Scarlett Hood & the Hunter

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Scarlett Hood & the Hunter Page 5

by Pumpkin Spice

  “Well, that’s sweet, and she knows how everyone feels. But she feels responsible for this mess. She allowed this Wolfe into her home and let him steal right out from beneath her. She’s mad, but more than that she’s sad. And I just hate to see my oldest and most dear friend so upset.”

  “No one messes with Bunyan’s girl,” a lumberjack called out.

  “No one messes with Blue,” another yelled. “Granny, you tell Blue we’ve got her six.”

  In the lumberyard, having someone’s six was the equivalent to having their back.

  Granny smiled, and I did, too.

  “So getting Wolfe’s cash. This will save Blue?” One of the men directed his question toward Jack.

  Jack ran his fingers through his strawberry-blond hair, and it spiked in the center. “If we get Wolfe to liquidate everything he owns because he knows that…” Jack again looked at my Godfather, who again gave him the nod to continue. “Wolfe will know that a mob-controlled union is a cash cow. He’ll use it as his personal ATM and reign supreme over Wolfe Town. So getting him to liquidate his possessions to have the cash to buy into Geppetto’s union will save Blue and the entire town of Amāre.”

  The men pumped their fist in the air and together chanted, “Union! Union! Union!”

  Their chant could be heard throughout the Dark Forest as they headed toward The Enchanted Forest tavern on the outskirts of town.

  Chapter Ten

  “I have not drunk. I have not slept.” His hot breath was on my neck and sent shivers up my spine. I casually looked for Jack in the tavern, but he had headed to the men’s room when Wolfe suddenly appeared behind me. “I have not drunk or slept out of anxiety, stress, and worry for you.”

  I turned toward him, and his fangs flashed from his ruby-colored lips. “My child, please tell me you’re all right. I have been so concerned for your well-being.”

  In that moment, I had one of two choices. I could beat the Wolfe with my backpack that still reeked of merlot and Neapolitan cake and completely ruin our plan. Or I could stay the course and use my own cunning to seduce the wolf man. I opted for the latter.

  “Oh, aren’t you a sweet one.” I gently reached up and stroked the side of his face. He hadn’t shaved, and in just a day’s time he had grown a full beard. It was no wonder none of the men recognized him. They were looking for a clean-shaven, three-piece suit wearing Wolfe. Not a bearded, flannel-wearing, lumberjack lookalike. Clever disguise. If you wanted to hide something you hide it out in the open.

  “Whatever happened to you?” I feigned concern in my voice.

  “I went for help.” His dark eyes widened. “When that man came out of the woods, I knew that you must have been hurt so I went for help.”

  I nodded. “You are too kind.”

  “The better to assist you with, my dear.”

  I smiled. “Well, truth be told that man was actually trying to sweep me off my feet when he accidentally crashed into me.” I giggled for good measure.

  “Is that right?”

  I nodded. “Yes, Jack’s a sweet guy. I had complained that he wasn’t being romantic enough and well…” I shrugged. “Go figure. Jack took that to heart and decided to swing into my life.”

  The Wolfe reached out and held my hand. “So you’re all right then?”

  “Perfectly fine.”

  “I’m so sorry I missed meeting your grandmother. I so much wanted to talk to her.”

  Tears instantly welled in my eyes. Maybe it was the thought that I had almost brought this beast to my Granny’s house or maybe it was the idea of Granny losing everything like Blue—whatever caused the tears, it worked to my advantage.

  “Oh, dear, why are you so upset?” Wolfe said.

  “My Granny could have used you and your help, but now it’s too late.” I turned away from him and his foul breath. But again to Wolfe every action I took worked to my advantage.

  “Please, dear child. It’s not too late. I can still save your Granny from financial ruin,” he said.

  I shook my head and allowed my curls to roam across my face. “No, it is too late. The lumberjacks have unionized. There’s no more Wood Hood to save. It’s gone.” I buried my head in the crook of my arm. “They unionized,” I lamented.

  “Unionized?” Wolfe’s voice hissed toward my ear. “How is that?”

  I looked up at him. “It’s true. Geppetto got them to unionize.”

  “Geppetto?” Wolfe’s dark eyes narrowed. “I thought he was a puppeteer.”

  I lowered my voice. “That’s what he supposedly does. But he’s the head of one of the largest Italian mobs.”

  “I knew he had ties with that Italian family,” Wolfe said.

  I chuckled. “Bernie, he is the Italian family.”

  “Really? I had no idea.”

  “You’re probably the only person in Amāre who doesn’t know that,” I said with a touch of arrogance and conceit.

  It worked because Wolfe’s face tightened. “And he now has unionized the lumberjacks?”

  “Yup. Geppetto owns the lumberjacks.” I inched my finger toward Wolfe, who leaned in close. “And many of the guys didn’t want to sign the union form, but when it comes to Geppetto ‘no’ isn’t an option.”

  “So all the men are on board?”

  “Oh, yeah. That’s why Granny’s lost everything. You could have saved her, but now—” I shrugged and let a long sigh pass before continuing. “No one can. She’s penniless.” My grandmother’s financial position did nothing to interest Wolfe. Jerk. I looked toward the bar and spotted Jack. I slowly shook my head. Stay where you’re at. Do not come over. He seemed to read my thoughts because he slid onto a bar stool beside one of the lumberjacks. I turned my attention back to Wolfe and put on my best game face. “And to top it all off, this Geppetto is already willing to let someone else run the union. Isn’t it bad enough that he put my Granny out of business, but now he doesn’t even want to run the operation? What kind of bull is that?”

  Wolfe’s focus narrowed until all I could see were the slits of his dark, beady eyes. “What is this? The don doesn’t want to run the union?”

  I shook my head. “What I heard from the men is that he wants someone else to run the operation so he can concentrate on his puppet creations.” I flung my hands in the air. “Puppets. What kind of shenanigans is that?”

  “Did the men happen to say what he was looking for in a partnership?”

  With my hands palm up, I rolled my shoulders. “Something like he’s willing to give half of what the union is worth if he got an investor, but,” I wagged my finger at Wolfe’s long nose, “apparently only if they deal with cash. Doesn’t that take all? Cash.” I paused just long enough for all of this to soak in. “But I guess it makes sense, doesn’t it?”

  Wolfe looked at me.

  “He’s the head of a mafia family. The only receipts he can show are the legitimate ones from his puppet business. He’d have to do the deal in cash.” I waited for Wolfe to follow my breadcrumbs. “Right? I mean that makes sense doesn’t it? A cash only transaction.”

  “Of course. It’s the only way he could split the business.”

  “Yeah, but who in Amāre has that kind of coin?” I rolled my eyes. “Geppetto’s got to realize he’s not in Italy anymore. Cash. No one has that kind of cabbage.” I traced the rim of my wine glass with my finger. I had to do something to stop from laughing. Coin. Cabbage. I sound like a mafia princess. “Oh well. Doesn’t matter to me. I hope he ends up broke.” I took a drink of my Honey Pot wine and turned back to Wolfe. “I’m probably not good company tonight, am I?”

  When he smiled his fangs showed brightly. “Quite the contrary. You were delightful as always.” He brushed his hairy hands onto his jeans and rose. “But I don’t want to come between you and your budding romance.”

  I looked up just as Jack was approaching the table. I smiled toward him.

  “You’re more than welcome to join us?” I said to Wolfe, who shook his head.

bsp; “No, I’ve got some business to attend to. It’s been good talking to you again, Miss Hood.”

  I reached out and extended my hand. “Thank you for everything you were willing to do for me and my Granny. I’m so sorry it didn’t work out.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He gripped my hand, and I thought I was going to puke. “I hope you have a good rest of your evening.”

  Wolfe slid out of view just as quickly as he had entered. Jack sat down and raised his glass toward mine. “In case he’s watching,” he said.

  “Oh, I’m sure he is.”

  “Then to catching a Wolfe.” Jack leaned toward me with his glass, but before our glasses touched our lips did. An explosion of emotion erupted in that one kiss. I pulled away and looked into his blue eyes.

  “Where did that come from?”

  His smile was not toothy like Wolfe’s, but rather soft, warm, and inviting like his lips. “We didn’t really kiss the other night, and I’ve wanted to do that since I bumped into you.”

  “Bumped?” I said, laughing. “Are we still talking about your vine swinging abilities or your skills on my Granny’s couch?”

  His cheeks tinged in color. He answered me by leaning over and kissing me again. And again and again.

  “So,” Jack said in my ear. “Do you think Wolfe took the bait?”

  I tilted my neck toward his mouth, and he nibbled just below my ear. I practically cooed a “yes.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “So what do we do now?” I walked beside Jack toward his rust-colored pickup truck that was at the far end of the tavern’s parking lot. Situated on the outskirts of Amāre, The Enchanted Forest tavern was a local hangout, but just beyond its reach was the Dark Forest. And even though I knew the way to my Granny’s house, it had become one wooded area I wouldn’t travel alone. Not anymore. Bernie Wolfe had changed that for me.

  Jack turned on the heel of his cowboy boot and swooped in for another kiss. It was long, slow, and he lingered on my lips. “He could still be watching us. In fact, I’m almost certain he is,” he said with his mouth pressed against mine.

  “Uh-huh.” I closed my eyes and let my lips wander across his.

  “So I think we should stick together tonight.”

  I knew I should be concentrating on what Jack was saying, but my body was responding to his lips.


  I opened my eyes, and Jack’s blue eyes shone in the moonlight. “Yes?”

  He shook his head. “Your place or mine?”

  “Right.” I glanced toward the wooded forest. “Well, Granny’s would be my place because my place is actually an apartment I share with my cousin, Rose Red. And she’s always giving me lectures about talking to strangers and the inherent dangers of the Dark Forest. So I can only imagine…” I shook my head thinking of the mess and headache that would ensue trying to explain to my cousin Rose how I met Jack in the woods after sharing my dessert with Bernie Wolfe, yet another complete stranger. “Nope,” I said. “I think my place is out. So we could go back to Granny’s.”

  “Or we could go to my place,” Jack said and unlocked the passenger door to his truck.

  “Or we could go to your place.” I stopped before getting into his truck. “And why are we doing this again?” The wine was definitely catching up with me.

  Jack started to laugh and pushed back a strand of my wayward hair. He whispered softly in my ear. “To safeguard our cover in case Mr. Wolfe is watching you.”

  “That’s right. So you’re what?” I sat down on his truck. “My bodyguard, now?”

  Jack handed me my seat belt and gently kissed my cheek. “I’ll gladly guard your body. But this is about keeping you safe.”

  His blue eyes matched the faint sky that practically looked translucent with a bright moon glowing behind him. I almost wished Wolfe hadn’t shown tonight because I didn’t want my time with Jack to come to an end. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” he said before closing my door.


  The drive into Amāre reminded me why it was the merriest little village on earth. Streetlamps burned brightly, and whether you lived in a cottage nestled on the mountainside or had a cookie-cutter type home in suburbia, Amāre wasn’t just the town’s namesake, it seemed a way of life. Everyone looked out for everyone. It didn’t matter what car a person drove, or where they lived, it was what was in a person’s heart that mattered. So someone like Bernie Wolfe didn’t sit well with the townspeople of Amāre because greed wasn’t a common core emotion. But love, love seemed to surround everyone and everything.

  Jack pulled up to “Crossbow,” an apartment complex that was on the corner of First and Arrow.

  He cocked his head toward the upper level. “I’m on top,” he said.

  I sure hope so. I reached for the door handle, and a gust of wind practically blew it back shut. I giggled, and Jack hurried out of the truck.

  “Let me get that,” he said bracing the door against his side so I could get out.

  I smiled. “Always coming to my rescue.”

  “Someone’s got to.” He held out his hand, and I slipped mine into his. It was a natural fit. I followed him up the stairs to his apartment. He unlocked the door, and an orange tabby sashayed across the carpet as if to announce that we had entered her abode.

  “Pumpkin!” Jack said.

  I knelt down, but the tabby tilted her chin high in the air and sauntered off with the arrogance and conceit of a well-groomed feline.

  “Wow.” I watched the cat stroll across the carpet before she slipped into the next room. I turned to Jack. “I’ve got to learn that move.”

  “Yeah, Pumpkin’s got it going on. She’s wicked sassy. No one messes with Pumpkin.”

  “No kidding.” I shook my head. “If I had half her moxie.”

  Jack chuckled. “You held your own tonight with Mr. Wolfe.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That remains to be seen.”

  “Don’t underestimate yourself, Scarlett. When you want something, you’re pretty convincing.”

  I looked up at him and felt my cheeks tinge with heat. Still for good measure I played along. “Is that right?”

  Now Jack’s cheeks grew rosy and bright. “Yeah. I can’t imagine any man not giving you what you want or not believing whatever story you told them.”

  I steadied him in my sights. “I wasn’t playing you, Jack.”

  Jack placed his hands on his hips as if taking a stance. “I don’t get played.”

  “Good.” I pivoted on the heel of my boot and tried to make a fancy exit like Pumpkin, only my heel slipped on the carpeting and I started to tumble like a house of cards. Jack reached out and caught me just before I fell onto his glass end table.

  I landed softly in his arms and covered my face with my hands where I started laughing. “Yeah, I so wasn’t playing you because my best moves usually end up like this.”

  He leaned over me and kissed me. His tongue explored my mouth and moved down the nape of my neck. My God, this man’s tongue is a national treasure.

  I leaned back in his arms and felt like I was floating on air. He laid me down on the thick carpet, and my body was cushioned on velvety warmth. He began to untie my blouse that seemed to unravel like a maze of strings in his hands. I looked up at him. “Do you want some help?”

  His blue eyes focused in on me while he considered my offer. He slowly rubbed the stubble on his chin. “I’m not sure I want this off.” He reached his hand into my blouse and unhooked my bra. He slid it off, tossed it aside, and my breasts bounced free beneath the sheer material.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Much better.” He thumbed my nipples through the outside of my blouse until they stood at attention and practically poked through the material. I looked down, and even I was turned on by the utter visual he had created by simply removing my bra. My dark nipples and large, round areolas were fully, erectly on display. And when I looked down at his jeans so was he.

  I sat up and playfully, ve
ry carefully, put the tip of my boot toward his growing boner. “Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick.”

  “Wrong Jack,” he said grabbing my boot and pulling it off my foot. “He’s much shorter than me. And not nearly as nimble as you’d think.”

  I grinned while he reached for my other boot, hefted if off and tossed it over his shoulder. He pulled the frayed ends of my jeans and yanked me closer to him. With my legs spread apart and Jack sandwiched between them he began to unbutton my jeans. My body temperature spiked. He slowly lowered the zipper, and already I was slick with moisture. Never before has a man turned me on simply by touching me.

  My heart pounded, and my skin tingled with anticipation. He began to lower my jeans off my hips when without any warning he stopped and abruptly stood.

  I shook my head. “What?”

  He stood above me. “I just realized we haven’t eaten.”

  “I thought you were about to?”

  He chuckled. “Aren’t you hungry, Scarlett?”

  I curtly shook my head. “Nope.” I pointed down to where he had been. “I think this was satisfying whatever craving I was having.”

  When Jack smiled it only magnified my want for him. He held out his hand. “We should eat.”

  “No,” I said in as adamant a tone as I could muster with my jeans open and feeling extremely wet and wanton. “Eating is not what we should be doing right now.”

  But Jack didn’t change his position. He stood above me steadfast with his hands on his hips. What the hell? I was about to zip up my jeans and grab my bra and boots when I noticed that while he hadn’t changed his position about food, his boner also hadn’t changed its position either. If anything it had gotten larger. Ah, Jack.

  He just needed a little convincing. I looked at his cock that had shot up in his jeans like a beanstalk. The man that had conquered so many giants in his life and was about to conquer yet another one tomorrow had a lot on his mind. I barely knew Jack Hunter, but I knew he was one man that needed to feel as though he was calling the shots. I knew he wanted to be with me. Not because his cock was telling me, but because his eyes were.


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