Tladi, Moses 89
Tokara wine estate 148–149
Transvaal Art Society 89
Trap, The 191
travel 7–8
Treason Trial 123–125, 128
Truth and Reconciliation Commission 144–145
Turner, Barbara see Follett, Barbara
Turner, Foszia 131, 144
Turner, Jane 131–149
family 135–136
childhood years 135–136
personality 135, 146–147
travels 136, 143
marriage 136–138
in Gold Coast 136–137
to Cape Town 137
Richard and 131–132, 134–135, 137–138, 140–145, 147–149
Welcarmas (farm) 131, 133–134, 137–141, 145–146, 148–149
sister (Nell) 138–139, 140–141, 143
paintings 142–143
as actress 142–143
health 148–149
in Somerset West 148
death 149
Turner, Jann 132, 144, 146–148
Turner, Kim 132, 145, 146
Turner, Owen ‘Paddy’ 136–138
Turner, Richard 131–132, 134–135, 137–138, 140–145, 147–149
Tutu, Desmond 129
Tyamzashe, Benjamin John Peter 95
Tyamzashe, Rev. Gway 95
‘ultras’ see ‘popular party’
ulwaluko (circumcision rituals) 14, 17
Union-Castle Steamship Company 74
Union Defence Force 71, 100, 155
Union of South Africa 27, 58, 100
United Cricket Board of South Africa 172
United Party 155, 158, 174
United States 49–50, 57, 95–96
University of Cape Town 133, 153, 174, 185, 189–190, 197
University of South Africa 63
University of Stellenbosch see Stellenbosch University
University of the Witwatersrand 173–174
Van der Stel, Simon 132
Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania) 31, 34, 37–43, 47
Van Diemen’s Land Chronicle 42
Van Niekerk, Attie 176
Van Papendorf, Detective Sergeant 124
Van Wyk, Chris 189
Verwoerd, Hendrik 104, 105, 122, 133
Victoria Boys’ High School 70
Victoria Memorial Hall Committee 52–53
Victoria, Queen 13, 23–24, 25, 52–56, 102
Viljoen, Jan 93
Viljoen, Ken 170, 171
Vorster, B.J. 133, 160
Vuyani Higher Primary School 200, 211–218
Wallace, Boon 178
Walter and Albertina Sisulu 205
War of Hintsa (Sixth Frontier War) 14
War of the Axe (Seventh Frontier War) 14–15
Waterkloof House Preparatory School (Ruddles) 169, 172–173
Watson, Stephen 183–198
childhood years 183
contradictions of 183–184, 187
secretiveness of 183–184
Staffrider 184–185
poetry 185–186, 190–191, 194, 196–197
on politics 185–194, 196–197
University of Cape Town 185, 189–190, 197
Writer’s Diary, A 187, 196
criticism of 188–189
‘home’ 190–191, 193–194
on Cape Town 191–192, 193
on Cederberg 192, 194–195, 196
on architecture 193
Music in the Ice, The 194–196
on violence 197
death 197
Watson, Tanya 187
Welcarmas (farm) 131, 133–134, 137–141, 145–146, 148–149
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of 35
Wesleyan Barolong school, Mafeking 88, 94
Wesleyan Church 53, 55, 66
Western Province cricket team 175–180
West, John 41, 43
Westmoreland, Jack 140
White Boy Running 192
White, Ray 172–173
Whiteside, Rev. Joseph 59
White Studio 89–90, 104, 107
Whitington, Dick 170, 171
Wiley, John 174
Wilgenhof (Stellenbosch residence) 151
Williams, Donovan 21–22
Williams, Sophia 123
Winder, Teddy 91
Winsland, Bill 82–83
Wits see University of the Witwatersrand
women, anti-pass movement 104–106, 109, 122–123, 129
Women’s International Democratic Federation 119
Women’s March of 1956 109, 122–123, 129
Woods, Donald 147
Woolmer, Bob 179
Woordfees literary festival 151
World Congress of Mothers 109, 119–122
World War I 69, 95, 112
World War II 67–68, 73–86, 89, 101, 137, 155
Worsley, Jessy see Montagu, Jessy
Worsley, Edward Vaughan 37
Wright, John 179
Writer’s Diary, A 187, 196
Wrongs of the Caffre Nation, The 25
Xhosa people 10, 14, 24–25, 59
Yeats, W.B. 185
Young, G.M. 6–7
Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Society 15
Zion Christian Church 105
Picture sources
p. 11: National Library of South Africa
p. 33: W.A. Newman, Biographical Memoir of John Montagu (Cape Town: A.S. Robertson, 1855)
p. 56: Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
p. 69: Wikimedia Commons
p. 91: Bantu World, 1944
p. 127: Lilian Ngoyi Papers, Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
p. 136: Supplied by Jean Fawbert
p. 153: Supplied by Albert Grundlingh
p. 168: Supplied by Luke Alfred
p. 184: Supplied by Tanya Wilson
p. 210: Supplied by Tyhini Robert Qengwa
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