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Untouched Page 17

by Sara Humphreys

  Would it please you? Kerry blew softly along the length of him.

  He smiled, his body shuddered, and a low growl rumbled as he fought for control. Dante’s eyes opened, and he looked down at her with desire and something that looked a lot like love. He stroked her cheek with his thumb. Everything you do pleases me.

  “How about this?” she murmured wickedly. Kerry leaned in and licked the full length of his massive cock. His body quaked, he swore softly, and he gathered her hair in his hands. His voice floated into her mind, sounding as desperate and turned on as Kerry felt. Woman you are killing me. That was all the encouragement she needed.

  Kerry held onto his narrow hips and lapped at the pearly drop that had appeared on the tip and wrapped her lips around him. Dante groaned loudly as she slowly took him deeper into the warm, dark cavern of her mouth. Tentatively at first, but soon her tempo increased, each time taking him further and deeper. He whispered soft words of pleasure and coaxed her along. She held the base and squeezed tightly as she suckled him to the very brink.

  When she sensed him reaching the edge of his control, she brushed his shaft with one last long stroke of her tongue. Kerry kissed her way up his rock-hard abs, lifting his shirt as she went along. She pulled it over his head and ran her hands along his beautiful chest. His heart beat rapidly just under the surface in perfect time with hers.

  “I have to be inside of you,” he whispered gruffly. “Now.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and spun her so her back was pressed up against him. Kerry looked up and saw their reflections in the mirror. She reached up with both hands and threaded that silky soft hair of his between her fingers. She sighed with satisfaction as the cool strands surrounded her heated skin and sent her heart racing.

  They stayed there for a moment, eyes locked on their decadent reflection. He kissed her cheek, waved one hand, whispered the ancient language, and the rest of their clothes disappeared before her eyes. Kerry’s eyes widened at the erotic sight of her naked body stretched out against his.

  He reached around and took her full breasts in his strong hands. She arched her back, pressing herself deeper into his hold. He took one rosy nipple and tweaked it gently between his fingers. Kerry’s breath came quickly, and his full erection seared against the sensitive skin of her lower back. She was mesmerized by the sight of them and almost didn’t recognize the wanton lustful woman in the mirror.

  That’s you, my love. You are beautiful, sexy, and mine. Kerry sucked in her breath as one of his hands reached down and grabbed the hot juncture between her legs. She moaned softly as his talented fingers slipped into her slick folds and found her most sensitive spot. He worked the tiny nub furiously, and the pleasure crashed over her with relentless intensity. Hot and tight—building and burning almost to the point of pain—sweet torture that threatened to consume her.

  He pulled her long hair to one side, kissed her neck, and gently bent her over the bed. His strong hands brushed over her ribs and settled at the dip of her waist. Kerry placed both hands on sheets that felt strikingly cool against her heated skin. She spread her legs apart, granting him access to her swollen entrance, which pulsed wildly with wanting him. He stood behind her, and she quivered with anticipation.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  Their gazes remained locked in the mirror, and with one powerful stroke he drove himself deeply inside of her. Kerry cried out with undeniable pleasure as he filled and stretched her further than she thought possible. His hands gripped her hips, his fingers melded against the soft flesh, and with deep penetrating thrusts, he arrowed into her again and again. Sizzling streaks of pleasure shot through her, and they cried out in unison as the orgasm built quickly and pushed them both over the edge.

  Breathless and spent, Dante leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on her shoulder. He held her to him and gently lay down on the bed, spooning her body with his. They stayed there curled up as if their bodies had been made perfectly for each other; perhaps they had. Kerry took one deep shuddering breath and snuggled further into his protective embrace. She smiled as she listened to the even rhythm of his breathing as he drifted into sleep.

  As she remained tangled with him, she took note of every delicious spot where her body touched his. Gratitude flooded her heart; she never dreamed this kind of connection would be possible for her. Kerry let out a sigh of contentment, closed her eyes, and tried to sleep.

  She thought about what Sam had said about the dream realm. Kerry had never consciously tried to go to the dream realm, but as her body lay entwined with Dante’s, she figured now was as good a time as any to try. As the cloud of sleep carried her away, the last image that floated through her mind were the large yellow orbs of her cat.

  The fog of the dream realm lifted, and the gravel crunched loudly beneath her paws as she trotted along the driveway of the old house. The warm night air enveloped her, and the nighttime sounds of the bayou swarmed around her. She picked up the pace and trotted over to the steps of the mansion. Kerry crouched low, and all the muscles in her long lean body bunched as she leapt up to the porch in one elegant motion. She landed with silent grace and padded to the entrance of the house.

  The massive door stood open just a crack. Kerry reached up with one large black paw and pushed it open. She stuck her head in first and peered around the corner into the enormous entryway. Directly across from the front door, she caught sight of movement and stilled until she realized it was her own reflection. Moving cautiously, she approached the giant gilded mirror, and her heart almost stopped at the unbelievable sight before her. The reflection was not one she had ever seen before, and yet it seemed hauntingly familiar.

  Dante was right; she was a cat.

  She had shifted into a giant black panther with glowing yellow eyes that stared back at her. Kerry moved closer to the mirror and the mahogany table in front of it. She had to get a closer look. She stood on her hind legs and rested her front paws on the edge of the table. Her lips curled back and revealed a mouthful of sharp white teeth. I am one badass kitty cat.

  Yes, you are, my dear. Dante’s voice spilled over her, and she glanced up to find him standing next to her, looking as devilishly handsome as ever, sporting that rumpled bed head that curled her toes. He was barefoot in a pair of low slung jeans and a white button-down shirt. The man looked good enough to eat.

  Make one pussy joke, and I’ll kick your ass. She let out a low snarl and hopped back down on all fours. She sat on her haunches and looked up into his handsome, smiling face. So, I guess this is my clan, huh? Samantha suggested I try to connect with it in the dream realm. She’ll love that she was right. She held up one giant black paw and inspected it. I’m a panther. She wondered if she sounded as stunned as she felt.

  You are spectacularly beautiful… in either form. I’d love to join you, but since this is your first time in your clan form, I think it’s best if I guide you in my human form.

  Kerry cocked her head. That’s a good idea. One weird experience at a time; sounds fine to me. She stood and headed to the sweeping staircase that loomed largely next to the massive mirror. Her tail switched behind her, reflecting her curiosity. So what do you suppose is upstairs?

  Anything you want, I imagine. He walked over to her and ran his hand along the tip of her tail. This is your dream, and as a result, you control the environment. Why did you choose this house? I thought you would select an NYC landscape again.

  I didn’t. She stopped and sat at the bottom of the steps. Well, I didn’t mean to. I’d never been here before the shoot yesterday, and even then I never went inside.

  Hey, let’s go for a run. He tugged on her tail. I wonder if you can outrun me. The challenging tone in his voice was unmistakable, and Kerry couldn’t help but notice that cocky smile on his face as he backed up toward the open front door. There aren’t many places we can run together with you in your clan form, at least not without causing a scene. The dream realm is the only place we can run truly free. Come o
n. I’ll even give you a head start. Ready, set—but before he said “go” Dante sprinted out the front door, laughing as he went.

  You cheater! Laughing, Kerry bounded after him into the inky black night. She found him waiting for her in the driveway, his amber eyes glowing brightly like a beacon calling her safely to him. She leapt down the steps and landed next to him with barely a sound.

  They ran together in the bayou she had created. As they navigated the swamp and grasses, Kerry voiced her displeasure. Laughing at her haughty tone, Dante coached her on how to change the environment. He explained that all she had to do was envision what she wanted, and the realm would morph to accommodate her wishes.

  She knew where she wanted to go first and pictured it in her mind’s eye. She thought of Nonie and Sam. She remembered their long walks on the beach, which were usually accompanied by beautiful fits of laughter.

  As the dream realm shifted, a thick fog rolled in and enveloped them. Panic rose as she lost sight of Dante. Just when she thought she’d scream with fear, his familiar voice touched her mind. I’m right here. Remember this isn’t a physical plane, and now that we’re mated I can find you as long as you keep your mind open to me. Keep the image of your destination at the forefront. I’m not leaving you.

  Within moments the fog dissipated, and Kerry felt sand squishing under her paws. The waves crashed loudly, and salty mist sprayed over her. Relief flooded her spirit at the sight of Dante walking next to her; his thick auburn hair glistened with droplets of salt water. They stood side by side and looked up at the brilliant night sky. Now this is what I love most about being at the beach. The stars. There are millions of stars.

  So are we going to have that race or what? He squatted low in a runner’s stance, and the mischievous look that she’d grown to love glinted back at her brightly. Kerry crouched low as though she were ready to pounce on him. She licked her lips and let out a low purr that sounded more like a car engine than a cat of any size.

  Catch me if you can, he murmured with a wink. Then, with lightning fast speed, he took off down the beach, sand spitting up from his bare feet and the tails of his shirt fluttering behind him in the wind. She watched him for a moment, taking in the raw power that rippled from him. He was quite simply magnificent. Strong. Masculine. Sexy. And getting a major head start.

  With a sudden burst of speed, Kerry pursued her mate. It didn’t take long for her to catch up; after all, she had four legs to his two. With smooth strides she raced up next to him with ease.

  You may be fast, but I’ve got these. Kerry reached out and swatted his leg playfully with one paw, tripping him, and sending him tumbling onto the sand in a laughing, breathless heap. Before he could get up, she pounced on him, pinning him onto his back. She pressed one paw on each arm and lay her furry body over his.

  Now who’s the cheater, he said, smiling through heavy breaths.

  She held him there and touched her mind to his. You’re wearing far too many clothes. She snarled softly, carefully took the buttons of his shirt between her razor-sharp teeth, and with one swift yank, tore the shirt wide open, revealing the beautifully crafted torso she’d come to crave. That’s much better.

  Purring, she got off of him as he sat up and gave a cursory glance at his ripped shirt.

  It’s a good thing it’s the dream realm. I really liked this shirt. He removed the tattered garment and tossed it aside. He pulled his knees up and draped his strong arms over them casually as he gave her that sexy smile. So, Ms. Smithson. What do you plan on doing with me now?

  She crouched low, her bright yellow eyes stayed locked with his, and her tail switched behind her. Beating your ass to the jetty. Her teasing tone touched his mind as she took off like a shot down the beach, laughing as she went. She glanced over her shoulder to see Dante scrambling to his feet and sprinting toward her. As she ran across the sand in her panther form, with the love of her life in hot pursuit, happiness filled her heart, because for the first time in her life she didn’t feel alone.

  Chapter 14

  Kerry and Dante walked out of the hotel into the bright morning sunlight with their arms linked comfortably around each other’s waist. Neither missed the smirk on Pete’s face as he opened the back door of the waiting Mercedes.

  “Good morning, Pete,” Kerry said sweetly as she slid into the backseat.

  He raised his eyebrows and gave a knowing look to Dante. “So, whatever happened to our motto about not getting involved with the client?” he whispered quietly.

  Dante turned to him, intending to remind him of his place as the employee, but the teasing grin on Pete’s amused face diffused any irritation he felt. He opened his mouth, but no witty response came quickly enough.

  Pete raised his hands in defeat and shrugged his shoulders. “Hey, you’re the boss.”

  Dante cleared his throat and slipped on his aviators. “I won’t argue with you there.”

  Pete chuckled softly and shut the car door after him. “Man, oh man, it’s good to be the boss,” he murmured with a smile.

  As they drove out to the old house, Dante watched the scenery fly by, and his mind went over the possibilities. He couldn’t get that vicious message out of his mind. They knew it had to be another Amoveo—a Purist. A Caedo would not have been able to slip in and out of their room unnoticed, and the energy signature left behind was far too powerful to have been left by a human. Although Kerry was convinced that two people had been there. The other person could very well have been a human.

  He swore silently and rapped his knuckles lightly on the window. He hated feeling so helpless and in the dark. They had to figure out who else had been in league with his father. He made a mental note to himself to reach out to his twin sister, Marianna. Maybe she had found something that would be of use to them. It still remained to be seen whether or not she’d even speak to him.

  He glanced at Kerry, and the tension in his neck immediately loosened. He’d done his best to keep his mood light and keep Kerry’s mind off the Punisher and his sick intentions. Even last night in the dream realm, he’d kept things playful. His gaze slid leisurely over his mate. She was absolutely stunning—inside and out. It amazed him that she’d managed to remain so loving after growing up so isolated.

  Her jet black hair hung loosely over her shoulders and gleamed almost blue in the morning sunlight. He reached over and rubbed a soft lock between his fingers. It was the same color as her fur when she was in her Panther form.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” she whispered softly. Her chocolate brown eyes looked back at him warmly. Her smooth skin with barely a line on it practically glowed. She was luminous.

  He smiled and released the silky strands. “I’m just admiring your beauty.”

  “Boy, you are full of shit.” Kerry scoffed audibly and smiled. I can feel the uncertainty oozing off of you. It’s one of the perks of being mated, right?

  Dante smirked and flicked a glance toward Pete in the front seat. “Whatever you say, princess.”

  Kerry made a sound of good-humored disgust. “Men are so difficult. Why are men so difficult?” she shouted to Peter.

  “We’re just a little thickheaded, Ms. Smithson.” He winked at her in the rearview mirror. “We’re not as evolved as the females of our species.”

  “Of any species,” she mumbled quietly. She playfully stuck her tongue out at Dante before looking back out the window.

  Dante chuckled softly. You better not stick that tongue out at me unless you plan to use it. He touched her mind with his easily and sent wicked images to her.

  Kerry’s face reddened visibly, but she kept her gaze fixed on the world outside the car window. You really think you’re charming, don’t you?

  Dante adored the way the teasing notes of Kerry’s voice floated effortlessly in his mind. He said nothing, but didn’t take his eyes off of her. He still couldn’t quite believe that he’d found her, and they were mated. There had been many times when he feared they’d never find one another and that
he would die alone. He couldn’t lose her. No one was going to take her from him.

  The car turned into the long gravel driveway and traveled swiftly under the canopy of cypress trees. They pulled up in front of the old house, and Dante was relieved to see everything looked as it had yesterday when they left. The trailer sat waiting for Kerry’s numerous clothing changes, camera equipment set up much like yesterday. Layla and Jacqueline were buzzing around, but somehow it felt different. There was an extra ripple of energy that hadn’t been here yesterday.

  Dante’s eye was caught by movement near Layla’s van. A young girl hopped out of the van, hustled eagerly over to Layla, and handed her what looked like a camera lens. She had long brown hair and fair skin. She was just a kid, couldn’t have been more than twenty years old.

  Suspicion reared its ugly head.

  Hadn’t Layla said that her assistant had bailed out on her? Shit. He hated surprises. This whole day was beginning to reek of trouble. So much for keeping the mood light. Dante also remembered that reliable Artie wasn’t here as he’d been yesterday. That reminded him that he hadn’t heard a word from or about the old boy since he’d left.

  He turned to Kerry. “Have you heard from Arthur since he left yesterday?”

  “No,” she said with a quick shake of her head. “But that’s not unusual when he’s busy putting out one of Natasha’s fires. I’m sure I’ll get a text or voice mail from him at some point today.” She looked at him through narrowed eyes. “What?”

  “Nothing.” He shrugged.

  Before Dante could get out of the car, Kerry put a hand on his arm to stop him. She gave him a skeptical look. He couldn’t hide anything from her, and he really didn’t want to. He sighed and sat back in his seat. Dante had wanted to keep things as stress-free as possible today. Apparently, that wouldn’t be happening.

  “Pete, would you mind giving us a minute?” she asked without taking her sharp, dark eyes off Dante.

  “You got it,” he said as he got out and left them alone in the silence of the car. The air rippled subtly as Dante’s concern for her flowed freely.


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