Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3)

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Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3) Page 10

by Maggie Mundy

  A sweet sentiment from a lady with an erratic mind, but Anne liked it. She did adore this tortured soul of a man she found herself attached to. As for the long life, she reckoned it might be wishful thinking. If she and Soren made it through the rest of the day, Anne would consider it an achievement.

  She covered Soren with a blanket as she sat beside him in the back of the truck. The vehicle rolled over the rough track, sending shots of pain through her body, but she gritted her teeth and hung on.

  Soren opened his eyes and touched her lips with his finger. “Sorry.”

  He didn’t need to say it, but she was glad he did. This gig of trying to survive was getting harder by the minute. Soren couldn’t think right now so she needed to for both of them. She was weak, but her survival instinct kicked in.

  “Think nothing of it. I coped with sex, which made me glow like a lightbulb. I can manage anything.”

  He grinned but grabbed his side as he leaned in and clutched her. Maybe making him laugh wasn’t such a good idea.

  “By the way, I know you think I’m some free-living chill chick, but I have rules. No more pissing off just because you’ve a bad dream or whatever. Promise?”


  Anne thought Jeanette might be skeptical when they got back to the farmhouse, but the bunch of feathers in Fiona’s hands could change her mind. Anne touched them to find some were soft, but some were as tough as steel with a sharp edge. Those feathers looked like blood-drenched daggers to her.

  Anne thought about what she could tell these lovely people about who they were. After Soren’s wing display, lying seemed pointless. She would tell the truth and hope they would help them some more. Before she had time to think, Barry pulled up out the front of the farmhouse. Jeannette came down the steps from the porch and waited at the back of the truck. Her hand went to her mouth as she stared at the cuts and bruises on Soren’s body.

  “Oh my goodness. Let’s get you both inside.” Jeanette helped Anne off the truck while Barry assisted Soren. It took all Anne’s strength not to let her knees buckle, but she would make it. Barry took Soren to the bedroom and lay him on the bed.

  “I’ll bring some water so you can clean him up.”

  Anne gently eased off Soren’s jeans to find his butt and legs were in no better condition than the rest of him. Jeanette returned with a dish and some towels. Anne covered Soren to his waist for decency.

  “I’ll leave you to clean him up and rest. Then I think we all need to have a talk if what Barry and Fiona say is true.”

  Anne smiled weakly and nodded. It was fair, but she still wasn’t sure what she would say. This was getting more complicated by the minute, and neither of them wanted to draw other people into their mess where innocents could get hurt.

  She rinsed the cloth and started to clean Soren’s back. The red tattoos were raised and lumpy, as if remnants of the wings had not absorbed properly back into Soren’s body. The breaks in the skin were already forming scabs, and she hoped his ability to heal would kick in soon.

  He screwed up his face in pain but didn’t say anything. She wiped over his buttocks and down to his knees. The tattoos were still beautiful, though scarred.

  Anne gestured for him to turn over. She rinsed the cloth out again and started to clean up his face and body.

  He touched her face and gave a lopsided grin because of his swollen lip.

  “Thank you. I’m meant to be protecting you, but you seem to be doing more of the caring.”

  “I have to say you’ve looked better, but I reckon you’re starting to heal. We both need to rest and work out where to go from here. First, I want you to tell me what happened? No lies, the complete truth.”

  Soren lifted the sheet back up to cover himself as she got on the bed and lay beside him. He didn’t look at her but stared at the ceiling.

  “The darkness came back, and I wanted to kill someone. I kept seeing myself killing you in different ways.”

  He turned to face her, and she could see his eyes were watering.

  “It felt like a betrayal of what we shared. Back at the Enclave, the guys would lock me in a cell in the basement when the darkness hit. I’d been known to break a few limbs or jaws on occasion. It overpowers me like hate running through my veins.”

  “I saw one of your visions before we left to find you. It wasn’t too pleasant.”

  “And you still searched for me?” His eyes watered as he spoke.

  “Look, I don’t know what this bonding thing has done, and I’m not going all lovey-dovey, but I don’t believe you could hurt me. I feel connected in a way that if something happened to one of us, the other wouldn’t want to go on. I can’t say I like that, but until we meet the others and sort it out, we have to accept it for what it is.”

  “You’re amazing, Anne.”

  “Yeah, I know. This sexy body comes with a cool mind.”

  “If I didn’t hurt so much I would kiss you right now.”

  Anne bent down and gently touched his swollen lip, causing him to wince.

  “There will be time later. The mind might be willing, but the body is weak. I felt the energy drain from my body when you drew your wings back in. We both need to rest.”

  “I sensed you then, and I’m not sure I would have made it back without you.”

  Anne lay down and watched as Soren closed his eyes and slept. She wasn’t in love, but she could fall for this man easily. She needed to keep reminding herself he wasn’t human and who the hell knew where it would end. If he was right, the good guys would not want him near her. Anne couldn’t think straight and shut her eyes, hoping this time he would still be lying beside her when she woke up.

  There was a knock at the door, and Anne rubbed her eyes. Jeanette walked in and stared, wide-eyed, at Soren. Anne glanced across and could see he had healed. No signs of swelling or scars anywhere.

  “Well. Now I’ve seen everything. Three hours, and all the cuts and marks are gone. Wish my bad back and other problems would get cured so easily. The kettle is on if you want to get sorted and come down. Barry is back from the fixing the fences, and we need to talk.”

  There were sandwiches and cake on the table for lunch, and Anne suddenly realized how ravenous she was. She would get Soren to give them some money before they left to pay for the food. Barry came in, washed his hands, and sat down at the table.

  “We don’t bullshit each other in the bush,” Barry said in a stern voice. “So let’s hear what you two have to say. Would’ve been surprised how quick you’ve healed if I hadn’t seen the wings myself.”

  Soren put down his mug and leaned forward. “We were grateful for your help, but we didn’t want to get you involved. Both Anne and I believed the less you knew, the safer you would be.”

  “That’s for us to choose now, and to be honest, it’s a bit late for secrets,” Jeanette said.

  Soren explained all he knew about the Angelics and the Demonics and everyone sat in silence and listened. When Soren finished, Barry shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “If it wasn’t lunchtime I’d be asking for a whiskey. So you two plan to head off to Sydney now?”

  “Yes, we’ve delayed long enough and can’t risk Cameron catching up with us or hurting you,” Anne said.

  Barry peered at Jeanette and took her hand in his. When she nodded back, Anne reckoned this couple were up to something.

  “We will go with you,” Barry said. “I expect neither of you has a clue where to go in the city.”

  “I understand you want to help,” Soren said, “but we can’t risk you getting hurt.”

  Jeanette bit her bottom lip and then stared at them both. “There’s a reason we want to go with you. If you're honest with us, it’s only fair we are honest back. My back pain is due to cancer, and I don�
�t have much time left. The doctors have done all they can and say I’ve six months at best. I always thought Fiona imagined things, but it appears she didn’t. If I’m to die, I’d like to see some amazing things like the people you want to meet.”

  Anne tried to think of a reason to say no, but couldn’t. “What about the farm? Who will look after the animals?”

  Barry put up his hand. “Don’t worry about that. I’ve two local indigenous guys who will look after the place. Been thinking about giving them some land for a while anyway. Reckon they can look after it as good as I can, if not more. It probably belonged to their people to begin with anyway.”

  “Can I go and pack?” Fiona asked with a big smile as she stood and twirled around.

  “Yes, but not too much. It’s settled then. We’ll head off within the hour,” Jeanette said and turned to follow Fiona down the corridor.

  Barry stood and tipped his head to them.

  “First time in six months I’ve seen Jeanette keen about anything. A year ago I might have taken a shotgun and seen you off the property as freaks, but now I’m glad your car broke down.”

  Anne followed Soren back to the bedroom so they could pack up their meager possessions. She sat on the bed, trying to come to grips with everything. Soren came and sat next to her.

  “So,” she said. “Have I got this right? We’re going to Sydney with a farmer, his dying wife, and her delusional sister. Was our little trip not mad enough already?” The truth was her heart soared at the concept, and she was happy to have them with her. She worried about Soren and knew the others would help if things went bizarre again.

  Soren smiled, took her hand, and kissed the top. “I don’t know what’s right or wrong, but I think we can all help each other right now. I’ve heard Midworlders can clear minds. Perhaps they could help with Jeanette’s pain. If we see any sign of Cameron, we can make a break for it.”

  Anne leaned in and placed a kiss on the smooth and healed lips of a man she was growing so attached to. “Stop being so nice or I might say I’m starting to like you.”

  “A woman who liked me for more than sex, or being able to bring them to Earth to cause the end of civilization. That’s new for me, too.’

  “Don’t let it go to your head. It was the sex that did it. That, and your ass. You really have a nice ass when it’s not covered in scars.”

  “Shut up and come closer.” Soren leaned forward and kissed her.

  Chapter 10

  Down Under

  Ridge kept counting the minutes until the plane landed. His foot tapped as he tried to control his impatience. Patience had never been one of his good traits, apart from when he played cards. Then he could be so cool you would never know what hand he held. His anger of the past months hadn’t eased since he discovered he had a brother. He still wanted to kill every bastard who had kept the information from him. He would start with Demonic Midworlders, Sayell, and Charles, for a start. If he could, he would kill Liliath too. Someone back on Homeworld should have done it long ago as far as he was concerned.

  Trips to Pergor and questions to his father on Homeworld had come up with nothing. Ridge wasn’t surprised. His father was a callous prick at the best of times. He just denied knowing of a brother. As the plane descended into Adelaide, Ridge glanced around at the group he had brought with him. It was his search and his fight, but they were there for him.

  Heath and Evie were holding hands. It still seemed a miracle another human female had been changed to be a Midworlder. Ridge was glad his partner, Nicole, was back in California with their daughter, Ellen. His large group of Midworlders at their mountain hideout would protect them both. He still didn’t like being away from them, though.

  Nicole hadn’t been keen to stay behind, as she came from Adelaide, in South Australia. The way things were heading, the shit would hit the fan, and she would see action soon enough. It could end up worldwide.

  His close friend Heath might be a refined English gentleman, but he and Evie would fight with the best of them. Evie said she gained her toughness form her Jamaican ancestry. Heath also brought along Tiny, who was anything but small, plus his second-in-command, Suzie. Suzie got on well with Sara, who was Ridge’s second-in-command.

  The two women liked to wear leather suits they looked like they’d been poured into, riding motorbikes, and kicking ass. The Adelaide Enclave was small, but they would be at the airport to meet them. He looked forward to, and dreaded, what they might say. He didn’t want to believe his brother could be dead before he met him.

  The plane landed, and Ridge peered across the terminal. A shiver ran through his body. This was it then. The moment when things were going to change for his race on Earth. He had a feeling it was going to be messy. Ridge just hadn’t worked out how his long-lost brother had gotten involved with this shit.

  Two women and a man were waiting on the lower level of the airport when they got through customs. He didn’t know them and felt sorry for dragging them into this. Adelaide might be a small city, but it hid a big secret.

  The tall redheaded woman shook his hand. “Welcome to Australia. I’m Shala, this is Kim, and my partner, Teal. Let’s get going.”

  Ridge and his group followed them out of the terminal to the car park. Kim got in the driver seat of a small mini bus. It could take them all, which was good. Ridge didn’t want to waste time and needed a briefing as they traveled. This was the first lead he had gained since he found out he had a brother. He would not give up on it.

  “I thought we would go straight to the Demonics’ Enclave,” Shala said. “I assume you got some sleep on the plane?”

  “We were fine in business class,” Ridge said. “Sounds good to me to go there and find out what we can. What do you know so far?”

  Shala smiled, obviously happy with the decision. “Cameron leads the Demonic Enclave here and has a big old house on a property east side of town. He throws elaborate parties where anything goes. People fly in by plane and private jets from all around the country. It's invitation only and requires lots of money.”

  “So what does this Cameron have to do with my brother?”

  “None of Cameron’s people will tell us anything,” Shala said, “but one of the clients was heard to be bragging. She left the party early, and we got to her before they went back and cleared her mind. It seems she was serviced by a man called Soren. It’s an unusual name, and we thought there could be a connection.”

  “Have you seen him?” Ridge asked.

  “No, in fact we don’t think he’s there anymore. Over the past few days, we’ve been getting garbled messages from someone trying to get help from Angelics. At first from a female, and then a male. The messages came from around the city, but we couldn’t pinpoint them, and then they disappeared.”

  Teal sat forward. “I’ve always been able to sense Guardians in need or fellow Angelic Midworlders in trouble. Neither of these messages were like that. Whoever sent the messages felt neither human or Midworlder. It’s why I couldn’t get a firm grip. I’m not sure what we’re dealing with, but I bet Cameron does.”

  “Tell us about this Cameron,” Ridge said.

  Shala spoke again. “He’s known down here and in Pergor as a bit of a loose cannon. I heard rumors he wants to go home, not to die, but to kill someone. I also heard he has connections to Liliath. We’ve all been given briefings about her little attempts to come over.”

  Ridge clenched his fists. “Why does that not surprise me? An Elevated like Liliath was never going to give up easily. Well, let’s try to get what we can. This is more a show of strength rather than making them cough up and tell us their dirty little secrets.”

  The mini bus turned through two impressive pillars into a driveway. The house seemed equally as grand. Before the bus pulled up, the front door opened, and a group of men and women came out. It was wh
at Ridge expected. He would be doing the same if they came onto his ground. A man with a nasty scar on his cheek walked forward. Ridge guessed it was Cameron. He wondered how old the man was and why he still had a scar. Ridge had a scar on his chest from an injury acquired in Pergor. If it hadn’t been for Nicole and her healing abilities, he would have died. He wondered if a similar thing had happened to Cameron.

  “Shala, so what have I done to deserve a visit from you? I thought us Demonic Midworlders were beneath your attention. I’d ask you in, but I don’t want your stench in my home. At least out here the smell of your righteousness will be blown away.”

  Ridge would have laughed if the comment had come from Sayell, but the venom and distilled anger in this man’s voice gave the impression he would kill them if he could. Ridge knew desperation. He was messed up himself before he met Nicole. This guy had the look of someone who wanted to die but couldn’t. This looked dangerous. Liliath must be getting desperate if she was in league with this kind of Midworlder.

  Shala did a mock bow. “We’re sorry for the intrusion, but we’ve received a few distress messages this week. The communications seem to originate from here, and the name Soren kept popping up.”

  Ridge admired Shala. It wouldn’t have been easy to run an Enclave here with the likes of Cameron in town. She wasn’t backing away from his intimidating stare either. Being a six-foot redhead had its own effect as well.

  “There’s no one of that name here. You must be mistaken, defective, or both,” Cameron said, and his people laughed.

  Ridge sent Shala a message asking to speak. She nodded.

  “Hi, I’m Ridge, and as you can tell I’m not from round here.”

  “Shouldn’t you get back to your swamp in the Mississippi or something? We have crocs over here, not little alligators. You might get hurt,” a big man behind Cameron said with a chuckle. He got a glare from Cameron for interrupting.


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