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Untouched Page 2

by Sara Humphreys

  “I like that.” The words came out in a rush. “I need to call myself something while I play our little game. Don’t I?”

  The question hung unanswered in the air. The sounds of the city bustled outside the window as steam fogged up the bathroom mirror.

  “The Punisher. That’s what I’ll call myself, and that is the name that they will fear. It will keep them up at night and have them all looking around every corner.”

  The Punisher laughed loudly and reveled in the sound as it bounced around the tiled room.

  Death was coming.

  Chapter 2

  Dante stayed hidden in the tall brown and green sea grass along the beach, and kept a watchful eye on her house. The inky black night provided additional cover, and his dark rust-colored fur blended well with his surroundings. The wedding guests were gone, and the beach was quiet once again. If a random beachcomber saw him, they would merely marvel at their incredible luck. Not many people saw the fox that lived in these grasses, but then again, Dante was not your average fox.

  His furry body twitched, welcoming the salty breeze. It was a relief from the itchy grasses that fluttered along his thick russet coat. He watched her through the bedroom window, his gaze fixed on her lovely body silhouetted against the sheer curtains. His breath stilled as she came to the open window and pushed aside the thin fabric. He lifted his snout to the air and breathed deeply. His keen sense of smell caught her scent as it floated in the breeze. He inhaled the intoxicating mixture of lilac and spice. His heart raced at the very sight of her. He watched as she brushed her long ebony hair and wanted nothing more than to claim her as his. She was, after all, his mate.

  He had dreamt of her for so many years. As with all Amoveo, he had been dreaming of his mate since adolescence. The problem was she hadn’t been looking for him, and he’d almost given up hope of finding her. Then just a few weeks ago, here at this very beach, he’d stumbled upon her. She was indeed unusual. He knew she had a psychic gift but was amazed that she never used it. In fact she seemed fearful of it.

  A sudden rustling behind him in the grasses caught his attention. His large ears stood up, and his body tensed. The sound of Malcolm’s laughter relaxed him instantly. He turned to see his friend standing behind him, hands on his hips and shaking his head. “Boy, oh boy, have you got it bad.”

  Dante whined and let out a low growl of annoyance. Closing his eyes, he silently whispered the ancient language. Verto. Dante visualized his human form, shimmered, and in seconds was standing shoulder to shoulder with his friend.

  “What are you doing down here? Isn’t this your wedding night?” He tried to hide his embarrassment for being caught spying on Kerry, but knew he’d failed miserably.

  “We’re enjoying our evening just fine. Believe me.” He grinned. “Samantha sensed you were out here and wanted me to come and check on you. Are you ready for your trip tomorrow with Kerry?”

  “I am, but I don’t think she is. In fact at the wedding today she basically told me to take a flying leap. That she didn’t need a big oaf like me following her around.” Dante looked up at Kerry’s window disappointed to find it empty.

  “She’s going to have quite a few changes to accept in the coming days.” Malcolm sighed, and the lines in his face deepened apologetically. “I’m embarrassed that I didn’t realize it sooner.”

  Dante cocked his head and turned slowly to Malcolm. “What do you mean?” He narrowed his eyes and held his breath. Could Malcolm suspect the same thing? Did he see it too?

  “She is Amoveo,” he said quietly. “She’s a hybrid like Samantha. I just can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner.” He shrugged. “I suppose I was so caught up in Sam, I was blind to anything else.”

  The breath Dante had been holding came out in a rush of relief. “I thought I was going crazy.” He ran a hand over his face. “Thank God you see it too. What about Samantha? Does she know?”

  Malcolm nodded somberly. “She picked up on it before I did. Her abilities have grown significantly in the past month. I think that is what the Purists are worried about. They are threatened by Samantha.” He cast a quick glance to Kerry’s house. “And anyone else like her. That’s why we hired you to go with her to New Orleans. If we have realized her heritage, it’s likely others in our race will as well. She needs you, Dante.” Malcolm placed a hand on his shoulder. “She is in real danger until we find the rest of the conspirators.” He gave Dante’s shoulder a squeeze and looked him square in the eyes. “Your father was not the only one.”

  Dante’s anger flared hard and fast at the memory of his father’s betrayal. His eyes shifted to the eyes of his clan and glowed brightly in the dark night. “I know full well of my father’s deception. His actions almost killed my mate as well.” He bit the words out through clenched teeth. “I do not need to be reminded of his treachery.” His body went rigid, and his hands balled into tight fists at his side.

  Malcolm dropped his hand, and his eyes softened. “I’m sorry. Brendan betrayed us all.”

  Dante turned away from his cousin and crossed his arms tightly across his chest. “My father paid for his foolishness with his life… and ultimately, my mother will pay the price as well.” He took a deep breath and willed his eyes to their human state. “I’m furious that she will suffer because of him, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.” His mind drifted to the stories he’d heard as a child, about the slow deaths that all Amoveo suffered when they lost their mates. His face grew darker still. “My only true regret is that I wasn’t able to confront him myself.” He shook his head and faced Malcolm once again. “Imagine what he would do if he knew his son was destined to be with a hybrid. That alone might’ve killed him.”

  “Indeed.” Malcolm gave his friend a tight smile. “We do have Amoveo kin that live in New Orleans and one of the Vasullus family members as well.” Dante nodded. “They have been alerted of your arrival, but they do not know about Kerry or her… special situation. I think it’s safest for both of you if you try to keep that quiet for now.”

  “I don’t think that should be a problem considering she can’t stand me. Oh, and of course she has no idea that our people even exist.” He ran his hand through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. “How did you manage to convince Samantha?”

  “She couldn’t resist me. There was very little convincing needed.” Malcolm puffed up his chest visibly. Moments later a bathrobe-clad Samantha materialized next to the two men, her hands placed firmly on her hips.

  “Oh really?” She looked at Malcolm with an arched eyebrow and skeptical smirk. “Don’t let him fool you for a minute, Dante. He had to do plenty of convincing.” She swatted a contrite Malcolm and then turned her attention to Dante. “Kerry puts up a tough front, but it’s all an act. She’s really very fragile and deep down she’s terrified. She doesn’t understand her own gift, and she sees it as more of a curse.”

  She looked up at Malcolm who had moved in next to her and wrapped a protective arm around her waist. “We are both convinced that the more time she spends with you, the better she’ll be able to manage her psychic touch. I’ve noticed in the past couple of weeks, since she’s met you, she can tolerate more human contact. It’s still very painful for her.” Her sympathy for Kerry was written all over her face. “But I’m hoping when she connects fully with you, that will change. I think you’re the missing piece to her puzzle.”

  Dante smiled down at Sam. It was easy to see why Malcolm loved her; she was lovely and had mastered her Amoveo abilities with surprising speed. He couldn’t help but wonder if Kerry would be able to transition into their world as smoothly. Would she be able to accept the truth, or would she run screaming from him? He had to know because nothing could be worse than living in limbo.

  “I hope you’re right.” He sighed. “It would help if I could scan her mind, but she’s got one hell of a mental barrier up. I’d found her in the dream realm so many times. I couldn’t see her, but she felt so close—right next to me. I sense
d her there, but she had no awareness of me at all. It’s been very frustrating. That defense mechanism of hers is practically impenetrable,” he murmured softly.

  Malcolm nodded in agreement. “I did notice that as well. She’s a very strong psychic, and I’m quite sure she has no idea that she’s blocking us. It’s probably how she stayed hidden in plain sight, but if anyone can get through to her, you can.”

  “Yeah, well, we’ll see about that. I don’t need to scan her mind to know that she can’t stand me at the moment. She’s made that very clear with extremely colorful language.”

  Sam laughed lightly and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “I think you’ll get through to her. Give it some time.” She gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. “Like I said… she puts on a good front. Think about it, Dante, she’s spent her entire life keeping people at arm’s length. No human contact to speak of really. Don’t give up on her. She’ll come around.”

  She stepped back into the crook of Malcolm’s arm. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to take my husband back upstairs and take advantage of him.” She winked, and the two newlyweds vanished into the night.

  “Good thing the guest room is on the first floor,” he mumbled.

  Dante smiled and turned back to Kerry’s house. Her light was out, the window was closed, and she was surely asleep. She was safe at the moment. However, he knew that as long as the Purists were out there, she’d never really be safe. The memory of her attack crept into his mind, and anger threatened to overtake him. He would never forgive himself for allowing her to be harmed. She’d almost died because he hadn’t been there soon enough. He hadn’t been able to protect her, and he swore to himself that would never happen again. She was the only one who could save him from the darkness.

  She ran through the house, tears streaming down her face. He would find her. He always found her. Kerry’s breath came in ragged gasps, and terror gripped her heart. The house was dark, lit only by the occasional lightning strike from the coming storm. Kerry tried every door. None of them would budge. She ran back down the hallway and fled down the stairs. She heard his sick laughter bouncing through the house.

  He would find her, and he would kill her.

  He came around the bottom of the stairs, and his fist slammed into her face. Stars burst behind her eyes, and the pain that ensued threatened to overtake her and crack her head like an egg. She hit the steps hard; pain shot through her body. He grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet, dragging her into the living room. Pain seared her skull as gruesome images filled her mind. She saw all the vicious things he wanted to do to Samantha. Blood. Knives. Each image flashed harsher than the next, one more violent than the other, and all of them accompanied by white, hot pain. Her body convulsed wildly; her eyes rolled back in her head as he laughed wickedly at her pain.

  “I’m going to kill that whore and that thing she’s with. They’re both going to die.” AJ’s face twisted in a mask of evil. He shoved her harshly into the wall and pointed a giant black crossbow at her, just inches from her heaving chest. Kerry tried desperately to keep from passing out. As soon as he released her, the pain subsided and the visions stopped, but nausea and fear kept their grip on her. Blood flowed from the wound in her head; her cheek throbbed from where he’d struck her. Her body shook uncontrollably, and the tears flowed freely.

  He took her cell phone out of his pocket and held it next to her head. “You’re going to call your little girlfriend and tell her to come over here. Right now.”

  Kerry shook her head furiously in defiance. He grabbed her by the back of her head and pulled harshly on her long hair. Excruciating pain flashed behind her eyes, and more nightmarish images rippled relentlessly. He laughed and released her, all the while keeping that crossbow pointed directly at her heart. He gave her the phone and pushed the tip of the bow harder against her skin. “Call or die.”

  Kerry whimpered pathetically and with shaking hands called Samantha. She had barely gotten out a few pleading words before AJ took the phone and hung up. “Good girl. That should do it.” He took the phone and threw it into a corner. “Now you can take a little nap, until I need you again.” He slammed her in the head with the butt of the crossbow, sending her into a heap on the ground.

  She lay there bleeding on the verge of passing out, the guilt of calling Samantha adding to her torment. Blood dripped into her swollen eyes, and her hair fell across her face. Her entire body ached, and her head throbbed mercilessly. She heard AJ walk away from her and prayed for a quick death.

  Suddenly, a low deadly growl came from across the room. With a ridiculous amount of effort, she opened one eye a crack. Through blurred vision she saw a frightening set of glowing amber eyes that were fixed on her and filled with rage. The growling raged in her head as the scream ripped from her throat.

  Kerry sat up in bed screaming and shaking uncontrollably. Her sweat-covered body soaked her sheets. Her breath came quickly, and she looked wildly around the room. It was morning. She was in her room. If it had just been a nightmare, she could’ve shaken it off, but it was much more than that. The night AJ attacked her had become the only thing she dreamt of anymore. She couldn’t even escape in her sleep. Pain and fear had become her way of life.

  Chapter 3

  The sun beat down on Dante as he stood waiting at the front door of the Smithson house. The princess was taking her time answering the door. He stood ramrod straight, hands folded in front of him, and did his best not to tap his foot. Sweat was pouring down his back, and he cursed silently at himself for wearing a dark suit on such a hot day. Mate or not, at the moment she was his client, and he was damn well going to treat her like one.

  Mindful of the time, Dante checked his watch. He did not want to miss their plane to New Orleans. He rang the doorbell for the third time and felt his patience slipping away by the second. Just as he was about to pound on the door, it swung open. The vision before him robbed him of his breath.

  His body stilled, and he drank in the sight of her. Her thick ebony hair was swept up gracefully, exposing her long lovely neck. She wore a crisp white shirt unbuttoned just enough to reveal the top of her full breasts, and black pants hugged every delicious curve. His sharp gaze slowly wandered over her shapely form from head to toe, and he had to work hard to keep from licking his lips. She looked positively mouthwatering. He was very glad he kept his sunglasses on because the second he saw her, his eyes had shifted to his fox. However, the disapproving look on her face sent them back to normal.

  “What the hell are you doing here? I told you I don’t need or want a bodyguard. Especially one that resembles a Neanderthal,” she said as she fumed.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way,” he said quietly. “However, I don’t work for you. I was hired by Malcolm and Samantha. Therefore, until they relieve me of my duties, you’re stuck with me.”

  Kerry let out a frustrated sigh and looked at her watch. “Where the hell is my car service? They were supposed to be here by now,” she said, looking past him to the empty road.

  “I took the liberty of sending them away. I’ll be driving us to the airport, and I’ve arranged to have the seat next to you on the plane as well. Now if you’ll just give me your bag, we can get moving.”

  Kerry’s anger slammed into him. Even if he hadn’t been able to feel her energy waves, there was no mistaking the look on her face. Her dark eyes flashed, and her fair skin developed a crimson tint. She was pissed. Dante got the feeling that she wasn’t used to hearing “no” very often. It was kind of a turn on, and he did his best not to smile.

  “You presumptuous son of a bitch,” she seethed. “Who in the hell do you think you are?”

  “I’m your bodyguard and I suggest we get going, or you’re going to miss your plane.” He kept his voice even and didn’t take his eyes off hers. Dante removed his sunglasses and held her gaze. “Your bags, princess?”

  Kerry made a sound of disgust and shoved her sunglasses on. “Fine.”

  Her voice wa
s ice cold, but the heat that radiated from her body told a different story. Dante felt her conflicting reactions to him, and it gave him hope. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much, he thought. She stepped back and gestured brusquely to two mammoth bags in the foyer. Dante knew she kept her distance intentionally, avoiding any physical contact as she had for her entire life.

  He’d let her avoid his touch… for now.

  Effortlessly he scooped up the bags and brought them down to his waiting car as Kerry followed him reluctantly, mumbling unflattering comments about him under her breath. He tried to open the door for her, but she beat him to it. She got in and slammed the door shut, making her feelings about the entire situation quite clear. Dante slipped his sunglasses back on as he whistled his way back into the car.

  The drive to Bradley Airport was made in stony silence, and he was surprisingly grateful for it. Having Kerry in such close proximity proved to be much more challenging for him than he’d anticipated. The intoxicating combination of her scent, along with the warmth of her body, had his head spinning and the rest of his body hard as hell.

  He wanted nothing more than to pull the car over and take her right here in the front seat, but since she wasn’t even speaking to him that was not likely to happen.

  He glanced at her and felt his stomach flip-flop. He squirmed in his seat at the awkward and unfamiliar feeling. Women had always been easy marks and nothing more than pleasant diversions. Something altogether foreign was happening here, and for the first time in his life he felt unsure of himself.

  A subtle change in her energy captured his attention. The fire and spark she had earlier was diminished, and sadness had swiftly replaced anger. She reminded him of a flower that had been left out in the sun too long, wilted and weary. Her energy drained and her guard down, she stared out the window at the passing scenery. He felt an odd squeeze in his chest. His heart ached as hers did. Dante opened his mouth to break the silence, and that was when he heard her.


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