LISA L. HANNETT lives in Adelaide, South Australia — city of churches, bizarre murders and pie floaters. She has published nearly 50 short stories in venues such as Clarkesworld Magazine, Fantasy, Weird Tales, ChiZine, Shimmer, the Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror (2010 & 2011), and Imaginarium 2012: Best Canadian Speculative Writing. Lisa has won three Aurealis Awards, including Best Collection 2011 for her first book, Bluegrass Symphony, which was also nominated for a World Fantasy Award. Midnight and Moonshine, co-authored with Angela Slatter, was published in 2012. You can find her online at and on Twitter
KATHLEEN JENNINGS is a Brisbane writer and illustrator. “Ella and the Flame” grew out of many roots: the fun of writing nested tales; the arguments, interruptions, elaborations and contradictions of those who listen to stories; tales of glass shoes and scarlet letters; the way the telling of stories can shape a life; her own childhood nightmares of bushfires and molten rock; the beautiful volcanos written about by the intrepid Isabella Bird (which finally overcame that terror); and story-flensings by Angela Slatter and Lisa Hannett, for which she gives her thanks. She can be found online at
PENELOPE LOVE is an Australian writer whose work has recently appeared in Belong, Anywhere But Earth, Damnation and Dames and Bloodstones. Her stories have been nominated for the Aurealis Awards Best Science Fiction Short Story for 2007, 2010 and 2011. Perhaps 2013 will finally be her lucky year! She is currently working on the re-launch of Horror on the Orient Express, a classic Call of Cthulhu role-playing supplement she first helped create in 1991. She is writing a blog about the project, and how it feels to return to it again 23 years later:
MICHELLE MARQUARDT lives in the Blue Mountains with her husband and two children and works as a veterinarian. She is the author of the novel Blue Silence (Random House 2002) and a number of short stories. She was co-editor, with Bill Congreve, of The Year’s Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy, volumes one to four (MirrorDanse Books).
D.K. MOK lives in Sydney, Australia, and writes fantasy, science fiction and urban fantasy novels and short stories. Her urban fantasy novel, The Other Tree, will be released in December 2013 by Spence City.
DK grew up in libraries, immersed in lost cities and fantastic worlds, populated by quirky bandits and giant squid. She graduated from UNSW with a degree in Psychology, pursuing her interest in both social justice and scientist humour.
She’s fond of cephalopods, androids, global politics, rugged horizons, science and technology podcasts, and she wishes someone would build a labyrinthine library garden so she can hang out there. Her favourite fossil deposit is the Burgess Shale.
Find out more at
FAITH MUDGE is a Queensland writer with a passion for fantasy, folk tales and mythology from all over the world — in fact, almost anything with a glimmer of the fantastical. Her head is a madly cluttered place that really needs new signposts and possibly a map. She writes regular reviews and vignettes for her blog at, enthusing about all things fairy tale along the way, and her short stories can be found in FableCroft’s To Spin a Darker Stair and Ticonderoga’s Dreaming of Djinn.
TANSY RAYNER ROBERTS is the award-winning author of the Creature Court trilogy: Power and Majesty, The Shattered City and Reign of Beasts. Her short story collection Love and Romanpunk was published by Twelfth Planet Press in 2011. You can find her at her blog (, on Twitter (@tansyrr/) and on the Hugo-nominated podcast Galactic Suburbia. Tansy lives in Tasmania, Australia with a Silent Producer and two superhero daughters.
BARBARA ROBSON studies estuaries for a living, and sometimes writes stories when she should be writing scientific papers. Find “Neighbourhood Watch” in the Twelfth-Planet Press anthology, Sprawl, “Mrs Estahazi” in Belong (Ticonderoga Publications), and “Lizzie Lou” in The Year’s Best Fantasy 5 (Harper Voyager). She is making slow progress towards writing her first novel, tentatively titled Speakeasy.
ANGELA SLATTER writes dark fantasy and horror. She is the author of the Aurealis Award-winning The Girl with No Hands and Other Tales, the WFA-shortlisted Sourdough and Other Stories, and the new collection/mosaic novel (with Lisa L. Hannett), Midnight and Moonshine. She has a British Fantasy Award for “The Coffin-Maker’s Daughter” (A Book of Horrors, Stephen Jones ed.), a PhD in Creative Writing and blogs at
CAT SPARKS is fiction editor of Cosmos Magazine. She managed Agog! Press, which produced ten anthologies of new speculative fiction, from 2002-2008. Cat has received a total of seventeen Aurealis and Ditmar awards for her writing, editing and art. She was a Writers of the Future prize winner and a graduate of Clarion South writing workshop. In 2011 she was the recipient of an Australia Council emerging writers grant. She is currently doing a PhD in young adult post-apocalypse literature. She can be found at
SUZANNE J. WILLIS is a graduate of Clarion South 2009 and her work has appeared in AntipodeanSF, Goldfish Grimm’s Spicy Fiction Sushi and anthologies by Fablecroft Publishing and Misanthrope Press. She works full-time and writes in the spaces around it, inspired by fairytales, ghost stories and all things strange. Suzanne lives in Melbourne with her patient partner and pampered pooch.
Epilogue (edited by Tehani Wessely)
After the Rain (edited by Tehani Wessely)
Splashdance Silver by Tansy Rayner Roberts
Canterbury 2100: pilgrimages in a new world (edited by Dirk Flinthart)
“Flower and Weed” by Margo Lanagan
The Bone Chime Song and Other Stories by Joanne Anderton
Coming in 2013…
Path of Night by Dirk Flinthart
Liquid Gold by Tansy Rayner Roberts
One Small Step, an anthology of discoveries Page 32