Lady Adalyn (The Saga Of Wolfbridge Manor Book 1)

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Lady Adalyn (The Saga Of Wolfbridge Manor Book 1) Page 13

by Sahara Kelly

  There was silence for several moments.

  “No I don’t,” he finally replied. “Why?”

  She tilted her head. “Well, for one thing, I believe it is customary to look to the heir in the case of a suspicious death? If Sir Amery was indeed the victim of poison, we must ask ourselves who might benefit from his passing?”

  Five pairs of eyes remained on her, betraying their surprise.

  For the first time, she found herself slightly irritated with her gentlemen. How could she remind them she had a perfectly good brain which had received a slight shock but was still working quite well?

  Giles recovered. “That is an excellent question and an excellent deduction, Adalyn. Forgive me. I will never underestimate your thought processes.”

  She chuckled. “A random notion only, Giles. But my reading taught me a few interesting ideas.” She turned to Daniel. “Here’s another question. Would Fivetrees be a good addition to the Wolfbridge estate?”

  That question elicited five very clear dropped jaws and a group gasp that probably sucked a lot of air from the room.

  “Good God,” said Daniel.

  “You want to buy it, Adalyn?” Jeremy’s neck twisted as he stared up at her.

  “It’s a sensible question,” defended Evan.

  “They have some damn fine stables,” added Trick.

  “It was a mere passing consideration, but if there’s a possibility of pursuing it…” She sighed, and in spite of her efforts to hide it, a slight yawn emerged.

  “Right. I think we should call a halt for tonight.” Giles rose, and the others finished their brandy.

  Adalyn nursed hers in her hands, staring into the liquid as if it might reveal the future. “I’ll admit I’m a mite tired now. Too much drama this evening. Just too sad.”

  “Sleep well, Adalyn,” Giles bowed. “We will certainly talk more tomorrow.” He looked at the gentlemen. “Evan, why don’t you sit with Adalyn for a little, to make sure she is comfortable and relaxed enough for sleep?”

  Jeremy opened his mouth, but Giles shot him a little frown.

  Adalyn wondered at it, but was happy that Evan could stay. If she were truly honest with herself, she’d have been happy to have any of them—or all of them—with her on this troubled night. She hoped for sleep, but given the turbulent evening, it might be a bit of a time coming to her.

  So she bid the rest goodnight and watched Evan pull a chair to the bedside.

  “In with you, Adalyn,” he smiled, pulling back the covers for her and plumping up the pillow.

  “Thank you, Evan.” She chuckled as she slid from her robe and climbed onto the bed, pulling the blankets back up. “I feel as if I’m twelve.” With a quick sideways glance, she grinned. “Are you going to read me a story?”

  He blinked, then pursed his lips. “Well, now you come to mention it…” He stood. “Don’t move. I’ll be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail…”


  He was gone before she could finish her question, but true to his word he returned within a very few minutes clutching a book in his hand. “I began reading this a little while ago. It wasn’t easy to locate a copy, but I had a friend who had already finished it, so I asked for it—and here it is.” He held it out to her.

  Taking it, she turned it over to read the title.

  “Cytherean Tales… by Lady Corinth?” Adalyn’s jaw dropped. “Evan. Goodness. I’ve heard whispers about this volume. Quite shocking, some say.”

  “Would you like me to read a bit to you?” His eyes shone in the firelight, more gold than green tonight, and wickedly beautiful at that moment.

  Adalyn knew what her answer should be. And in a small act of defiance gave the answer she wanted to instead.

  “Yes, please.”

  He nodded and settled into the chair by the bed. “It’s probably best to give you an idea of the story, rather than start from the beginning, since there are many stories within.”

  “Whatever you wish.” She snuggled down, turning a little to watch him as he thumbed through the pages.

  “To give you a précis, this book is about a special house—not a brothel as such—but a place where the residents want to be there. They desire greater knowledge about themselves as women, about men, and about the interactions that can bring pleasure to both. Each section is written by a different woman and reveals her choices and actions with the men she selects as partners.”

  “Oh my,” breathed Adalyn. “That is quite different. I can see why it’s viewed as scandalous.”

  “Indeed,” he agreed. “Are you sure you’d like to hear a chapter?”

  She gulped. Then took a breath “Yes. I’m sure.”

  He turned the pages. “All right. This is the one I think might interest you. It’s called Mistress Daisy’s Delight.”

  And with that, Evan began to read.

  “Perhaps some might find it unusual, or indeed shocking, but I confess that I enjoy the eyes of another upon me as I attain my pleasure. To that end, Sir Stern Grantham has been recommended to my attention, and I admit he is quite pleasing to my eyes.

  I like how he bows respectfully as he enters my chamber, and obeys when I wave him to a chair. This has been positioned according to my dictates, of course. It guarantees him a good view of me, and knowing he can see clearly enhances my own delight. I have learned that the smallest detail can make a difference.

  Few words are spoken. He’s not here for conversation and I am not unduly concerned about it. He’s here for pleasure, as am I.

  So I begin, strolling to the red sofa, knowing my white robe and cream skin will show to perfection against the dark ruby velvet. Again, details matter. As is my wont, I am wearing stockings, and as I raise one leg to rest my foot on the cushions, the robe parts and he gets his first look at my leg. I make sure plenty of thigh is revealed as I slowly untie the garter and roll the stocking down to my toes. He’s swallowing. A good start in my opinion. Repeating the process allows me to briefly part the robe - he may think he’s seen a glimpse of my female curls. Perhaps he has - if not, he will very soon.

  Now that my legs are bare, I turn to face him and slowly - always slowly - slip the ribbons holding my robe together from their loops. It parts, drapes against my breasts and flows away from my body. Now he can see my pussy, my dark curls hiding the treasure beneath. I hear his indrawn breath and watch his legs part as his manhood swells within his breeches.

  I smile, for his response arouses me.”

  Evan paused. “Are you sure you would like to hear more, Adalyn?”

  She nodded with enthusiasm. “Oh yes. I like how daring she is. And I am eager to learn of Sir Stern’s responses.”

  “I see. Could you imagine being such a woman? Being so daring?”

  Adalyn thought about that for a moment or two. “In front of a stranger…probably not. But if one cared deeply about a man, would it be a special moment? Something both could share? I’d like to think so…” She glanced at Evan as she stopped speaking, only to catch a flare of heat in his eyes. She blushed. “Do go on.”

  “Very well.”

  “This is the point where I decide how best to proceed, and much is based on the man watching. Sir Stern’s gaze is roaming over my entire body, which pleases me…I shall tease him a little by letting my robe drop from one shoulder, and catch on my arm. I have perfected this move; it bares one breast and yet I am not nude. I feel my nipple tighten as his eyes fix on it, and there is the thrill, the shock of desire flaring down to my sex.

  He is responding well, loosening his cravat and gazing at me as if I were a ten course dinner and he’d not eaten in a month. This is what I like. The knowledge that my body and my actions are controlling him. I trust the next step will continue the process.

  It is time now for me to sit, and so I do, ensuring that my robe is a perfect frame for my body, which he will now see without encumbrance. This moment, this instant is a shock of excitement, and I ease into a seated position, my ro
be falling away, my legs slowly parting to reveal my flesh to his eager eyes. My breasts ache as he stares, almost as if he were touching me. Oh yes, he is hard now, a swollen and stretched cock distorting his clothing.

  I begin, the first gentle touches of my fingertips on my lips and my neck, arching my head back as I let my hands roam to my breasts. I hear him groan as I lift them, hold them and then toy with my nipples. This always makes me moan, and my back shifts as my legs part even more. I am wet now, shining I hope in the light of the candles, positioned to shine their flickering light on the dewdrops of my desire sparkling on the fleshy folds. When I practised with a mirror, I found the sight to be most appealing. I trust Sir Stern does as well.

  I am satisfied. He has unbuttoned his breeches and revealed the strong, thick length of his manhood. He has nothing to be ashamed of. I wonder if he will dare to continue - I must now begin to bring myself to the height of my own pleasure, and it would make me happy should he decide to follow suit. To that end, I stretch out as much as I can, my thighs wide, and slide my hand down to touch my most sensitive places. I smile as I note he does the same

  I rub, tease, sigh and moan, allowing all of my natural desires to flower beneath my own touch. It is hard to remind myself that this is for him, my observer, but I try to open my eyes and ensure he is still paying attention. I can hear his flesh as he strokes himself, and it excites me, spurs me on in my own search for the ultimate pleasure. My fingers dart and delve, his hand squeezes and the sounds of our bodies are a unique symphony for two.

  I shall come soon; I feel the tightening of my belly and my mouth falls open as I gasp for breath. I hear his muted groan and catch a glimpse of his cum as he spurts in completion. My evening has been successful, and I finish myself, allowing a sharp cry to escape as my body spasms and shakes through my release. It is wonderful, knowing he’s still watching, sharing this most intimate moment with his eyes.

  I ease, resting my head on the back of the sofa, catching my breath, feeling the moisture on my skin. He’s rising, cleansing himself and re-buttoning his breeches. Then he surprises me by coming to stand in front of me and taking my hand…the one I use on myself. He raises it to his lips and licks it clean. Then bows, turns and takes his leave.

  Perhaps there are still some surprises that await me. Sir Stern was one of them.”

  Evan closed the book and looked at Adalyn. “Well?”

  She swallowed. “That was…um…fascinating is the best word to describe it.” She wanted to wriggle, to shift her legs, to touch the moisture that the story had brought to life between her thighs.

  He smiled and rose. “I’m happy you liked it. Will you be able to sleep now?”

  “I think so,” she answered.

  “Good.” He neared the bed, leaned over and took her chin in his hands. “Rest, my dear Adalyn. Let your thoughts be happy ones.” He kissed her, slowly, tenderly and with obvious relish. Then he leaned even closer. “Remember, Sir Stern may not be the only man who likes to watch a woman pleasure herself.”

  And he was gone, leaving Adalyn in a state of aroused confusion.

  Dear Diary,

  I confess myself surprised to be waking well-rested, given recent events. Of course, Sir Amery Fairhurst’s death was of major import, and watching it happen stunned me. So dreadful and so sad. My thoughts are with poor Judith today. Perhaps I will send a message of condolence and see if there is aught I can do to help…it would be a kind gesture and one a good mistress of Wolfbridge should encourage.

  I will admit—and only to you, dear Diary—Sir Amery unsettled me. I couldn’t help thinking that here was a man who would not rest until his desires were met. I didn’t like the look in his eyes that said I might be next on that list of desires, or that Wolfbridge might also be there. However, no man, regardless of disposition or manner, deserves to die like that.

  Perhaps we shall know soon the cause of his passing. I confess it will put my mind at rest to learn he suffered some kind of seizure, but I must wait for the official word.

  I scarce imagined I would sleep at all last night, but after having all the gentlemen in my room, helping me evaluate the happenings at Fivetrees…well it was so very comforting. And I will allow myself a moment’s amusement at the looks on their faces when I suggested it might be worth looking into purchasing the estate if there were no heirs. I am determined to be a good landowner. To see that I leave Wolfbridge, whenever that may be, in better heart than I found it. To leave my mark here, on this place which has given me so much, where I have found such comfort and a new lease on life.

  I have to laugh when I consider that our carefully planned stratagem of my accidental fall and consequent sprained ankle were all for naught. But it served its purpose. And I must remember not to heal too quickly, for that would undo all our hard work.

  Which brings me to more confessions of a more shocking nature. Truly, I believe I am fast becoming a wanton and dreadful woman, since I am learning of things that, up until now, have remained a mystery to me. I have discovered the joys of kissing—something that was never part of my marriage—and also the pleasure of a man’s hands touching my…dare I write the word…breasts. Such thrills of exquisite sensation flooded through me as Jeremy caressed me so tenderly and when he helped me off with my stocking – I admit to yearning for more of his touch.

  I had cherished a tiny hope it might progress even further, but the events at Fivetrees pushed such things temporarily aside. I say ‘temporarily’ since when all was said and done, Evan stayed behind to make sure I was comfortable and ready for sleep.

  He brought a book with him, but this was no relaxing novel, or educational essay. This was…well, most lascivious in nature. Dare I confess I enjoyed it? That I trembled with every word, every sensual detail? That the erotic pictures it painted in my mind blinded me?

  Evan knew, I think. Perhaps he heard me draw breath at some of the actions the heroine took to satisfy herself and her gentleman. Or perhaps he saw the flush I felt cover my cheeks with fire. I can only say his kiss was warm, tender and affectionate, his tongue finding mine and touching it with delight.

  I wanted to hold him, keep his face where it was, and explore more of these pleasurable feelings. But once again, he drew back and bid me goodnight. I was left in a state of confusion, and I will be very honest—arousal. With the story still afire in my thoughts, I pretended that I was the heroine, a woman of self-confidence, of unabashed determination, a woman who could do such things not only with ease, but in front of a man.

  I pretended I was being watched, although I dared not remove my covers. I saw four sets of eyes, my four gentlemen watching my hand…and oh my goodness. I shattered into a million little pieces, dear Diary. Something magnificent happened as a wave of spasms so surprising and exquisite swept over my body, billowing from my sex to my earlobes. I was lost for long moments in a place where there was only blind bliss. Shocking, stunning and wonderful.

  I slept quite soundly afterward.

  So here I am, starting a new day, and with events around and within Wolfbridge developing in many ways. I wonder what will be next?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wolfbridge was subdued; it was the weekend, so there were some bookkeeping chores to be completed, and accounts rendered into some kind of order. In addition, Adalyn had discovered that she enjoyed taking time to work up suggested menus for the next week, although Evan would have the final say on the ones she produced.

  She was doing her best to grow into the role of mistress of Wolfbridge, and it was a happy coincidence that everyone encouraged her to do so. Daniel had turned over quite a bit of the housekeeping business to her with a relieved smile, and Evan welcomed her input on meals, enjoying their discussions about what might be in season and how best to make use of it.

  The following day, however, she and Giles had determined that she should begin attending the local church.

  “It has been long enough, my Lady,” he said over breakfast. “The eleven o�
��clock service is well attended, and it’s time the Wolfbridge pew is used once more.”

  She looked at him. “Will I have to attend alone?”

  “Not at all,” he smiled. “It will be my honour to escort you, and sit with you in that particular pew. This is a long-standing tradition, ensuring the Lady of Wolfbridge always has a companion at her side. The Fairhursts are seated on the other side of the aisle.” He paused. “Although I doubt you’ll see Miss Judith there today.”

  “I trust she is well,” said Adalyn. “There was no reply to my note?”

  “None. I wasn’t expecting there to be, but you made the right decision in offering assistance.”

  “I’m glad,” she answered. “And as far as church is concerned, then yes. I’d be very happy to attend.” She glanced at the clock. “And given the time, I should make myself ready.”

  Giles rose. “I will await your pleasure, my Lady.”

  She paused before leaving the room. “Will I be a figure of interest, Giles? How many of the congregation will know who I am?”

  “A fair question,” he acknowledged. “Once you sit in that pew, your identity will be clear to all without a word being spoken. So in that regard, yes, you will be a figure of interest and everyone will then know who you are.” He held the door open for her. “Are you concerned?”

  “A little nervous, perhaps…”

  “No need, Lady Adalyn. Just be yourself.”

  She shot him a look of mild amusement. “Easy for you to say.”

  He grinned back. “Indeed.”

  She hurried to her room, her mind skittering over the coming outing with a certain amount of trepidation. Her hands shook a little as she reached up to smooth her hair into a tidier knot and secure a few stray strands with a hairpin.


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