A Certain Intimacy

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A Certain Intimacy Page 6

by Blythe Stone

  A hunger took her. It had been taking her all day. Iris moved closer and urged Nat to spread her legs a little more so that she could slide her tongue into the wetness that had developed. The taste was everything. Iris lavished Nat, moaning into her sex, as she kissed and licked her way down.

  “Uh!” Nat moaned, bracing herself carefully against Iris's head.

  Iris held onto Nat with one hand and used her index and middle finger to slowly enter her. She kept up the attention to Nat’s clit with her tongue and moved inside of her in increasing waves of pressure. She was feeling out the way to make Nat feel the best. Every movement she made was eager and learned. She was soaking up information as she went and then using it immediately.

  Nat ached, losing all control. The build was so flawless she didn't even feel it coming as it did.

  Iris held onto Nat as she came. A loud moan escaped Nat like it’d been a long time since she’d burst in such a state.

  Iris eased her fingers out to help her stay upright. She moved slowly back to the chair and pulled Nat down beside her so that they were sitting beside one another again.

  Nat leaned against her and breathed while hugging her loosely. Emotions were hard.

  It had been a long time since she’d cum just like that. Too long. Nat’s entire body ached and it was all so surprisingly sexy.

  “I want you,” Nat whispered.

  “You can have me,” Iris answered. She smiled and took Nat’s hand, kissing the back and licking off the bit of moisture that transferred from her lips.

  She shivered when Nat touched her again. Goosebumps rose on her arms and her breathing became more intense. Nerves took over, they always did.

  Nat slid her hand up and squeezed a perfect breast. Iris’s nipples were already hard and Nat stared up at her eyes while she gently sucked on one of them.

  Iris grabbed for something to squeeze. The sensations were too much. Nat could really suck.

  She couldn’t think in real words or in a measurement of time. Nat might have said that she was good but Iris would contend that it was Nat who was the better lover.

  “Is this okay,” Nat asked, love-drunk as she moved to taste Iris's other breast. She was being gentle, being careful.

  “Very much okay,” Iris panted.

  “God I love your voice,” Nat breathed out, sucking little sections of Iris's breast more loose and hungrily.

  “That’s good,” Iris started, taking a second. “You’re about to hear a lot of it,” she finished.

  “That better be a guarantee,” Nat said, sucking her skin a little harder to get her to rise.

  “It isssss,” Iris moaned, caught up by the action.

  “Lay down for me,” Natalie asked. “I wanna taste you everywhere.”

  Iris let Nat lead her to lay on the lounge and watched her move in the glow cast from the light inside.

  A switch had flipped in Natalie. She wasn't aggressive or anything but it was now her turn to worship and she wanted that.

  Just the look in her eyes told Iris, Nat was ready to needily discover her.

  Iris reached down to unbutton her jeans and open the fly. She pushed them down.

  “Would you mind?”

  She smiled and looked down at her legs, hoping that Nat would get what she needed.

  Nat smiled, helping her off with her pants, then she smoothed up her legs with her hands and kissed Iris’s stomach before descending lower down.

  Iris's eyes were addicting. Natalie loved the way she watched her. It excited her.

  Iris was still, aside from the occasional shudder, under Nat’s touches.

  Nat snuck her body in between Iris's legs and continued to stare up at her as she started to french kiss the sensitive spot over Iris's hipbone.

  “Natalie,” Iris whispered, her eyes slipping shut. She was lost in the feelings and calling out the pleasure.

  Nat's own eyes rolled and she smiled at the sound of her name. Sliding her hand up to her lover's breast she squeezed again and kissed her way up to Iris's mouth to force her way in again and taste how Iris wanted her.

  Iris had been quick to find her way to Natalie's folds but Nat wanted to take her time with her. Just incase they'd never get to do this again. Sweet trysts were always memorable but Iris had eyes that burned and these plump perfect lips were just right for being stolen and sucked on with a wild lust. Nat smoothed her hand to the back of Iris's neck, to better control her body as she brought her attraction out and teased her.

  Warm skin on skin beneath the moonlight set Nat's heart to quickly pound against Iris's chest.

  Iris’s eyes opened at the end of a kiss and her hands rose to rest on Nat’s shoulders. She slid one up Nat’s neck and pulled her into another long kiss, which chained together with another until they were both panting for air and Iris was lost again, her eyes shut.

  Nat’s name was on her lips every few moments, like saying it was fuel for what could come next.

  Nat kissed down her body, sneaking her underwear down and quietly tasting her. From the sound of her aching voice Nat knew it would only probably take the lightest touch. But still, she wanted to taste and be inside.

  Nat’s name turned into unintelligible words and frantic movements to gain more friction. Iris’s eyes were now shut tight and one hand clung to the frame of the lounge chair, the other rested on Nat’s head.

  Nat got lost in the slow teasing, feeling that Iris would probably burst soon. “Mmmmm,” she hummed, knowing it would vibrate her sex and send pleasant little shockwaves all up through Iris’s body.

  “Fuck,” Iris shuddered. Even her voice was aching.

  This first word Nat could understand since she had entered her. The word that started the rolling waves of an orgasm that ended when Iris gasped and at last became still.

  The aftermath was addicting. Nat kissed every piece of Iris's skin, lingering in spots to lick and carefully suck on her softest places.

  Love bites were inevitable. Nat enjoyed leaving them since it caused such a reaction in her sweet friend.

  Her own sex already ached for more but it was all extra pleasant.

  Chapter 7

  Enamored Now

  When she had asked Nat to dinner, Iris had no idea what to expect. The invitation had been a whim. She didn’t tend to her instincts and feelings like this normally. That brought her an unusual pleasure of real connection. Nat was amazing, which was both frightening and reassuring.

  Iris was capable of intimacy again. It had taken a long time to happen upon a person who inspired the need. She couldn’t have stopped it herself and Nat was willing. They were now basking in the little touches and sighs that came after satisfaction.

  “Thank you,” Iris murmured, moving her head so she could see Nat’s eyes.

  “Don't have to thank me for that,” Nat said, pushing Iris's hair back behind her ear. “You taste amazing, sweetie,” Nat said, biting her bottom lip before kissing Iris's skin again.

  It was a little cold out but they'd been moving so much that the breeze was a nice gift.

  “I was talking about helping me with my pants. You kept touching me and I couldn’t think straight enough to talk,” Iris joked. She laughed, feeling joy for the first time in a while. Her mind felt fuzzy and even the breeze wasn’t bad. She would usually be freezing. Nat’s position on top of her helped, as did the previous physical movement.

  “Well, it's been my pleasure,” Nat said. “All of it. I'm pretty sure I could get lost in you for days if we had that freedom.”

  She made out with Iris's neck lazily, allowing her mind to try and recreate Iris’s various tattoos.

  “Mmm, yeah, too bad we have to be on set at six in the morning,” Iris said.

  “Mmm baby no. Don't remind me,” Nat begged. She wanted to stay in this, not travel away.

  Nat’s actions distracted Iris from thinking about what that meant. She had crossed a line of sorts. She and Nat would both be in the same work environment tomorrow and they’d hav
e to act with one another. There would be other people there to see them and they might know.

  Iris stopped those thoughts before they took power and ran away from her. She needed to calm down and stay here with Nat. This was the first good thing to happen in her personal life for ages. She thought good because it felt good and, for right now, that’s all that mattered.

  “It’s unfortunate and true. I guess we should probably sleep. I mean…” Iris stopped and rubbed a hand over her face. “Do you want me to go or?” She wasn’t versed in how this was supposed to go. “Not that I want to go. I actually feel so good right now,” she rushed to tac on.

  “What?” Nat asked, a little lost by the question. Already, Iris was asking about going. “Only if you don't feel comfortable here. It won't hurt my feelings but I'll miss you.” It did hurt.

  Why would she want to leave? Nat thought.

  “I feel more comfortable right now than I have in a long time,” Iris confessed. She wrapped an arm around Nat and squeezed. Creeping insecurities aside, it was the truth. Even in the jumbled confusion of her mind she knew this was what she had wanted ever since Nat had first given her any kind of attention. She just couldn’t have known that at the time.

  “I want to stay with you,” Iris said.

  “Good,” Nat sighed, continuing to kiss her soft skin. “I want you to stay.”

  The damage from early morning wakeup calls could be erased in the makeup chair. The movie was nerve-wracking anyway and Nat would much rather relax all night with Iris's body to worship and kiss.

  “Keeping my hands and lips off of you might be the hardest thing,” Nat confessed.

  “Sounds like you should do the easy thing then. I’ve got no objections to you touching me anywhere you want.” She kissed the top of Nat’s head and sighed, petting her hair and removing it from where it had fallen in her face.

  Nat kissed up the side of her neck hungrily and playfully growled in her ear. “I'll eat you alive if I don't hold back.”

  Iris laughed and tugged softly on a few strands of Nat’s hair. “Who knew you’d turn into a sex monster after midnight,” she said.

  Nat sighed and rested against her. “I'm always a sex monster. Just good at hiding it.”

  “Yes, you come off very sweet and innocent and then you get me alone and this happens,” Iris teased. She wrapped her leg over Nat’s hip and turned a little so she could cradle Nat against her body more.

  “I guess if I hadn’t been so terrified of the first day on set I’d have noticed that you exude sexy from all over,” Iris pointed out.

  “I don't try to,” Nat said. “Still, people usually see that from me.” Nat hated to think about that. It was the reason all her relationships were mostly doomed to fail. If people only see you as a body they start to get upset when you actually talk.

  “It’s not something you do. I honestly wouldn’t have said it when I first met you. You were welcoming and friendly. I was grateful for that. Then, it was obvious that you were funny and smart. There’s nothing more sexy to me than all of those things,” Iris rambled.

  It was early to make a judgement like that but Iris spoke honestly.

  Nat found Iris's nipple again and sucked on it. “You're gonna kill me tomorrow on set,” she breathed sexily.

  “How?” Iris wondered.

  “How am I supposed to stand near you and not know what you're thinking?” Making love to a small piece of this woman meant more than Nat could say. The nipple became her focal point for adoration.

  “You’ll know. It’ll be one of two things, my lines or you,” Iris said. She rubbed Nat’s arm and breathed in the smell of her shampoo. “Oh, or how Michael better not try to hit on you,” she added.

  Nat laughed at the last part, the first part she couldn't actually believe. “He's just sweet,” she defended.

  “He can be sweet as long as he isn’t too sweet,” Iris mentioned.

  Nat sat up on her knees between Iris's legs and used her hands to smooth down Iris's sides. “Are you a jealous girl?” She smiled down on her.

  “Maybe a little. I know I don’t have any right to be. I just want you to myself already.”

  Iris wiggled a little and shivered when the cool breeze hit her exposed skin.

  “I know I shouldn't be but sometimes I'm into jealousy,” Nat mentioned. “It's kinda hot.” Even though they were broken up, Olivia always got jealous of Natalie’s friends. It felt good to be wanted like that.

  “That’s a relief but tell me if I overstep. It’s already going to be different. I’ve never been with someone I’ve worked with. I mean, like this. I haven’t acted much at all and I guess I should ask if you want anyone to know about this.”

  “I'm fine with people knowing,” Nat clarified. “It's not in my contract that I have to act like a saint. But if you want, we can hide it. I dunno how you are with PDA.”

  “I’ve never hidden things like this. As long as it’s not an issue for you. I’d rather just act like we normally would, however that is,” Iris said.

  Nat kissed her skin and rubbed her lips across it. “Does this mean you want to date date? Be official with me?”

  That question sent Iris’s heart pounding. She wasn’t expecting it. Nat had told her that she was still in love with her ex earlier in the day. Why would she want to date Iris in a serious way? Her fear was being tricked into getting comfortable before being dumped. She couldn’t see the future, no one could.

  What did she want? It was clear to Iris. She had just met Nat but she’d rather take the chance of dating than not have her at all. She wanted to do this again. She felt alive and the only other time that happened was on stage.

  “Yes,” Iris said. “Is that what you want?”

  “I just know I like this feeling,” Nat explained. “If I know you're into this and you're serious I'd rather put a label on it ‘cause I'd hate if I hurt you.” Something about Iris made Nat a little gentle.

  “I know, it’s kind of crazy. We just met. We can just be normal and get to know one another. Sometimes I get anxious about things like this. I overthink and choke when I should just let things be. I don’t even know what I’m saying now,” Iris babbled.

  She was getting wound up and it would be obvious to Nat as well. She took deep breaths and beat the anxious feelings back with cool air, making sure she stopped, to be present.

  “I should have just said, I like this feeling too,” Iris laughed.

  “No,” Nat laughed. “I like when you share with me. It's real. People always try to put on a show for me.” Now that was certainly the truth.

  “I’m not sure I’m capable of being less than real,” Iris said.

  She put her hands on Nat’s arms and softly pulled. She was getting cold and she needed to remedy that so she could think clearly.

  “Can we move this inside under a blanket or something?”

  Nat rolled her eyes to tease her. “God, I didn't know you were going to be this demanding.”

  “Maybe you should have read my rider before you accepted my dinner invitation then,” Iris teased.

  She ran her index finger down the curve of Nat’s nose and booped the end of it. Like the rest of her, it was perfect.

  “Ugh, you're practically shivering,” Nat laughed. “Come on. Let's get you warm.”

  She pushed up off of her and tugged on Iris's hands to get her to stand. Iris was a little shaky, a little happy, and befuddled. They left their clothes where they had fallen and went together inside.

  “You’ve got a really cute butt, you know that?” Iris asked.

  “Ah, you're supposed to flirt before the sex,” Nat teased. She walked backward, hiding her butt from her purposely.

  Though they’d touched a lot, Nat didn't like that Iris's hands weren't still all over her body. Most people couldn’t stop with her once they got started. Insecurity crept in.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware there were rules about that. I can’t just stop flirting with you. That’s no fun.
How are you supposed to know that I can’t stop looking at you?” Iris said.

  “I dunno but I already miss your hands.”

  “Then let’s get in bed so I can touch you. I need to point out all the parts I find attractive,” Iris flirted.

  Nat walked to her room and pulled the covers back from the bed. “Get in,” she said. “Do you want some water?”

  “I do but I’m not sure I want you out of my sight either,” Iris said.

  She sat on the bed and reached for Nat’s hand, taking it in both of hers.

  “Who needs water when you have kissing?”

  Nat smiled down on her, smoothing her knee up on the bed by her side and stroking beneath Iris's chin to lead it up. “If you don't stop I am going to attack you,” she warned.

  Adoration laced Natalie’s gaze.

  “You know that’s not a good motivator for stopping, right?” Iris asked.

  Her eyes narrowed and she settled her chin against Nat’s hand in a little nuzzle.

  “You attacking me just sounds exciting and fun,” she informed Nat.

  “You're really cute,” Nat said, kissing her lips and staring sexily down on her.

  “Addictive cute or just regular cute? I need to know for science,” Iris mentioned.

  “Addictive cute,” Nat said, kissing her a little deeper and closing her eyes once the taste begun to spread.

  “Mmmm,” Iris moaned. “Okay, I believe you. I haven’t even had to break out the guitar yet so that’s a good sign.”

  She reached for Nat’s waist and pulled her close. Closer was better, Iris decided. Nat’s perfume and skin comforted and aroused her at the same time. It was a killer combination. She rubbed her face on Nat’s stomach and pressed sloppy kisses on her abs.

  “I could fall asleep like this,” she murmured.

  “If you fall asleep I can't kiss you,” Nat breathed, running her hands through her hair. The closeness excited her in a way she really missed.

  Iris’s head rose and she smiled up at Natalie.


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