The Sundering: A Clutch Mistress Book 5

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The Sundering: A Clutch Mistress Book 5 Page 14

by Janelle Peel

I watched for a few moments, completely fascinated as his Adams apple bobbed with increased fervor.

  “Enough,” Mel rumbled. Gripping my elbow, he attempted to jerk me back.

  A viscous growl sounded as Jackson grabbed my forearm. His lids slid open to reveal solid black orbs.

  In a haze, his pallor flipped from yellow, to a healthy cream. The hollows of his cheeks filled out as gulped faster.

  Swaying to the side, my head pounded as a dull roar filled my ears.

  “Jackson!” Blaze warned.

  My world went dark.


  “He’s resting,” Blaze rumbled, scratching the blond stubble lining his chin.

  It’d been a near miss. Viv had to physically restrain Jackson when Lillin collapsed. Only then was Blaze able to compel his brother to stop.

  I leaned closer to the screen, “And Lillin? Was Nat able to heal her?”

  He sighed tiredly, “Yes. Mel is with her on the couch. She’s conscious, but it was close.”

  I nodded, “We owe her a debt.”

  Grimacing, he growled, “Several, it seems.”

  Roving the perfection of his face, my brow furrowed, “When are you going back to search for Bex?”

  “Nat and Kane are getting ready to head out,” he paused. “I want to get her back, don’t get me wrong… but at what cost? There were so many, Sora. Even if she survived, we can’t reopen the crater…” his lids closed. “If the Demons escape…”

  Heart clenching in pain, I whispered, “I know. Let them look, but make it clear she is not to use her magic. The Fracture cannot be opened. In the meantime, there’s some other things I need to fill you in on.”

  An hour later, his agitated steps carried through the speaker, “That’s all she said? Call her?”

  Lifting the long plume to the camera, I mumbled, “Yes.”

  Inspecting its length, he bit out, “She’s too young for this. Whatever the fuck this, even is. I’ll not have my Daughter be a pawn in someone else’s game.”

  “Nor will I, but we do have to figure,” dropping the feather, I air quoted, “‘this’ out.”

  The screen blurred for a moment before his face reappeared. Surrounded by an iron headboard, lines of exhaustion creased the edges of his cobalt eyes.

  The feeling was mutual. It seemed an eternity since I’d been able to sleep. I smirked, “You don’t look so hot, old man.”

  He chuckled, “And you look as beautiful as always.”

  I snorted, “Funny.” Sobering, I bit my lip, “The Angel will have to wait. You need rest. Call me back when you wake up.” Lifting my lips, I tried for a confident smile, “Love you.”

  His lids closed, “Love you, too.


  Hefting Kai’s weight over my shoulders, I thanked the Goddess I was half Shifter. Adjusting his bulk with a bounce, my boots slid across the rock.

  Not only had Michael healed Kai, but he’d somehow transported us to the top of what used to be the volcano. It seemed the rim had collapsed after they’d made it out.

  My thoughts spun as I began the long trek back to the hotel. It stung a bit that no one was waiting for me. Then again, how could I have possibly dug myself out? They probably thought I was dead.

  The sun’s rays began to scorch my skin as sweat soaked into the thin material of my sports bra. The staff were definitely going to freak out when we made it back, I mused. Filthy half naked woman, hands stained brown with blood, carries unconscious man from desert. Now that would be a headline worthy of international news.

  What was this Fate business, anyway? Shrugging it off, Kai groaned.

  “Hey, you awake?”

  No response.

  Rolling my eyes, a spec shone on the horizon. Squinting my lids to see if it was a mirage, the shape picked up its pace.

  Just fucking great. Lowering Kai to the ground, I called to my well in preparation.

  Closing the distance rapidly, the figure morphed into two as a pressure invaded my mind.


  Wiggling a finger in one ear, I opened my mouth in confusion. It sounded like Nat’s voice.

  Pitch black, a Wolf came into view with an excited yip.

  Instantly, my heat warmed. Kane! They hadn’t left me behind after all. Nat’s silver and gold tipped pelt rippled with every step of her massive body as she moved beside him.

  Goddess, had she grown?

  Coming to a stop in a spray of pebbles, Kane dropped his chest to the ground with a growl.

  I chuckled at his overprotectiveness, “He’s unconscious, Kane. Leave him be.”

  Nat pranced in a wide circle before licking a line from my neck to my temple with her long tongue.

  Wiping away the slobber with a grunt of annoyance, I grinned, “Nice to see you, too.”

  ‘We’ve been so worried.’

  My eyes widened. What the fuck? I thought I’d imagined her speaking to me. Breathing through my nose, I quickly noticed the musk of their pairing. Not only had she gained a Mate while I’d been in Hell, she’d tapped into telepathy. Huh, weird.

  She chuffed, ‘There’s much to discuss. We will shift to carry your…’ her teeth flashed in disapproval, ‘burden.’ Shimmering light flashed across her pelt. Four hooves scuffed at the dirt as she shook out her mercury colored mane with a whinny.

  I whistled appreciatively. It would be so cool to attain any shape I wanted. Bending at the waist, I lifted Kai from the ground and draped him across the swoop of her back, “Think he’ll stay on?”

  Whickering, she snapped her tail at my belly, ‘Of course. Now change so we can head back. We’ll fill you in on the way.’

  Kane glared at her package with a quiet snarl.

  I couldn’t blame him. If my Mate was carrying the opposite sex, I’d be upset, too.

  Toeing off my boots, I unsnapped the buttons of my pants.

  Noticing my intent, Kane turned away with a grumble.

  Sliding them past my hips, I laughed internally. We’d never had an issue with nudity before. Adding my bra to the pile, azure light flared for a moment before my white paws touched the ground. Shaking out my ruff, I grabbed the bundle inside my maw.

  Setting the pace at an easy lope, Nat began, ‘Now, this is going to seem crazy…’

  Thirty minutes later, my mind felt like it had reached maximum capacity. They’d been through so much in such a short amount of time.

  Asena laughed quietly, ‘It seems you’ve had quite the adventure yourself.’

  ‘True,’ I projected. Communicating like this was surreal, but damned handy. Just how far could she reach?

  Nat answered, ‘It depends on how loudly you’re thinking. There are some mental exercises you can do to help strengthen your mind. Asena can show you later. We’re almost to the hotel.’

  Keeping to the trees, Kane slipped ahead. In a flash of black, he zipped through the courtyard and vaulted over the veranda’s railing.

  A startled squawk sounded as Rowe’s voice carried to my ears, “Fuck, Kane! You scared the shit out of me!”

  His deep chuckle filled the air, “Sorry. Just grabbing some things for Nat and Bex. Be back in a minute.”

  She screamed, “You found her? Thank the All Mother! Blaze!”

  Settling on my rear, I spat my filthy clothing in the ground. I needed a shower. Hopefully he’d come back with robes. Pricking one ear, I listened to the excited chatter inside the suite while taking in Kai’s slumbering form.

  Nat lipped my cheek with her soft muzzle, ‘I’m sure he’ll be all right.’

  Movement drew our attention as Kane unlocked the side door like a normal person. Draping a fluffy towel over each arm, he swaggered forward.

  Nat’s gaze locked on to him with a lovesick sigh.

  Rolling my eyes, I moved to her side and shifted. Gripping Kai’s waistband, I pulled him from her back. Settling him on the soft grass, I touched his forehead with the back of my hand. Fuck! He was burning up! Could he even get sick?

Kane dropped the soft fabric on my head.

  Grumbling, I wrapped it around my torso, “Nat, can you check him? He’s really hot.”

  Frowning at my choice of words, Kane lowered to the ground while she changed, “Hot?”

  I snarked, “His temperature, perv.”

  “Bring him inside, first,” she answered. “We’re too exposed out here.”

  Kane reached for Kai as deep growl rumbled from my throat, “Don’t touch him.”

  Lifting his hands in a placating gesture, he stood, “Okay…”

  Reading the situation like a pro, Nat took his arm, “Come on, she can carry him.” Tipping her head with a knowing expression, she added, “We’ll fill Blaze in.”

  As they retreated, I mentally slapped myself. That was stupid. He was only trying to help. Pushing away my reaction, I shouldered his weight once more.

  Chapter 15


  While Bex showered in our bathroom, I took in the strong line of Kai’s jaw. How could he be part Demon? He was just so… handsome. I’d always had a thing for gingers.

  Lillin poked her head in the doorway, “He still out?”

  Case and point, Lillin looked like walking sin and she was half of the devil himself. She’d borrowed one of my maxi dresses, and wore it better than I ever could. The thin material showcased the perfection of her figure as if the designer made it for her. Pushing away the thought, I answered, “Yeah. He’s still really warm, though. Nat said she couldn’t find anything wrong with him.”

  Pursing her lips, she moved to the side of the bed, “Let me see.” Slowly, she touched his cheek with her palm, “Bex said she found him with a wound, right?”

  Clenching my fingers, I made a fist, “Yeah. About this big.”

  Lowering her arm, she nodded, “I always ran hot after, um.”

  Confused by her pause, I questioned, “After?”

  Her shoulders tensed, “When I healed. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

  The sound of water shutting off cut my reply.

  A moment later, Bex dripped across the tiled floor. Throwing on a pair of black yoga pants and matching tank, she asked, “That’s good to hear, but after what?”

  Lillin shrank in on herself.

  I exchanged a baffled expression with Bex.

  “Rowe, Bex, Lillin?” Blaze called. “Our flight leaves within the hour. Everyone pack up.”

  “Okay,” Bex shouted back. Grabbing her bag, she began shoving things inside, “You know, Lillin. We don’t mean you any harm. You saved my Uncle’s life, and Jackson’s. If you ever need anything, just let me know. ‘Kay?”

  “She’s right. The same goes for me.”

  Sighing, she bobbed her head, “Thank you. This is just very different than what I’m used to.” Standing, she padded out of the room.

  “So…” I bumped the mattress with my knee. “He’s cute.”

  Shards of ice lit her eyes. Baring her teeth, she took a sharp breath. Releasing it slowly, her gaze snapped back to a placid blue.

  “Whoa, down girl. I didn’t mean in like that. Well, I did, but, uh…” I paused. Fuck. How was I supposed to know she had a thing for him?

  Her pack hit the floor with a thump, “Sorry, Rowe. I know. It’s okay.” Pulling me into a hug, she murmured, “It’s complicated.”

  Pressing my face into her damp hair, my Fox whispered, Trouble.

  I giggled, “My other half thinks he’s trouble.”

  She chuckled, “Probably.” Squeezing once, she released me, “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”


  Jackson’s recovery was nothing short of a miracle. Lillin should definitely bottle her blood and sell it.

  Skipping across the room, I threw my arms around his thick neck, “Hey.”

  Sapphire gaze darkening, he cupped my rear, “Hi.”

  Reveling in his spicy oceanic scent, I smiled.

  Intuiting my arousal, he lifted me from the floor with a growl, “Think we have time?”

  Biting my lip, I locked my ankles and rocked against his hardened member. We’d had sex three times since he awoke. I was practically walking bow legged... and I didn’t care one bit.

  Wickedly, his fingers trailed up my ribs. Clasping my breast, he rolled its peak into a bud.

  I groaned in delight.

  Blaze’s voice boomed through the wall, “Don’t even think about it, Jackson. I’ve already received two phone calls from the hotel about the noise. Get your shit and load it into the rental.”

  Grinning like a fool, I relaxed my legs and slid down to the floor. Throwing him a saucy wink, I grabbed our belongings.

  Grumbling about the unfairness, he tidied up the bed. Roving the room for anything we missed, his steps carried him to my side. Placing a chaste kiss on my crown, he growled, “Later.”

  Damn, I can’t wait to get home!

  Thankfully, Blaze had the foresight to call a cab, and rent a private jet. Relaxing into the soft leather cushion for takeoff while Jackson stowed our luggage, I took in the plush surroundings.

  Rowe sprawled on a recliner while listening to rock music on her phone.

  Bex sat on the opposite couch near Kai’s feet. She’d had to dress him in Mel’s shirt since his was ruined. I frowned. She seemed reserved since she got back. Then again, if I’d been through what she had, I probably would be, too.

  Lillin was busy watching Mel make a drink. It seemed the little succubus had a crush on him.

  The chirp of my phone sounded. Reaching into the pocket of my jeggings, I pulled out the shiny device.

  Sora texted, ‘Heading back?’

  I replied, ‘Yup. Taxiing down the runway now.’

  ‘Good. We are having a meeting when everyone gets back.’

  Oooh, that sounded ominous, ‘Okay, Mom.’

  ‘Ass : )’

  Blaze moved down the aisle and dropped a black duffel to the floor beside Bex. Lowering his face to hers, he bit out, “That is the Fae’s. I found it in the bushes after you broke your promise.”

  Cheeks heating into a blush, she mumbled, “Thanks.”

  Gently, he grabbed her chin, “Watch him like a hawk. I’m not sure why you risked your life to bring him back, but here we are.” Releasing his grip, he turned away.

  Jerking a shaky nod, she swiped at her eyes.

  Pausing, his voice dropped to a hoarse whisper, “Don’t ever do that to me again, pup.”

  Suitably reprimanded, her shoulders drooped, “I won’t.”

  Satisfied, Blaze moved back to the cockpit.

  Tucking a length of hair behind one pointed ear, she met my curious gaze and stuck out her tongue.

  I crossed my eyes and gave her the finger.

  We both grinned like idiots.

  Finished with his task, Jackson sat beside me. Tapping my thigh, he jerked his jaw to the bathroom and mouthed, Want the join the mile high club?


  My face screwed up in distaste, “What’s that? It smells like the insides of a lesser.”

  Mel shuddered in mock outrage, “It is not the insides of a lesser. It’s vodka.”

  My lips formed around the unfamiliar word, “Vodka?”

  Grabbing a bottle of something with a dark pink tint, he continued, “Yes. You didn’t like whiskey, so I thought we’d try something mixed.” Expertly, he used a pincher device to grab chunks of something clear. Dropping four into a glass with a ting sound, he added equal portions of both. Picking up a knife, he sliced into a bright green ball. Taking a sliver, he twisted it over the concoction and dropped it into the cup.

  “This,” he slid it toward me on the bar, “is known as a Cape Cod. Viv,” he nodded as she and Jackson passed by, “would call it a vodka cran.”

  Half listening, I stared at the clear cubes.

  “Hey. What are you looking at?”

  Sliding my hand across the polished surface, I pointed, “I saw something like that before. When we escaped, Bex shot something similar from her palm.”

  His brow furrowed, “Ice?” Shaking his head once as if to clear it, he paused, “I forget. Yes. Bex is part Fae. She can control pretty much any liquid. This,” he grabbed a block. A dribble slid down his thumb as he held it out, “is frozen water.”

  Hesitantly, I took the offering between two fingers. Cool to the touch, it almost burned. My grip tightened instinctually. The cube shot from my grasp and hit him in the eye. I cringed, “Sorry!”

  Smirking, he blinked, “It’s fine. What do you think?”

  I shook my head, “It was cold and slippery. Also, very unpleasant.”

  Tipping his head to the side, the motion sent a lock of brown hair over his cheekbone.

  Of its own accord, my hand rose to tuck it behind his ear.

  His breath caught.

  I dropped my arm, “Sorry. Again.”

  “No,” he rumbled. “It’s fine.” Swallowing audibly, he continued, “It was unpleasant? How so?”

  I shrugged, “It felt like if I held it for too long, it would burn.”

  “I see. Well,” he nudged the glass closer, “try it. The green thing is a lime. Sour on its own, but mixed with something it adds a citrus kick. The pink stuff is cranberry juice. It’s sweet.”

  Bringing the cup to my lips as a distraction, I drank. Deeply. Beaming in approval, I dropped it to the veneered surface with a thud, “Another!”

  He bowed, “As you wish.”

  Explaining the process once again, I barely listened.

  I watched, completely entranced by the play of muscles beneath his tanned skin. Encased in a patterned bright green material, I perused the expense of his broad chest. A black line marred the perfection of his neck; the only evidence of his slavery. Yet, he carried on in such a carefree manner, it was infectious.

  Smiling while he produced different concoctions, I wondered… was this what it meant to be human? I’d missed so much. A sharp pain lanced my gut, bringing the liquor to the back of my throat. Gulping past the burn, I kept the anguish from my face.

  Nat tried to heal me, but Jackson took too much.

  I was starving.


  It would take them around four hours to land. We needed more information on what was happening. Grabbing my cell, I shot off a text to Daisy.


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