Wrangled Mess

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Wrangled Mess Page 14

by Reese Madison

  “Why are you drawing them on me now?”

  “I want you to see what they are, and know what they mean to me. There’s more. The first night she showed herself to me I was in a nasty car accident. I was unconscious for almost six weeks. I’m pretty sure she led me back to consciousness.”

  “I wish I could thank her.”

  “You can. After the accident I saw her in my dreams almost every night. She’d just walk along picking leaves, berries, branches, mushrooms, whatever else she wanted, and humming a tune to herself. She didn’t speak to me until the night I lost my virginity.” He licked a nipple clean.

  “What did she say?”

  “She appeared to me with these symbols tattooed across her chest similar to this. She just shook her head without looking at me.” He reached over and took a picture with his phone. “Don’t worry, I’ll delete it as soon as you see. Sorry, I don’t have a mirror handy.”

  “That’s okay, I want to see.” I took his phone to study the designs on my big boobs. Geeze, they look even bigger on camera. “She was mad at you?”

  “Every time I slept with a different woman she would do the same thing. I finally figured out she was mad because I was with the wrong woman. Since I didn’t know where to find the right one, I just kept looking. I didn’t look too long before my ex-wife faked her pregnancy to get me to marry her.” He’s told me this story. There was no baby, and therefore no marriage shortly thereafter.

  “When was the last time you saw her in a dream?”

  “The night I met you. This time she looked up at me with your face and this tattooed across her chest like a breast plate.”

  “What does it all mean?”

  “Hang on, I’ll tell you when I’m done. Don’t erase the picture just yet.”

  I set the phone aside and slid down to close my eyes to enjoy the feel of his mouth on my body. His hands provide a gentle assist with some kneading, while his mouth works to lick, kiss, and suckle the chocolate artwork from my breasts.

  When he slowed to a stop and covered me back up I pouted and looked for where he’s going. He reached over and unplugged the warmer holding the chocolate. “I could do that all day.”

  “I could let you.” I rolled to my side.

  He rolled back to face me mirroring my pose. “I want to make love to you right now, but I want to make this moment last forever. In case you’re wondering why I’m being the romantic tonight.”

  “I like it. It feels like nothing can touch us here.”

  “I can touch you.” He teased setting his phone between us.

  I leaned over to study the picture of me topless except for the chocolate breast plate. It doesn’t look like me. I’m not that… pretty. “Tell me what they mean.”

  He put his finger over the diamond inside a diamond, “This is called the medicine man’s eye, it represents wisdom. This is a rattlesnake jaw, for strength, and this is the squash blossom, which represents courtship. The one underneath them all is called a skyband. It represents the path to happiness. With me so far?”

  “I think so.”

  “When she first drew these symbols for me she said my wisdom was weak, but it would mature as my body matured. The rattlesnake bite symbol represents my strength. The rattlesnake would most likely have been my totem if I ever took a vision quest. I’m not big on mushrooms and disappearing into the desert for days, so I’ll take her word for it.” He gave me an almost guilty smile.

  “I’d rather you didn’t disappear on me at all.”

  “The squash blossom is the one she said I would have the most trouble with. When she appeared in my dream the night I lost my virginity she pointed to the blossom tattooed on her chest, shook her head, looked at the ground, then walked away from me. This happened every time I slept with someone new, like I said.”

  “Do you think she’ll come back tonight?”

  “I don’t think she’ll be back at all. The night we met she appeared to me very vividly. She pointed to the blossom on her chest which was a bright yellow that seemed to glow. She smiled for the first time, with your smile.”


  “Wow. Is that why you came back? Because she finally smiled at you with my face?”

  “I came back to return your container. Then you offered to refill it without hesitation. It’s not often I see that kind of generosity. Eager generosity.” He corrected. “Salina has that drive. I see it in you too. I didn’t have the dream until later that night, but when I saw you the second time on Sunday I knew I would see you again.”

  I considered his words, “I guess we’re both nice people under our rough exteriors.”

  “Your exterior is very soft. Almost as soft as your interior. Speaking of which, if I don’t get these steaks on the grill soon they’ll over marinate. Will you stay here? Like this?”

  I nodded and stole a nice long sweet kiss before he left me to get our dinner.

  “Do it again.”

  “This is food blackmail.” I pointed out like it was a real thing.

  “I know, you’ll live. Do it again.”

  I let the sheet drop so he could kiss a nipple while I pulled the decadent filet off the fork he offered. Looks like Trace is really good with the grill.

  He sat back to cut my next bite. “Favorite color.” We’re playing a get to know each other game. While he was grilling I mentioned I felt like we knew each other, but not. So here we are.

  “Orange. You?” I asked.

  “Blue. Favorite food?”

  “As of this week, Red’s lasagna. What does she put in that? Crack??”

  He smiled and fed me another bite with a bit of roasted red potato with garlic and rosemary in olive oil. I’m definitely marrying this man. “I doubt it. She has an herb garden out back. I’m guessing that’s her secret.”

  “I think she puts weed in there so you can’t stop eating it.”

  He chuckled, “Now that wouldn’t surprise me.”

  “What’s your favorite food?”

  “My mother’s tostadas. She gets them good and crispy.” He close his eyes summoning the memory.

  “We’re going to have to start exercising at this rate. Do you know how much I hate exercise?”

  “How about sexercise?” He put another bite in his mouth.

  “I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to show you up.”

  He raised one eyebrow and slowly set the plate aside. “We’ll get back to that later. It’s time for you to show me up.”

  I welcomed him over me barely able to bring the sheet over our naked bodies. He’d dropped his boxers when he sat down to feed me. I’d thrown he sheet over his lap so I could focus on eating. He’s not shy, but I am.

  He reached down between us making me smile as he discovers I’m very ready for him. “I love you. I love how fun you are, how you smile at me like I’m the only person that can make you smile. I love very inch of you, inside and out.”

  “I know. I see it when you look at me. Make love to me Trace. I want you, all of you, all the time.”

  He smiled sweetly as he put pressure against my opening. “Will you marry me?”

  “I thought I already said yes?” I squirmed to encourage him into me further.

  He teased, but gave up another inch. “Say it again.” His normally silver eyes are taking on a dark gunmetal color around the edges.

  “I’d marry you right now if I could.”

  He bit my chin and close his eyes, “This is going to take a few minutes love. You’re really tight.”

  “I don’t get laid very often.”

  He lifted up and took another inch of me with the help of a slow hip movement. “You’re going to be able to smuggled dope in here by the end of the night.”

  I laughed as he pushed me apart a little more. “Oh my God!!” I smacked his thigh. “That’s terrible!!”
/>   “I’m going to be here a lot, so you might even get a small child or two in here.”

  “Trace!! You’re so bad.” I melted as he sunk to the furthest depths of my body.

  We just looked at each other while the energy around us swirled and simmered. We can feel it. Almost see it. Our thoughts don’t need to be spoken. He’s mine, and I’m his. Right now, in this moment of complete joining, we are one person.

  I never believed in fates, destinies, or meant to be’s, until now. He is all three. This is the man I was meant to find on this earth. My other half. Suddenly I’m apart of a special club that truly understands love. From now on when someone says “my other half”, it’s going to have a whole new meaning to me.

  I couldn’t take anymore and put my arms around his neck so he’d kiss me while our bodies finished their joining. Effortless, glorious, jointing. All I did was kiss him back. Instinct took over from there.

  Counting the waves of ecstasy became tedious after about five. I melted into a mindless pool of tremors and trembles. I snapped back to reality when he started to growl low at the base of his neck. He’s close.

  He dropped to his elbows and grabbed my hair at the back of my head as he pumped his release as deep into me as it would go. I’m still riding the onslaught of spasms he started a while ago, so I grabbed a throbbing from his body and rode it out with him.

  I heard two people cry out as I grabbed his body with mine. If I could have absorbed him into me I would have. Physics is a bitch. I may never let go of this man. It would be too much like letting go of everything I am.

  The afterglow of the best sex of my life coupled with the smell of the grill and steaks cooking on it, has me dizzy and giddy. The wine doesn’t help, but it sure does taste good. Trace brought up a dark red merlot when he came back with my bathrobe and towels to clean up.

  He’s wearing his dark blue jeans with the button lazily left un fastened at the top while he flips the steaks.

  “Did you get anything to go with the steaks? Like a salad?”

  “I have some fresh green beans simmering in garlic butter in the kitchen. I’ll get them in a minute. Almost ready Cookie. Are you hungry??” He teased with that devilish smile I know well now.

  I nodded, “Starving.”

  He nodded towards Bits, whom evidently heard him in the hall and started squealing his little head off to be set free from the guest room dungeon. “He’s going to need a place to use the bathroom. Newspapers aren’t cutting it.”

  “I’ll find something after dinner.” Bits used the newspapers, but he also shredded them all over the room. I made a note to call a carpet cleaning company in the morning.

  “Just so I have this straight, you said yes to marrying me, right?’ I tugged on the hem of Bits’s sweater. “Yes.”

  “So all we need are rings, and you’re ready?”

  “I think so. We’re going to need to plan something our families can attend.”

  “I’m just making sure you’d marry me tomorrow if I could get everyone here.”

  “I’d marry you right now if you could pull that off.”

  Note to self, be careful what you ask for. The rest of the week seemed to fly by, even though we didn’t do a whole lot. We shopped some, ate more, and made love so much I’m getting sore. Check that, I’ve been sore. Now I’m crying mercy.

  Trace cut me off last night, Friday night, and said no more until Sunday. I was both relieved and sad. We found other ways to play, but there’s nothing like having him so close he’s inside me.

  I became suspicious when he would walk away to talk on the phone. I know it’s not a girlfriend, so I assumed it was work and he didn’t want to bore me with it. Not that I would have been bored.

  I knew something was up when Saturday night rolled around and he started looking over to the dock every five minutes. “What is your problem?? Are you expecting company?”


  “Trace. What is going on?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “Can’t, or won’t?”

  “Both. There they are.” He spun back and cupped my face setting those beautiful eyes on mine, “I love you. Have fun, but behave. I won’t see you again until tomorrow.” He pressed his lips to mine, held my lower lip between his teeth for a moment, then all but jumped off the damn yacht.

  I followed with Bits on my heel to find a rather large group of women smacking his ass as he fights his way past them on the dock. Is that Salina? Red? Kris? “What the hell??”

  Salina stopped and held her hand out palm up in front of Red, who yelled, “Permission to come aboard!!”

  “Permission granted!!” I ran down to meet them. “What the hell are you all doing here??”

  Salina hugged me first, “Congratulations!!”

  “For what??”

  Red hugged me next, “Your engagement dummy.” She sounds much calmer than Salina.

  “How could you… Trace. I knew he was up to something!!”

  “Men can’t keep secrets.” Kris complained scooping up the happy piglet, “Bitsy!!! I brought you some fabulous new fabrics.” He snorted his approval. I swear he’s smarter than he looks.

  I waved for everyone to follow me, “Is Georgia with you?”

  “Nah. She doesn’t do these things very often because Turner tends to crash them about an hour in. That man can’t go five minutes without her nearby or he starts going ape shit.”

  “Poor girl.”

  “Don’t feel sorry for Georgia. That bitch is happier than a cat covering shit.”

  “Good. Why are you all here?” I slid behind the bar and counted at least ten more women enter the room.

  “This is your bachelorette party! You’re getting married tomorrow, so thi sis our last chance.”

  “I’m, wait, what??”

  “The guys are having their own party in town.”

  “I can’t get married tomorrow. I don’t have a dress.”

  Red raised her hand, “I got that covered. Kris has the something blue, Sal has something old, and shit, I forget, but we had this all figured out before we left. Who has something borrowed??” She looked around.

  “I can’t just fit into any dress.”

  “No, but you’ll fit into this one. Trace dug through your clothes and got us some sizes and measurements. It may not be tailored to fit exactly, but I think Kris can make any adjustments we might need.” Red waved over two girls who were carrying a very large box.

  “Where did you find a wedding dress so fast?”

  “I know people. A lot of people. One of them happens to be apart of that once a year wedding dress thing. I forget what it’s called, but new brides pile up outside for an end of year sale. Ten thousand dollar dresses for a hundred bucks kind of thing. Trace gave us a much higher budget.”

  I walked around to the table where they’d set the box with the big silver bow. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “First you need this.” Salina handed me a glass of champagne. “Welcome to the family Celeste. Your father is one of my husband’s best friends outside the club. One of few people he trusts. You have your father’s eyes and gentle soul. May you be the calming force to Trace that your father was for Slider.”

  I touched her glass with mine first, “Thank you. Although sometimes I think he’s the calming force.”

  “Wait. He’s a Colson. If there’s a calm, you can bet there’s a storm brewing not too far away.” That made me smile.

  I wanted to meet everyone before I opened the box with the dress inside. I remember Stacy, the queen of the whores. I can call them that because we’re friends now. I met Ginger, her second in command and best friend. Ginger might be a little off her nut, but she’s funny as hell.

  There’s more, but the hours are passing and I’m suddenly anxious to see this dress.

Red sensed my apprehension and took my hand to lead me over to the box while she shushed the room. “Okay! Quiet down! It’s time for the fitting. Kris!!”

  “Right here!”

  We all look over towards her voice where she’s fitting a little white jacket on my poor piglet. Never mind, he’s in love with Kris. The little ham is licking her face every chance he gets. Traitor.

  “Stop playing with the transvestite pig and come over here!” Salina ordered.

  “He’s not a transvestite, at least not until Kris comes around. I think he’s in love with her, so he tolerates that nonsense.” I laughed poking fun at Kris so she can hear me.

  Kris set Bits on the floor and bounced over to where we’re gathering around the box on the table. “I hope you like it. I didn’t figure you for a white kind of girl, so you get antique ivory. It’ll show off your hair.” She motioned to the bow. “Let her rip doc.”

  I worked the bow off the box and lifted the lid. It was hard to tell what it looked like until the girls helped me into it. The reflection off the sliding glass door was vivid enough to act as a full length mirror.

  Creamy satin and lace turn my otherwise frumpy self, into a princess. It’s simple yet elegant. The bodice is embellished with pearls and crystals giving it a shimmer and sparkle.

  Kris piled my hair up on my head and pulled some pieces down to brush my shoulders. “You look like a caramel latte.”

  “Wrangler would like the way you think. Where are they anyway? I can’t believe he’s not coming back tonight.” I pouted and turned around.

  “They’re not far, and we’ll be here with you all night, so you won’t be alone.”

  “He better not be shoving dollar bills in g-strings.”

  “I doubt it. That was never Wrangler’s style.” Ginger chimed in.

  Suddenly I’m wondering how she would know.

  She caught my hesitation and smiled, “Don’t worry honey, he doesn’t partake in our kind.”


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