Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3)

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Lost Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 3) Page 14

by Maggie Mundy

  “I love you, Anne.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Her heart swelled with emotions for this man who had come into her life. No one could take this memory from her. His wings reabsorbed and this time he didn’t appear to be in pain. As they lay close to each other, she had no idea where this would end, but for now, the two of them had love.

  Chapter 14

  Discovering the Past

  Anne woke up on her side with Soren’s arms wrapped around her body and it was the most glorious feeling. If only the two of them could hold this moment and the rest of the world and all the things happening would disappear, life would be wonderful. Soren kissed the back of her neck and she was heating up at the core from his touch once again.

  This time their passion was slow and they both spent time touching and caressing every part of each other’s bodies. Then he carried her to the shower as she giggled. The water pounded her skin as he washed her. It was wonderful to be worshipped. When she washed his back, she could see the wounds from the previous day were healed, but the tattoos were damaged with cracks in the lines. She wondered if his wings would be bent if they ever came out again. When they had sex, his wings had seemed to work when he spread them out. Anne amazed herself that she could accept all this.

  As the two of them dressed, she knew their time alone would soon come to an end. There was a knock at the door and Soren went to open it. Genia and Evie stood there. Genia hugged her.

  “If you would like to, come down and eat. Then I want to look more at what is happening to both of you.”

  Breakfast was enjoyable with everyone laughing, and yet the undercurrent of being on alert was obvious in the way people stood. Anne sat at the counter next to Soren and his knee touched hers. It was getting to the point that if she didn’t have some form of physical connection with him she didn’t feel right. As if she was getting sick with a cold or flu. She found herself constantly looking over her shoulder to check he was still there.

  Anne dreaded the moment Genia would call them away. The truth was she needed to know what was happening as much as the others. She had worked out that the Midworlders had a lot of power, but she wasn’t sure if they wanted to teach Soren how to use it if they were not sure of him. Evie came and touched her arm. Anne jumped.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Genia and I thought we could go back to your room in private so she can examine you both. I asked if I could be there as I’ve experienced being changed. If there is anything you’re worried about, just ask me.”

  Anne stood and she and Soren followed the two women. “I think I’m worried about everything. Then realize I don’t even know what I’m meant to be worried about. My aunt always said knowledge is power. I think even if you have bad news I would rather know one way or another.”

  Back in the bedroom, Soren lay on the bed and Anne sat on one side and Genia on the other. The healer held her hands above his head and then slowly moved down his body, holding them a few inches above him. Soren winked at her so Anne assumed Genia wasn’t hurting him. The whole process took about ten minutes and then Genia sat back.

  “Your body is fighting within itself. It’s as if each side of you is trying to be dominant and take control. As a healer, I feel sorry you’ve had to go through so much pain. I’m strengthening your Angelic side as much as I can, but to be honest, it is beyond my capabilities.”

  Soren chuckled. “So there’s no hope for me apart from going mad.”

  Genia shook her head. “I’m going to suggest we take you over to Pergor, but I understand you wouldn’t be too keen after what happened to you there.”

  “No one up there ever seemed bothered about what Liliath was doing to me. Why would they care now?”

  Anne could hear the anger in Soren’s voice. She could not blame him for the fear he held at the thought of going back there. He still found it difficult to believe no one on Homeworld had known what was going on.

  Evie sat forward.

  “I want to tell you both something. When Heath met me, I didn’t have an Angelic Guardian attached. I was possessed by a Demonic Guardian who had mutated in some way to stay on Earth. An Angelic Elevated came to Pergor and saved me. I’m sure they would come again if we asked.”

  Anne wanted Soren to say yes, but she wouldn’t force him to make a decision.

  “I’ll go,” Soren said. "If things go wrong, you have to make sure Cameron never gets near Anne.”

  “Nothing is going to go wrong.” Anne said the words but had a hard time convincing herself she believed them.

  “So let’s have a look at you then, Anne,” Genia said.

  Anne swapped places with Soren and he sat beside her, holding her hand. Her heart pounded as her hands went clammy. She knew Soren was different, but a part of her still thought she had been drawn into this mess by accident, not because there was anything special about her.

  Genia repeated the process she had done with Soren and Anne waited. Genia opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows with a grin on her face. Anne’s stomach turned and hoped it was good news.

  “I thought you were a human who had bonded with one of our kind, but you are part Angelic. I don’t understand. It explains why you don’t have a Guardian though.”

  Anne tried to get her brain around what was being said.

  “You mean I’m part-alien. How the hell did that happen?”

  Genia shrugged. “I don’t know. Midworlders can have sex with humans, but the Guardians attached prevent conception. Humans cannot cope with the genetic effect on their body and would die. The only reason Nicole was able to have a baby was because she converted.”

  Anne massaged her temple as she tried to understand. “My mother might have been a bit mad, but she was human, that much I know of. I don’t know who my father was. How come my mother didn’t die then?”

  “I don’t know,” Genia said. “I feel you’re another reason we should visit Pergor to find out what is going on here.”

  “You want to take me into space. You’re fucking kidding me, right?”

  Evie laughed. “I felt the same way, but I agree with Genia. We need to know what is going on with both of you if we’re to help.”

  Genia stood. “I’ll go and tell the others what I’ve discovered and arrange for us all to travel over tonight.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Anne forced herself to eat something as the day wore on. Her stomach revolted though and she vomited it back up. She wanted to be strong for Soren, but at the moment, she was a blubbering mess. More Midworlders arrived throughout the day and she could sense the tension as they all prepared for the battle ahead. She wanted to run away and hide, but it was no longer an option. This was not like her but then again she hadn’t known she was half-alien before.

  Everyone was polite to them, but both she and Soren were freaks and she knew it. No one knew what to do with them. A part of her mind said if the two of them became too much of a liability then they would want them dead. Ridge was Soren’s brother, but in truth, they were strangers and she had no connection to anyone here. She suddenly felt alone in the world. Soren was her only connection and if he was gone she didn’t want to live anymore. These Midworlders could take their alien worlds and do what the hell they liked. She left everyone and headed back to their room.

  Anne lay on the bed as her stomach settled. Soren had gone to talk to Ridge about what was to come. When he came back in, he lay behind her and surrounded her in the strength of his arms.

  “Whatever happens, Anne? I love you. Thank you for trusting me.”

  “I love you, too.” It was all they needed to say. The two of them lay there, saying nothing as the sun went down and storm clouds gathered as if to represent what was to come. For all she knew, this might be their last time together. Someone came and knocked at the door a
nd Anne and Soren followed Ridge and the others up to the roof of the house. From here they could see the entire harbor with the Opera House and the bridge in the distance. Ridge touched Soren’s arm.

  “I don’t care what’s found out up there, brother. As far as I’m concerned we’re family and we’ll stick together no matter what. Nicole would kill me if I did anythin’ else.”

  “Thank you,” Soren said and hugged his brother. All the Midworlders’ wings erupted from their backs, including Soren’s. Soren scooped her up in his arms and flapped his wings, so within a moment they were in the sky. It was the first time they’d flown together and she could not keep the big grin off her face. Rain started to fall, but she didn’t care.

  “Soren, it’s fantastic. I can’t believe we’re flying over Sydney. Thank you for this.” She kissed his cheek. “Do you know how to cross over?”

  “Ridge explained it to me so I’ll help them try to open the portal. When I went over with Cameron, he always opened it and I was usually unconscious on the way back.”

  Anne peered across at Evie, who waved at her. It was strange to think Evie had been a human not long ago and now she had wings. Maybe there was hope for her and Soren. Anne watched the few stars she could see through the clouds start to disappear as they flew higher. Then the sky around her went black.

  “Ridge said it may make you feel sick. If you want to shut your eyes, I’ll keep you as safe as I can.”

  Anne held on tight and shook her head. “I’m watching everything that’s happening. I want to see where we’re going. I may never get to go into space again.”

  “I’ll be honest and say I hope that is the case. I don’t know how safe we’re going to be up here.”

  “I’ve you beside me so I’m happy. Oh my God.” The darkness around them suddenly changed to what looked like a beautiful tunnel of light made from every color of the rainbow. She could see some of the others in front and behind them. The next minute, the colors were gone and she arrived in a large room with giant crystals all around. She couldn’t see outside so she assumed they were on another planet. Her heart raced so fast she thought she would pass out.

  Soren let her feet down as she watched the others arrive. She counted ten of them. Anne hoped it was enough to keep Cameron at bay. She also hoped none of them would bump into this Liliath creature as well. Not that she didn’t want to stick a knife right between the woman’s eyes, but she probably would never get close enough.

  Everyone surrounded her and Soren as the room started to rumble. All the crystals in the room were vibrating, and it set her teeth on edge as she grabbed on to Soren more tightly. There was a raised platform on the far side of the chamber and the air seemed to go in and out of focus, or maybe her eyes were playing up. Nope. The fuzzy air was taking shape and suddenly there were two pixie-like angels. They both appeared female and one walked to the front of the platform. Well, glided would have been a better description.

  “You have called us here, Genia. What is your request?” one of them asked.

  Anne reckoned the pixie sounded pissed off. She had no intention of annoying them anymore. The little winged one could swoop down on Earth with a load of people wanting to kill her.

  Genia bowed. “I was expecting, Mira. I’m sorry if we’ve disturbed you. We have a Midworlder, Soren, who has been altered by Liliath. He has a bonded partner who also seems to have Midworlder DNA. I’ve tried to heal Soren as his body seems to be struggling with being on Earth.”

  Before Anne could say yes or no to these Angelics examining her, she found herself wrenched from Soren’s arms and rising up in the air. Soren floated next to her above the other Midworlders. The two of them were both being drawn toward the back of the raised platform where there was a curtain of crystal strands. The strands reached out like the tentacles of an octopus and grabbed her and Soren. Their bodies were stuck like glue as the strands coiled around their wrists and ankles. If these were supposed to be the nice guys up here, she reckoned she didn’t have a chance.

  One of the pixies came and stood before her. She placed her hands on Anne’s head but they felt more like ice picks. Anne clamped her jaw shut and tried to breathe through the pain. Then it stopped and the pixie moved back and turned to the other Midworlders below.

  “She is half-human and half-Angelic. We had not thought this possible. I’ve sent a message to Homeworld asking to match the DNA. There will need to be an investigation into how this has happened.”

  Anne heard someone laugh. It was Ridge, and she could see him shaking his head. It didn’t inspire her belief that the people in power here knew what they were doing.

  The pixie glared at Ridge. Then her eyes rolled back. When her gaze returned to normal, she pursed her lips as if in disgust.

  “It seems this human’s mother was used for some experimental gene splicing.” The pixie almost squeaked in a high-pitch voice. “It was considered too risky as it affected her mental state.”

  ‘You think,’ Anne wanted to say, but her mouth wouldn’t work at the moment. When your mother sees angels and wants to burn you alive something is usually wrong.

  “Edric Carrington. This is the Angelic DNA found within you.” The pixie turned her glare on Edric.

  “What the fuck?” Edric said.

  Anne stared down at the Midworlder she now knew was her father. This was getting stranger by the minute.

  “That’s not possible. I’d never risk hurting a human like that,” Edric shouted.

  The pixie turned on Edric. A second later he was thrown back against a pillar, flattened, and appeared unable to move.

  “Your DNA does not lie. You Midworlders are like Cozas. You fornicate and replicate where you can. Some of us would have you destroyed.”

  “Let her be,” Edric shouted from below, but he was thrown to the other side of the room with a flick of the Angelic’s hand. She then moved over to Soren. As far as Anne was concerned, she decided there and then she didn’t want to be connected to these creatures.

  The Angelic gripped Soren’s head and stared into his eyes. A moment later the Angelic screamed, causing all the crystals in the cavern to vibrate again. Anne wanted to vomit as her stomach clenched. The cavern around her distorted as she became disorientated and lost focus. The Angelic stepped back and the expression on her face was one of revulsion as she peered at Soren. It was like the Angelic had suddenly found dog crap on their shoe.

  “This is an abomination and should be destroyed.” The Angelic opened her palms and a beam of white energy shot out to hit Soren in the chest. Anne could hear her love screaming in agony but couldn’t move to help him.

  The other Midworlders below her started to move forward. Ridge and Edric had somehow freed themselves and were leading the attack as they shot blue beams of energy at the two Angelic Guardians. The Guardians turned and sent their energy back at them.

  Anne fell forward onto her knees as the crystal threads holding them gave way. Soren’s arms were wrapped around his abdomen and his skin was pale. Anne glanced up and saw more Midworlders arrive and she recognized them. As if things couldn’t get any worse. Cameron and Virgil and their cohorts were here. Soren touched her cheek.

  “I’d rather die here than go with him again.” He handed her a small knife.

  Anne would rather use it on herself than hurt Soren. “We will get out of here if Edric and Ridge have anything to do with this.” It was weird thinking Edric was her father. It was the one word she’d never thought she would use as long as she lived.

  Ridge an Edric were slowly making their way toward the raised platform. The rest of their people were surrounding them and sending out blasts of power as Cameron and his people tried to approach.

  Large crystal fragments started to crash down from the roof. Anne grabbed one about the size of her arm and stood. Her legs felt like jelly, but she
wasn’t going to give up. Anne had a feeling her life would depend upon it. She stood behind the pixie and brought the crystal down on her head.

  The screech filled the room as the pixie turned on her with blood dripping down her forehead. Anne put her hands up to defend herself, thinking an attack was coming but it never happened. One minute the two Angelics were there and then poof. They were gone. Anne’s legs gave out as she crumpled to the floor next to Soren. That was all she had to offer and now she hoped the others could save them.

  Edric and Ridge jumped up to the platform as their people moved closer. Cameron charged forward, but was too late as Edric picked up Anne and Ridge helped Soren stand. Within a second, Anne saw the lights of the conduit around them.

  Chapter 15

  A Proposal

  Anne opened her eyes to see she was back over Sydney and flying towards Edric’s home again. The storm had arrived and the rain pelted them. She didn’t care as she was back on Earth and never wanted to go back to Pergor again.

  Lightning slashed across the sky. At least people down below would be trying to stay dry and not looking at the night sky and see a bunch of aliens with wings returning to Earth. Anne clutched on tight to Edric as they arrived on the roof. His people were already in position, expecting Cameron to attack. Edric carried her downstairs and put her on the couch. He stood and bowed his head.

  “I will take care of the others and then I’ll return. I’ll not let anyone hurt you. Both you and Soren are now my family.”

  “Thank you, I suppose I should call you ‘Dad’ now, but I’ll be honest, it seems a bit strange still.” She bit her bottom lip feeling awkward.


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