Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 27

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Go ahead and shift,” she told them softly, wanting them to be healed as quickly as possible.

  There was a blue swirl of energy that surrounded both men. Abbey watched in fascination as their magic took hold and their wolf forms emerged. She continued to pet their chests, loving the chuffing noises that left her wolves as they settled beneath her.

  She was about to move away to give them space when both of them reached out with their paws and pulled her down onto the bed so that she lay between them. She couldn’t stop her soft laughter from escaping as both of them tugged at her with their large paws, not stopping until she was snugly pressed between them. She sat up to reach for the covers, but they both surrounded her with their paws again and pulled her back in place.

  “I need to get the blankets to cover me,” she told them, laughing. “I’m going to be cold if I fall asleep.”

  Her wolves growled, pulling their paws away from her so she could sit up and grab for the blankets. As soon as she lay back down and covered herself with the comforter and sheet, they surrounded her with their heavy paws once again.

  She couldn’t stop the giggles that erupted from her. There was something comforting in the way they held her between them. As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but think about how wonderful living the rest of her life with these amazing shifters was going to be.

  “You’d better heal completely,” she told them softly, petting their backs and scratching their heads as they lay nestled against her shoulders. “I want you all better by morning.”

  Dozing lightly, she couldn’t prevent the dreams she had of Clay and Hunter playing with their children from filling all of their minds. It was a wonderful way to fall asleep.

  Her mates became human again some time during the night, and she snuggled against them naturally. They wrapped their arms around her and nuzzled their faces against her neck.

  Not one of them awoke as they settled against each other—their triad happy and healed.

  * * * *

  Abbey. You must be vigilant.

  Abbey moved restlessly between her men. She could hear the voice of the beautiful lady and was confused.

  Why? What’s wrong?

  Be careful. There are many who would hurt this pack. You must help your men. They will need you to help them protect the pack family.

  I don’t understand.

  You will, my daughter. Your natural caring and welcoming nature will help bring peace to the surrounding packs. Trust your instincts.

  Abbey smiled and settled closer to her men. I love them.

  I know you do, daughter. And they love you.

  Do you think they’ll want to start a family with me?

  The soft laughter of the beautiful lady filled her heart with warmth. She felt her gentle kiss on her forehead and sighed as whispered words of love and encouragement filled her mind.

  Your children will know their fathers’ love every moment of every day. Do not worry, Abbey. Your men are going to be more than willing to have a family with you.

  Her soft laughter made Abbey smile. Settling deeply within her mates’ embrace, she allowed sleep to pull her deeper within its arms. Dreams of babies and a beautiful future with her mates soothed her as she slept.

  Chapter 22

  Abbey couldn’t prevent the squeal of laughter that escaped her as Hunter carried her into their bedroom. She could feel Clay’s hands on her back as she hung over Hunter’s shoulder. She pushed herself up and smiled at the expression of complete love and need on Clay’s face.

  “Clay,” she whispered, reaching out and touching his cheek lightly.

  “Love you, honey,” he told her softly, running his index finger across her forehead and gently dragging the pad of his thumb across her eyebrow.

  Abbey felt herself falling off Hunter’s shoulder but his large hand held her securely. She gave herself up to his strength and found herself being gently set down on their bed. She couldn’t help but smile at him as he climbed up to lie beside her on the bed and settled himself close against her. Clay did the same, and she found herself surrounded once again by the men who had taken her by surprise just moments before.

  She had been sitting on the couch with them when she screwed up her courage to ask them if they might want to think about having a baby together. To say that they wanted to start a family with her was a massive understatement. Their reaction was instantaneous. Their impromptu bout of lovemaking on the couch had taken her breath away. When they loved her together, she was filled with their emotions as they filled her with their combined seed. She could hear their prayers to the Fates that their lovemaking would begin their cub’s life and was more than overwhelmed with their honest desire for her to become pregnant.

  “Ready for a repeat performance, sweetheart?” Hunter asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  She looked up at him as he leaned over her and couldn’t help but smile at the leer he gave her. “You’re ready to go again?” she teased, reaching down and taking hold of his hard cock, stroking it lovingly as he moaned against her neck.

  “We’re going to be spending the day making love to you, honey,” Clay told her, kissing her neck lightly.

  His moan joined Hunter’s as Abbey took hold of his hard shaft and pulled up gently on it. Turning toward her lips, he claimed them roughly, his heart pounding against his chest as he devoured her. His need for her was intense. He couldn’t believe just how much she meant to him. Never in his thoughts of what his life would hold had he ever thought he would be gifted with such an amazing mate or love her with such deep conviction.

  “You’re ours, Abbey,” he whispered against her lips before leaning back to look down at her. “Please stay with us always.”

  Abbey’s heart melted at the pain she could feel emanating from Clay’s soul. She reached up and touched his cheek gently.

  “Abbey, if you ever left us, we would have no reason to go on,” Hunter told her honestly.

  “Now why would I ever want to leave you?” she whispered, scraping her nails across their backs before hugging them against her tightly.

  “Do you love us enough to always stay with us, Mate?” Hunter asked her, smiling.

  Despite his smile, Abbey could hear the worry in his heart speaking to her. She reached up and ran her fingers through his thick, black hair, tightening her grip on him as she did the same to Clay’s dark tresses.

  “I love you both with all my heart,” she whispered, her emotions nearly choking her. “I have no intentions of ever being apart from you. I still can’t believe how this has happened so quickly.”

  “Don’t question it, honey,” Clay told her gently. “It’s the way of triad mates.”


  Hunter and Clay both nodded, leaning toward her and deeply breathing in her scent. The happiness and contentment that filled them was easily felt through their bond, and she couldn’t help but smile.

  “If we ever are lucky enough to have children, I’m going to tell them how their fathers rescued me from an evil man and made me the princess of their castle.”

  Both men’s instant smiles made her happy. She wanted to bring them happiness. She wanted to bring them peace. And she wanted to give them the life that she knew they deserved. She just hoped she was worthy of that beautiful life, too.

  “Abbey,” Clay whispered, leaning into her neck and kissing it lightly before leaning back to look down at her. “Are you too sore, baby?”

  He reached down and pulled her leg toward him, glad when Hunter did the same to her other leg until she was spread out between them. Clay reached down and covered her mound with his hand, sliding his first two fingers deep inside of her and rubbing lightly against her. She was warm and wet with the combination of her desire for them and their seed dripping from her sweet channel and covering her legs and his hand.

  “You’ve both filled me up pretty good,” she whispered, gasping when Hunter’s hand joined Clay’s and they carefully stroked through her folds to
touch her swollen clit.

  “Good, honey?” Clay asked, biting down on her shoulder before kissing across her collarbone and sucking on the fullness of her breast. He traced the rosy darkness of her areola, flicking at her nipple before closing his mouth around it and sucking it deeply into his mouth.

  Abbey’s moans made him smile against the fullness of her breast. He would never tire of touching and loving her. He wanted to hold her against him and bury himself deeply within her over and over again.

  Hunter drew her into his arms, settling her on top of him and spreading her legs so that her body was open to him. Taking hold of his cock, he placed it at her dripping entrance and gently pressed upward, slowly gliding inside of her. He held her hips tightly as he pushed up to seat himself completely within her.

  “Hunter,” she moaned.

  “What, sweetheart?”

  “I love you.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I love you so much I ache.”

  Abbey moved her hips and pulled his shaft from her body, pressing down and taking him back inside her in one continuous move. His deepness made her moan. She loved the feel of him touching so far inside of her.

  “Clay, please,” she whispered.

  “I’m here, honey,” he told her as he lay against her back and guided his lubed shaft inside of her. He placed his hand on her lower back to hold her in place as he slowly rocked deeper and deeper inside of her. Only when he was fully seated did he take his hand from her back and lie forward so that she was good and snuggled between them.

  “Do you know how wonderful it feels to be inside of you, honey?” he asked her quietly. “Do you realize what a gift you are to us?”

  Wonder filled Abbey as she realized that these men, these wonderful men, meant everything that they said. They showed her how much they loved her every day with their words, their gentle touches, their caring, and their understanding. The added bonus of the mating bond gave her the gift of seeing into their souls. What she found there was absolutely astounding to her. There was no deceit. There was no want for money or power. There was only their complete joy that they had finally found her. And there was hopefulness that they would have a family together.

  The words she thought of to tell them how much they meant to her paled in comparison to how she truly felt. Instead of speaking, she opened the door she had hidden her feelings behind and set free her emotions. The gasps that escaped them as she bathed them with her emotions made her happy. She wanted them to know how much she cared, and she especially wanted them to know just how much she believed she was blessed to have them in her life. The whisper of a promise of future children was also there, and she couldn’t help but let them know how much she wanted those children with them.

  Both men growled as the slow movements of their hips increased in intensity as they began to reach for their ultimate release. Abbey just held on for the ride. They were really good at giving her the most amazing orgasms. She didn’t have to ask, she didn’t have to work for them. They knew exactly what movement to make and what pressure to exert. She felt their love, and she knew their passion. Everything combined together made her fly each and every time they touched her.

  Clay reached beneath her and found her clit, pressing firmly on the swollen button just as he and Hunter bit down on her shoulders, claiming her as their mate once again and sending her into a world of pleasure. They followed her, coming deeply within her and filling her with their combined seed. Their mating knots formed, and they were held securely inside their woman’s body as more seed was ejaculated and found its way to her womb.

  They held her tightly between them, petting her lovingly as she melted within their arms. She kissed Hunter’s face and dragged Clay’s hand toward her mouth so she could kiss him as well. Her tenderness filled them. Her complete love for them humbled them. There was never a more perfect time for them than making love with their mate.

  Abbey held them tightly against her, never wanting to let go. She had never in her life thought she would experience such deep love. And deep love was exactly what she felt for her two men.

  “I hope you both are ready to spend the day with me,” she whispered as she cuddled between them and closed her eyes.

  “Baby, we’re going to be with you forever,” Clay promised.

  “That’s nice,” Abbey whispered as sleep claimed her. She knew she didn’t have to worry. She knew her men would take care of her.

  Hunter looked up at Clay and smiled. “I think we’ve worn her out,” he told his triad partner, smiling and winking at him.

  Clay grinned down at Hunter. “Yeah, we’re pretty awesome.”

  Hunter’s smile faded. He reached up and gently ran his hand down Abbey’s hair, holding her against him tenderly. “She’s the one who’s awesome, Clay.”

  “She is,” Clay whispered, kissing his mating mark and smiling as Abbey moaned and squeezed his hand tighter against her chest. “Do you think we’ve given her a cub?”

  “It’s a good possibility,” Hunter answered softly. “I could smell her fertility.”

  “I hope we did.” Clay twined his fingers with Abbey’s.

  “We’ll know within a couple of days,” Hunter told him. “I’m looking forward to scenting our cub.”

  Clay smiled as he lay against Abbey’s back. He was looking forward to a lifetime with this woman. And their five children!

  Chapter 23


  “I’m in the kitchen, honey!” Clay called back.

  Abbey walked out of the study that her men had created just for her and smiled as she entered the kitchen and saw Clay pulling on his uniform shirt. Her stomach clenched as she saw the vest he wore beneath his shirt to protect himself. She understood that he and Hunter would always be putting their lives on the line, but she couldn’t help but worry that her men would always be putting themselves at risk in order to do their job protecting the pack family as well as the human community.

  Pushing aside the fear that gripped her, she walked over to Clay and wrapped her arms around his waist. She stood up on her toes and kissed his throat, biting down on it gently. She smiled against the warmth of his skin as his arms wrapped around her and hugged her to him tightly.

  “Be careful, honey,” he warned her, growling against the top of her head and rubbing his face against the softness of her hair. “You’re teasing my wolf.”

  “Am I?” Abbey asked him innocently, pulling back slightly so she could look up at him and wink boldly.

  “You know you are, Mate,” he warned her.

  Abbey laughed softly. “I know I am,” she admitted. “But it’s so much fun to tease your wolf.”

  “Be careful, baby. My wolf bites.”

  “Oh, yay!”

  Clay laughed out loud, hugging her to him tightly. “By the Fates, I love how much fun you are, Abbey,” he told her happily.

  Abbey smiled up at him, glad that she brought him joy. “I wanted to ask a favor of you and Hunter,” she told him, smiling.

  “Sure, honey. Whatever you need.”

  “Well, I wanted to take Meeka to the local mall to help her apply for some jobs. Suzie will want to come with us, too. Do you think you or Hunter can take us?”

  “If you want to wait until tonight, we can take all of you after our shift is over,” Clay offered. “If you want to go while we’re working, we can get a couple of pack enforcers to take you.”

  “I think it would be best if we went earlier,” Abbey told him, thinking about the best time to have Meeka apply for jobs.

  “I’ll contact Nathaniel and Brett to take you. I trust them to make sure that the three of you are safe.”

  “If you think that’s best,” Abbey agreed without hesitation. The vision of her men being gunned down in the alley beside the diner was still very clear in her mind. She had no doubt that there needed to be security whenever any of the pack family left pack land.

  “Hunter is at the family lodge talking to Jace and Jackson,” Clay told her, k
issing her forehead lightly and humming with happiness. He was relieved that Abbey didn’t fight him on having security with her and the two other women. There was nothing more precious to the men of the pack than their mates and their children.

  “Is everything okay?” Abbey looked at him in concern. “I can tell that you’re worried about something.”

  “Well, we think there’s been a few other packs in our area lately, and we’re concerned that there might be a problem with the protection of Beckett land,” he told her honestly. “Hunter thinks we should invite the ruling triads in the area to the Circle Three Ranch so Jace could find out if there are any threats. Sitting down with the other alphas and betas and hammering out a pact of peace would be in the best interest of all of us. That way, we’ll be able to know who we might have to watch out for. We already know that Randall’s pack is a threat to us.”

  “Meeka and Suzie told me about them being held by Randall,” Abbey said, nodding. There was a definite hint of anger in her voice as she spoke about her new friends’ horrible treatment at the hands of that alpha. “Thank goodness Suzie is finally able to be with her mates. She deserves to be happy.”

  “Yes, honey. She does,” Clay agreed. “Drew and Carter have suffered for a lot of years without her. We’re all relieved that they’ve been reunited.”

  “And it’s awesome that Suzie is pregnant,” Abbey added, smiling softly.

  “Yeah, baby. It sure is nice that she’s pregnant.” He winked at her, unable to keep the thought of Abbey’s pregnancies from filling his mind. He made sure to keep the thought to himself. He didn’t want to put any pressure on their mate. He and Hunter both knew without a doubt that she was going to be filled with their cubs. It would only be a matter of time.

  Clay’s sweet smile as he looked down at her made her heart light. She couldn’t believe how incredibly happy she was. Every moment she spent with him and Hunter made her know just what a true and loving mating they were a part of.


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