Wrangled Mess

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Wrangled Mess Page 16

by Reese Madison

  “Not for me. Now that we’re married was going to insist you use some of the money to get yourself a nice shop set up in one of my buildings. Maybe you could be set up by Spring and do some shows at the Renaissance Fest.”

  He stepped back and put his elbow on the bar. “You were going to insist?”

  I nodded once picking up my wine. “I was. I’m hoping I don’t have to. We’re married now Trace. I want to see your business grow and succeed. Don’t you want the same for mine?”

  “Yes but.”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t want to take your money. Jackson already did that.”

  I kicked his shin just hard enough to make him step back. “You jerk. Jackson stole that money. You’d be investing it in your company. How dare you say something like that??”

  He groaned and glared at me while he went to get a beer. “You didn’t have to kick me.”

  “Oh stop. I didn’t kick you hard. Think about it Trace. You can move all your critters from the old shop and your house to the new shop. Your overhead will go down, you can finish that house faster, and figure out if you still want to sell it or not.”

  “What would be the point of having two houses within walking distance of each other.”

  I laughed evilly, “For when you’re in the dog house.”

  “Ha ha. I’ll sell my house. Your’s is newer. Nicer. Bigger. Better for kids.” He rattled off before taking a long draw from his beer. Trace doesn’t drink but a beer or two at time. If he has a second one, it will most likely be with dinner. I can sip wine all day if I don’t have to drive or work. Granted it’ll take me all day to finish a bottle, so it’s a slow sipping process.

  “We’ll see. Maybe we can rent it out and give it to one of our kids later. Keep them close.”

  He considered my idea with a nod. “Something to consider. We’ll see where we stand for money. I don’t like being in debt.”

  “Me either. Sounds like you’re considering my offer.”

  “I’d be stupid not to. I might be a little off my nut, but I don’t consider myself a stupid man. Give me a few days to get used to the idea. We’ll work it out when we get home from our honeymoon.”

  His words couldn’t have made me happier. I’ve got me a smart man. He’s got his pride, but he knows when to check it. My husband is going to make a very nice life partner. Not to mention he’s freaking hot.

  “I know that look Cookie.”

  “Hmm?” I looked up for his eyes. Evidently I was thinking about taking his shirt off. Slowly. With my teeth.

  “I’m going to cover a couple cameras and lock some doors. Why don’t you find us a couple blankets to hide under.”

  I jumped off the barstool and all but ran towards the back tot he stairs.

  “Slow down wife! You’re going to hurt yourself.”


  San Francisco is my new favorite city. Polar Bear kept Bits for us when we explored places he couldn’t go. The crew took the day off to do their own exploring of the city, so we didn’t need to worry about them being on the yacht alone.

  Trace bought more crap than we needed. Mostly goofy stuff for me and piglet. I’m not sure we like the hat, even trace is wavering, but he’s playing tourist, so I let it go. Eventually Bits took it off and threw it at me. I shoved it in my purse. I guess he prefers Kris’s hats.

  We were so tired from our day of sightseeing Trace grabbed six pizzas and a case of beer for us all to enjoy under the stars. We spent the evening talking and getting to know each other. By the time we parted ways in San Diego we were all Facebook friends.

  The Sunday we got home, the day after our one week anniversary, I was whipped. Something about being gone from your home and routine, no matter how fun, will wipe a person out. Even Trace is looking a little spent.

  Georgia called to confirm our appointment in the morning at the Mesa courthouse. After her phone call my mood soured. Suddenly, I want to be back on that boat far away from this crap.

  Trace and I had our first fight the next morning. It wasn’t a bad one, but he was starting to make me mad.

  “I said no.”

  “I should be there with you.”

  “No. I’m a big girl. I can handle this. We still don’t know if Jackson plans to show up or not. I don’t need you getting in a fight with him and landing in jail.”

  “I’ll be good.”

  “No. You won’t.”

  “I’ll just follow you.”

  “You’re going to make me very mad if you do that.”

  “Dammit Celeste. I’m your husband. I should be there with you.”

  “And if I ever get dragged into court again you’ll be right there beside me. This case is different. I can’t expect you to keep your cool around him. Not after everything he’s done. Georgia will be there, most likely Turner too. Nothing is going to happen.”

  “Turner is not your husband. I am!”

  “Don’t yell at me Trace Michael. Oh God, I sound like your mother.”

  “Not really. I’m following you. Go, before you’re late.”

  “If you follow me I’m going to make you sleep on the couch.”

  “I’m at least twice your size Cookie, good luck with that. And don’t even think about sleeping anywhere but our bed, I’ll tie you to it. Go baby.” He motioned for me to get in my car.

  “Are you staying here?” I asked as I sat.

  “I have errands to run.”

  “Trace!!!” I slammed my hands on the wheel. “Don’t make this worse!!”

  He leaned in the window and kissed me softly on the lips. Then he pulled back and patted the hood of my car with his hand. “See you in a bit Cookie.”

  “I’m going to spank the crap out of you if you show up there.” I started the car making sure he saw my glare between looking behind me as I backed up. I kept looking for him in my mirrors the rest of the drive. He better behave.

  “Mr. Gold, where were you the last two weeks? We’ve been trying to reach you.”

  “You can address your questions to council, Councilor.” Jackson’s lawyer informed Georgia. “His whereabouts are irrelevant to this case.”

  “Not when he’s hiding the money he stole from me.” I looked right at Jackson. He’s even scummier looking today.

  He pointed to my wedding rings. “That didn’t take long.”

  “Why did you procrastinate? Why not push for the wedding so you could kill me off sooner?”

  “You were right where I wanted you. I had no reason to pull that trump card until you started getting tired of waiting.” His reply was vague, but nobody missed a thing.

  The judge chimed in, “Mr. Gold, you would be wise to leave any responses to questions to your lawyer. Dr. Skye, it says here you’re missing some money?”

  “About a million dollars in royalties. Mr. Gold also had me signing tax forms with numbers on them that were not conducive to my income. The IRS thought I was hiding the money, they know now Mr. Gold was lying on my taxes in order to funnel the money into off-shore accounts.”

  “Can you prove all this?”

  “Personally? No, but I believe my lawyer, and the IRS agent, can.”

  “I’ll hear from them next. Thank you Dr. Skye, and congratulations on your nuptials. My wife loves your show.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  The meeting continued for another hour before the judge was satisfied Jackson was indeed a flight risk and needed to be detained until the hearing for the charges Georgia and I filed against him right before this hearing.

  It’s a complicated mess I’ll most likely be dealing with in one fashion or another for a good year to come. I probably won’t see a dime of that money back, and it’s going to cost more money to put the thief in prison, but I don’t have a choice. I won’t live with the fact that by letting him off t
he hook he’d be right back out there doing this all over again to another dumb girl.

  That’s how I feel. Dumb and humiliated. Sure, we won today, Jackson is in trouble, not me, but I can’t help feeling like I should have trusted my instincts and looked into what I was signing.

  It all boils back down to trust. Can I trust Trace enough to ride with him on his bike? I trust him with everything else. Jackson never looked at me like Trace does. I catch him watching me all the time, especially in the kitchen, but more so in bed. His eyes make love to me every time they look at me. I love it.

  Jackson cussed me from the minute they cuffed him and hauled him from the room until he was out of earshot through the door and down the hall. Georgia poured me a glass of water.

  “You can relax now Celeste. The rest is up to us. The club’s lawyer is going to work with your lawyer, and the IRS agent friend of mine. I’ll be available for council by phone. Anytime you get worried, or need to know what’s going on, call me. Okay?”

  I nodded, “I’m okay. It’s just been a crazy few weeks. One minute I’m happily ignorant of my own impending doom, the next I’m married to a crazy biker with a snake fetish and a sweet tooth.”

  She took my hand and pulled me up for a hug. “Welcome to the family honey.”

  I hugged her back. “I owe you big time.”

  “Big time? How big is big time?” She held me back by the forearms.

  “Name it.”

  “Are you sure? Because it’s a doozy.”

  “You saved my life. Without your help I would have ended up in IRS jail. Trace would have moved on, and I’d have to give up my Bacon Bits. Name it girlfriend.” I challenged.

  “Alright, but you can’t back out, and you definitely can’t chicken out.”

  “What do you want me to do? Walk a tightrope between the Bank building and the ballpark??”

  She hooked her arm through mine and ushered me out into the hall, where of course Turner is waiting patiently with his arms crossed. He looks like a giant viking guard in leather and denim.

  “I swear Turner. One of these days you’re going to scare an old lady into a heart attack.”

  He sighed something to her.

  “Oh great. Scaring the piss out of little kids is worse. Come on you big sexy pain in the butt. Let’s get out of here.”

  Turner fell in behind us as Georgia leaned into my ear, “Remember. You said anything.”

  “I know.”

  “If you back out I’m going to beat your ass.”

  I laughed, “Okay!! Geeze. What can be so bad?”

  “Exactly.” She pulled me past the security area where Turner had to retrieve his guns. Not gun, the man has three. I caught the brass badge hooked onto his belt when he replaced the weapons in their holsters.

  “Is Turner a cop?”

  “Only when he wants to be. Let’s just say you don’t call Turner for help unless it’s really important. Then he gets to use the badge.”

  “Why is he using it today?”

  “It gets him through security without tons of paperwork and suspicion. Less hassle. Last time I took a pro bono for a friend he forgot his badge. It was a mess.” She pushed open the door. “Ready?”

  I blinked a few times adjusting tot he sun and scene in front of me. “What’s all this?” There’s bikers as far as the eyes can see. The parking lot is full of cars as it is. With all these bikes it’ impossible to move no matter how hard you try.

  “You said you owed me big time, right?”


  She pointed and walked me over to where Trace sat on a large pale blue and white Harley with a lot of chrome sparkling in the sun. “You’re going to repay me by getting on that bike with your old man and riding home with him. The rest of us are going to be your escort. You’re as safe as your piglet with Kris.” She pointed to where my Bits is once again wearing something sparkly and pink while licking Kris’s face.

  “Good grief. He’s going to be gender challenged by the time he’s a year old.”


  I hugged Georgia again. “I can do this. I can do this.”

  “Of course you can. Here.” She handed me a leather jacket someone had given her as we separated from our hug. “With all the old ladies these Colson’s have been collecting lately we had a few extras made up. This one is yours.”

  I looked at the leather jacket then turned it around and almost choked on the sudden tears that welled up in my throat and behind my eyes. “Oh my God.”

  “It’s not like Red’s. You’re not a member, but you are a sister. We came up with the patch a while back to commemorate our own sisterhood. We look forward to seeing you around the club Celeste Colson. Now go climb on that big man’s back and ride him home.”

  I laughed through tears as I put the jacket on. “Thank you. I feel so loved!!”

  “You are loved.” Trace leaned over and took my hand as Georgia waved and backed into Turner, who was closer than she thought by her reaction. I laughed again when she turned and smacked his chest. I can almost hear her cussing him now.

  My husband helped me climb on and leaned back. “Do you want a helmet??”

  “Next time. This time I want to see everything and everyone. Trace, this is amazing. Did you arrange this??”

  “No. Turner came and got me after you left. I’m not sure whose idea it was.”

  “Georgia. She must have known I’d say I owe her big time for all her help.”

  “Could be. You ready Cookie?”

  I kissed his neck then sat back to find a place for my hands. “I’m ready. I’m finally ready.”

  Trace reached back to move my hands around so they’re overlapping on his stomach then started the loud Harley. The roar of his engine started a domino effect of loud engines firing up around us, creating a roar that turned into a loud steady roll of thunder.

  Everyone stayed with, and around us, all the way to Kings Ranch Road. It was the best ride of my life. I cried the entire way, between smiling and hugging my man. For the first time in my life I’m crying out of pure joy. The amount of love I feel from everyone around me right now is overwhelming, and beautiful. Superstition Mountain makes the perfect backdrop for this perfect moment.

  The other riders made a U-turn at the last light instead of staying with us the last couple miles to my house. I was sad to see them go, but not scared. A few hundred yards down the familiar road and I realized I wasn’t scared at all. I’m happy. Free, yet married to the most gorgeous man that ever lived, and I have a piglet.

  “My piglet!!!” I yelled in Trace’s ear.

  He leaned back as we came to a stop at the sign. “Kris is babysitting tonight. You and I have some naked celebrating to do, and I don’t want any interruptions.”

  “Well, okay then. I guess it’s alright.”

  “Get used to it baby. This won’t be the last time I’m going to want my wife all to myself for a night or two.”

  He started going again so I’m not sure if he heard me say, “I hope not.”




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