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Damon Page 7

by KJ Dahlen

  She whispered, “Can we leave one of the lamps lit? I can live with the shadows but the dark brings nothing but grief for me.”

  Damon nodded. “Okay, it’s not a problem.” He knew what was though. His sudden interest in Alybella. What had gotten into him? When that Lonnie was touching her...he saw red. It confused him. Maybe the stress of learning about his family’s killer and all the memories it brought had affected him and he felt the need to protect her. It could be that. He couldn’t save his Petra all those years ago, so he wanted to save Ally Bella?

  He went back to the bed and sat down to take off his boots. He took off his shirt and draped it over the poster of the bed. The bed was a four poster brass bedframe and a feeling of tiredness washed over him when he laid down and closed his eyes.

  It had been a long day. They’d left Jasper late last night and drove all night. It had taken then eleven hours to get here and then things went downhill from there. James and he had thought this trip would only take a few hours to scout out the original area where the killer had been but instead, they got sucked into another drama, one they couldn’t just walk away from.

  Damon knew he had to see this through. Maybe he wasn’t here to save his own family but he had to save Aly’s life. He was tired but for some reason couldn’t fall asleep. He tossed and turned and looked over at her for the next few hours.

  She couldn’t seem to sleep either. She kept shifting in the chair as she sighed and couldn’t seem to get comfortable.

  Finally, Damon had enough. He threw the covers off and sat up. Before he could stop himself, he was over at the chair looking down at her.

  Her eyes were open and she was looking back.

  Without a word, he gathered her into his arms and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down on the mattress, then leaned forward and kissed her soundly. A spark of electricity sparked between them but when he broke the kiss, he looked at her and saw the same wonder in her eyes that he was feeling. “This doesn’t mean we have to have sex. Nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to, but since neither of us can sleep alone... I think we should share the bed.”

  Then he went to his side of the bed and laid down. He covered them both up and wrapped his arm around her.

  Alybella wiggled around and got comfortable by finally laying her head on his shoulder. She started to say something.

  He laid his finger over her lips. “Sleep. No words, just sleep.”

  She settled down and closed her eyes. Breathing in deeply, she could smell his unique scent. He smelled of earth and grass. She frowned as she thought about it but then she didn’t care. His scent gave her pleasure as it made her feel free and safe.

  Closing her eyes, she slept undisturbed, which for her was unusual. She had never slept very good. But she had a feeling that when in his arms, she could sleep without having one eye open.

  A few hours later, a sound woke her. Alybella laid there wondering what it had been. Then her sense woke up and she was wide awake. Damon’s heartbeat was pounding in his chest under her ear. It echoed in her head as she realized the beat was picking up speed. Her hand laid on his belly and she could feel his skin changing under her fingers. It was becoming damp with sweat.

  She knew those signs well. She’d lived through them almost every night. She began stroking his belly and whispering gently in his ear, “I’ve got your back. You told me I had to fight back, well buddy so do you. Fight the memories in your mind. Don’t let them steal you away.”

  He began to whimper in his sleep. She knew whatever had his attention she had to bring him back. She leaned over him and laid her fingers on his mouth. “Don’t let the bad things take you away,” she whispered softly. She didn’t want to startle him by being any louder.

  He opened his eyes and Alybella could see he wasn’t back all the way yet. He was still caught up in the memories of the past.

  “I’m here for you. Come back to me please.”

  His eyes met hers and widened in recognition. He grabbed her by the back of the head and kissed her wildly.

  Alybella was lost in the kiss while feeling things she’d never felt before. Passion was taking over and she was sucked under its spell.

  He knew just how to touch her and drive her out of her mind. She didn’t even notice he had removed her clothes until it was far too late to protest. Then he shucked off his jeans and flipped her on her back.

  His hands reached for her core and when he found her soaked, he groaned then he pushed his cock deep inside her. Then the pain turned to intense pleasure as he continued to stroke into her. He grunted and groaned as they reached each new plateau of pleasure.

  Alybella was experiencing the most intense pleasure she had ever received. She was so lost in it, she didn’t notice when he began to pound inside her. She quickly rose to the edge of an abyss she’d never been before. When she flew over the edge, she cried out his name.

  Damon flew after her and emptied his seed deep inside her. When he opened his eyes, he found Aly looking back at him and guilt crushed him. He’d been so caught up in his nightmare, he’d thought it was Petra next to him.

  He thought it was his wife he was making love to, not this woman. He’d woken up shortly after he entered her. He knew the difference between her and Petra and he knew it wasn’t his wife he was with at the moment. But he also couldn’t stop once he got going. He knew she might not understand what was going on, but he did. He was using her and it didn’t feel good but he couldn’t stop.

  When she saw the disappointment in his eyes, Alybella stared at him. The guilt and shame she could see in his eyes made her cringe. She pulled away and grabbing the blanket, she ran from the room.

  Damon laid there feeling like shit.

  He heard a door slam down the hall and he groaned. He’d have to explain to her what happened and he knew that would only make things worse. But this had been the best sex he ever had. Not even Petra could compare to this woman.

  Over the last twenty one years, he had maybe a handful of lovers but they knew it was just for release. He’d never wanted another relationship with any other woman. The women he chose weren’t looking for anything more than a one night stand either. There was no guilt associated with them but with Alybella it was different. Maybe because she was different, he didn’t know for sure.

  He looked down at the bed and frowned. There was a slight pink stain on the sheets. Damon fell back on the bed. She’d been a virgin! Oh lord, he’d really fucked things up. He got up and drew his pants on angrily. He had to try and explain things to her but god only knew what he could say to her that wouldn’t make this worse.

  He went to her door and tried to open it but it was locked from the inside. He knocked gently but she never answered him. He tried again and again, but she never answered his numerous attempts. He finally gave up and went back to the bedroom to finish getting dressed.

  He went downstairs and noted James was awake and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “You guys need to be quieter.”

  “I fucked this mission up,” Damon announced.

  “I gathered that much.” James shook his head. “How bad?”

  “Very badly, I’d say,” Damon grunted. “God, I need coffee.” He stomped out to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. He paced the whole time the coffee was brewing and ended up pouring two cups before it was even done. He carried the cups back to the living room and gave one to James. Then he took the other one to stand beside the window. He looked out at the woods around the cabin but he couldn’t meet James’s eyes.

  “So what happened?” James finally asked after a long time.

  “I was having a nightmare and she woke me up... I thought she was Petra. We ended up making love but when we were done, I knew she wasn’t my wife. I’m afraid she knew it too. She didn’t even give me time to explain.”

  “And just what would you have said to her?” James asked.

  “I don’t fucking know,” Damon admitted. “I just don’t know.”

  “Well, you’d better figure it out. We need her cooperation in this and I’m not going to be between you two.” James got up and stretched. “Things are going to get interesting to say the least and we need both of you to focus. I don’t want her taking off on us.”

  “She isn’t going anywhere.” He growled as he stared out at the woods.

  James just shook his head. “You don’t know much about women do you?”

  “She won’t leave here alone,” Damon said as he sipped her coffee. “There’s too much at stake including her own life.”

  “She knows that in her head but her heart? Man, I don’t know about that. Besides, I think there are people here that would help her.” He paused then added. “And you know that too.”

  Damon gripped the handle on his cup so hard it broke. The cup fell to the floor and shattered, dumping coffee all over his pants leg but he didn’t care about that. He was remembering the look in Lonnie’s eyes when he’d looked at her. “She belongs to me now, and I don’t share with anyone.”

  Chapter Nine

  “I don’t belong to anyone and that includes you,” Ally Bella announced from the third step from the bottom of the stairs. She was dressed and her eyes although haunted, were also blazing with anger.

  Just then, a knock came on the door and James got up quickly to answer it. He drew his weapon but when he peeked through the window next to the door, he put the gun on the table and opened it.

  Lonnie stood there in the doorway. He looked from Alybella to Damon and back to Alybella. He had a box of tea in his hands and when she came forward, he handed her the tea. “I know you don’t like coffee and this was the best I could do.”

  Alybella smiled. “Thank you. I appreciate this more than you could know.”

  Lonnie nodded then his smile widened. “Your plan is working beautifully. That’s what I came so early to tell you. We got the word out late last night to the people on the street. They turned on your man Grant so fast, he never knew what hit him. They shut him down, so he’s panicking, and it isn’t pretty.”

  She laid her hand on his arm and pleaded, “Please be careful out there. Matt really is crazy. I don’t want anyone hurt because of this.”

  Lonnie patted her hand and Damon growled. Lonnie was careful to lift his hand away from hers slowly. “I did ask my grandfather about the curse and he’s the one who told me which one to use. We haven’t found this Matt guy yet, but he has been spotted.”

  “I’m sorry about—”

  Lonnie held up his hand. “I don’t know what’s going on here and I don’t need to know. But he’s laid claim to you and that is as plain as day. I’m not getting in the middle of that. It’s a guy thing and something I respect. However, if I ever see bruises on you, I will step up but this is something the two of you need to discuss and figure out. Ok?”

  Alybella nodded and took a step back. Damon had made his point and she knew it. She wouldn’t cause any trouble. She didn’t have to like it but she wouldn’t call him on it either. He told her to get a backbone but he didn’t know what she could and would do. She did know how to protect herself and now she would show him.

  What she couldn’t figure out was why he acted the way he did. He’d wanted her then he looked sorry after he got her. Like he had made some kind of mistake. She shook it away. She needed to focus on this situation. The one where she stayed alive. She turned and headed for the kitchen.

  James was on the phone when she came in. “Yes, that’s what he looks like.” He paused. “Really? Well, Bastian is the one to do it.’ He spotted Alybella and spoke quietly, “I will let them know.” He ended the call.

  Alybella opened the small fridge. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  “No, that’s fine.”

  “You were you talking to if I might ask?” she took out some eggs and butter.

  “You may,” James replied. “The other two men in our group.”

  “And they do what exactly?” she asked. “I mean I heard the name Bastian.”

  James studied her.

  “Come on James,” she said. “This involves my life too.”

  He nodded. “Bastian has special skills.”

  She bent to a lower cabinet and found a pan then set it on the stove. “Skills?”

  “He can get information.”

  “Oh, like a hacker?” She turned the stove on.

  James laughed. “No... That would be me.”

  “Oh,” she said and opened the egg carton. “So what information he is after?”

  “Everything Grant knows,” he answered.

  She turned to look at him. “How could he get that?”

  James shook his head. “I’m m not sure you want to know that part.”

  Pausing, she furrowed her brows then she dipped into the butter with a spoon and slapped it into the pan. “It’s illegal though right?”

  “What?” James looked confused.

  “What your friend does,” she replied.

  “Oh, yes. I would say it is.”

  “Well, if you can find him then—“

  “Oh, he’ll be trussed up nicely within the next hour,” James assured her.

  She cracked an egg and plopped it into the hot frying pan. “Gosh, how do you know that?”

  James chuckled “Because while Bastian has his skill, our other partner’s skills might just be ...” He shook his head. “Even scarier.”

  She flipped the eggs onto a plate then looked up at him. “Scarier?”

  He nodded. “See, I’m the nice guy of this group.” He grinned.

  Perplexed at his double talk she grabbed the loaf of bread on the counter and began the toast. “And your um, group. They’re good guys?”

  At this, he actually laughed outright. “Um, yes and no.”

  Her brows rose as she again, set the pan on the burner and cracked two more eggs. “And Damon?”

  James paused and glanced up at her. “You wanna know if he’s a good guy?”

  She bit at her lip and nodded while frying the eggs up.

  “Well, that is yet to be determined,” was all he would say.

  She put more bread in after retrieving the toast and buttering it. “Do you always answer everything like a politician?”

  James stared at her then laughed outright. “It’s part of my skill set, I suppose. Reveal less, know more.”

  She set up the plates on the counter. “Your group is... Like a conundrum for sure. Bad guys doing good things.”

  James said nothing. Then he finally looked up at her. “That about sums it up. If I were Grant, I would be very afraid right about now.”

  Grant Merrick was huffing and puffing as he ran. He couldn’t see who or what was after him, but he knew whatever it was would catch up to him, if he didn’t get across this park and into those damn trees.

  His supposed friends had all turned on him. He couldn’t figure out why either. One of the bums he thought was reliable told him that he’d better leave town. They all suddenly didn’t want anything to do with him. Shunned by the homeless. He scoffed. How low have I gone to be shunned by the lowest class of people there was in the world?

  Damn that Alybella, she had something to do with this and with whomever was not hot on his trail, but he couldn’t figure out how. Grant thought he really was gonna end her with the dog that Matt gave to him. The perfect plan he’d said. Well, it damn well wasn’t. It failed and he’d almost got caught by a bunch of damn Indians, of all things.

  Just what was so special about Alybella? He knew... the money. She was obviously paying out a lot to get protection. That had to be it.

  He was running so hard that now he had a stitch in his side but he could see the trees. If only he could make it just a bit further.

  Finally, he was close enough to even smell the leaves. Once he ducked in here, no one would find him.

  He headed in and broke through some brush to stop at a dead halt. He skidded and slipped on the graveled trail then landed on his ass. Staring up at a tall man with li
ght grey hair, and steely green eyes, he sucked in a desperate breath.

  “Nice day for a walk.” The man’s expression remained cold.

  Peering up at him, Grant sputtered, “Are you here t-to kill me?”

  For the first time, the man smiled. “I wish.” He let out a low chuckle. “But maybe that will be a treat for later.”

  “Y-you aren’t f-from the m-mob?” Grant asked with a stutter.

  The man tilted his head at him. “That depends on which mob you are referring to.”

  Grant was shaking as he tried to get up. When he stood, it was to face the muzzle of a silencer. He almost pissed his pants.

  “Let’s go somewhere and have a nice, quiet talk,” the man said as he pointed his sleek steel gun at him.

  Batting his eyes, Grant felt a cold fear wash over him as he took in the way the man stood, spoke, and sounded. “You’re a hit man, aren’t you?”

  “I am.” He nodded. “That, I am.” He pressed the gun to the side of Grant’s head. “But today, I’m just your escort. Now move.”

  The man with the gun, moved him forward out to the park and into a car.

  Grant thought, the stranger would make him drive, but he got a surprise when he directed him into the passenger seat. Grant looked up at him. The next thing he knew was pain as he was hit him with the gun butt across his jaw. His head dropped back, as the man pushed him in and shut the door.

  All he could see were stars suddenly, as his jaw felt like it had been broken. He gasped through the pain and could taste the metallic flavor of blood in his mouth. Then he realized the car was moving.

  “Move a muscle,” the man spoke in a low tone. “And the next thing I break will be your stupid looking nose. Then I’ll move to those grubby ass fingers. You’ll never be able to scratch your nose or your ass again.” His lip tilted up into an almost smile.

  Blinking hard and wincing in pain, Grant did as he said. He did not move.

  Chapter Ten

  Damon strolled into the kitchen. “I smelled food. I didn’t know e had any here.”


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