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Spankenstein Page 2

by Tim Miller

  “You ok? Have a little too much fun last night?” the cop said.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s 7 a.m. I drove by and saw you lying here. I thought you were dead at first. Why are you wearing rubber gloves? You some kind of germaphobe?”

  “Huh?” Donny looked at his hands and noticed he still had on the latex gloves. Shit. “Oh yeah. Yeah. I’m kind of weird about what I touch. I hate to be sick.”

  “Right. You might not want to hang around this place. You could get an STD just from sitting on the couches in there. Come on pal. Let’s get up.” The officer reached down and helped pull Donny to his feet. “You ok to drive? Not still drunk are you?”

  “No, I think I’ll be okay. I just need something to eat.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Next time maybe drink at home. I don’t blame you, though. I've been here once or twice. You need to drink a lot for them to look good. Just don’t let me find you passed out here again.”

  “Thank you, officer,” Donny said as the cop walked to his car. Donny got into his vehicle and took off the gloves. Fuck, that was close. He was lucky he hadn’t chloroformed himself to death. His car still had some residual chemical odor in it. He rolled down the windows and turned the air on full blast, trying to air it out so he wouldn’t pass out again while driving home.

  He went into the house and brought his supplies. First thing he did was search Google for how to use chloroform properly. At least, how not to kill yourself while using it. On “Criminal Brains” the guys always just poured it onto a rag and went to town. Apparently it wasn’t actually that easy.

  As he was surfing, he came across another website called Backpage. On this site, there were tons of ads for girls advertising their sexual or massage services. Out of curiosity, he sent one a message, and it only took her a few minutes to reply. Her name was Barbie. She said her rate was a hundred dollars per hour. He replied ok, and she sent him the name and room of a hotel to meet her at in a couple of hours.

  Now this might work. He wouldn’t be out in the open. If he parked near the door, he could just knock her out and drag her into the car, even though it's daytime. Just make sure it’s clear. This time, he carefully prepared a rag with chloroform, folded it and placed it into a Ziploc baggy. He showered, changed his clothes and put the Ziploc into his pocket. The drive to the hotel took about twenty minutes. It was more like a motel.

  The place only had a single floor with about a dozen rooms. He pulled up to the room number she gave him, number ten and parked the car. He climbed out of the car and tapped on the door. It opened just a crack revealing a tiny Filipino woman’s face.

  “You John?” she asked. He had given her a fake name.

  “Uh, yes. That’s me. I’m John.”

  She opened the door and stepped back. She was incredibly tiny. He’d be amazed if she were even five feet tall. Her hair was long and black, hanging down past her waist. She was wearing a tank top and shorts.

  “You got the money? One hundred dollars up front. No rough stuff.”

  “Yeah. I got it right here.” He dug in out his wallet and handed her a hundred-dollar bill. She took the cash and turned to stuff it into her bag. While her back was turned, he dug out the baggy and pulled out the rag and unfolded it. Before she turned around, he grabbed her around the neck and put the rag over her mouth. She tried to scream, but he pinched it tight over her nose and mouth. She struggled for a few seconds, but it wasn’t much of a fight as small as she was.

  Finally, she went limp as Donny laid her on the bed. It worked! He stood back and looked at her motionless body. He wasn’t sure how long he had before she woke up, so he had to hurry. He ran to the door and looked outside. It was clear. It looked like they were the only ones at the hotel. He shut the door and walked back to the bed as the girl began coughing. Except it wasn’t just coughing. She was hacking up so hard her entire body jerked with each cough.

  White foam bubbled from her mouth and ran down her chin as she vomited all over herself. Donny quickly rolled her onto her side as she continued the fit.

  “Oh shit! No! No! No!” he said as she coughed and gagged for over a minute before she went still. He rolled her back to see her eyes frozen wide open as the white foam and vomit was caked around her mouth and chin. Shit. He used too much this time, but at least he hadn’t chloroformed himself. She was so small, and he hadn't accounted for that. He picked up the rag and put it back in his pocket. From there he went through her bag and took back his cash. He also took out the other five hundred dollars she had in there. He pulled the blanket off the bed and wrapped her up in it as if tucking her in and walked out of the room and back to his car. As he drove away, he hit the steering wheel and screamed.

  Chapter 5

  Donny took a few days off from any further abduction attempts. He had shaken for hours after returning from killing the prostitute. He was sure his fingerprints and DNA were all over the hotel and cops would be kicking in his door any moment. No one did, however. In fact, the murder didn’t even make the evening news. Part of him wondered if he shouldn’t abandon this whole idea completely.

  One thing he did find out is what happened with the hooker he’d killed by accident. His curiosity got the best of him, so he scoured news outlets for any coverage of the story. Sure enough, he found it in the local paper. The motel manager had found the body and called the police the next day. Except when the police arrived, her pimp was in the room digging through her bag looking for his money. The money Donny had taken. Immediately the cops thought he’d killed her over the money, and he was immediately arrested. The guy had all sorts of gang affiliations and a long rap sheet including robbery and assault charges. So they had no trouble pinning her killing on him. And that was it. Donny had gotten away with it.

  Despite his small victory, he had blown both tries at kidnapping a girl. There had to be an easier way. Instead, he watched more “Criminal Brains” episodes and obsessed over Candi Murphy. He downloaded some books about serial killers and read several more true crime books and finally, he thought he had a real plan. Once again, he needed to start off simple. He would go after a girl who was on the street. Someone who wouldn’t be missed. This time, he’d forego the chloroform and go with more crude methods.

  He bought a small leather blackjack, like what police used to use, online. It was a leather strap with a flat piece of lead sewn inside one end. All he had to do was come up behind someone and bust them over the head with it. It was strong enough to knock them out but soft enough not to break any bones or cause any permanent damage. The best thing was, no chemicals and no fumes. He wasn’t going to accidentally knock himself out or kill the girl.

  He’d put together a kit of duct tape, a pillow case, rope if needed, and a few other items. This time, he’d head to the east side and see what or who he could find. It was evening when a lot of the more undesirable types were out and about. Sure, they were people to someone, but Donny couldn’t see them that way tonight. Not if he was going to carry out his task. He got into his car and headed into town until he found a dark street. He sat in his car watching for anyone that caught his eye, but the streets were pretty dead. He didn’t want to waste the whole night waiting around.

  Finally, he saw a woman coming out of a bar. The place wasn’t very busy. She was staggering slightly as she fumbled with her purse while walking down the sidewalk. She stumbled right past his car as he watched her trip by. This was a short, but slightly chubby Hispanic woman. She would have to do.

  Donny quietly opened the door and stepped out of the car. She was just a few feet ahead now. He didn’t want to let her get too far away. Gripping the blackjack tightly, he ran up behind her and quickly smacked her across the back of the head. She tumbled to the ground instantly. Donny stood there for a second looking around, shocked that it had worked. He bent down and grabbed her under the arms and dragged her to his car, opened the trunk and quickly stuffed her inside.

  Using the duct tape, he bound her ha
nds and feet and placed a strip over her mouth before closing the trunk. Once he got her home, he dragged her inside and into the back room which he’d converted into his makeshift laboratory. He lifted the woman onto the table and used the straps to secure her after removing the duct tape. The woman slowly awoke as he stood watching her. Once her eyes opened, she looked around slightly before her eyes went wide, followed by a scream.

  He wasn’t prepared for the screaming. The woman was incredibly loud. He thought his eardrums were going to burst at one point. Finally, she stopped long enough to try and reason her way out of this.

  “Who are you?” she screamed. “Where am I? What are you doing to me?”

  “Hey, hi. Um, I’m Donny. Please stop screaming. Or I’ll have to tape your face back up.” She ignored his warning and continued to shriek. He picked up the duct tape and walked over toward her. Once she saw what he was about to do, she stopped again.

  “Please! Let me go! What are you going to do to me?” she asked.

  “Well, I’m kind of a scientist. I’m working on a special project.”

  “Project? What kind of project?”

  “A special one. Don’t worry. You’re not part of the actual project. You’re sort of a test run.”

  “Oh my God! What are you going to do to me? Please don’t hurt me? Please!”

  “Oh, I’m afraid it’s going to hurt quite a bit.”

  She began screaming again as he picked up his bone saw and turned it on. The motor whirred over her screams as he began sawing through her arm just below the shoulder. Blood sprayed as she struggled and cried. In about a minute her entire arm was severed. Blood continued to gush from the wound. Donny sat the arm in a tub of ice lying nearby as he picked up a blowtorch and cauterized the wound. The smell of burning blood and flesh filled the air as Donny sealed the wound. While the bleeding had slowed to a trickle, the woman was still screaming.

  After ensuring the blood had coagulated, he held the limb back up and looked it over. He was impressed; he’d pulled this off with practically no effort. Maybe he was getting good at this. The woman’s screams had turned to sobs and whimpers as she watched him handling her severed arm. He looked at her and smiled.

  “See? That wasn’t so bad, now was it? Don’t worry, just three more to go!”

  Chapter 6

  Over the next several hours, Donny removed each of the woman’s limbs, cauterizing each wound until she was just a torso with a head. She remained alive throughout the process. He gave her IV fluids and even some pain meds. Well, sort of. One couldn't just acquire Morphine or Demerol, but he could get heroin. It was still an opiate, and she didn’t seem to mind. It wasn’t that he cared if she suffered or not. He just didn’t want her going into shock and dying too soon.

  It had been a few hours and the last dose was starting to wear off. Her eyes fluttered as she began coming down.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. “What are you doing?”

  “Almost done. Just getting you cleaned up. This is the first phase. The next part will be a bit trickier but don’t worry. You’ll be as good as new when I’m done.”

  “Oh. Done what?” she said still in a mildly drugged-out haze.

  As her eyes came back into focus, she looked around and realized she was now a quadruple amputee. At first, she looked confused, and then it sank in just what had happened to her. Her eyes went wide as she began screaming again. Donny covered his ears. He didn't anticipate screaming at all through this process, something he soon realized was a pretty stupid thing not to anticipate. However, when her screaming began again, it totally threw him off. Even with all of this lack of expecting, what topped the proverbial cake was how this screaming affected him. The noise was almost dizzying.

  “Shut up!” he yelled, but his voice was drowned out by her screams. “I said shut up!” Unable to take it anymore, he picked up the ice chest filled with severed limbs and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. The door was made from thick oak and muffled the screams well enough for Donny to get his bearings back. He moved into the living room and sat down.

  He pulled one of the severed arms out and looked at it. In all his rush, he hadn’t had time to really sit and admire his work; it was a fairly decent, clean cut. Feeling along her arm, her skin was still quite soft and fairly warm. He opened the palm and ran it and the fingertips along his face as he closed his eyes, fantasizing he was receiving the soft touch of Candi Murphy. His flesh tingled at the touch as he pulled off his lab coat and unbuttoned his shirt. Running the fingertips down along his chest and even having the fingers circle his nipples. His nipples hardened at the touch. It had been so long since he’d felt a woman’s touch it was ridiculous. Granted, this was a woman’s arm which wasn’t attached, but at least she wasn’t dead. The limb was warm enough to feel real.

  Unfastening his pants, he slid the finger tips down toward his crotch. He used his other hand to pull out his cock as he let the fingertips tease its head. With his eyes closed, he imagined Candi Murphy’s soft fingertips teasing his tip as his cock throbbed and danced. It grew harder and harder as he used his free hand to wrap the severed arm’s fingers around his shaft, holding it in place as he stroked himself.

  His pulsed picked up as his erection throbbed and pulsated in the grip of the foreign hand. He stroked faster and faster as in his mind envisioned Candi Murphy sitting there smiling at him with her beautiful face, while her soft, silky fingertips massaged his cock. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. With a grunt he released his load, squirting it all over the hand. He sat back and wiped his wad from the sticky fingers and placed the arm back into the ice chest.

  After taking a few minutes to gather himself, he buttoned his shirt, fastened his pants and went to look in on his patient. The screaming had stopped from behind the door. As he stepped inside, the woman had passed out. Either from shock or screaming herself to sleep. Whatever it was, he was glad she’d finally shut up. He didn’t want to overdose her with the heroin. Looking at her naked body, or what was left of it, he felt himself getting excited as he ran his hands all over her. For the first time since he’d brought her in, he began to explore her.

  When she’d first come in, he had been dealing with her as a patient or subject. Now he had a moment to see her as something more. Her stomach was a little flabby and had some stretch marks, but other than that he enjoyed her soft skin. Her breasts were large and firm. He squeezed them and massaged them without the woman stirring. Her nipples were huge. Most of his experience looking at breasts was from pictures on the internet. He’d seen plenty of nipples, but hers were gigantic. Not that it was a bad thing. He kind of liked it.

  He slid her hands down to her vagina. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed into a little landing strip. He slid his fingers along her labia and slid one finger inside. It looked strange all exposed with no legs on either side of it. His cock had grown hard and was throbbing again on the inside of his pants. Quickly, slid his pants down to his ankles, released his pulsating member and climbed onto the table. Spreading those warm flaps, he slowly pushed into her motionless body. He noticed her breathing had picked up, and she was sighing, maybe even moaning, in her sleep. Yeah, she’s liking it.

  He picked up his pace, thrusting harder and faster with each stroke until he was so hard he could barely stand it. Just as he was about to let go and explode inside her, her eyes snapped open, and she screamed the loudest, shrillest blood-curdling scream he’d ever heard. His cock immediately went limp as he jumped back. The scream had startled him so badly he tried to run out of the room without pulling his pants up first. Instead, he tripped and fell face first onto the floor, biting his tongue as his chin hit the tile. Blood pooled in his mouth as pain shot all the way up his tongue clear into the back of his head. Donny lay there bleeding from his mouth, as she screamed, sending his mind into a dizzying spiral until he passed out.

  Chapter 7

  Donny woke up a short time later and gathered himself. The woman was st
ill screaming which had hastened his return to consciousness. Once he pulled his pants up, he rinsed his mouth to soothe his still throbbing tongue. Donny decided he needed a long shower and fresh clothes as he stormed out of the laboratory.

  Feeling refreshed, he returned to the room where the women continued her screaming fit. Unable to take any more, he gave her another dose of heroin sending her off to la-la land before he got to work.

  Once she was sufficiently high, she was looking up at the sky and talking to someone who wasn’t actually in the room. Donny reached into the ice chest and pulled out one of the severed arms. He held it up to her left shoulder, lining it up with the stump. Sitting the arm down on the table and he meandered over to the work bench, grabbing his sewing kit. Lining up the arm again, he began his sutures. He pulled each one tight and kept them close together. As he worked, he wondered if he was doing it right. He’d seen plenty of surgeries, but never anything like this.

  Did he have to do something special with the nerves? How about the bones? Will those just grow back together naturally? He figured he could try this and see how it goes. Once he had the arm finished, he moved it slightly, satisfied that it was well attached. He moved on to the other arm and sutured it into place. From there he began on the legs. Those were much trickier. He’d removed them just above the thighs. Due to the angle of the pelvis, it was harder to line them up. It took him much longer to stitch them into place. Once he’d finished, he stood back and looked at his handiwork.

  Everything seemed to be holding together just fine. He went over each limb with his scalpel to cut away any extra skin. The woman was still high as a kite and mumbling something incoherent. He removed his lab coat, hung it on the rack, and walked out of the room. He figured he’d let her rest awhile. No telling how long it would all take to heal up. After so long in surgery, he needed to get out of the house for a bit.


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