Head On (Strength And Love)

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Head On (Strength And Love) Page 13

by S. R. Jones

  “She’s been unfaithful to her boring old hubby for years. You’re not the first person she’s messed around with. She stays with him, though, God knows why. She earns more than him, and could afford to move out if she wanted to. But she stays. Closest we can seem to find out from asking around, is that she genuinely loves him as a friend, and so they have a kind of open relationship where she messes around behind his back discreetly and the hubby turns a blind eye. Now, Selina uses you, as we know, but before she found you, she went through a series of flings. The last of which became a feature of town gossip and nearly cost her marriage. The husband doesn’t mind her fucking someone else, but he doesn’t want the town knowing it. She ended it and moved onto you.”

  I know what he’s going to say. “Don’t tell me, the affair was with Rick Smythe?”

  “Yup. According to his secretary, he loved being with Selina. She’s hot, and he’s not. He’s also apparently a bit of a filthy-minded little runt and shares Selina’s kink. And Selina is a top research scientist. Rick loved that about her. He got a little too happy to flap his gums, hence why she ended it. But, she went straight on to you, and our guess is Rick couldn’t have that. He decided to get you back somehow. And this was his perfect opportunity. Two birds with one stone. He puts you in the frame for assault, or worse, and Isla is terrorised, and he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty doing it himself, or directly hiring someone to do it.”

  He sighs. “So far as we can guess, the plan was for you to do your thing. Even if you didn’t go the whole way, Isla would be scared to death. She’d call daddy dearest. Uncle Dave would swoop in like some sort of hero, and then turn the screws even more. Isla’s father would be out of the country, terrified for his daughter and willing to do anything.”

  “Christ, Luka. What is Isla’s dad into?”

  “Money laundering. Got involved with some nasty people. Rick’s involved with those same people. Pete, Isla’s dad, has been trying to get out of it for the last few years, and this meeting in New York is part of that. He’s trying to go legit, and that’s where good old Uncle Dave comes in.”

  I pull up outside Isla’s house as Luka continues talking.

  “Dave doesn’t want to go legit because they’re making too much money. And he’s teamed up with Rick, who Pete screwed over big time a few years back, to basically get Pete to hand the business over to them. They know the only thing he cares about is Isla. He may well be a dodgy fucker in his business dealings, but Pete loves his daughter, that much is clear, and now because of that, she’s a pawn in a very dangerous game. Some very unsavoury people are linked to Dave and Rick. We’re not sure how involved they are in all this, but you need to be careful.”

  “Thanks, Luka. I’ve got to go, but can you email me everything you’ve got?”

  “I’ll send you flow charts with nice arrows on them linking everyone up and everything,” he deadpans.



  His voice stalls me.

  “Do you need me there, mate?” he offers.

  “No time. I’ll let you know what’s going on as soon as I can. I’m at Isla’s now. Speak later.”

  I hang up and climb out of the car. I’m wearing cargo pants with a long shirt over them. There’s a Sig Sauer tucked into the holster under my shirt at my hip, and a knife on the opposite side. My Beretta back-up is in my ankle holster. None of which is legal in the UK. If I need to use these, I could be looking at a long stretch inside, but I’m not going to risk Isla’s life. Hopefully, I won’t need them.

  Getting to her door, I try it and it’s locked. No surprise. I run around to the back and scale the wooden fence surrounding their garden. I use my knife to jimmy the French windows leading into the conservatory, and I’m in luck because when I try the door from the conservatory to the dining room, it’s unlocked, which surprises me.

  I enter quietly, in case she’s still here and not alone. Sadie trots over to me and whimpers at me as her whole body wriggles side to side with her wagging tail. I stroke her head, all the time being alert for any sounds or movement in the main body of the house. I do a quick sweep of the downstairs. There’s no one here, and I head upstairs. It’s empty. I frown and look around Isla’s room. Nothing seems particularly out of place.

  Clearly, she came back and left again, but where has she gone? Back downstairs, I notice a printed-out news site page on the coffee table. I see a familiar picture. It’s the picture of me, Luka, and the guys from when the shit went down in Afghanistan. We were investigated for it but in the end found to have acted in accordance with the regulations. Luka even got the fucking St. George’s Cross for what he did. But this print-out tells a different story. It states we were under investigation for murdering and raping citizens in Afghanistan. That fucker, Dunn, must have doctored this. He showed it to Isla when she was already upset and paranoid about me.

  I jog back out to the car and punch in Liam’s number.

  “Ethan.” He picks up on the first ring. “What can I do for you?”

  “Can you run a trace on a mobile phone if I give you the number?”


  I rattle Isla’s number off and wait. It seems to take forever as he does his thing. About five minutes later, he speaks up. “She’s moving. Seems like she’s heading toward York.”

  Fuck. I gun the engine and shoot out into the quiet road, putting my foot down.

  “Send me the details of the route she’s following.”

  “You want back-up?”

  I hesitate. It might take some time to wait for Liam and Luka to reach me, but going in alone is reckless, and puts Isla at more risk. “Yeah. Be good. Call Luka, too, can you? I’ll start heading in her direction, let me know when you’re on the road and we can meet up. And bring some flash bangs, we need a distraction.”

  “Will do.”

  He hangs up, and I take a right to head toward York.

  Chapter Twenty


  Dave is quiet as we drive. I hate going to his house, but I know Dad will feel better to know I’m there. Dave may creep me out these days with his glances at my boobs and his extra hugs, but I’ve known him all my life. He’s my dad’s best friend. I’ve simply been overly paranoid about him, and my total mistake about trusting Ethan shows me I’ve not got very good instincts when it comes to judging people. Plus, his housekeeper, Sally, will be there, and I’ve known her for years. We get on well, and maybe some girly talk and a big old tub of ice-cream is what I need right now.

  He takes a left turn, and I’m confused. This direction heads more toward York, rather than his place.

  “Uncle Dave?” I turn to him.

  “I need to pick something up, honey. I won’t be long.”

  “Okay.” I settle back in my seat and close my eyes.

  Ten minutes later, we pull up at a big warehouse complex. I don’t think this is part of their business holdings, but they buy and sell property so quickly I can’t always be sure.

  “Come on.” He climbs out of the car and gestures me to go with him.

  I crack open my door. “Don’t you want me to wait here?”

  “Ah.” He looks around. “It’s not the best area, honey. And after what’s happened to you…I’d feel better if you come inside.”

  I climb out of the car, and shiver. It’s a cold, miserable day, and I miss the sun. I miss Ethan. Against my better judgement I miss him. He showed me what life could be like if I let someone else in and lived a little. But he lied. He told me he’d finished with all that, and then told Selina he’d see her soon.

  My phone vibrates, and I pull it out of my pocket as Dave fiddles with a number pad on the door of the warehouse. It’s from Ethan. I scan the message quickly.


  You’re in danger. I know you read the message from Selina, and right now you don’t trust me but you need to trust me. Don’t let Dave see you reading this.

  I meander slowly away from Dave, pretending to go lo
ok over the fence at the housing estate beyond. Dave curses behind me and jabs at a button that makes a buzzing noise. Some sort of intercom.

  Heart pounding. I read the rest of Ethan’s text.

  I told Selina I’d be back to work because I didn’t want anyone to know you were staying with me, and I didn’t want them to know anything was going on between us. It puts you in danger. Selina used to be involved in a man who is working with Dave Dunn. They are trying to take your dad down. They set you up, Isla. They also set me up. Selina used to date that man, and his name is Rick Smythe. You were right, someone was after me, too. This was aimed at both of us.

  There’s a pause and then more text comes through.

  I’m praying you’re not with Dave, but if you are, can you get away from him? If so, try. If not, I’m coming for you.

  Dave, if you have her phone and read this, harm one hair on her head and you’re dead.

  I don’t know who or what to trust. I feel out of my depth, totally at sea. All these men, and none of them are stand up citizens. Ethan could be telling the truth, or he might be trying to trick me again.

  I shove the phone back in my pocket with trembling fingers. I know the name Rick Smythe. I met him once. Odious man, short and smarmy, with a pot belly. He wore a thick gold ring on his pinkie finger and slicked his hair back like something out of the Sopranos. He introduced himself to me at a function a couple of years ago and tried to chat to me. Dad pulled me away. Told me not to talk to him.

  “Sorry. Was dealing with a call from our Eastern Connection.” A voice rings out of the intercom.

  “Open the fucking door,” Dave snaps.

  The voice on the intercom and the way Uncle Dave speaks back to him make my mind up. Something’s off here. The guy on the intercom sounds like Smythe from what I remember of him.

  I don’t wait to see if I’m right. I turn tail and run, heading for the entrance we’ve just driven through. Dave sees and curses under his breath, and then he’s running after me.

  “Isla, honey, where are you going? It’s not safe. Come back here. Your dad will be angry with you. He’ll kill me. We won’t be here long.”

  I ignore his words and turn left to zip down an alley, but the ground is uneven and full of potholes and I go over on my ankle, crying out as it twists painfully and I hit the ground. I’m scrambling against broken glass and dirt and grit, trying to get myself up, and cutting my hands, when a hand grabs my arm painfully hard.

  Jerked upright, I cry out again as Dave slaps me. I’m stunned and can only stare at him.

  “Come on, you stupid bitch.” He drags me with him and I start to struggle, kicking and screaming.

  “Shut the fuck up.” He punches the side of my head and I see stars.

  Pain bursts behind my eyes, and it disorientates me. For a long moment, I can’t fight or speak as I reel from the blow. It’s all he needs to get me back to the door. It’s open now, and there’s Rick Smythe. Even more disgusting than I remembered. What the hell did Selina see in this guy? Ugh.

  “Well, well, well. You’ve turned into a hot little thing, haven’t you?” He looks me up and down. “Tiny little thing but lovely big tits.”

  He looks at Dave and grins. “We can have some fun with her if Daddy doesn’t do as he’s told.”

  Dave drags me into the warehouse and pushes me forward so hard I go sprawling on my knees onto the floor. My ankle is screaming, my hands are cut and bloodied, my head throbs and now my knees are sickeningly painful after hitting the ground hard.

  “I could have already had some fun with her if you’d let me do the deed instead of hiring that idiot, Foston. And now look at the mess we’re in.”

  I stare at Dave with tears in my eyes. I may have thought him a bit creepy but I’d never have believed he’d do something like this.

  “Yes, well,” Rick snaps, “then I wouldn’t have had a chance to get back at Ethan as well, would I?”

  “And how well it all turned out.” Dave rolls his eyes.

  I pull myself up from the floor and back up until I hit the wall.

  “It’s make or break time. You’re going to have to come clean about your involvement now,” Rick tells Dave. “We’ll call Pete and you can let him know that if he doesn’t do what we want then we’ll hurt this one here.”

  I look around wildly. Maybe there’s somewhere I can run to? As I’m scoping out the place, a huge guy walks into the room from a door at the far end of the space. He’s massive. Like some sort of steroid-crunching monster. He must be at least six feet five. His body is insane. And not in a good way, but in an Incredible Hulk, bulging muscles full of veins way. And his face is ugly. Truly ugly. Hard and nasty, with beady eyes and a huge jaw. Two other big guys trail him, but nowhere near his size.

  He swaggers over to us, wearing army style trousers, and a tight wife-beater top. Glancing at me, he drags a chair to the centre of the room and grabs me. “Go get the stuff.” He jerks his giant jaw at Rick. His voice is deep and accented.

  Rick scuttles off, no longer the big guy, but a little weasel doing this man’s bidding.

  He returns with a big bag.

  “Sit down.” The man points at the chair.

  I scowl at him. He sighs. “Don’t play games, pretty one, or I’ll make you less pretty.”

  He pushes me down into the chair and I try to ignore the fear rising in me. His lines are like something out of a bad action movie, but I have no doubt he’ll do as he threatens, and I can find no amusement in his lack of imagination.

  He quickly and efficiently ties me up. Then he goes away again, only to come back dragging a camera with him. He places it in front of me and sets it up.

  Once he’s done that, he goes back to the bag. He takes out a piece of cloth and gags me with it. Immediately I start to panic. It’s awful, it hurts my mouth and throat, and makes me feel like I’m gagging. My eyes stream and I struggle to spit it out but I can’t. They don’t show this in the movies. They gag people who look a bit angry and do a few muffled screams and then quiet down. I think I’m going to die choking on this thing. I thrash in the chair and my nostrils are flaring as I try to get air in and stop the awful sensation of needing to throw up.

  Strong fingers dig into my chin. “Calm down.” Those beady, ice-blue eyes consider mine. “You won’t choke on it if you calm down. Take slow breaths in through your nose.”

  I try to do as he says, and at first, I can’t, but as I focus on trying to get a breath in and out, I find I can breathe. I still feel as if this thing is making me gag, but I can breathe.

  “We won’t hurt you if your father does as he is told.” He tells me this with a solemn face. I make a noise through the cloth, trying to tell him that these men mean me harm. Uncle Dave wants to hurt me whether Dad does what they want or not. I know that with a sick certainty now. My eyes wide, I nod at the two men and stare their way, trying to get him to understand.

  He looks to them and back to me. “They’re not in charge here. I am.”

  Dave and Rick are arguing about something, and as the blond giant returns to messing with the filming equipment I tune into what they are saying.

  “I think it’s best Pete doesn’t know my involvement, at least not yet,” Dave is saying.

  Rick gives a groan of annoyance. “He’s going to find out the moment we let her go. Even if we don’t let her go, he’s going to find out once we talk to him. They want him to give his share of the business to you, you don’t think he’s going to figure it out in…oh, two seconds. Stop being such a pussy.”

  Dave looks about ready to punch Rick, but he gives a curt nod.

  “So, the plan is what?”

  Rick points to the camera. “We film her, call him, show her tied up, and tell him she was nearly attacked, raped, and murdered a few nights ago. Tell him if he doesn’t transfer his share of the business to you with immediate effect, we’ll do worse to her. Tell him to get a lawyer and sign whatever he needs to so that things are in our hands. Then we�
��ll let her go. He goes to the police, he puts her in danger, he tries to weasel out of it--the same. He does this, comes back home and gets on with his life without telling a soul. He’ll still be a wealthy man by most people’s standards.”

  “I don’t know. He might not do it,” Dave says. “He’s a stubborn bastard.”

  Rick gives Dave an evil look, eyes narrowed and lips pursed. “You were the one who said we should go after her. You were the one who said she’s all he cares about. You better not have been lying just so you could be the one to get in her pants and scare her half to death. This goes wrong, it’s on you.”

  “It goes wrong, it’s on both of you,” blond giant says.

  I’m at a loss as to what the hell is going on. Why would Dave and this Rick go to such ridiculous lengths to get Dad to sign the business over? What has any of it to do with this blond dude?

  “Look at you all scared and confused.” Dave comes over to me and smirks. “You’ve no clue, have you? Daddy dearest has been laundering money for the mob for years. He’s been up to it neck deep. The lovely house you live in? Paid for by laundered money. Money used to bring drugs, arms, and people into the country.”

  It’s when he says people that I start to cry. I don’t believe him. No way would my dad do something as evil as get involved in anything to do with people trafficking. Crying makes it hard to breathe though, and I try to calm myself.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I see Blondie stare at me and then shoot a livid look at Dave. His huge hands pat down my thighs and he pulls my phone out of my pocket. He swipes the screen and scowls, then he throws the phone at the wall and shouts something in a language I don’t understand.

  “You didn’t think to check her pockets and take her phone from her?” he yells at Dave.

  Dave rolls his eyes. “I needed her to come with me. How would I explain that, genius?”

  The blond man slaps Dave across his face, sending him reeling, and I squeal behind the gag. The behemoth goes and picks up my phone and stamps on it, crushing it completely.


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