Aaron's Fall

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Aaron's Fall Page 13

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “Please don’t put me in their, please,” Asia cried.

  “I’m sorry Baby, just for now, I promise you won’t be there long,” Trevet told her.

  Trevet turned to the detective. “Takes those damned cuffs off her!” The detective turned her taking off the cuffs, and then lead her from the room.

  Tia was in a panic when she called Martin.

  “Martin, Asia been arrested,” she blurted out in the phone.

  “What? Arrested!” he repeated.

  “The police took her away in handcuffs, I called Mr. Harrison he should be there by now, tell Aaron, and I’ll wait for you at home.” Tia said anxiously.

  Aaron rushed to the police station. Aaron saw his father, he didn’t see Asia.

  “Dad where’s Asia?” he asked anxiously.

  “They took her Son, she in a holding cell,” Trevet told his son.

  “Dad she can’t stay here! What happened?”

  “They say she was distributing drugs from her home, with some character named Bass.

  Aaron cursed.

  “You know something about this?’ his father asked.

  “Yes Dad, she had moved out and put it up for sale. She went back one day to get something she had left in the house. Bass was there. He had guns and drugs everywhere. He had taken over Asia’s house. When she went back to the house, he attacked her, she ran from the place and hasn’t been back, I confronted him, told him to leave Asia alone; we were the ones that called the police anonymously and reported it.”

  Trevet nodded understanding. “This Bass is saying Asia is the drug ring leader, and in cohorts with him, it’s simply her word against his.

  “Can we bail her out now Dad?” Aaron asked anxiously.

  “I’m sorry son, we need a judge, and there are none until Monday morning.”

  “Dad, she can’t stay here alone, until Monday!” Aaron replied fretfully.

  “Let me make some calls, and call in some favors.”

  Asia sat on the floor of the small cell, her legs up, her head resting on her knees. Tears flowing freely from her eyes.

  “Aaron I need you,” she said softly. She could feel herself shutting down, not sure, if she were strong enough to take any more disappointments.

  Aaron pacing the police station floor, when Martin and Tia arrived.

  “Where’s Asia?” Tia asked.

  “In holding,” he answered.

  “She can’t stay there Aaron,” Tia said anxiously.

  “I know Tia, Dad’s making some call now, we just have to wait,”

  Trevet returned.

  “What happened Dad?” Aaron asked approaching his father.

  “Judge Corbet, will be down with the release forms.” Trevet assured him.

  An hour later, the judge came in. Trevet thanked him and handed the papers to the desk clerk. When Asia finally got to them, her eyes were puffy and red from crying. Tia went to her and hugged her. Trevet took her hands. “Monday we have to go to court for a bail hearing.”

  Asia nodded. “Thank you Mr. Harrison,” she said in a low tone, lowering her head.

  “It’s going be alright Asia, I won’t let anything happen to you, you love my son.” he said with a smile. Asia nodded.

  “Asia,” Aaron said sadly, extending his hand to her. She went to him holding him tightly, trembling; she didn’t want to let him go.

  “Come on, lets go home,” he stated.

  “I’m glad he’s here,” Tia admitted to Martin and Trevet. They all agreed, as they watched them leave.

  Once she was home, she went straight to the shower. Aaron sat on the sofa. After a while Asia came from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel going directly to her bed. Her knees in her chest. Aaron joined her.

  “Asia, its going to be okay, Dad will fix this, I promise.” he said soothingly.

  Tears spilled down cheeks. She looked over at him. “Will it every stop, Aaron; will the darkness ever go away? Asia asked defeated.

  “Yes Asia, it will,”

  She rose from the bed, going to her dresser, slipping a t-shirt over her head.

  “Am I destined to live my life with one problem after the other, maybe I should have just stayed with Bass, then killing myself would have been worth it!” she yelled hysterically.

  “Asia don’t talk like that,” Aaron said to her. She turned her back to him.

  “Why does my life stay so dark? I get a little ray of light, without fail its snatched away. I understand now, why you don’t want me, you’re right I’m needy, here you are rescuing me again; I don’t blame you, I’d wouldn’t want me either.”

  Aaron went to her turning her, holding her by her arms. “Asia please don’t say things like that,”

  She pulled away from him. “Tell me I’m not right Aaron, you can’t love me, I don’t even love me; I want you to leave.” she said turning from him.

  “Asia I’m not leaving you tonight.”

  “Go Aaron, just go and leave me alone!” she yelled pushing him. He didn’t budge.

  “Get out! Get out! She screamed.

  “Asia I’m not leaving you.” He said adamantly. She stared at him.

  “What do you want Aaron, I don’t need you, I really don’t need you.” She screamed at him.

  She went to sit on the bed. Aaron sat beside her his arm around her shoulders, she pulled away. Aaron ignored her pulling her into his arms. After a minute, she put his arms around his neck and cried.

  “Come on,” he said, “You need sleep. She lay down, and he lay beside her until she slept.

  In two weeks, Asia was in court to face charges as co conspirator to Bass. All her friends came to support her, except Asia didn’t see Aaron. She and Trevet sat the large table. The guards brought Bass to the court in an orange jumpsuit, putting him on the stand. Trevet approached him.

  “Mr. Jackson,” Trevet said, “You say that Ms Brooks is in partnership with you on your drug enterprise, can you tell the court how she allegedly ran this venture?”

  “Yeah, the bitch is part of it, hell she owns the house.” Bass stated smugly.

  “Mr. Jackson, you will curb your language,” the judge warned.

  Bass shrugged, “Cool your Highness,” he replied snidely.

  “But she didn’t live there?” Trevet continued.

  “No, but it was her house,” Bass replied assure of himself.

  “So Mr. Jackson, Ms Brook’s you say was the leader of this drug distribution?”

  “Yeah that right.”

  “So, she took over running the block, after Marcus Johnson was killed.”

  “Took over the block, hell no, I ran that block after Marcus was gone, he gave everything to me, even Asia, that bitch can’t run anything, she scared of her own shadow.” Bass said arrogantly. “Ain’t that right Asia, I own you?”

  “Don’t address to the defendant Mr. Jackson, “the judge warned.

  “So Mr. Jackson, you were the one distributing drugs out of Ms Brook’s house?” Bass didn’t respond.

  “Judge, please make him answer the question.” Trevet addressed to the judge.

  “Mr. Jackson, answer the question.” the judge ordered.

  Bass knew they had him, but he’d get Asia for this, and for her boyfriend humiliating him in the neighborhood. He lost the street credits of the block when word got around that Aaron Harrison punked him in the street. This was his third strike; he knew he would be in prison for many years.

  “Yeah, that’s right, that stupid bitch couldn’t do nothin right, yeah I took her house, and you ratted me out, didn’t you Asia, and I’ll get you and when I do, your dead!” Bass yelled at her standing in the witness box.

  “Get him out of here!” the judge ordered.

  Two corrections officer went to the box to escort him out one on each side of him. They had remove handcuff when he took the stand, Bass walked by her table, looking at her with hatred in his eyes.

  “Did you hear me bitch, I’m gonna get you if it’s the last thing I do.
” he threatened as he walked toward her table.

  The two bailiffs walked behind him, they still hadn’t replaced his cuffs. When Bass got close enough, he glared at her, before anyone knew it; he had leaped across the table, his hands around her neck, chocking her with his beefy hands. Asia fell back in the chair, with Bass on top of her choking her. Asia clawed his hands as his hands gripped on her neck trying to pull his hands from around her neck. The courtroom was in an uproar. Trevet was pulling on Bass, but he held onto her. Tia was screaming, trying to get to him, Martin held her back; he couldn’t risk her getting hurt.

  “Get him!” Martin yelled to Eddie and Wayne. Trevet and the two guards couldn’t pull Bass off her. Eddie and Wayne barreled through, the chaos of onlookers, the guards were beating him with the stick, but Bass didn’t relent. Asia was clawing at his hands, gasping for air, her face red, feeling herself close to losing consciousness, she struggled, if she didn’t she was sure she would die.

  Eddie landed on Bass back, managing to get his strong arm around Bass’s neck, and hauling him off Asia, throwing him to Wayne, who punched him square in the face, knocking him out cold. He was then handcuffed; his unconscious body then dragged out of the courtroom.

  Asia lay on the floor barely conscious; all she could think of was Aaron. She opened her eyes to see Trevet and Brie kneeling beside her.

  “Stay with her Honey,” Trevet requested of his wife. Brie held her close. Tia came to them, helping Asia to her feet.

  “Baby, you alright, do we need to take you to the hospital?’ Brie asked nervously.

  “No, no, I’ll be alright,” Asia said trembling her voice abrasive due to the pressure on her throat.

  “You sure, Honey, maybe...”

  Asia shook her head, “I’m okay,” she said and lay her head on Brie.

  Trevet approached the DA, wanting to strangle him. The two men stood in front of the judge’s bench.

  “Judge as you can see these charges are unfounded,” Trevet informed the judge, “Its obvious who the drug dealer is, he threatened to kill my client, in front of Your Honor!”

  The judge banged the gravel several times trying to get order in the courtroom.

  “Order! Order in this courtroom, Counselors sit down!”

  “Bailiff get this courtroom in order!” the judge ordered.

  Soon the spectators were quieted and seated; the courtroom finally silent.

  Asia was back in her seat, Trevet beside her, holding her hand. She reached up and felt her neck, his handprints still on her fair skin. She turned her head, looking for Aaron.

  Wayne leaned to Eddie, “Where the hell is Aaron?” Eddie shook his head, shrugging.

  “Counselor,” the judge said addressing DA, “Why did you waste the courts time, when it is clearly known she was the victim here, not some common drug dealer, I suggest you do better investigating before start arresting helpless women. The judge addressed Asia,

  “Ms Brooks the court apologized for this misconduct of justice, this case is dismissed,” the judge announced banging the gavel.

  The judge looked over at Asia. “Are you okay?” Asia nodded.

  “No record Your Honor, and I want charges bought against, Mr. Jackson for assault, terrorist threats.” Trevet called to the judge.

  “Done” the judge said banging the gavel. The group breath a sigh of relief. Asia turned to Trevet and hugged him.

  “Thank you, thank you.” she said relieved. Trevet smiled, and hugged her, but he was still livid.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry this happen, are you sure you’re alright?” Trevet asked with concern, “Maybe we need to get you to a hospital.”

  No, I’m okay,” Asia said in a low voice. She hugged Trevet again, this time the tears flowed. Brie stood behind her rubbing her back. Trevet looked around the courtroom, not seeing his son.

  Asia looked over at her friends. She searched the room for Aaron, but he wasn’t there. Why wasn’t he here, she wondered. Tia came to her, hugging her.

  “You okay?” she asked gently.

  Asia nodded. “Aaron’s not here,” she whispered softly. Tia looked around; she didn’t see him either, which was odd. Tia shrugged. Martin came to there side.

  “Honey where’s Aaron?” Tia asked her husband. Martin frowned. “I don’t know.”

  “Come on Asia, we’ll take you home,” Tia offered putting a comforting arm around her.

  Later that afternoon, Asia lay asleep, the ringing of her phone waking her, groggily she answered. “Yes,” Asia said.

  “I called to tell you to stay away from Aaron, were a couple now.” A woman voice said bitterly.

  “Who is this?” Asia asked.

  “Its Shanna.”

  “How did you get my number?” Asia asked perturbed.

  “How do you think; Aaron talks to me. He’s really getting tired of coming to your rescue. He won’t say this to you, he doesn’t want to hurt your fragile feelings, I told him I’ll take care of it, that’s why I’m calling you; stay away from Aaron, he’s mine. Oh, and by the way he’s sorry he didn’t make it to court we had some business in Macon, we both hope everything went okay.”

  Asia gasped shocked. How dare Aaron talk to Shanna about her problems? This was the last straw.

  “Tell Aaron to stay away from me.” Asia said hanging up the phone. Asia decided immediately it was over; she wanted nothing to do with Aaron ever.

  Aaron raced to his parent’s house in a panic. Damn it, he had missed Asia court appearance. Shanna had called him, stranded in Macon, her car had broke down and he gone to Macon to get her. When he got back, he went straight to the courthouse, but everyone was gone.

  “Mom, Dad!” Aaron called.

  “In the den Son,” his father called back.

  Brie and Trevet were not pleased with their son. His father was especially angry with him. Trevet rose, standing as tall as his son does.

  “Where were you Aaron?” Trevet asked anger in his tone.

  Brie stood beside her husband, Trevet was livid;

  “Calm down Honey,” Brie said looking at the anger in his face.

  Aaron took a step back, frowning. He’s never seen his father this angry.

  “What’s going on Dad?”

  “Where were you Aaron?” his father repeated.

  “How’s Asia?” he asked.

  “Where were you Aaron?” his father repeated.

  “Dad, something came up, I tried to get back, but by the time I got there you were all gone, I....”

  “What was more important than seeing to Asia?” his father interrupted.

  “Shanna broke down in Macon, and I …”

  “Shanna,” his mother said incredulously, “That woman is a manipulator, Aaron you can’t see through that,” Brie said stated.

  “Mom, what was I suppose to just leave her there,” he said in his defense.

  “Yes,” his mother said. Aaron stared at his mother with surprise.

  “Son, you should have at least called, let us know where you were,” his father stated.

  “Your right, Dad, I’m sorry,” Aaron said dejected. “Did she get off?”

  “Yes, the case was dismissed,” Trevet told him, “but not before Bass attacked her right in the courtroom, his hand around her neck, they couldn’t get him off her.”

  Aaron froze. “Is she alright?”

  “Do you really care Aaron?” his father spoke.

  “Dad, you know I do.”

  “I can’t tell, you better get your head straight Boy, I mean it, she needed you.”

  Aaron head fell. Disgusted with himself. He did it to her again.

  “Dad, I’m sorry,” Aaron said sadly.

  “I’m not the one you should be saying that to.”

  Trevet shook his head, and pulled his son in to his arms.

  “I love you Son,” Trevet said releasing him. “Go see Asia.”

  Aaron exhaled and rushing from the house. Brie shook her head.

  “He’s worst then
you,” Brie stated to her husband.

  “What do you mean?” Trevet said frowning at his wife.

  “When is he going to realize he loves that girl?”

  “Probably when its to late,” his father surmised.

  Aaron stood at Asia door. The door opened. She stood silently looking at him, but didn’t invite him in.

  “What do you want Aaron?” she finally said brusquely.

  “Baby are you alright, I rushed... Aaron said.”

  “What do you want?” Asia asked again, interrupting him.

  Aaron looked at her. He saw the marks on her fair skin; he reached out to touch her.

  Asia backed away from him. Aaron frowned, confused by her reaction.

  “I’m sorry Asia, I know your angry, something came up, I got back to late, and...”

  “Shut up Aaron, I don’t care that you weren’t there, how dare you talk to your girlfriend about me!”

  “What are you talking about Asia?” Aaron frowned confused.

  “You wanted to be rid of me, well Aaron, you’ve gotten your wish, I never want to see or hear from you again, and tell your girlfriend not to call here again!” she screamed at him slamming the door.

  Aaron stood at the door staring at it. He growled angrily. “Damn you Shanna,” he muttered. He cursed again, and left to go deal with Shanna.

  Aaron was sitting in the den at his parent’s home. He hadn’t talked to Asia in well over a couple weeks, she refused to see him or talked to him. Everyone he talked to seem to be helping her stay away from him. Brie looked at how, miserable her son appeared without Asia.

  “Mom, you were right, Shanna is a manipulator, she called Asia, telling her I wanted her out of my life, now Asia won’t see me or speak to me, have you seen her?”

  Brie shook her head. “Yes son, I have, and she just as miserable as you, but you made this bed, and only you can figure it out.” his mother advised.

  “She won’t even let me explain.”

  “I’m sorry Aaron, I said I was not going to get involved, but why don’t you just admit you love Asia.” his mother said.

  “Because I don’t Mom, I care.” he stated.

  “Well, it seems like love to me,” she replied shaking her head. “I don’t understand, you men think you give up living if you admit your love for someone, take your father, he tried to deny he loved me, thinking I was too fragile, I knew what I wanted all the time, it was your father who was scared to commit.”


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