Dark Divinity: A Cursed Book

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Dark Divinity: A Cursed Book Page 14

by Amy Braun

  “Don’t worry about Mateo, little sister. And I think the first step is to set up a place to meet.”

  She twisted her neck to look at my face, chilly blue eyes shining in the darkness. “Meet? What do you mean?”

  “You’re right, Dro. We shouldn’t be here. If you don’t think it’s safe, then it isn’t. I’m not at the house enough to tell. So we’ll find a way to leave, Dro.”

  “How? They’re never going to let you go. People don’t quit the Blood Thorns.”

  I sighed. “I don’t know. But we’ll figure it out.” I paused, then figured out where we could go. “We can meet at the warehouse where they had the Fuego massacre a couple years ago. No one goes there anymore.” I looked down and smiled at her. “I hated that place. They’ll never think to look there.”

  Dro wasn’t smiling. She put her head back on my shoulder and snuggled closer to me, the way she always did when she was scared.

  “I wouldn’t ask this if I didn’t have to, Connie,” she said, as if she needed to explain herself to me. “I just... I can’t let you get hurt. I won’t survive if anything happens to you.”

  I put my other arm around her and rubbed her bicep.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to me, little sister. I promise...”

  I was getting sick of waking up in places I wasn’t familiar with. At least this time I was decently comfortable. I shifted against the mattress, which was softer than I was used to. I tried rolling onto my side, but that didn’t help me get back to sleep. I was awake, and I had to figure out where I was.

  I sat up, then regretted it. Forcing myself to open my eyes, I looked down at the damage done to my body. Except there was none. I was fully healed, my skin no longer charred and cracked. There weren’t any patchy burn scars. I touched my head and face and found that I even had my hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Dro and Sephiel had done wonders on me, but there was still a dull throbbing in my body, and my skull felt like it was splitting in half. Still, it was better than feeling like an overcooked piece of bacon.

  “You shouldn’t move,” a rumbling voice said.

  I twisted, shocked that the person in my room wasn’t my sister. Warrick was sitting across from the bed by a flat desk. The tall, hooded lamp in the corner shadowed the far half of his face, but illuminated the rest. It brought out subtle highlights in his oak-colored hair and made his eyes sparkle. Dark circles were under his eyes, and his face was the definition of bleak. He must have been awake for hours.

  “Where’s Dro?” I rasped. I touched my throat. It was healed enough to speak, but my throat was parched and my tongue was as smooth as sandpaper. I wondered how long I would sound like a veteran smoker.

  “She’s fine,” he answered, getting up from the chair and slowly walking over to me. “She spent the whole day healing you with Sephiel, making sure you looked like yourself again. Her body just couldn’t take more exertion, and she needed rest. I promised to stay here and make sure you were okay.”

  He knelt down next to the bed and took a glass of water from the nightstand. He handed it to me. “Sephiel said you’d need another night to heal. You should sleep.”

  I downed the entire glass in a couple gulps. “No,” I told him, starting to sound a little more like myself now that I had something to drink. I could have drunk a full pitcher, but there wasn’t one in the room. Warrick probably didn’t think I would wake up yet. Besides, water could wait. I needed answers first. “Not until you tell me where I am and what happened.”

  Warrick sighed, and I felt a twinge of guilt. Dro might not have slept until recently, but Warrick didn’t seem to have slept at all.

  “We ended up in Phoenix,” he explained. “About a block away from where the slayers were, actually. You passed out just as they ran over to us. Dro was screaming at them to help you. It took Max forever to calm her down. I managed to persuade them to let us stay here. It’s a secure location underground and Sephiel warded the shit out of it. The movens caeli can shield us from Lucifer for a bit. We’ll be safe for a little while.”

  “Are we at the main slayer base or something?”

  He nodded. “It’s been a rough couple days. Everyone’s pissed off. The slayers are mad at me for dumping all this on them, I’m mad that they’re being so stuck up, Max and Seph are mad that they’re not telling us anything, and Dro’s mad...”

  Warrick trailed off. I read between the lines.

  “She’s mad at me,” I confirmed.

  His eyes were sympathetic. “She’s just worried about you, Constance. We all thought you were going to die.” He looked away, as if the memory was playing through his head all over again. “You didn’t see what we saw. One moment you were standing up to Lucifer, the next you were...”

  I was being burned to death.

  For a second, all I could think about was the scalding heat. The blinding light that burned my retinas. The hoarseness of my voice as pieces of skin flaked off my body. I gripped the glass tighter as a trickle of sweat went down the back of my neck. I breathed evenly, blinking a couple times to make sure I was really sitting in a bed with Warrick next to me, and that this wasn’t a final death-dream.

  I looked at the demon slayer. He didn’t notice my anxiety because he was looking away. He was lost in his own unforgiving memory.

  “There was so much fire that I couldn’t even see you,” he said very quietly. “I thought you were gone.”

  I stared at Warrick as that sweet ache crept back into me. Dro was right. He did care about me. He watched me nearly die, and now he was out of sorts. It hurt to see him so miserable because of me, and suddenly I didn’t want to push him away. I was almost ready to let him break my heart. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as when Mateo had broken it.

  Then again, maybe it would be worse.

  I didn’t want to give Warrick hope that would be crushed later. But I couldn’t bear seeing him this way, either.

  I put the water glass back on the nightstand then reached over and clutched his hand. He felt alive and real, which is exactly what I wanted right now. I needed something to anchor me to here and now so I wouldn’t remember what Lucifer had done to me. Even this was enough to make my heart race. Warrick’s bright green eyes met mine and I forgot to breathe.

  “Thanks for sticking around, John. Really. But I should go see my sister.” I looked away. “I need to fix things.”

  Warrick rose up so he could sit on the bed next to me. He clasped my hand. His palm was rough and callused, but also warm and gentle. I didn’t pull away.

  “Dro will forgive you, Constance. She knows you did what you did to protect her.” The pad of his thumb skimmed the top of my hand. My heart was running a mile a minute.

  “I fought with Emma all the time,” he said with a tragic smile. “One night I got her in huge trouble. She was supposed to be studying for her finals, but I saw her sneak out to party with her friends. I waited up until she came back, then locked her out of the house. I stayed on the other side of the door to watch out for her, but I never let her in. She slept on the porch.”

  He grinned. “Mom and Dad were pissed, and she had the worst hangover of her life in the morning. When she got back in the house I thought she was gonna kill me. Emma didn’t talk to me for three days after that. I apologized, did all her chores, but none of that helped. Not even our parents could make her talk to me. I was worried she wouldn’t take me to tae kwon do like she promised. Fourth day came along, and she picked me up after school and drove me to my lessons.”

  “How did you get her to do that?”

  He raised one shoulder, then lowered it slowly. “I didn’t force it. She remembered that she was my sister.”

  Warrick looked at me. “You’ve given up everything for Dro, Constance. She won’t stay mad at you for that. Just let her rest for the night, and talk to her tomorrow. It’s all going to work out. I promise.”

  I knew it was crazy, but I actually believed him. Dro and I went through everything together. I might have gotten
myself hurt when I decided to take on Lucifer alone, but I would do it again. We weathered the harshest storms together, because that was what sisters did. We needed each other to stay strong.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I said, slowly prying my hand from Warrick’s and resting my back against the headboard.

  “Wow, never thought I’d hear you say that,” he teased.

  I stifled a laugh. “Don’t get used to it, Warrick. Dro’s heard it, Max has heard it, now you. Once I have Seph crossed off my list, I never have to say it again.”

  He laughed. It was a comfortable, deep timbre that made me want to move closer to him. I watched his face, taking in the details of it. His thick, brown hair was starting to grow to his ears. His beard was trimmed down to short stubble. The mark under his left eye from where Drake had scarred him was almost invisible against the light from the lamp in the corner. The more I looked at him, the more perfect he seemed to be.

  He turned his eyes toward me but I looked away.

  “So,” he said after a while. “That guy with the machete. Was he your ex?”

  I groaned and thunked my head against the bed frame. “Goddamn it, how much did Dro tell you?”

  “Only a little. He’s a real asshole.”

  “He wasn’t always,” I mumbled, picking at the bed sheet that was bunched up around my hips.

  Warrick paused, then said, “Do you still love him?”

  “Fuck no,” I said harshly. “He tried to kill me multiple times. He’s going to keep trying. Why would I keep loving someone like that?”

  The demon slayer raised his hands in surrender. “I just wanted to make sure.” He put his hands back on the bed and gave me a dangerous look. “That way I can kick his ass next time I see him.”

  I grinned for a second before reality showed its ugly face. “Lucifer will be with him next time. So will Drake. And fuck knows what else.”

  Warrick pulled his long legs up onto the bed and shifted closer to me. I didn’t move away, but I hoped he wouldn’t see my heart pounding its way out of my chest.

  “I can’t promise that nothing will hurt you again. I think we both know that’s inevitable. But I will promise to do whatever I can to keep you safe.”

  He was so close now I could feel the breeze from his breath on my face. Bright green eyes sparkled despite the dark of the room. I inhaled the musky pine scent from his body.

  “You don’t need to,” I croaked out.

  Warrick moved even closer. “No. But I want to. I see you fighting all these demons and psychos by yourself, and it drives me crazy. You’re the bravest woman I’ve ever met, Constance. But it kills me to watch you fight alone. So I won’t do it.”

  His lips were almost brushing against mine. Warrick’s body was half pressed against me. He was warm, real, and totally inviting. I was painfully close to kissing him again. He might not make a move unless I wanted him to, especially since he was beginning to understand just how badly Mateo had hurt me. But Warrick wouldn’t give up, either. He wasn’t the type.

  Yet something held me back. We had so much to do, so many enemies to fight. I’d just proved that we could very well die in our next battle. I was crazy about Warrick, and it was clear that nothing I said or did would make him leave. He’d become another person I was scared to lose.

  “I...” I whispered, barely able to think straight. He was drowning me in comfort and tenderness, and I was sinking like the stone that I was.

  “This isn’t the time, Warrick,” I pushed out.

  There might not ever be a time, I kept to myself.

  He read my eyes, then leaned back. The room suddenly felt much colder.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I guess I’m just tired.” He started to slide off the bed. “Jackson’s got a cot for me in the living room. Get some rest, Constance.”

  “Screw the cot. Stay here.”

  I blinked, hardly believing the words were out of my mouth. But I didn’t try to take them back. Warrick looked at me from across the bed.

  “Are you sure?”

  This time I thought about my answer. “Yes.”

  He smiled gently, his eyes seeming to glow brighter. He kicked off his boots– but kept the rest of his clothes on, gentleman that he was– and slid under the covers of the bed next to me. I rolled onto my side, putting my back to him and tugged the sheets up to my shoulders. My heart was still doing laps behind my ribcage, so I didn’t think I’d get back to sleep. Especially since I could feel his body inches away from mine.

  “Are you sure this is okay?” he asked again.

  “Yeah. Just don’t get mad if I kick you in my sleep. I get nightmares.”

  Warrick shuffled under the covers again, carefully pressing his chest to my back. He put his arm over my ribs, laying it on my stomach. His other arm slid under my neck and over my shoulder, resting along my chest but not making any awkward grabs.

  “Will this help?” he whispered into my hair.

  Warrick’s body heat was sinking into me. I was wrapped up in strong, secure arms. His breath was a gentle, relaxing wind in my hair. The heartbeat at my back was steady and hypnotic.

  “Maybe,” I whispered back.

  I should have been tense and paranoid. I didn’t like other people touching me, let alone spooning me. Even Mateo had never been this gentle with me. It could have been the perfect trap.

  But I felt Warrick drift into sleep behind me. He stayed here when he should have been resting. He’d stood by me when the Knight appeared. He’d saved my life countless times. He really did care.

  It wasn’t long before the soothing heat of him and rhythm of his breathing made my eyelids heavy. I shifted back and pulled his arms tighter around my body.

  I could add benefit of the doubt to the list of things I owed John Warrick.

  Chapter 9

  Sleeping in Warrick’s arms didn’t keep me from dreaming. As soon as I gave in to sleep, another memory dug its way into my brain...

  Mateo was up to something. I could tell, because he’d barely talked to me all day. Everything was one or two word replies. He wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, getting snappy when I brought it up at all. He said it was a meeting, and none of my fucking business. Finally, I couldn’t take his attitude anymore and stormed off.

  At least that was what he thought I was doing. In reality, I decided to climb the hacienda roof and wait until nightfall. Then I could drop down toward Emilio’s office. He kept the windows open during the hot summers, so I would be able to hear this meeting. Every meeting was held in Emilio’s office and my boyfriend went to all of them, but I wondered what would make Mateo so antsy about this one.

  As soon as the sun went down, I crawled along the roof to Emilio’s balcony. I reached the corner of the house and looked down, making sure that no one was standing on the balcony. I turned and dropped down, hanging on the ledge tightly. I skittered down until I reached the concrete edge. I crouched like a gargoyle and peered through the open window.

  None of the people in Emilio’s office could see me at this angle, but I could see all of them. Hernandez the bodyguard was standing by the door with his large hands clasped in front of him. Emilio and Mateo were leaning against the desk, both dressed in their best suits. They were looking at the other person in the room. It was a woman. I focused on her face, then nearly fell off the balcony.

  She was in her thirties, and absolutely gorgeous. Her long black hair was pulled up into a high, sleek ponytail. She was thin with murderous curves, and she knew how to exploit them by wearing a skin-tight black dress with small red beads attached to a lace trim. I could see the shiny black pumps with razor thin heels as she crossed one leg over the other, revealing a well toned thigh. Lace gloves covered her hands. Her eyes were circled in dark shadow and eyeliner, and her pouty lips were the color of blood.

  My heart pounded in my chest, and I struggled to control myself.

  Isabel. The woman who had stalked my little siste
r. The person who brought monsters to Owl Creek.

  The bitch that killed my father.

  I nearly lost it. My fingers were itching for my hatchet or a throwing knife. Isabel was a fair distance away, but I could hit her. I could kill the fucking skank.

  Though as soon as I did, Hernandez, Emilio, and Mateo would see me. They would send every guard in the house to find me. I wasn’t sure Dro and I could escape if we were caught.

  But I did know we were leaving tonight, as soon as I figured out what the hell Isabel was doing here. I edged close to the side of the house.

  “You’re sure of this?” Emilio asked. His voice was faint, but there was no wind tonight so I was still able to hear what everyone was saying.

  “My master has told me so,” Isabel answered. “Your son has been chosen by the King himself. He would not send me here if young Mateo was not worthy of his purpose.”

  “And what purpose is that?”

  Isabel smiled. Anger grew like a bonfire in me. I knew that smile. I wanted to carve it off her smug, fucking face.

  “You’ll know soon enough, I assure you. But let me give you a word of advice.” Isabel leaned closer, looking at Emilio and his only son. “Declining such an offer would bring all kinds of unpleasantness to your door.”

  “Do not threaten me or my son in my home, witch,” Emilio said venomously. “I will only warn you once.”

  Isabel wasn’t the least bit intimidated. She reclined back on the dark leather sofa and relaxed comfortably. All she was missing was a wine glass filled with blood.

  “I wasn’t making a threat, Mr. Rocha. Though I do need Mateo’s decision right now.”

  I looked past Emilio to the man I loved. At this angle, I could barely see his face.

  Don’t do it, Mateo, I mentally begged. Please, whatever she’s offering, don’t take it.

  Mateo took a step forward and looked directly at Isabel. “I accept.”


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