Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)

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Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series) Page 18

by a dagmara

  “Patricia you are always welcome in my home. Dinner sounds like a wonderful idea. Thank you for picking up the groceries. I’m afraid I don’t have much here since I’ve been away.”

  “I figured as much. It’s the least we could do.” She paused looking around the house. “This truly is a beautiful home Elizabeth.”

  “Thank you Patricia. Please make yourself comfortable. Is there anything I can get you to drink?”

  “Do you have any wine?” she turned back to me.

  I paused as my eyes caught sight of Charlie walking in with the groceries. I felt frozen. Not having seen in, my heart dropped from my chest.

  “Mother, Lillian has a wonderful selection of reds in her wine closet. If you give me a moment, I can pull one that I’m sure you’ll love. It seems the two of you have very similar tastes.” He offered coolly as his eyes held mine.

  “I didn’t realize the two of you knew each other?” she looked from Charlie to me. “When did the two of you meet?”

  “We met a few times Patricia, Charlie and Sebastian had been around my father when he was alive. The first time we met, I believe I was fifteen.”

  “Oh, yes how could I forget? Prescott and Henry were friends at one point as I recall. But leave it to Prescott to fuck that up too.” She shook her head.

  “I don’t understand? They had a falling out?”

  “Mother that’s enough. You promised that we wouldn’t talk about my father.” Charlie interrupted.

  Charlie walked over and stopped in front of me. Looking up at him, I felt frozen and trapped. He leaned down and kissed me on my cheek slowly. “I’m sorry, I know you weren’t expecting me here or anyone else.” He whispered then lifted up.

  Sucking in a deep breath, his cologne assaulted my senses. I missed him and my heart all of the sudden ached.

  “It’s ok Charlie.” I offered in a shaky and whispered voice. “I’ll go fetch a bottle of wine,” I added.

  Walking from him, I went to the wine closet off the kitchen. Looking around, I found a bottle that I was sure Patricia would enjoy. Turning, I almost dropped it when Charlie surprised me.

  “Oh Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “I’m really am sorry” he smiled apologetically. “This was not my idea. I picked up my mom and Julie up and they conned me into coming here. I tried to talk them out of this.”

  “It’s fine Charlie. I was just taken off guard. But truly it’s fine.” I lowered my gaze afraid to be this close to him. His hand cupped the side of my face forcing me to look up at him. “It’s good to see you Lil.”

  Before I could form a thought, Sebastian found us. “There you two are. Patricia looks like she really needs a glass.”

  Charlie released his hold and stepped back, allowing me to pass. Not bothering to look at Sebastian, I made my way back to the kitchen.

  In the kitchen, Brady walked over putting an arm around me and kissing my head. “How are you with all this?” he whispered. My eyes on Patricia she was looking at Brady and me very quizzically.

  "I’m good Brady.” I offered in a whisper.

  “I have to say Elizabeth you and Brady look very alike? Are you related?” oh fuck, she was very observant. Most never questioned it but she did. Sebastian and Charlie walked in and it seemed like her question held everyone’s attention.

  Smiling, I looked up to Brady then to Patricia, “Actually we are related. Brady is my first cousin. Not many know that as we don’t air it out to the public.”

  “Well that makes bloody sense.” Sebastian offered.

  Looking up at Brady, I could see the tension drain from his face. Breathing a sigh of release, “We try not to make it public knowledge for credibility reasons.” He added.

  “Well, I’m assuming this must be from Alex’s side of the family, as I could have sworn the two of you look like siblings.” Patricia added.

  “You are probably the first to have ever made that comment, but to answer your question our mothers were sisters, well half-sisters.” Brady offered and released me.

  “I see. Well, it’s nice to see family so close, especially since our Elizabeth here doesn’t have much family. So tragic.” She shook her head as Brady.

  “He’s all the family I need Patricia.” I smiled to him then Sam. “Since we all seem to be having dinner here, Julie, Sam, would you mind setting the table under the patio?”

  “Oh sure” Julie offered, “Where are all the plates?”

  “I got this” Sam offered “Over here” she walked and opened the large cabinet doors.

  Julie followed her over as Patricia looked to Charlie, obviously noticing something as she smiled then looked back to me. I pulled pans out for him.

  Everyone found his or her way outside leaving Charlie and me in the kitchen. Working together, I helped prep the food and ingredient as he instructed. Not once did we talk about anything other than the dinner he was preparing. From time to time, Sebastian would make his presence known by coming into the kitchen, offering that he was getting drinks or wine refills. After the third time, I think he realized that nothing was happening beyond us just cooking.

  The IPod blasting to the speakers, I found myself sing while cleaning pots as he finished with them. It was somewhat weird how in tune we were of the other. With a glass of wine in my hand, I pulled the spoon into the sauce for a quick sampling, as he wasn’t looking.

  Shit, he could cook. Closing my eyes and tasting his sauce was close to heaven. He was making seafood marinara for the main course.

  Wow, it was amazing.

  Savoring the taste, he startled me when his hands landed around my waist. “How is it?” he whispered into my neck.

  “Fucking amazing…it’s better than sex,” I offered.

  “Really?” he laughed amused with my obvious enjoyment.

  “Oh, god yes!” Again, I offered with my eyes still closed, savoring the taste in my mouth. Ok, I was tipsy and very hungry.

  His hands snaked around tighter pulling me into him. How I missed his feel.

  Charlie’s head pressed against mine and I could feel the release of tension when he finally let the air out of his lungs. “I miss you,” he whispered. I could feel him kiss my head. My heart skipping a beat and my lungs felt tight. I couldn’t deny it. I was in love with him. No matter how much I tried to suppress it, there it was.

  Putting the spoon down along with my wine glass, I was nervous. I missed him, hell, I finally admitted to myself that I was in love with him. Yet the idea of letting go completely, scared the shit out of me.

  “Charlie, I…” shaking a bit, my words dropped off as his lips moved down my cheek. His hands wondering, one up and round my neck, turning my head slightly towards his; the other now cupping my breast. Shit, I was like an addict and he was my drug of choice. “I just want a taste,” he offered in the most seductive voice.

  His lips landed on mine, taking what I suspect he knew was always his. His lips commanding and soft against mine. I almost forgot that I had a full house.

  “Is dinner done?” Julie’s voice quickly broke our kiss as he stepped back releasing his hold.

  Turning back towards the stove, I shook my head bringing myself back to reality. Fuck, what power did he have over me?

  “Actually it is done, can you take out the pasta and bread?” he reigned in his composure quick. Too quick; if I was to offer an opinion. I walked from the stove pulling a large serving bowl to pour the sauce into it. Turning, back with the bowl in hand, I caught Julie’s eyes as she teasingly raised her brows at me. I simply shook my head. It was obvious she was setting both Charlie and I up.

  Sebastian entered asking what he could help with.

  Charlie was quick ordering him to take out things to the table.

  “I’ll grab another bottle and bring it out.” I offered, trying not to look at Charlie.

  Back in the wine closet, he followed me in.

  “Do you have a good dry white?” he asked.

I walked to the back cooler doors pulling out two bottles. Turning, I placed the bottles on the side table I had built into the wall, turned to grab a third when his hands came around me quick and turned me back around. His lips landing on mine, and his hands swiftly picking me up around my ass. He walked me up against the closed cooler door as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  Charlie’s lips pulled from the kiss, he had me pinned up against the door. “I want you” he labored. Claiming my lips once more with urgency, his hand held me with complete possession. Lost to the kiss, who the hell was I kidding, I missed him just as much.

  “Charlie we can’t…your mom, everyone is outside.”

  “I know” he sighed. “I know” he released me. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have forced myself on you.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I just shook my head looking at him. Where the hell was myself control? He was the man whom broke my heart…could I ever really trust him? The answer was simple…No.

  Brady and his concern started to swirl around in my head. Releasing my lungs, I adjusted my dress and reached back to the cooler grabbing the third bottle of wine. Charlie grabbed the other two, and I followed him out.

  Joining everyone on the patio, they were in full conversation. It seemed more like a debate about sports. Of course, the conversation was over baseball. My least favorite subject. The Baltimore Orioles were set to play the Yankees this weekend. I shook my head setting down the wine on the table. Charlie found a seat between Julie and his mother. I sat down at the head of the table. Brady, on the opposing end, next to Julie and Sam. I was forced to be seated next to Sebastian and Patricia.

  Patricia’s hand was quick and landed on my hand as she squeezed it affectionately, offering a smile with her gesture.

  “Patricia, I have to ask, you and Lillian seem to know each other rather well. How did the two of you meet?” Sebastian looked very curious to her obvious display.

  “I met Elizabeth,” she over stated my first name. As it was clear, she preferred it to the casual tone of my middle name. “I guess it was what seven months ago.” She looked to me for confirmation and I nodded. “I was at a charity event that Elizabeth was also attending in New York.” She laughed remembering, “I must say it truly is a small world. After speaking with her, I realized why she looked so familiar to me. I had originally met her when my Julie had moved in with her. I do admit it took me a moment to realize that she was no less than Alex’s and Henry’s daughter. She looks so much like her mother.” She looked back at me once more. “We’ve been having lunch on almost a weekly basis for months now.”

  “Really?” Charlie chimed in.

  “Why are you so surprised?” Patricia looked to Charlie “She’s an amazing young lady. I absolutely adore her. Unlike that spoiled wench you married.” Patricia rolled her eyes taking a long sip of her wine. “I knew that wouldn’t last,” she added.

  I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me. Trying to cover, I raised my glass mimicking Patricia and pulling a long deep sip of my wine.

  Holding the glass, I raised it. “To Julie and her upcoming nuptials and to Charlie for cooking.” I smiled hoping to change the mood and conversation. Everyone raised the glass and repeated.

  Looking at Charlie, he nodded his head. Offering that famous grin of his. Damn him! The casual side of Charlie was the side I adored. Placing my left hand down on my lap, I was shocked when Sebastian’s hand landed on mine under the table. Looking at him, I was surprised. What was he up to?

  I moved my hand and placed it on the table stilling looking at him confused. He simply sat back and grinned at me. “So Lillian are you bringing a date to the wedding?” Sebastian asked as if he knew the answer.

  Before I could even respond, Brady jumped in. “No worries Sebastian she has a date.” He smirked putting his fork down. “She’s been seeing someone for a few months now.”

  “I didn’t know?” Sebastian looked to Charlie with satisfaction then back to me. “Do tell Lillian, who is this man that has caught your attention.”

  “Wesley Ensor. He and I met back a few years back, and reconnected during a conference in Vancouver.” I offered taking a huge bite of food.

  “Why does his name sound familiar?” Sebastian sat back. Dumb ass, I knew he knew Wesley. “Hold up, Wesley, he owns a manufacturing plant…um, his company makes some kind of components…Software?” he looked to me. “Boach Technologies”

  “That would be him,” Brady confirmed. “Great guy, he and Lillian seemed to have hit it off. I really like him, not that my opinion matters.”

  “Oh please, if you had it your way you would have poor Lil married off to him,” Sam laughed.

  “Oh, Wesley is quite the catch.” Patricia chimed in. “he’s very attractive Elizabeth.”

  “He’s a good guy.” I offered un convincingly “We’ve only been out a few times here and there. He and I have crazy schedules and do our best to fit each other in between business trips and such. Brady knows him better than I do, if we want to be honest. And yes Brady would have me married off to him if it was his choice.” I laughed.

  Looking over at Charlie, he seemed to be in deep thought. Perhaps, he was traveling back to when I had actually met Wesley. That fateful alumni event in London.

  “So he’s accompanying you to the wedding?” Patricia looked more than eager.

  “He’s tentatively coming.” I smiled “He seems to have a crazy schedule and there is always the possibility of it not working out.”

  “Well, if he doesn’t make it, I have no date Lillian, I would be more the honored to escort you.” Sebastian was quick.

  “Isn’t that so sweet of you.” Patricia offered.

  “Thank you for the offer Sebastian, but I don’t need a date. I’m flattered, but I think you would have a better time finding a date other than myself.” I smiled as pleasantly as I could. Looking over at Charlie, his eyes met mine and if I was judging correctly he looked defeated and angry.

  Wow, it had just dawned on me he was jealous. He honestly thought I wouldn’t be dating anyone.

  The rest of the dinner conversation shifted back to baseball and some intense arguments that made me laugh, spilled over.

  It was getting late and it was clear that no one here was capable of leaving, as everyone had way too much to drink. It looked like I would be having everyone stay the night. Thank god, this was a Five-bedroom house, as I would put them all too good use. Patricia was the first to head up.

  Walking her up, I gave her the first room in the center of the landing upstairs. Julie was the next to go up. I pretty much set everyone up in his or her own room.

  Finally, at three in the morning everyone was up in their rooms, and hopefully asleep. I found myself still wide-awake. This was too weird. I had Patricia, Julie and the Vaihn brother’s all in my house. The lights all off; I walked out of my room to my private patio, guitar in hand, overlooking the horse pastures down the way. The moon high in the sky, I sat on my lounge chair hoping sleep would find me and soon.

  I was sure to lock my bedroom door, as I didn’t trust to leave it unlocked. I think I sat there for about thirty minutes playing softly, when I notice Charlie by the pool. It looked like he couldn’t sleep either.

  His eyes turned and spotted me on my end of the house. He seemed debated and walked over.

  “Can’t sleep?” he offered quietly.

  “Not so much.” I smiled up at him.

  “I can’t either. Want company?”

  “Sure” he sat down laying out on my lounge as it was made for two.

  In a simple gesture, he pulled me into his chest. Hesitantly, I laid into his chest and his hand grazed up and down my back.

  “Are you happy?” he asked

  “I guess, you need to qualify that question. Professionally, I’m very happy.”

  “What about personally?”

  “I suppose. Life has been busy, but I don’t have anything that I could possibly complain about. My life is busy and at
times crazy but I wouldn’t change it. So, I suppose I am happy.” Pausing I knew I wanted to know if he was. “How are you doing Charlie?”

  “I suppose the same as you.” He offered. “I would ask if you were in love with Wesley, however, I know the answer. You don’t love him.”

  “Of course I don’t. I barely know him Charlie.” I could feel him release his breath as if he was holding it waiting for an answer. “Charlie, I would be lying if I said that I loved him, but if you were to ask me if my heart already belonged to another than I would have to be honest. It does.”

  “Who?” he sighed. I could hear the disappointment course through him.

  “It doesn’t matter Charlie. I wasn’t what he wanted. Honestly, I don’t blame him for my carelessness.” Adjusting, I looked up at him “So who is Charlie dating these days?” I forced the smile.

  “Please, I just got divorced. I’m not really the commitment type.” He offered. “Much like you, I realized that I had given my heart, correction, had it stolen by another. It took me a long time to realize she had it from the first time I met her.”

  Suddenly my heart ached. It made sense to me. The reason he toyed with woman. Someone stole his heart years ago and he hasn’t gotten over her. I suspect that I was doomed in the same way as he was the one whom held mine.

  Lost in my own mind, I just laid there as he continued to graze his fingers across my back. The simple gesture had me relaxed in his arms and my eyes feeling heavy. We didn’t speak and the sounds of the night echoed like a lullaby pulling into sleep.



  “Are you awake?”

  “Barely” I whispered un moved. I hadn’t realized I was that close to falling asleep.

  “Perhaps, we should move you to your bed.” He whispered back

  “You sound like a father talking to his child.” I giggled into his chest.


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