’d plan it out so perfectly.”

  “Not too perfectly. There’s no way that snake could have gotten into your backyard without some help.”

  “They can’t climb walls?”

  “Not one that size. She’d have had to climb in over a year ago.”

  “Oh my God. What if it’s been in there that long??”

  “I doubt it. You would have heard it at the very least.”

  “Not likely. I wear earbuds when I d
o yard work. I never thought a snake could get in there… Oh my God. You’re right. There is no way it just worked it’s way into my shed.” I put my hand to my chest. The more I know the more real this gets.

  “Come on. I’ll tuck you in.”

  I grabbed his arm, “You can’t leave me tonight.”

  “I’ll stay for a while, until you fall asleep. I didn’t tell you all this to get closer to you.”

  “I know that. I’m scared Trace. Nobody has ever tried to kill me before!! What if there’s more snakes?? Or poisonous spiders??” I shivered and started swatting at imaginary webs.

  “I’ll do a sweep of your entire house. You know the ironic part?”

  “I’m afraid to ask you to tell me anything else tonight.”

  “You’re going to fall in love with, and marry, the snake guy you had to call when his trap was found.”

  “I can’t process that right now Trace.”

  “Okay, stay put. I’ll come get you.” I thought he meant my door, not me. He scooped me up and carried me to the front door. I had to fumble for my own keys in my purse so I could unlock the door, but the gesture is very sweet.

  Trace is my big strong protector now. Do I trust him? For some reason I’ve trusted him since the moment I opened the door. He has this aura about him that screams he can be trusted.

  He proves it every time we’re together. Like now. He carried me to my bedroom and set me on the bed. “I’ll be in the living room. Get comfortable and come join me.”

  “Hey.” I’m not sure what I want to say, or how.

  “It’s gonna be okay Cookie. I’ve got you now. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” He waited in the doorway until I looked up. “I know you’re telling yourself not to, but you can trust me. I have no reason to take anything from you but your love, and your cookies. Maybe some brownies. How are you with pies?”

  I smiled and rolled my eyes before shooing him out. “Go. Find us a movie, and let Bits out.”

  “Yes dear.” He pulled the door shut and called to Bits from the hallway.

  It didn’t occur to me to ask why he would have to call for Bits when he should be in his carrying case until I saw the mess all over my living room and kitchen floor. At least it’s not food.

  Trace stood up from behind the couch, breathless and holding up a piglet with toilet tissue stuck to the end of his nose. “Your pig, chewed through his carrying case, got into the bathroom cabinet, and then proceeded to unravel every roll of toilet paper in the package. It looks like I’ll be going to Home Depot tomorrow to buy those child safety locks,”

  I walked over to collect my bad piggy. “Were you bored baby? Awww. Mommy’s home now. It’s okay.”

  “Oh good grief. You’re going to spoil our children.”

  “It’s not like I can make him clean it up.”

  “I can wipe it up with his little grey and pink butt.” Trace suggested brushing fragments of toilet tissue from his knees.

  “Were you chasing him all this time??”

  “He’s fast, and kept diving into the toilet paper like a kid jumps into a pile of leaves. I kept losing him. Look at this mess. It looks like it snowed in here.”

  “Call Sawyer with his fan. We’ll blow it into the yard and call it Christmas decorations.”

  “Don’t tempt me. Where’s your vacuum?”

  “Hall closet. Don’t use that one though, get the Shop-Vac from the garage.”

  “Oh good, we’re going to need it.”


  I’m on my hands and knees trying to gather up larger chunks of the Toilet Paper Massacre in between oncoming attacks by the One Piglet Army, when I hear Trace clear his voice above me.

  I looked up at the incredibly beautiful warrior. “Yes?”

  He pointed towards the garage, “Would you mind explaining that?”

  “I know, it’s a mess. Sorry. The Shop-Vac should be in front of the pile marked Christmas.”

  “I meant the motorcycles!” He bent and drew me up by the arm. “Why are you sitting on a million dollars worth of antique motorcycles??”

  “One point two million actually, I know, I’m paying the extra homeowner’s insurance.”

  “Celeste. I love you honey, but you’re killing me here. Explain.”

  “You love me??” He’s called me ‘love’, once or twice, but he hasn’t come right out and said it. Not like this.

  “Of course I love you. Why else do you think I’m stalking you?”

  “I thought it was my cookies.” Here I go flirting again. I can’t remember ever wanting to flirt before.

  He ground his jaw and stepped in to tower over me. I think I’m in trouble. “You have two seconds to start explaining those bikes in the garage, or I go in after your cookies, and feast.” The way he drew out the last word gave me an inner shiver that went all the way to my toes, out my fingers, and snapped right back to my girly parts.

  “I’m sorry, was that a threat?” Don’t smile. Don’t fall for those silver-blue eyes that accent his otherwise dark features.

  “Remember what I told you about my struggle with self control around you?”

  I’m bouncing off walls as he stalks me to the bedroom. Evidently I’m not very good at walking backwards, even in my own house. “Yes.”

  “All you have to do is say stop, no, or don’t. You have the reigns my dear, but don’t expect me to stop unless you use them.”

  “Then let me tell you right now, I’m not ready to go all the way with you.”

  “Probably a good thing, you should get some sleep sometime tonight.” He stomped his foot like he was coming after me.

  I squeaked and ran to the bed where I hopped on and grabbed a giant decorative pillow to use as a shield. “Go easy on me.”

  “No way. I think you’ve had it a little too easy doc.” He walked around the bed kicking out of his boots and unbuttoning his shirt. His attention was drawn to the door behind me. “Shit. He needs a small prison cell.”

  I laughed and hopped over to gather Bits, and his cardboard toilet paper roll, to lock in the guest bathroom. He’ll be alright for a little while. I hope.

  Trace caught me on my way back in and curled those long arms around my waist. “I’m going to bring over a pen for him. One he can’t chew up.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Put your hands on me Cookie. Why do you hesitate to touch me?”

  I looked down at his chest and laid my hands flat against the soft spray of dark hair covering firm pectoral muscles. They flinched when I dug my fingertips in to comb through the short hair.

  “I love your touch. Don’t stop.”

  I watched as my hands slid over his shoulders, down his arms, and back up to his neck. He lifted his chin with his eyes already closed giving me lots of room to scratch his chin under the goatee.

  He moaned hugging me to him before lowering his chin and taking my fingers between his lips. He backed me so I sat my butt on the edge bed. I watched as he knelt and took off my socks.

  “I want to see you with your hair down.”

  He reached back and pulled the long black strands through the holder and tossed it on the nightstand. When he stood to tug my sweats off by my ankles his hair fell over his shoulders making me gasp.

  “You okay?”

  “No. Do you have any idea how absolutely gorgeous you are?”

  “As long as you think so.” He whipped the ugly cotton pants off and tossed them aside.

  I’ve always been shy in the bedroom, my body isn’t one you show off in bikini, so I tried to cross my legs.

  He gently swatted my leg back down. “Oh no you don’t.”


  “Lay back.” He dropped down to his knees after tossing a pillow on the floor. “Old football injury.”

  “What position?” I a
sked getting one last feel of his hair before laying back.

  “Tight end.” His hands are calming as they caress my thighs and calves.

  I giggled. Tight end. What is wrong with me??

  “Something funny Cookie?” His lips touched the inside of my knee sobering my giggles immediately.

  “I’m nervous. I think. This doesn’t happen to me.”

  “This what?”

  “This. Do I really need to say it?”

  “No. Let’s see if we can get this shyness out of the way.” He hooked my panties with his fingers and worked them down and off without lingering. His hands made their way back up and spread me for his viewing pleasure. “Nice tattoo.”

  Oh crap. I forgot about that. “Don’t laugh.”

  “Why would I laugh?” He kissed the small rebellious tattoo of a playing card, the queen of hearts.

  “It’s silly.”

  “I don’t think so. Why the queen of hearts?” He pushed my shirt up a little, then let his fingers slip underneath to gently explore. I think he senses my need to limit my vulnerability by keeping my shirt on. I’m definitely not used to a man lingering down there.

  “I like cards. Especially Black Jack.”

  “Are you any good?”

  “Just lucky with that particular card.” I grabbed the sheets as his whiskers teased my eager flesh.

  “Did you get the tattoo in hopes of getting some luck down here?”

  I arched as his tongue flicked my nub slowly. Too slowly. Oh God. I’m going to embarrass myself and come on his nose.

  “Cookie?” His breath is warm against my needy flesh.

  “Stop talking!!”

  He chuckled then set the backs of my knees on his shoulders. “Let’s see if we can find you a little luck down here.”

  Okay, I’m not sure if he’s looking for luck, leprechauns, old car parts, or the devil himself, but the first orgasm hit me hard and fast. It didn’t take much. A perfectly laid kiss unraveled me to the core.

  The rest of the unraveling came like waves lapping at the shoreline. Perfectly timed. Perfectly executed, and always reliable. He’s playing my body like an instrument. One I can’t even play.

  My life will never be the same again. This is what I want. No more going back.


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