Jordanna [Eminence Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Jordanna [Eminence Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Ashley Malkin

  She heard the indrawn breaths around her. But other than that, the only noise was the pounding of her own blood as it thundered through her ears.

  “You can see me?” Caine’s open-mouthed gape morphed into a huge smile. He was beautiful. A round face, with strong masculine features. His lips looked as soft and full as they’d felt.

  She leaned in and kissed him softly on those sexy lips. She was suddenly surrounded by her men. They all hugged her at once and she laughed as she heard some heads knock together.

  Gabriel turned her face to his. “You can see?” He looked nothing like Caine, his neck was thick, she couldn’t see his shoulders clearly, but knew them to be wide and thick. His eyes were soft as he gazed at her. Melanie had said they were green.

  “I can’t see what color they are, but I can see your love for me shining out of them.” They grew brighter at her words and he leaned in and kissed her gently.

  Drake hooked a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his. “What do you mean you can’t see the color? What do you see, my darling?” His voice was filled with his concern. She saw his brows were furrowed, his lips pressed together to form a hard line.

  She smoothed her fingers over those furrowed brows. “Truthfully, not very much. But it’s not nothing anymore, so I am beyond thrilled.”

  She swung around and looked for her other mate. “Rowan.” His face appeared out of nowhere in front of her. “There you are.”

  He had long hair like Gabriel but it appeared blacker, so she’d have known it was darker even if Melanie hadn’t told her. They were all gorgeous. She had felt their bodies. Felt every inch of their bodies, so she’d known how big and heavily muscled they were. But…wow. They were sexy.

  She felt her pussy clench and leak a little. She looked down and blushed as she noted her state of undress. Her men all growled.

  She swung her head around and found each of their faces. All of their eyes were shining a little. Like someone had lit a match behind them.

  “Whatever you’re thinking,” Caine said, “it had better be about us.” She swung back around so she was once again straddling his hips.

  “I was thinking that I now understood why small children scream and run away from you.” She laughed at the grin that spread across his face.

  “Yes. It’s a burden.” He hugged her close and she closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of her beautiful mates. They smelt like soap and coffee and pine trees.

  They all started firing medical questions at her until she put a stop to it by insisting she needed a shower and coffee before she could think of the answers to all their questions.

  They grudgingly agreed to wait and removed the dressings from her back to check her wounds. She then sat still for the hours it took for them to remove the now-redundant sutures from her healed wounds. When she’d complained about how long they were taking, they’d insisted it had taken them exactly seventeen minutes. It had kept her from her shower and coffee, so it had seemed like hours to her.

  The shower was wonderful; she washed her hair and body clean and put on the T-shirt someone had left on the counter for her. It smelled clean, but still faintly of Rowan. When she was done, she called for Caine. He’d insisted she not attempt the stairs on her own.

  When she’d gone down the stairs before, she’d hugged the wall, and felt for each step with her foot. The way her vision was now was going to take some getting used to. Caine appeared suddenly, making her jump, a gasp escaping her mouth. He’d moved with complete silence. Catlike.

  She threw herself at him and he caught her up in his arms and hugged her tight. “It will get easier, honey. You’ll get used to the way the world looks to you now.”

  “I don’t care how it looks, as long all my mates are in it.”

  She kissed his soft plump lips, and felt the truth of her own words sink into her like ice running down her back. They’d loved her and mated her as she was. Bound themselves to a blind mate for the next two hundred years. They’d truly accepted her for who she was. Not as a meal ticket, or a live-in maid. Just for Jordanna.

  Her heart seemed to swell. It stuttered before it started to beat strongly again. They were with her now. She could sense them all inside her. Feel their love for her. There was so much love that it had nearly made her heart burst. She’d fully accepted their mating now. These men were her heart. Forever.

  * * * *

  Rowan felt his bond to Jordanna grow stronger and deeper. His cat purred and stretched inside him. Relaxing, in what felt like the very first time. Its mate had accepted their bond. He looked up at Gabriel and Drake to see them both rubbing over their hearts with big smiles on their faces.

  “Fuck knows what Caine just did,” Gabriel said, his cat making his voice sound like a rumbling purr. “But I’m sure-as-shit glad he did it.”

  The man in question entered the kitchen with a smiling Jordanna in his arms.

  Rowan’s cock hardened instantly at the sight of her dressed in nothing but his T-shirt. He could see the curve of one naked buttock and he groaned as he adjusted his aching shaft.

  “Are you hurt, Rowan?” Jordanna’s head snapped up and looked in his direction. He noticed her gaze had the same unfocused look to it that it had held prior to their mating. She really hadn’t regained much eyesight at all.

  “I’m being tortured by the sight of you gorgeous bare ass, sweetheart.” He pulled out a chair for Caine to sit on. “Are you ready to answer all those pesky questions we have for you now?”

  “I will if you give me coffee and food.” She smiled the instant his face was visible to her. She stroked her hand down his face. “I love you, Rowan. Thank you for the T-shirt.”

  “You can have my whole wardrobe if you keep saying those words to me, mate.” He kissed her softly and went to get her coffee.

  “Doc will be here in another few minutes,” Gabriel said. “Would you like to eat before he gets here?”

  “I don’t need a doctor. I’m not sick.”

  Rowan held out the mug of coffee for her and she just ignored it. Fuck, she’s still virtually blind.

  He reached for her hand and placed it around the mug. “Is it too hot?” She looked up at him and smiled.

  “It’s perfect, thank you.” As she sipped the coffee he looked at his cousins, they were all staring at Jordanna. They looked as shocked as he felt, at how little sight she seemed to have regained. She’d been so happy to be seeing them, that they’d overestimated the extent of her recovery.

  “I don’t even know what time it is.”

  “It’s nine in the evening,” Rowan said, helping her to put the coffee mug onto the table. “The beef stew Gabe made earlier is ready if you’d like some. None of us have eaten yet.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t I tell you I was a strict vegan.” She was smiling broadly.

  “That would explain why you inhaled all those ham sandwiches yesterday,” Gabriel said, getting the plates from the dresser in the dining room.

  “Also the half a cow you ate on your burger at the diner,” Drake said. She laughed, and the sound of her stomach growling loudly had them all laughing with her.

  Rowan marveled that the appallingly small improvement in her eyesight had brought about such a huge change in her. She seemed lighter and happier. Then he rubbed at the pressure in his heart. It wasn’t the improvement in her eyesight that had brought about the change. It was them. He was feeling her love and happiness through their bond.

  His cock hardened again, having softened when he’d seen how poor her eyesight remained. He wanted to make love to her. His cat wanted to rub himself all over his mate.

  A truck pulled up, announcing Doc’s arrival. Option B then.

  Stripping out of clothes took only a second. Then he let his cat have his wish.

  * * * *

  “Oh, I can feel that one of you just changed,” Jordanna said excitedly.

  Caine squeezed her tightly to him as Gabriel opened the door for Doc. He wanted to see
if she could still recognize them in cat form, so didn’t tell her who had shifted.

  Rowan rubbed himself against Jordanna’s legs as they all kept silent. It seemed his brothers also wanted to test their mate’s uncanny ability.

  He allowed her to slide from his lap as she pushed his arms away from her waist. She knelt between his knees and stroked her hands through Rowan’s coat.

  “You are so soft, Rowan.” She rubbed her face against his side, inhaling deeply. “You smell amazing.” She laughed as Rowan turned and licked the length of her face. Caine smiled. Their mate was incredible.

  “I wish I could see what color your eyes are,” she said, holding his face in her hands. “Are they still green?”

  “No, Jordanna. Mountain lions have golden-yellow eyes.” Doc said, placing his medical bag on the table.

  She jumped a little. “Jason?” She looked in his direction, but her gaze remained fixed as he moved silently around the table to stand behind Rowan.

  Doc looked from Jordanna to him. “Thank you for coming, Doc. We’re concerned about Jordanna.”

  “I don’t need a doctor. My eyesight has returned.”

  “Clearly,” Doc said. She gasped and jerked her head to look at where Doc was now standing. Rowan growled and licked Jordanna’s face before turning to snarl at Doc. “Give it a rest, Rowan. You called me here, remember.”

  Doc had changed in the last seven months since meeting his mate. He was now light-hearted and funny. But only with Bethany. For everyone else he still had a surly bedside manner. But he was a great doctor, and cared deeply for all of the pride. He just didn’t like to show it.

  “Come sit up here and the doc can check you over.” Caine helped her to sit back up on his lap. “Do this for us, honey. We’re worried about you.”

  Doc examined Jordanna for only a few minutes before packing up his bag again. They all waited anxiously for him to tell them what he’d found.

  “I’m pleased the mating has given you back some vision, Jordanna,” Doc said. He’d squatted down in front of Jordanna, his face about twelve inches from hers. Too close.

  The proximity had Caine’s cat snarling in his head, but Caine held back his cat’s anger. Doc was happily mated; he had to have a reason for being so close to Jordanna. Caine would hear that reason before throwing the man against a wall.

  “I’m honestly surprised you’ve regained any vision at all. I find myself amazed, yet again, at the curative properties of shifter DNA.”

  “That’s nice, Doc,” Gabriel said, not bothering to mask his growl of frustration. “Can you please tell us about our mate?”

  “You vision is such that you would still be considered legally blind.” He paused as Caine drew Jordanna closer to him and wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “That is just a term used to define severe visual impairment, Jordanna, I don’t mean to imply you will lose the vision you have regained.” He waited while Jordanna took a deep breath, and nodded to indicate she had her emotions under control.

  “I understand, Jason. I’m sorry. Do you know why everything is in black and white now? It’s like I’m living in an old movie.” Caine kissed Jordanna’s head.

  “You have what is termed acquired cerebral achromatopsia. It’s from damage caused by the original injury. Mating with your men is the only reason you’ve regained any of your eyesight. Your reaction to the light I shined into your eyes leads me to believe you also have hemeralopia. Which means in full daylight you will be completely blind.”

  “I can live with that as long as the degree of vision I’ve already regained doesn’t get any worse.” Caine kissed her neck as she said this. She straightened her spine and looked mulishly at the spot where Jason had been standing.

  “Excuse me, Jordanna,” Jason said, apologizing for his mistake. Caine noted he even turned a little red. So Doc does have a heart. “I don’t anticipate any deterioration.” Jordanna took a deep breath in and relaxed.

  “Nor do I expect any further improvement. Really, it’s a miracle, even by shifter standards, that you can see anything at all.” He bid them all good night and Gabriel saw him out.

  “Well, I’m starving. Can I see if that’s stew is as good as it smells?”

  “I made it, so it will be delicious,” Gabriel said, he’d returned to the kitchen and set about dishing up their supper.

  “Nothing is as delicious as our mate,” Drake said, bending to kiss Jordanna. She tangled her hands in his short hair and moaned.

  Caine’s cock reacted immediately to her moan, filling rapidly. The room soon filled with the scent of her growing excitement. He released his hold from around her stomach and caressed his hands up to her breasts.

  She moaned louder and pushed her now erect nipples into his palms. He took that as a sign to continue and teased her nipples with his fingers, plucking and pinching them as he nibbled at his mating mark. Her continued moans vibrated through his body and centered on his cock, making his erection throb and ooze with pre-cum.

  “I need you,” she said. “Please. I need you now.”

  “Fuck,” Rowan said as rose naked from his shift. “I need you too, Jordanna, but I won’t take you in the kitchen.”

  Gabriel growled and swept everything in front of them on the table aside. “I don’t care where we are.” His voice was strained, his eyes ablaze.

  Drake broke their kiss and tore apart the T-shirt covering Jordanna. “You’re so beautiful, Jordanna.”

  Caine released Jordanna’s breasts and Drake lowered his head to one while Rowan did the same to the other. Caine wrapped an arm around Jordanna’s hips and lifted her until he could undo the buttons on his fatigues.

  Gabriel moved to her side and grasped her head between his hands. He tilted her face up and smashed his mouth down on hers.

  Grasping his cock, Caine guided it to her entrance. She moaned as she slid her wet cunt down his length until he was so deep he could feel the bump of her cervix at the head of his cock.

  “Your pussy feels so good. My cock has never been so hard.” He felt her pussy clench and grow slick. “You like me talking dirty.”

  “No.” The word came out strangled as she moaned and held Drake and Rowan’s heads to her breasts. He used the arm around her hips to lift her up and stroked his free hand down her side to her mound.

  He pinched lightly at her clitoris and lowered her back down onto his cock, impaling her even further. He stilled and continued to circle her clitoris with his finger.

  She tilted her pelvis and tried to move on him. He could hear her small moans of frustration as she continued to kiss Gabriel. He held her still, preventing her from moving on him.

  “I won’t move until you tell the truth, Jordanna. Do you like me telling you how tight your cunt is? How much I want to pound my cock into you until I come so hard my legs shake?”

  She broke her kiss with Gabriel and gasped as he teased her clitoris but he still refused to move. She clenched the muscles of her pussy, but groaned as it didn’t give her what she needed.

  “What do you need, angel?” Gabriel asked, kissing his mark and making her pussy clench again. It was painful for Caine to remain still, but he liked teasing her, making her desire burn hotter.

  “I need you to move, Caine.” She tried again to move her hips, but Drake and Rowan also held her still with their hands while they licked and sucked her nipples.

  “Tell me then,” Caine said. “Tell me that you like it.” He caressed her clitoris, his cock throbbing inside her.

  “Ah! I like it. It makes me wet when you tell me how much you desire me.”

  Caine released his restraint and gripped her hips firmly to move her up and down in sync with his deep driving thrusts. She screamed his name as her orgasm ignited through her. The feel of her inner muscles pulsing around him pushed him to his own release. He roared as he came, his vision dimming and his knees shaking.

  * * * *

  Gabriel descended on Jordanna’s lips. Swallowing her scream, he ki
ssed his mate through her orgasm. Drake and Rowan continued to tease her nipples, extending her orgasm until she finally sagged against Caine’s chest.

  “You look so enchanting when you come, Jordanna. I’m going to relish every single one of your orgasms over the next two centuries.”

  She smiled at him as he leaned closer. “There you are, my Gabriel.”

  “I’m about eighteen inches away, angel. Is that when you can see us?”

  “Not clearly, but where you are now is the best it gets. You’re so handsome. How did I get so lucky?”

  He took off his shirt and wrapped it around her slight frame. The sight of her protruding hipbones and ribs sent a pang of guilt through him. She hadn’t eaten yet. He wasn’t fulfilling the promise he’d made to look after her.

  “I’m handsome and a fabulous cook. I want you to taste the meal I prepared for you.” He watched her cheeks color as she played with the buttons of the shirt he’d wrapped her in. “What’s wrong, angel?”

  “I would actually like to taste you.” Rowan and his brothers all growled softly, but he shot them all glares.

  “Taking care of you includes making sure you eat, Jordanna. Then I’ll happily fulfill any and all fantasies you have regarding me and my body.”

  She seemed to brighten when she realized he wasn’t rejecting her advances. They each took turns regaling her with tales of their childhood while they ate. She laughed so hard her eyes watered. When she had eaten everything on her own plate, they each took turns feeding her some from their own.

  Caine handed Jordanna to him. “You cooked, Gabe, so we’ll do all the cleaning up.”

  “Sounds good to me. Why don’t we go and see to the fire, angel?” He carried Jordanna to the sofa and made her comfortable before adding some more wood to the fire. He had plans for his little mate and he didn’t want her to be cold.

  Sitting down next to her, he drew her into an embrace. She ran her hands over his naked chest and abdomen.


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