Lady Adalyn (The Saga Of Wolfbridge Manor Book 1)

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Lady Adalyn (The Saga Of Wolfbridge Manor Book 1) Page 18

by Sahara Kelly

  The wine was delicious, although I am not overly fond of it as a rule. The meal - wonderful as always, Evan’s pride in his creations is well-merited. We did not need to adjourn since we were already comfortable as can be, so when Evan produced the brandy we were all ready for a small taste.

  I confess to enjoying several small tastes. Enough so that I grew warm under the seductive gazes of my two companions. It seemed the most natural thing in the word for us all to make ourselves at ease on my bed, Evan stoking the fire and adding a log or two, and Jeremy blowing out all but a few candles.

  And then…oh dear Diary.

  I discovered paradise.

  I barely realised the men had shed their nightrobes until my hands touched their flesh. They slipped my gown away and for the first time I felt the true meaning of erotic sensation. Two warm male bodies, firm and so very different in textures, lying at my side, their hands on me, their heat singeing my skin.

  Their lips…no shyness or reserve…kissing me everywhere. Kissing my neck, my shoulders and dare I write this…suckling my breasts. Two heads next to each other, two mouths reducing me to a writhing mass of almost painful ecstasy.

  There was not one place on my body that lacked attention - I discovered the backs of my knees are so very sensitive that a skilfully applied tongue can make me cry out with the pleasure of it.

  I admit that I was intrigued by their bodies and managed my own fair share of such touches. Evan’s chest is almost bereft of hair - just soft whorls around his nipples and at the base of his stomach - whereas Jeremy has more evenly scattered hair, enough for me to tangle in my fingers as I traced the line down toward the base of his belly.

  They both had fine strong male parts, emerging like pillars from their nests of curls.

  How amazing a man is. How silky velvet the feel of his length and yet how firm the core it covers. They let me touch them without demur, shifting so that I could truly explore this new world of masculine delight. Evan spread his legs wide and lifted himself so that I might touch his sac, whispering how much he enjoyed it, urging me to be gentle but thorough.

  Jeremy suggested I might drop a light kiss on the head of his arousal, where a little moisture was gathering. I was curious, eager to try anything that might pleasure these men as much as they were pleasuring me. So I did as he suggested, but took it a step further. After kissing him, I found my hand holding him most comfortably. So I moved it, a gentle stroke, and was happy to hear a groan of pleasure result from my actions.

  Evan whispered to me, his body leaning against mine as I explored Jeremy. He told me to use my mouth - just that, no further instruction. However, I did not need any. It seemed so simple as I stared at Jeremy’s thick length. I simply opened my mouth and slid my lips down over him.

  He cried out, a sound of joy that almost brought tears to my eyes. I did it again and again, discovering that I enjoyed tasting him in this unique way, and also hearing his groans of delight at my actions.

  After a little while he pulled away, telling me it was too much pleasure for him to bear, at which point I turned to Evan, finding myself possessed with a desire to taste him as well.

  He eagerly rose to his knees, offering himself to me as I sat beside Jeremy. It was a different position, but one that I much enjoyed, since I was able to touch his sac at the same time. His length trembled in my mouth as I did so…an indication that this was pleasurable for him, I hope.

  Am I a terrible woman? I think not. Giving and receiving pleasure, whether it be a wonderful meal, a virtuoso violin performance or sensual satisfaction…how can that be wrong?

  Learning about these things from two such loving teachers has opened my eyes and my mind to what is commonly known as the pleasures of the flesh. I wish I had known about them earlier, but perhaps it was right that I should experience no pleasure at all up until now.

  It makes these moments all the sweeter.

  And sweet it was, dear Diary.

  After I had tasted both of them and - I might also suspect - increased their arousals, they withdrew and informed me that now it was my turn.

  I could not believe what Jeremy did…in fact I’m sure I shrieked when he slithered down my body and put his head…there.

  What he did with when he got there - well I am at a loss for words. I was aroused, teased, pleasured and driven to the breaking point, all while Evan kissed my mouth, his tongue as busy there as Jeremy’s was elsewhere.

  Fingers dug into my buttocks, adding a fillip of tension to my state, and Evan’s thumbs flicked my nipples in an almost-cruel manner, yet each time, each momentary dart of sweet agony heightened my excitement.

  The hands, the tongues, the cries and moans…as you can probably imagine, I was soon brought to the edge once more, and I willingly leaped this time, clasping Jeremy’s head with my thighs and covering Evan’s hands on my breasts, holding them while I fell screaming into the madness once again.

  They held me until the crisis passed, then cradled me between them as I floated down to earth.

  I could not but be aware that they were both still hard with desire; when questioned they glanced at each other and then at me. Evan told me he would ease his own desires and asked if I’d care to observe.

  I know, dear Diary. A well brought up and modest young woman would have been so shocked and probably swooning. I have to assume I was neither, since I gladly accepted the chance to watch him attain his release.

  And I’m so glad I did.

  To see his face as he grasped himself, to watch the firm strokes increase in rapidity and to hear the low growl as his eyes closed and his neck arched back…it was beautiful in the extreme. His seed spurted a stream of milky white, glistening in the candlelight and the sound…that wonderful groan…it brought tears to my eyes.

  Jeremy followed suit, and I observed that the male of the species seems to share the same process. Logical of course, since all must obey the dictates of their physiology, as must women. But with Jeremy I could see the veins in his male organ swell, and also his sac become hard as his rhythmic movements brought him to his peak.

  He groaned harshly at the moment of release, the cords in his neck stretched taut.

  I wondered what it would be like to have those magnificent masculine weapons inside me when they found those moments? Would I feel those spasms? Would they feel mine?

  I learned so much, only to discover how much more there is for me to understand.

  After all was done and the small messes cleaned away, we all drew up beneath the quilts, curling against each other in the most pleasant manner.

  I was exhausted, and although I had worried I would not sleep, I found myself almost instantly drowsy. Jeremy held me on one side, and Evan on the other.

  I felt safe, warm and cherished. And yet my last waking thoughts strayed to Daniel and Giles and the hope for their success.

  Along with a final long moment of prayer…for Trick.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The sun had already risen into a blue spring sky when Adalyn awoke alone the next morning.

  Jane was there, rattling the teapot, glancing at her mistress and smiling when Adalyn opened her eyes.

  “Good morning, Lady Adalyn,” she said. “You slept late today. But I expect you were tired from all the events of yesterday.”

  Adalyn held back a smile and stretched, languorous and content, although with a slight headache. “Indeed, yes.”

  Jane brought tea to the bedside. “My Lady, if you’ll forgive my impertinence…I would like to visit Mr. Trick today. I have to pick up one of your bonnets and the milliner isn’t far from Ditchley.” She looked at her mistress. “Might I have your permission to take him some things?”

  Adalyn pulled herself upright and realised she was in her nightgown. When had that happened? She could not recall.

  “Of course, Jane. I was thinking of going myself…”

  “Begging your pardon, Ma’am, but I doubt the villagers would know what to think at this point. Mr.
Trick is your head groom and only been in there a day. If you were to go hurrying to his side, there’d be a few ready to make much of it, no matter how innocent and good-natured such a gesture would be on your part.”

  Adalyn frowned as she sipped her tea, and thought over Jane’s words. Sadly, she was forced to agree. “There are always people looking to make trouble, aren’t there?”

  “Especially for anyone from Wolfbridge,” Jane replied. “We’re different, my Lady. Not the usual country household. It makes some folks a bit nervous.”

  “I suppose so.” Adalyn couldn’t deny that statement. Wolfbridge was very different—in its organisation and its residents. “Well, then, by all means visit Trick. I’ll write a note for you to include if you would, and perhaps Evan can put together a basket for him…”

  “And I can ask Jeremy for a clean shirt?”

  “Of course. Good idea.” Adalyn tried to shake off the lingering fog that threatened to cloud her brain. “Any word from Giles or Daniel?”

  “Nothing yet, my Lady.” Jane took out a day dress, and the conversation turned to mundane matters.

  It seemed as if Wolfbridge was waiting…the house was quieter than usual, although the maids had arrived and were working their way through their regular chores.

  Adalyn could hear their muted voices as she walked downstairs to the parlour and found Jeremy pouring her tea.

  “Good morning…” Unsure of herself, after last night’s sensual adventures, she wasn’t quite able to meet his eye.

  “Good morning to you, Lady Adalyn.” He bowed correctly and she risked a glimpse at his face.

  He winked, and smiled. And she took a relieved breath before smiling back.

  “You look well rested, Ma’am,” he said formally, while his mouth curved into a wicked smile.

  “I slept very well indeed, thank you,” she responded, taking her tea from him. “I believe the exercise I had yesterday must have tired me out. All that work in the stables with those two fine horses…”

  He bit his lip and stifled a laugh. “Indeed, Ma’am. But I’m sure they’re happy with your attentions.”

  Evan walked in with a platter. “Good morning, my Lady. I trust you slept well.”

  “We’ve covered that, man,” sighed Jeremy.

  “Thank you Evan. Yes. I slept like a log. And fortunately I stayed quite warm. I see it was chilly outside last night.”

  It was Evan’s turn to battle a laugh, and since the sound of sweeping could be heart clearly outside the door, he had to turn away to the sideboard as a safety precaution.

  Adalyn recovered herself first. “Evan, Jane tells me she will be near Trick’s Roundhouse accommodation today and wants to visit him. Can you put a basket together? I think he’d appreciate some of your cooking…”

  “Of course.” He nodded, his face sombre. “He is in my thoughts.”

  “He’s in all our thoughts, I’m sure,” concurred Adalyn. “I must pen a note—to let him know just that. That we’re thinking and praying and hoping he’ll be home soon.”

  “If Daniel and Giles return today…” Jeremy looked hopeful. “Perhaps with good news?”

  “That would be a most desirable turn of events,” she agreed.

  Even though they were all trying to put the best face on matters, Adalyn could sense the growing worry amongst them for their missing fellow.

  “I’ve taken the liberty of asking one of the Tompkins lads to man the stables today, Adalyn,” Jeremy took a seat at the table next to her. “That way we don’t have to fret about the horses.”

  “Excellent idea.”

  “I’m hoping that Daniel and Giles might agree to keep him on as long as we need him…perhaps permanently if he works out well. The Tompkins family are having a bit of trouble since a fox got into their hen house a couple of weeks ago. They lost their prize rooster and their egg supply has dwindled.”

  “It’s their only source of income?” Adalyn asked.

  “Yes. With that going down, they will be facing some difficult times…”

  “In that case, I'll let Giles know that he is to keep the Tompkins lad. We’ll work out something in the way of wages, and in the meantime can you find out if anyone has a rooster for sale?”

  Jeremy nodded. “I’ll put out some feelers. It’s not easy at this time of year though. Everyone is trying to freshen their stock, whether it be sheep, cattle or chickens.”

  “Especially after last year,” Adalyn sighed. “But we must do what we can. Evan, do our eggs come from the Tompkins?”

  Evan nodded. “Yes. We don’t get as many as some of the other houses in the area, since we are few in number. And we could manage with less if we have to, although there would be fewer for breakfast.”

  “I’m sure we can make that sacrifice,” smiled Adalyn. “But I would not want a family of ours to experience difficulties when it’s within our power to help them.”

  “Would that more people felt that way, Adalyn,” said Jeremy. “We are all hoping that this spring will be a real spring, and that the land will once again be healthy and fruitful.”

  “That reminds me. Our berry field. Do we take on help for that? For the harvest and whatever other care the plants need?”

  Jeremy nodded. “Yes, we do. Daniel has taken care of that for the last few years. After the harvest, most of the plants are pruned back. The ones that produce more than one crop are cut back late in the autumn. So everything is dormant over the winter.”

  “I saw them, yes. Very neat but no growth to speak of.”

  “That’s how they overwinter, I understand. But for more details, Daniel’s the one to ask.” He smiled. “I just eat the jam.”

  “And I make it as it’s harvested,” Evan threw in his mite. “It’s a very busy time and I summon everyone from the farms who has a sweet tooth. The kitchen is filled with women stirring pots of fruit or straining it into jars.”

  “It must smell wonderful,” she remarked.

  “It does,” said Evan proudly. “And our jams and jellies are much in demand.”

  “Last summer?”

  His face fell as he shook his head. “Scarcely a berry to be had. The rain was overwhelming and combined with such unusually cold temperatures and vicious winds…even the blackberries struggled, and they’re usually strong enough to combat just about any conditions. I've had to use our reserved stock of jams,” he sighed.

  Adalyn put a dab on her toast. “It’s still wonderful, Evan. But let’s hope for more this year.”

  Knowing that there was little she could do as far as keeping things running smoothly—at least until Giles returned—Adalyn spent the day upstairs, trying to stay busy. She dove into linen closets, sorting out usable linens from those that had suffered serious depredations at the paws and teeth of mice, and others that had just simply died of old age and couldn’t hold together when shaken out.

  Jane had agreed to stay and help with this chore and it took them past lunchtime.

  “I must leave soon, Ma’am,” she said, folding a last sheet and putting it on the rag pile. “Mr. Evan is preparing a basket.”

  “And I need to write that note.” Adalyn closed the linen cupboard door. “Let me do that now, so it will be ready for you to take with you.”

  Jane curtseyed. “Of course, Ma’am”

  Adalyn hurried downstairs to the Rose room and sat at the desk, pulling out her notepaper and dipping her pen into the inkwell. What should she say to Trick? Aware of the possibility that other eyes might see her words, she thought carefully before beginning.

  Dear Trick,

  I hope you are well and staying positive throughout this ordeal. None of us here have any doubts as to your innocence and we are convinced you will be fully exonerated very soon.

  There. That was a good start and exactly what anyone would expect to read.

  We have taken steps to ensure that the horses remain in good heart, and one of the local lads will be helping out with the harder stable chores until you can
return. Maggie is impatient to see you again, but allowed me to brush her coat yesterday until it shone. I believe she was very proud of it.

  We all miss your presence, Trick. It is far too quiet here without your laugh and your kind words. Giles and Daniel have undertaken a visit to Sir Gerald Ffolkesborough and we eagerly await their return. I hope you’re being treated well, and are keeping your spirits high. I know you will be back amongst us soon, for you promised to teach me to ride - and I am hoping you might exercise your artistic skills on a new portrait. But a little larger than the last one?

  Jane will be delivering this note, so you may send any requests here to Wolfbridge via her steadfast and competent hand.

  Stay well and keep your chin high,


  Adalyn Wilkerson

  Wolfbridge Manor

  Adalyn put down her quill and re-read the short note. She’d wanted to say so many things, but they would have been far too warm and affectionate for a missive such as this. She couldn’t tell him how much she missed his arms around her, or how she’d been thinking of asking him to paint her…nude.

  All these things would be completely unacceptable to anyone outside of Wolfbridge Manor. Which made her realise the uniqueness of her surroundings.

  And the risks involved.

  Eccentricities were expected from Society, tolerated and sometimes even eagerly welcomed. But Adalyn’s presence without a chaperone in a house such as this…it was truly outside the pale. She, and her men, were skating close to a line with their behaviour and the more she lived there, the riskier she knew it would become.

  How long could such secret matters remain behind their doors?

  The local area had welcomed and accepted her, and probably most knew that Wolfbridge was not the ordinary country seat. But the help and assistance offered by the Manor more than offset any unusual arrangements that took place within its walls. A chance for a good life weighed far more than other people’s living arrangements. At least here in this small piece of the country.


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