Living in Sin (The Escort Series)

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Living in Sin (The Escort Series) Page 26

by Lucero, Isabel


  I shake my head and laugh. I wonder how hard it was to find these. You don’t just see crowns and scepters all over the place. I put them together on the middle of the table and move onto the smaller package.

  Upon opening it I notice there’s a realtor pamphlet inside. I look through that and notice that it’s full of houses that are for sale and rent. Really nice houses, too. There’s another piece of paper inside, so I unfold it and read it.

  What’s a king without his castle? A king should always have a castle, and even though I like your place now, I know you’ve been thinking about moving. Here’s a booklet with brand new houses that are available to rent or buy. Brand new! Meaning nobody has ever lived in them, and of course they are all fit for a king. Lots of land! This is to show you that I support you in whatever you choose to do. I’ll visit you wherever you live. I couldn’t find a van, sorry.


  I laugh at her van joke before I look back through all the houses in the pamphlet. They’re all so nice, I’d have a hard time choosing one. I’m thankful that she gave this to me though. It will help me make a decision. I’ve told her about wanting a yard so if I wanted a dog, I could get one. I know I’ve mentioned moving into a ‘real house’ many times. I’m glad she’s giving me that little push, otherwise I may only just talk about it.

  I see another paper peeking out of the package and snatch it up.

  I have one more present for you. Send me a message when you’re ready and I’ll deliver this one myself.

  I wonder what the other present is, and I wonder why I’m getting presents. Should I be getting her something? I don’t know. I don’t know why she’s doing this. I think about running out and getting something before she gets here. I have no idea what to get though. Damn, I wish I knew what all this was for. Maybe girls just like to do this stuff randomly.

  A thought comes to me. I think I know exactly what to get her, but I don’t know where to start looking. I don’t want to keep her waiting too long, but this is just too good of a gift to pass up. Considering what she gave me, I need to give this to her. I begin looking up places on the internet in hopes of finding somewhere close by that has this gift.

  I’m lucky. Within the first few minutes of me searching I find just the spot to go to, and luckily it’s not too far. I need to be fast, though. This is another reason why I need a new place. Rushing out the front door to my car would be faster if I didn’t live on the mother fucking top floor of a sky rise building!

  Almost an hour later I’m finally back at my house. If I had had more time to plan this out and do some real searching, I may have been able to find a better one, but this will work. I send her a message letting her know I loved the gifts, and to hurry her ass over here. She responds with a smiley face.

  And now I wait.

  After what seems like hours, Adrienne finally shows up. I’ve hidden my gift behind the bar, so she’ll never see it.

  I open the door and see her standing there holding a small bag with tissue paper sticking out of it. She looks gorgeous in her blue dress, and her hair falls below her shoulders. She smiles at me nervously.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I say as I reach for her hand and pull her inside.

  “You look nice,” she says eyeing my outfit.

  I changed when I got back from the store, thinking basketball shorts and a T-shirt weren’t appropriate for exchanging gifts. Well, gifts like the one I plan on giving her. I put on some jeans and nice button up shirt. Nothing fancy, but probably something people don’t wear when they’re supposed to just be lounging at home. Oh well, hopefully she won’t think anything’s up.

  “Thanks,” I say and lean in to give her a kiss.

  Hand in hand we walk into the living room.

  “I like the gifts,” I say with a grin.

  “Really?” she laughs. “You didn’t think they were cheesy?”

  “What? No way, I’m wearing the crown and holding the scepter the next time I go out.”

  Her laugh bounces through the room. “Oh my gosh. What have I done?”

  “Confirmed what I already knew. I like the Zeus reference. King of Gods. I like it.”

  “I figured you would,” she says with a playful roll of her eyes.

  “Okay, can I ask a question without you getting mad at me?” I ask. “Wait. Do you want a drink?”

  “Yes and yes. You know what I like,” she responds as she sits on the couch.

  After making our drinks, I return to the living room and sit on the couch, facing her.

  “So what’s your question?” she asks.

  “Okay. Are the gifts for something I should know about? Did I miss something, or are you just being nice?”

  She smiles a relieved smile. “No, you didn’t miss anything. I’m just being a girl.”

  “Oh. Okay. That makes me feel better.”

  “Well, technically, today we’ve been together for six months. So I wanted to give you something.”

  “I should get you something just for being able to put up with me for that long,” I say with a grin.

  “You’re pretty easy to be around,” she says, stroking the top of my hand. “Well, I have one more thing for you.”

  She takes a deep breath and then takes a drink. Her eyes bore into mine, and I can tell she’s nervous.

  “It’s okay. I’m sure I’ll like whatever it is,” I say, trying to reassure her.

  If anything, I should be nervous, but she doesn’t know what I have planned. The crown she got me gave me a great idea. A perfect way to tell her how I feel.

  “I hope so,” she murmurs.

  She hands me the small bag and I pull out the tissue paper. Inside are two silver, antique crafted hearts entwined with each other. One of the hearts reads, ‘My heart belongs to you.’ The other heart holds a picture of her and me. I don’t even remember anybody taking this picture. Adrienne and I are out on The Strip, the night lights are blurred behind us, and she’s looking up at me with all the adoration in the world on her face. I’m looking down at her, my hand on her cheek, and a slight smile on my face. Her hand is resting on my chest, and I can tell she’s on her tip toes, getting ready for a kiss. Anybody can look at this and see two people in love.

  I look up at her, and she’s biting her lip. “There’s one more thing in there,” she says softly.

  I reach back into the bag and pull out a letter.


  They say the best gifts come from the heart, but I’m giving you my whole heart. It’s yours. I trust that you’ll protect it and keep it safe. I’ve gone to bed every night since I’ve met you, thinking only about you, and woken up every morning with thoughts of you still in my head. Am I scared? Yes. Only because you mean more to me than anyone ever has. Not being with you scares me. Sometimes you just know when you’re meant to be with someone, and I know without a doubt that you and I are meant to be. My heart is only whole because you are in it. If you were to ever leave me, I’m afraid it would break and be irreparable. You brought happiness into my life again. A happiness I’ve never known.

  I love you, Jace


  I’m speechless, and that almost never happens. I haven’t looked up yet. I continue to read the note she wrote for me. I try to come up with words that will be appropriate, but I can’t. An idea comes to mind.

  “Wait right here,” I say as I touch her legs.

  I get up and run to where I’ve hidden my gift for her. I get back and sit back down in front of her.

  “Adrienne, that was beautiful. I never thought I’d have an effect on someone like what you described. Making you happy is the only thing I want to do. You are the one who brought me to life. If it weren’t for you, I’d never know what true happiness is. For years I thought I was happy. But when you came along, I realized I had been missing out on so much.”

  Her bottom lip is quivering and I can see the tears threating to spill over. I grip the gift box in my hand, ready to open it

  “I went out and got this for you. I had been trying to think of a way to express how I feel about you. I’ve never done it before, and I think I may have been overthinking it too much. This may seem corny, but it kind of goes hand in hand with the gift you got me.”

  She watches me as I open the box and pull out her gift. She laughs that beautiful laugh that always makes me smile.

  “Okay, let me explain. You bought me a crown, right?”

  She nods looking confused.

  “I’m a king, right?”

  A smile dances on her lips and she rolls her eyes. “Mmhmm.”

  “You said a king needs a castle, and thanks to you I can now go and pick one out. You also gave me a scepter, so it would seem I’m all set.”

  She looks at me curiously.

  “I think you forgot one thing. What is a king without his queen?”

  I hand her the silver, rhinestone encrusted tiara I bought for her. It’s nothing fancy, just something I found at a costume store.

  “I love you, Adrienne. I think I have for a little while now. You are my queen and I will always treat you like one. You deserve the best, and I strive to be the best for you.”

  The tears spill over and cascade down her face. She puts the tiara aside and jumps in my lap.

  “Oh, Jace! I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  “I love you. More than you’ll ever know.”

  “This is a nice place, man,” I say as I walk around Jace’s new house.


  “How many rooms you got in here?”

  “It’s five bedrooms and seven bathrooms, a couple living rooms, the theater, gym, and game room.”

  “Oh is that all?” I ask sarcastically.

  “Whatever, man. I couldn’t turn this house down.”

  “Nah, I understand. There’s a fucking lazy river and waterfall out there by the pool. That’s insane. I think I’ll stay in the guesthouse out there.”

  “I don’t know why you’re acting like your house is a shack. Your house is fucking huge, too.”

  “I know. All my bedrooms aren’t suites though. And I don’t have libraries and shit.”

  “You want a library?”

  “No. Chicks like libraries, though.”

  He laughs. “Does Emilie like libraries?”

  “Man, why you asking about her? I don’t know. She hasn’t talked to me since we had Thanksgiving dinner over at Adrienne’s dad’s house.”


  “What do you mean, hmm? Do you know something? Has Adrienne told you anything?”

  “You sound like a girl, you know that right?” he says.

  “Just answer the question.”

  “You know why. She ain’t cool with the job. She likes you, man. How is that hard to see?”

  “I’ve never thought about giving it up, you know that.”

  “I know. Maybe it’s time to re-think things.”

  “Even if I did, I can’t do the relationship shit. I’m fucked up.”

  “I didn’t think I could do them either. Adrienne makes it easy.”

  “Where is Adrienne?”

  “She’s at work. She’ll be over later.”

  “She might as well move in.”

  “I hope she does one day.”

  “Look at you, all happy and shit. I’m happy for you, man.”

  Maybe quitting the escort business isn’t a terrible idea. I’m making money with the club, and Jace, Marc, and I are already planning to open another one. Maybe being an escort was my way to keep women from wanting to be in a relationship with me. I just don’t think I can trust another woman again. Not after what Carla did. I loved her more than anything and anyone, and she fucked me over in the worst way possible.

  “Yo. Troy,” Jace’s voice brings me out of my head.

  “Sorry, man. What’s up?”

  “You alright?”

  “Yeah, just zoned out for a minute.”

  “Why don’t you talk to Emilie? Tell her everything. Not just what Carla did to you, but how you feel about relationships and trust now. Be honest with her, maybe it will help her realize why you are the way you are. She might think you just don’t give a shit about her.”

  “Yeah. Maybe.”

  “I just want you to be happy, man. You’re like a brother to me, and I just want the best for you. Don’t go through life not knowing what love is. You think you had it with Carla, but that wasn’t love. Not true love anyway.”

  “Maybe not,” I answer.

  I like to think Carla loved me. We were together for years, and I loved her, and thought she loved me. She said it all the time, but she didn’t really ever prove it to me. Maybe Jace is right.

  I’d love to have what Jace has with Adrienne. They’re perfect together. I think what’s most obvious is their friendship. If you don’t have friendship, you don’t have love, and they have it all.

  “Well, talk to her soon, because we’re doing Christmas over here. Adrienne’s dad, Emilie, Marc, Nico, and Kade will all be here. You’re gonna be here, too, and I don’t want it to be all weird and shit with you and her.”

  Shit. That only gives me a couple weeks. “Alright, man. I think I’m gonna head home. I can come over tomorrow to help put more stuff away if you want.”

  “Yeah, cool.”

  I show myself out and walk to my car. The whole drive home I think about what I can tell Emilie. That I do like her, and have fun with her, but that I don’t trust her cause I don’t trust any woman? No, that shit ain’t gonna work. It’s the truth though. Maybe if I allow myself to be in a relationship with her, she’ll prove to me that I can trust her.

  As I’m stopped at a stop light, I pull my phone out and send her a message.

  Me: Hey, I need to talk to you. Meet me at my place in thirty?

  Her response comes just as I’m pulling into my driveway.

  Emilie: Okay. See you in forty five.

  I shake my head. She’s always sure to do things her way. I’m just glad she’s coming. Now is my time to be honest with her and see what happens from there.

  After I step out of my Escalade, I look up from my phone and start for my front door.

  What in the mother fuck?

  Carla is standing on my doorstep.

  A suitcase rests at her feet.


  To be continued…

  Dear Readers,

  I appreciate you taking the time to buy my book and read it. I do hope you enjoyed it. I am currently working on Book Two in The Escort Series, which will be Troy’s story, and Book Three will be Marc’s story. I am going to work my hardest, fastest, and best on making sure these books don’t take forever to come out. You’ll also be able to get a little more of Jace and Adrienne’s story in the next one.

  Thank you for your support,

  xoxo - Isabel

  Once again, I must start with my husband. Thank you so much for always being there to support and help me. You are amazing! I’m so lucky to be married to you. If it weren’t for you, this story wouldn’t have been born. Thanks, baby!

  To every single blogger who has ever helped me in any way. Whether it be by sharing teasers, the cover, giveaways, or anything else, you guys are amazing! It’s because of you that people hear about new stories and authors, so thank you!

  I have to thank my readers and supporters who also share things from my page, and get the word out about whatever it is I’ve posted. It’s tough being a newbie, we need all the help we can get, and word of mouth is by far the best form of promotion. Thank you all!

  Special thanks to Michelle Lange Schwartz and Gretchen Anderson Purgason. You ladies have been the most amazing, uplifting, supportive, and helpful women ever! I don’t know even know what I’d do without you now. Thank you for reading my book and loving it so much! Thanks for all the kind words and motivation to keep writing. Love y’all!

  Thank you to my “secret group” of women. I appreciate you all for agreeing to read and hel
p me promote my book, and get my name out there.

  Shaneen, you are another special one, because you’ve been with me since my first book. I’m so glad that you loved it, and I appreciate you being the kind and generous woman you are. Thank you for supporting me and being a friend.

  I can’t forget Cynthia Boudreaux for being an awesome editor. Thank you for being so helpful and fun to work with. Thanks to my wonderful formatter, Angela from Fictional Formats for coming up with amazing chapter headings! I honestly would have never have thought to make them what they are and I’m absolutely in love with my book even more now. Thank you!

  Big thanks goes to Summer and Jenny from A Dirty Book Affair for offering to help me out when it came to release day blitz, cover reveal, and a blog tour. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of that. Robin from Wicked by Design. What can I say? Thank you a million times over for dealing with my numerous emails, questions, and suggestions. You are amazing at what you do, and I LOVE my book covers. Nobody else could have made them better. Thank you!

  Katie Harder-Schauer, Elena Pearson, and Lyndsey Wharton. You were all added a little late to the street team, but I will forever be happy that you were added in the first place. I love your reviews and I’m so glad you all enjoyed this book. Carrie Sutton, thank you for taking the time to create beautiful and amazing teaser pictures. I appreciate that, because I’ll admit it’s not something I’m good at. Tonya Nichols, thank you so much for loving both of my books! Thanks for the review.

  Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone. I’m grateful for everything anyone has done for me.

  Isabel Lucero is a military wife who has been lucky enough to travel the world, and see some amazing sights. She has been married to her best friend for ten years, and together they have two of the most beautiful children in the world. She and her husband are Junior High Sweethearts, a couple who are truly meant to be together. One day, their love story might make it into a book.


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