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Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)

Page 6

by a dagmara

  “Henry run security at Holdings Inc.”

  “Purpose of scan” henry my computerized voice was indeed very interactive.

  “Security breaches”

  “No Security breech to date.”

  “Henry run scan on bank activity”

  “All accounts?”

  “Yes, all accounts”

  “Three transfers from account 8867, account 5677, and account 2344. Initiated by Brady Calhoun; date of transfers today.”

  “Amounts.” I ordered…what was Brady up to?

  “First transfer 2.3 million transferred to Bach technologies; reference equipment purchase; paid to lithium industries Taiwan. Second, transfer 3.3 million to Holtinbach Industries, reference installment payment. Transfer three 756 thousand; paid to Brady Calhoun; legal fees.”

  Therefore, I was jumpy for no reason. These were very normal transactions and now that I thought about it we had discussed them…three months ago. I needed to remind myself that it was December. Sitting in my chair, I thru my legs up on the back table looking over the transactions on the screens and chewing on my pen. My instincts were yelling at me…something was off. I just wasn’t sure what was prompting the unease I was feeling.

  Flickering from screen to screen…transaction after another…something was off. The numbers in my mind seemed to shift of the screen…I was good that way. The one secret my father concealed as did I.

  When I was five, I was tested and my scores off the charts. I was a child genius. By middle school; my father had me fake a normal childhood, attending normal classes but at night, I was already earning a degree in computerscience by the time high school was in progress I held a second degree in prelaw. I then persued law school.

  I never thought of myself as a genius…simply a student of life.

  Staring at the screens, I was in my zone. Flipping thru every debit and credit…my mind was working on over time.

  Shaking my head…I started to so a pattern that had my suspicious. My instincts were right. Something was off.

  “Elizabeth…office door ajar, male 6’3, Caucasian. Previous location Kitchen.”

  Turning slightly, Charlie was standing at the door and clearly shocked. I wasn’t sure how long he was standing there.

  “Wow” he whispered.

  “Henry…male is guest.”

  “Should I Scan?”

  I looked to Charlie and his dumbfound expression smiling. Wanting to see how good my little computerized security was I would initiate the scan.

  “Henry run scan.” I turned and looked at Charlie; slighting my head as I watched him.

  “Scan; Guest Male age 32, name Prescott Charles Vaihn the Second., Blonde hair, Green eyes, Height 6’3, weight 201lb, bmi 18, No criminal charges. Citizenship duel, US and Brittan.”

  “Thank you Henry that will be all.”

  “Bloody hell! How did your computer do that?” he was running his hand thru his hair in disbelief.

  “It’s a prototype I designed. I’m still working out all the bugs. This house was kind of a test run for me. “Henry” as I affectionately named it; is an interactive security system. This entire house is fully automated and linked thru Henry. Since someone’s made an attempt on my life twice now…I’m glad I had this done.”

  “Hold up. Someone has been trying to kill you?”

  “Yeah…this first time was when Sam, my friend got shot. That was meant for me. Then my accident. They pierced my brake lines.”

  “Oh shit Lilly, I had no idea. Have the police found anything or a suspect?”

  “Nothing conclusive.”

  I bit my lip in thought.

  “What is it?” he walked in and leaned against my desk

  “Nothing…I have my suspicions but I’ll figure it out soon enough”

  I looked up at him and his eyes were glued to the screens. Shit.


  The screens went black and the back wall rose.

  “There’s so much I don’t know about you” he shook his head.

  “Your right” I offered. No one truly knew me.

  “I’m betting you know much more about me then I even had suspected.”

  “Yes.” He looked down at me. I couldn’t lie. He was right I knew more about him than I had previous let on. “My father raised me to always know all my opponents and to know them very well. He warned me never to engage, whether personally or professionally unless, I knew how they would play the game.”

  “Is that what this is to you …a game?” He shook his head.

  “It was…you and your brother set out to take everything from me by your ridiculous attempt to take my father company after he passed away. I had just lost my entire family. Then pulled into courts fighting you two off. I was 18 Charlie. Barely an adult; trying to cope…so, yes, it was a game. Me against the two of you. Trust only delayed the acquisition and come January the company is yours and there’s nothing stopping it. Did I want revenge? Yes, I did. But things are different now. I’m pregnant and priorities have shifted. I now hold something more valuable than the company.” My hand fell to my belly. Yes, the life growing in me was more important than vengeance.

  “I have no excuse for what we had done. At this point, there is no going back and you are correct we will own Holtinbach Industries come January…I can only offer what I thought to be true…we didn’t think you were capable of running such a large business. With all of our dealings with your father, it was assumed we would take over. Then the damn trust. We shouldn’t have put you thru all this. No wonder you hated us so.” He shook his head and kneeled down in front of me “But you are correct you have something much more valuable. Our daughter.” His hand came up on top of mine. “I never thought I would have a child…and certainly never wanted one with anyone unless, I loved them. My father was and is many things, but the ideal father, he was not.

  “It was always obvious to Sebastian and me that he preferred you to his own flesh and blood. The first time I saw you…I saw nothing but jealousy…you were young carefree and the way he looked at you with such awe and love. He never looked to me like that. Now that I take those blinders off…I see what he saw. You are amazing and have captivated me. The fact that it is my child you bear in your womb…” he shook his head and leaned into me kissing my belly…I felt his tears thru my shirt. This was a part of him I had no idea existed.

  “It seems that we both have had blinders.” I held him to me feeling the power of his words, my words…it was clear to me I truly cared for him…my once enemy and cause of all my strife…I cared for him and possibly much more than just care, perhaps I was falling in Love with him. Like clockwork, my stomach growled and we both laughed…

  “It seems she is hungry…let’s get you fed” he stood to his feet taking my hand.

  I rose up and he swiftly pulled me into his hold; cupping my face, he rubbed the line of my jaw with his thumb.

  “That night when as you stated that I was marking my territory…my ego got to the better of me. You were right I was… the only thing I lied about was when I said I would fuck another. I haven’t been with anyone since you and I want no other but you….I have no idea what power you wield over me, but I am completely yours.”

  “You scared me that night…you still scare me. I didn’t plan for this…I don’t know what I feel; but I want you,” without letting me finish his lips claimed mine.

  When the kiss slowed, he had succeeded in fully claiming my needs, as I was now hungry for him and not food.

  The computerized voice was quick to alert to an incoming message.

  “Elizabeth…message from Sam. Should I read?”

  “Yes henry.” I smiled at Charlie as he shook his head amused.

  “Message: Hey Lil I’m assuming all is ok. Brady and I are getting dinner and should be back up your way later. Please call me if you need me. Brady is still very worried about you. I assured him that you needed your privacy…and can I add…holey shit…Charlie is his broth
er?!! Wow! Have fun with that…oh still think he’s hot as shit…love Brady but damn girl my original comment well …love you”

  “So your friend thinks I’m hot? Do tell what the original comment was?” he smiled teasing me.

  “I’m sure your head doesn’t need a boast…let’s face it you’ve capitalized on your looks and I don’t need to tell you that”

  “So should I leave before they return?”

  “No…they are staying with me for a while and your welcome to stay as long as you want…that is if you want?”

  “Well since someone is threatening your life and the life of our daughter I have no plans of letting you out of my sight. I was serious when I said I’m not letting go of you.”

  “You imply that you’re moving in?”

  “Are you offering?”

  Shit am I…did I want him to move in…I wasn’t sure…I liked having him here and I didn’t want him to leave but move in?

  “Ouch…you’re really thinking hard on this…I’m sorry to quick…I understand.”

  “Moving in is a big deal…I’m a very private person…hell not even Brady knows everything about me and he’s known me since we were like 10. This is a big step for me Charlie…but I don’t want you to leave…I suppose my answer is yes…yes move in” I looked at him and was shocked to my lack of control. I just asked him to move in? Shit…

  “Are you sure? I can stay in a spare room so that I don’t crowd you?”

  “Are you kidding me? How did that really work out in the apartment? Form the first night you were in my bed” I laughed remembering his confession about the first time we had sex.

  “You have a point…I would without a doubt be wondering into your bed. What can I say…I can’t get enough of you?” He laughed as we both made our way to the kitchen.

  My nose was hit with the scent of food and whoa did it smell divine.

  Two settings were made up and the food already on the table. He pulled the chair out for me and poured a glass of red wine for me.

  “It’s ok you can drink wine…a glass won’t hurt the baby”

  “How do you know?”

  “The book on the counter. Apparently, your friend left it for you. “What to Expect when you’re expecting” I did some reading while I cooked. It’s a very informative book. This is apparently the best time during the pregnancy. It says your energy levels should be at normal pace and all the dangers of miscarriage, morning sickness, fatigue…all uncomfortable crap should be done with now.”

  “Wow you really did some reading” I was surprised in the amount of interest and concern he had. Then I thought of his description of Uncle Scotty…Charlie didn’t want to be like his father. I realized at this moment this baby really meant the world to him and he would care for her, as a good father should.

  “What?” he looked at me as he took his seat and uncovered the food.

  “You really are good with this pregnancy…you really do care don’t you?”

  “Confession…if you were any other woman…I would be losing my mind right now. However, that one moment of panic in the apartment of whether or not you were on birth control…well it had dawned on me…I honestly didn’t care if I got you pregnant…I knew then that somehow you were going to mean more to me then a bet Sebastian and I made.” He shook his head to his confession of the bet.

  “You knew about the bet didn’t you?” he added

  “Yes…I knew. I pretty much figured that I could pin the two of you against one another…my revenge.” I laughed then took a big bite

  I watched as he sat pulled back in his chair and ran his hand thru his hair.

  “You know with in just a few days you had done just that. I was close to killing him when I found out he took you to his suite then…”his words dropped off…he was still visibly upset with the thought of Sebastian and me.

  “In all fairness…that was the game you two played. And, I had no intention of going home with him. I was actually waiting for a cab…the guns shots rang and dropped me to the ground. I hit my head hard then blacked out.” Shaking my head remembering that night, it still ran chills up my spine. “I woke up in his suite and his bed. I panicked realizing he had undressed me and thought him and me…well, you don’t need details, but I didn’t stop him. I was more bent on revenge than what long standing complications would haunt me. When I got home…I hated myself. I hated who I was becoming. I made a decision that night that I was done with it all. Then you came home with your one nighter and it had confirmed things for me. It was a game that I didn’t want any part of. I was tired of closing myself off. Sam being shot; I wanted to be done with it all.”

  “I remember that night…that was the first time I had ever made love to a woman and I suspect the first time you let go of all the control you use to guard yourself. That night was indescribable Lilly.”

  “It was…it was freeing for me and the most perfect memory I have had since I lost my family.” The tears came from nowhere and he was quick to wipe them off my cheeks.

  “I’m going to sound like an ass…but I’m glad all had happened the way it has, the bet, your motive of revenge…it brought us here and I’m so grateful.”

  “You don’t sound like an ass. But honestly I would have never in a million years foreseen you and I like this…ever.” I shook my head when Prescott’s word hit…he and my father had once hoped for such a potential “your father and mine once discussed what a merger it would be if I ended up with one of you” I laughed.

  “I do recall such conversations…but I don’t think it was me they were hoping on…they thought Sebastian and you would be a match…it was obvious that Sebastian had been taken with you; though you were too young still, I think you were 15. I think he’s always held out hope for such a possibility. I could tell when I told him who you were in the hospital he wasn’t surprised. I believe he figured out who you were after you accident thus causing a large strife between he and I.”

  Putting my fork down and swallowing the food in my mouth…I understood the sad look in Sebastian’s eyes earlier.

  “I believe he figured out who I was before that Charlie.”

  Scrunching his brows, he cocked his head “what makes you believe that?”

  “He said it…he said that when I and him had met at the agency that he suspected who I was.”

  “That would explain why he was so pissed when I shut the office down that Friday.” He shook his head laughing to his win that day.

  “So how will all this play out for the two of you? With well you and I like this?”

  “That’s one thing he and I have always dealt well with. He and I always have played this game however; you are a bit of a different situation. He’s been piping over you for years but I don’t think it will be an issue based on his comment in the conference room. That was him conceding. His way of backing off. Plus you’re pregnant and with my child for him you are off limits.”

  “Why do I feel like I was just branded?”

  We laughed to the comment and he leaned over and kissed me. It was weird since I woke from my coma the anxiety of being kissed was gone. Perhaps it was his kiss or the memory of the letting myself fully let go with him just before the accident. Whatever the reason; I was in love with the way his lips felt on mine.

  He broke the kiss as his phone started ringing.

  “I should answer that” he pulled away pausing a moment more looking into my eyes and smiled.

  I watched as he moved from the table answering his phone. While continuing to eat I couldn’t help hear him as he talked. Curiosity had the better of me.

  Charlie: “I’m handling it”

  “There’s no need for such concern. It’s being handled” His eyes turned to me and I had no idea what he was thinking…let alone who he was speaking to.

  “I need you to do something; I’m sending you an address have someone from the Hotel send over my belongings. I will have no use for my suite as I plan on staying here.”

  “I don
’t pay you to ask those questions…just do it?”

  His voice was clipped and commanding, in a way I hadn’t heard him speak before. I had always heard of how shrewd the Vaihn brothers were. I had even heard Sam’s description of Sebastian as being intimidating and controlling. It begs the questions how similar are the two.

  I knew of the games, they had played and how they swallowed up other companies. I would expect nothing less as having personal knowledge of their father but that much being understood how far did their cruelty reign on personal matters?

  And to what lengths?

  In all the research, I had pulled not one woman whom had an encounter with the two during one of their bets wanted to speak about it. My investigators had said that these women seemed like they were broken by the Vaihn brother’s idea of sport.

  Therefore, the answer is yes they were cruel. Even so, these women wouldn’t say one word to demonize them.

  My mind was suddenly suspicious and second-guessing the truth in his words. Words that I now see I truly want to invest in. Another question formed; had I played this hand too close to the heart?

  Staring and playing with the food on my plate; I wasn’t sure what I could put faith in or was this simply nerves? I had pretty much asked him to move in…didn’t I? Or was that more him? I looked over to him forcing a smile as he walked back and forth on his phone. He caught my smile and slighted his head to the side as if his expression was asking me a question.

  Turning back to the food, I mindlessly ate as I stared out the windows.

  It was getting dark and I need to distract myself from this doubt now forming in my head. I had to tell myself that this was all caused from my fear of being close to someone…it was my fear of being hurt. I was falling for him even though I knew better and I couldn’t guard myself from that.

  “What has you in such deep thought?” His hand was in my hair and I hadn’t even realized he had ended is call.

  “I’m good, nothing worth any consequence,” I offered still staring out the windows.

  “I don’t buy that for one second. You seem off”


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