Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)

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Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series) Page 2

by a dagmara

  “Don’t mention it…you are my best friend Lil, my family…and I protect what’s mine.”

  “As I would do for you Brady.”

  “I don’t doubt it for a moment, you’ve already proved that in more ways than one,” his eyes held so much guilt. “Get well, I’ll work everything else out.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I grinned staring out to the snowy sky.

  Brady reached down and kissed my forehead before he left the room.


  It was three days of tests, scans and lots of monitoring.

  I was finally being discharged. Brady ever so thoughtful brought me cloths. Yoga pants as he was unsure what would fit…an oversized sweat shirt, his, tennis shoes and a baseball hat.

  We had a pretty serious snow storm so the drive home would be slow. In his oversized hummer, he helped me climb in.

  “Are you ready to go home?” He grinned from ear to ear. I guess he was as happy as I was to get out of the hospital.

  “I suppose…it’s been so long. I’m honestly just glad to be out of the hospital.” Shaking my head “I can’t believe it’s December?” I turned my gaze out the window. The sky was grey and threatening more snow.

  “Christmas is in a few day’s…I hope you don’t mind, but Sam and I decided to decorate your house. I told her, you were coming home…I thought maybe you would need a girlfriend around. And don’t worry she won’t tell anyone.”

  “You told her about the pregnancy?” I turned to face him.

  “No…just that you woke up. Oh, she and I are dating.” He smiled turning on the car, pulling out from the hospital grounds.

  I smiled…well I knew that was coming.

  “How long?”

  “Pretty much immediately after she was shot.” His face looked a bit saddened perhaps the memory of her in his arms bleeding was still too fresh.

  “I’m so happy for you both. I knew there was something real developing, and honestly, I think the idea of two of my friends together… I’m so happy for you guys…I think you guys are perfect.”

  “Yeah...” he smirked and smiled “we are.”

  The drive was beautiful. Maryland rarely got snowstorms like this one. Everything was beautifully covered in white…the landscape, majestic and innocent.

  Mindlessly, my hands wrapped around my swollen abdomen, I didn’t know how to feel about this…it was a girl…I shook my head, and again my tears fell down my face.

  Brady said nothing only placed his hand on my leg, and rubbed it with concern.

  “I don’t know what to do?” I whispered in a cry.

  “You don’t need to do anything right now Lil. Take some time…you were just released from the hospital. You don’t need to work this out. Let it all settle in, and as far as the business aspect of things, everything has played out just as we planned. We’ve made the acquisitions slowly, and discretely…It was brilliant the way you mapped it all out…Shit, there wasn’t that much work on my part. I swear you’re a fucking genius Lil.”

  “Well that’s probably the best news I’ve heard.” At least something had gone right.

  “Though, I think maybe we keep you out of it for a bit longer. We need to figure out who’s after you.”

  “Well it’s a good thing you planted the seeds that, I was not coming out of my coma…but eventually there will be a reckoning…I can’t hide. That defeats the entire point.”

  “Yes, but you always said timing would be everything.” Brady added.

  He was right everything was dependent on timing…I knew this, I just needed a reminder.

  I would unquestionably need to figure this all out…including this pregnancy. I didn’t know how this little girl fit in.

  The word “property” seemed to circle …then the word “mine”. She was mine, and I had no intent on sharing what was me….she was a part of me regardless of whom her father was. Wow, talk about some serious dejavu? Nicholas immediately entered my thoughts. God, was I doing this again? Nicholas was my greatest secret, he was my son and no one knew of him besides Brady and a dear associate, Leny. Brady looking to me knowningly, as if he sensed where my mind just went.

  “You’ve done it before.” He whispered. So I have. I guess at least this time, the fear of death or my child being manipulated wasn’t an issue. Nicholas was in hiding for those reasons. This child didn’t have those threats hovering around, yet, instinctually my need was to protect to her the same way.

  Looking up, we pulled thru the driveway…it had been a while for me and it felt like a lifetime.

  The house was similar to the one I grew up in. I knew it wasn’t the same. I had rebuilt it with some changes. I couldn’t rebuild the same house, but, there were aspects that I kept true. Pulling up around the curved driveway, it looked like the same house. Just a more modern twist. I needed to make it my own. I needed it to be more.

  Brady wasn’t joking about decorating. It looked like he and Sam went to town with the lights and wreaths that hung at every window.

  He looked over to me, and then to the house, “Is it too much?”

  “No, it’s perfect!” And it was. The house looked beautiful.

  Brady turned the car off and quickly jumped out as I just stared. My door opened, he helped me out of the hummer holding me tight.

  I sensed his protectiveness; cautiously, he walked us to the door.

  Brady looked down at me and smiled, before opening the door. The warmth hit of the house ushered out, greeting me. The house was breath taking. The open foyer and double staircase lined with a basil leaf garland. It was indeed beautiful.

  Sam came through the hall; her hands clapping and her smile, from ear to ear. She was infectious, and I missed her.

  “Lil…oh, Lil!” Her tears ran down her face.

  “Sam”, she ran and hugged me tight

  “I’m so glad you’re ok! I missed you so much!” I felt her tears as they invited my own.

  “I missed you too Sam!” I pulled up from her as she was smiling and crying…matching my own emotions.

  “This house is phenomenal Lil”, she smile, her eyes wide.


  “Where in the world did you afford to buy this place?” She released me and stepped back, gesturing to our surroundings.

  “I didn’t buy it…it was my family home. I had it rebuilt.”

  She slighted her head quizzically; I knew I would have to explain a part of my life that I shared with no one but Brady. Brady only knew because he and I grew up together.

  I watched as her eyes landed on Brady…she was quick to touch on it.

  “Why don’t we get Lil to the sofa…she’s still recovering.” He offered with caution trying to move the subject.

  “Ok.” she pulled expression tight at him then smiled once more at me.

  We moved into the house and part of me felt frozen looking into the family room…the French doors to the patio. The tremble rolled thru me. Sam paused as if my tremble shot straight to her.

  Without saying a word, it was an understanding that she could sense. She held my hand and walked me in.

  I had to remind myself that there were two steps down into the sunken room.

  We walked over, and I made my way into the oversized and unusually deep linen sofa I had purchased three months ago, from restoration hardware. Sitting down, sinking slowly, I was grateful I chose to go with the down stuffed cushions…oh, what heaven it was.

  I sat back, and Brady brought me a blanket. Nestling into the sofa, I prepared myself for the questions that were surely forming in Sam’s mind. She was in the kitchen, and I knew based on her expression the gears were turning.

  The family room sat in the center of the house the open and expansive kitchen sat to the left. Looking over, Sam was making coffee or something. Seeing the mugs in her hands; then smelling the aroma…she had made hot cocoa. I smiled as she walked cautiously, trying not to spill. She handed me the mug and smiled at me.

  “It’s hot, and I put
some marsh mellows in. You do like marsh mellows?” She looked worried and her tone quiet.

  “Thanks and of course. Who would like marsh mellows and if they don’t that’s a queue that there is something wrong with them.” I laughed hoping to lighten the mood.

  Sam smiled and sat down on the sofa directly across from me.

  “So…um? I seriously missed you”, she let out.

  I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I missed her too, but for me the three months were like only a night.

  “I hear that you and Brady are finally a couple.” I smiled pulling a sip of the cocoa.

  Grinning like a woman in love, “Yeah…we are. I don’t know why I tried to hold out. He had said that you were always goading him about me.”

  “Guilty as charged. It had been pretty obvious that the two of you; well…here you are. And I couldn’t be happier Sam. You and Brady are my closest friends…Brady has been like family to me since I was young. I guess he is like a brother to me.” My eyes found Brady as he looked at me almost a bit worried or was that relief?

  “Well that seems right…I always wondered. The way the two of you interacted…it had always seemed like the two of you had this weird unspoken language. I have to admit; at times, it was a bit intimidating. I even once thought that maybe you two were …you know.”

  The sudden need to laugh took hold and quick as I shook my head.

  “What’s so funny?” he looked down to me then to Sam.

  Her expression was one of innocence, and then quickly started to laugh as well.

  “No, Sam! He and I have never.” I over annunciated the word never

  “Oh!” Brady added now understanding.

  He came around the sofa and sat beside Sam. She was quick to curl up into his chest. Observing the two of them, they were very at ease and at one with the other. My mind suddenly landed on Charlie and our last night together. Stupid fantasies of what could never be.

  Looking out to the dark and grey sky evening was approaching and another round of snow was headed our way.

  “I think it might be best that the two of you stay the night…it looks threatening out there, and these back roads can get icy really quick.”

  “Good, I was going to ask, but not for that reason. We thought perhaps it would be good to stay for a day or two until you settle in, and I know you’re ok.” Brady offered, watching my expression. He was being over protective; however, that’s what I loved about him.

  “Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture Brady…but I don’t need you to be my sitter.” I paused “I would love to have you both here regardless. This house is very big, and there are plenty of rooms to choose from”

  “This is definitely a large home Lil” Sam added, “I wondered around earlier” She paused looking up to Brady then back to me. “Lil…I noticed that there was a little girls room upstairs?”

  Taking my mug to my lips, all I could see was Alley.

  “Yes there is. That room, it is similar to my little sister’s room. I know a little morbid…but…” my tears came down. Shaking it off and wiping my face. “I’m sorry it’s just I miss her all the time. She was so young when the fire claimed her. I felt the need to remake her room. I know silly.” Geez, I had no grip on my emotions. Damn pregnancy hormones. I had no other explanation.

  “No, that’s not silly Lil”, her voice was caring and tender as she walked over to me and hugged me. “I knew you had lost your family, I just didn’t know details. I had no idea that your sister was so young. I don’t know how you have managed to be so strong. Perhaps a part of her lives on within you.”

  With her last statement…I jerked up, almost spilling my cocoa. Sam’s hands were swift as she took it from me and placed the mug on the table.

  “Are you ok?” She looked to my confused.

  My hands and expression dropped to my stomach…

  “She moved? I think she moved?” I looked up to Brady as his expression was wide eyed moving from me to Sam.

  Shit…Sam didn’t know.

  “What moved? What are you talking about” I could tell she was looking back and forth between Brady and me. Her hand was almost immediately on my stomach. “Oh my god you’re pregnant!” Her voice was slow and tempered with the realization.

  Again, I felt another fluttering and possibly a little kick.

  “Oh my god…I felt that!” Sam’s voice was now excited. “You’re so damn skinny, shit! I felt the baby move.” She smiled ear to ear.

  “Yes I’m pregnant.” I pulled my lips tight, then turned and raised my eyebrows to her. “Surprise? Well, it certainly was for me.”

  “Whoa…I don’t know what to say…waking up and finding out that you’ve been in a coma for three months, then to add to it all a pregnancy…Shit Lil!” She shook her head, and it was clear the shock was written all over her expression.

  I knew what the next question was; it would be the same as Brady’s.

  “Is Sebastian Vaihn the father?” She was quick, “I figured something had happened between the two of you…it was obvious that it was headed that way.” Pausing briefly, she again made another comment “You know he’s been hounding me for the past three months about you.”

  “Really?” I looked from her to Brady.

  Brady looked just as surprised as me.

  “Yup…him and his partner/ brother, got into it big time at the agency…no one quite knew what it was about, but a week or two later his partner, Preston, just up and left. It was rumored he was headed back to New York. Sebastian, however, has been running things from the agency. Well not running the agency but he set up shop and manages all his other business from there.” Pausing she bit down on her lip in thought then added.

  “That’s weird…I wonder what he’s up to?”

  Staring at Brady, his mind was working overtime as well. We were both asking the same silent questions.

  “But no he’s not the father Sam.”

  “So you two never? Hmm; I was sure based on the way he’s been about you these past few months that you did?”

  Placing my hand to my head, “Oh we did…he was good enough to put a condom on, as for the father, well…yeah.” rubbing my forehead, I pulled the baseball cap off and ran my hands thru my hair. I knew my comment would give Brady the answer he was looking for.

  I caught his eyes and watched as he shook his head in disapproval.

  “Um, I had no idea you were a blonde?” Sam called out in surprise.

  Fuck; forgot three months and my roots would have grown out. I could only imagine what I looked like.

  “I am…I sometimes forget, I’ve been dying it brown for years now.”

  “But why? Shit, I have to bleach my hair every five weeks just to get what you have naturally…can you say jealous?” She laughed.

  “Yeah, but right now I’m sure I look scary.”

  “Not a problem…I can fix your hair…My bag is in my car…however, I can’t die you to brown, but I can bleach out the rest?”

  “You know…going back to my natural sounds good. When do you want to do this?”

  “Now if you want?” She looked giddy.

  “How are you with cutting hair?” I smiled waiting for an answer.

  “Good…I use to cut my brother’s hair all the time…but are you sure? How short?” she played with my long hair.

  “How about a bob?”

  “That’s a lot of hair to cut off Lil…are you sure?”

  “Very…since I’m trying to keep a low profile…I think short would do well.”

  “I agree.” Brady finally spoke. “Where is your bag?” He looked to Sam.

  “It’s the brown leather one in the back seat.”

  Brady stood up and quickly went out to the car fetching all their bags.

  Looking to Sam, I knew something was on her mind.

  “What are you thinking Sam?”

  “I’ve known you for over two years Lil…and it seems that there is so much I don’t know about you.” Her face was o
ne of disappointment.

  “Sam…I’m a very private person…I have a lot of secrets with very valid reasons for them. In many ways, what happened here, all those years ago…changed me more profoundly then anyone could have imagined. It’s been a driving force, on every plain of who I am.” Pausing, I bit my lip hard debating what should I tell her.

  “Lil…I will never judge. I know you and Brady are up to something and something big. He’s been traveling so much and the meetings. I’m a smart cookie, and I know whatever it is that it’s HUGE.”

  “It is Sam. Brady and I have been prepping for years…Sam let’s start with basics. But before I do, I need you to swear to keep this to yourself…grant it there’s a lot I cannot tell you because they are sensitive company information, but the other stuff…I can.”

  She nodded her head and sat back into the sofa.

  “Let’s start with my full name and not the one HR has.” She slighted her head and looked quizzically at me. “My name is Elizabeth Lillian Holt. My last name I had shortened to Holt from “Holtinbach.” I paused watching the dawn of my last name circle around her.

  “Wait…Holtinbach…how do I know that name?” She tapped her finger on her lips. “Holtinbach Industries…you’re the heir…holey shit…Lil?”

  “Yes,” I nodded as she stood up off the sofa.

  “Whoa…I remember hearing about the tragedy and how the company was about to be taken over…” Pausing she looked over at me in shock…she put it together “Ugh…I remember that it never happened because it all got tied up in courts; because of you. Your father had set up some kind of ridiculous clause or trust fund that blew apart the ability for them to take over the company. The trust was so meticulously constructed that nothing could happen until the sole heir came into the maturity age of the trust. You.”

  “Yes Sam, that is all true.”

  “You knew…you knew that morning in the elevator…and you and Brady…oh this all makes so much more sense now.” She shook her head

  “What makes sense?” Brady came in looking between Sam and me

  “I told Sam my full name…and well it seems she’s very bright.” I smiled looking up at Sam. Part of me was glad…I didn’t tell her anything …no, but I knew she would put it together. I suppose I wanted her too. I needed her to know.


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