Innocence Lost

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Innocence Lost Page 4

by Bradley Stoke

  Mouse noticed Alice’s unease, and tenderly lifted herself up, obscuring Alice’s view of the black and white coupling, and stroked Alice’s head. “What’s the matter?” Mouse wondered. “Don’t we satisfy you?”

  Alice couldn’t answer, but there came to her a sudden welling up of emotion as she thought of Kedi making love to Dinah. She took her mouth away from Mouse’s cunt and looked longingly into Mouse’s face. She felt terribly conscious of the salt track of tears down her cheeks - but she knew that any attempt to hold them back would merely cause her to cry loudly. She could hear not only Innocence’s pants as she thrust vigorously away, but also the painfully loud and mutual gasps from Kedi and Chastity.

  Any illusions Alice may have cherished that Kedi’s and Chastity’s affection was less than mutual were dashed when with a rush of hot thick semen and a gasp Innocence had come inside her, and the cries of her lover and Chastity couldn’t be in any way confused. If anything the loudest and fullest throated cries may have come from Kedi while Chastity voraciously chewed at her vagina.

  It didn’t really come as too much of a surprise when Alice found that she was sharing Kedi with Chastity, but the first night when Dinah returned to their bed and Kedi stayed in the same bed as Chastity still required severe mental readjustment. Dinah could see that Alice was troubled and did her best to comfort her. But making love with Dinah didn’t work that evening. The thought of incest only reminded Alice of Innocence’s sister and whom she was sleeping with.

  Alice thought that maybe her selfless love could be resolved merely by being near Kedi - but the fact was that although she and Kedi would still make love it was less frequent than before and there was always the strong smell of Chastity about her. In fact, although their moments of passion satisfied Alice in a way that no one else could, she couldn’t hide her misery and jealousy from Kedi.

  “But Alice dearest,” Kedi tried to argue, “it is no reflection on my love for you that I sleep with Chastity now.”

  “But I love you,” replied Alice. “When I’m not with you I feel a void in my life. Only when we’re together am I whole.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Kedi tried to laugh, but she was visibly troubled by Alice’s contention of love.

  Kedi however did suggest that she make love with Chastity. “Perhaps you could get to love her as well.”

  “But I only want you.”

  Alice had not once made love to Chastity, although Chastity had frequently felt and tongued Alice’s body when all six girls were making love together. These sixsomes usually only happened by chance and not usually on Alice’s volition. But sometimes when a couple became a threesome, it seemed only natural that the numbers should be added to. So perhaps Kedi, Innocence and Alice might be making love on the garden lawn as the evening sun drew in, only to be joined by Mouse - tempted as always by Innocence’s penis that she would always want to have pushed into her mouth and feel the hot warmth of it against her lips and the back of her tongue down her throat. Then one of Dinah or Chastity would join in, excited by so much sexual activity, to be joined not much later by the other older girl.

  It was in such circumstances as these that Alice would find herself having love made to her by Chastity, but not once just the two girls together. However, one night, Alice was lying in bed alone listening to the sounds of Mouse, Innocence and one other making love together - Mouse as always making the loudest moans. “Innocence! Oo! Innocence! Ooo! Oooo!” she gasped. She was masturbating desultorily to this, imagining Kedi’s gorgeous black body against hers. Kedi’s tongue in her cunt. Her fingers up her backside. A slim black bum stretched out in front of her on the mattress.

  It was then that Alice became aware of another presence in the room, but it wasn’t Kedi. And it wasn’t Dinah either. Chastity was sitting perched, naked as always, at the end of her bed watching Alice’s fingers stroke and finger her cunt. Seeing that Alice had spotted her, Chastity tenderly stretched out her arm and her fingers to anchor on Alice’s knee, and to stroke it softly, softly. She gradually moved her hand from stroking the knee to the inner thigh and stroked it more sensually towards the upper end of the thigh near the crotch. Alice removed her own fingers from her cunt, and lay back in an almost helpless position as Chastity became bolder with her caresses.

  Alice neither resisted nor encouraged Chastity in her lovemaking, as Chastity soon engaged her mouth on the still quite moist cunt and nibbled around the hairy flowering of it and the legs around it. After a while, Chastity could see that there was not going to be much more response, so she briefly kissed Alice on the left nipple and left her room.

  A few minutes later, Dinah entered the room, quite clearly exhausted after her loveplay with Innocence and Mouse. A trail of Innocence’s thick semen trickled down between her legs, and would soon make a little damp patch on the sheets wherever Dinah should choose to sit.

  “You know,” said Alice, almost as an aside, “the apartment’s got terribly crowded since Chastity and Innocence have been here.”

  Dinah started, as if this revelation had never occurred to her, but she looked at Alice thoughtfully. Clearly, she had had her own discussions with Kedi and Chastity on Alice’s happiness. “I suppose four people is about the most this apartment can handle for any length of time. Perhaps the two sisters would be happy to visit the countryside.”

  “The countryside?” wondered Alice.

  “Well, I know that Une’s quite happy to entertain any of our friends,” suggested Dinah.

  “Would they like that?”

  “It would be absolutely perfect,” Dinah said.

  And what is more, Alice thought, Kedi could stay here with me without Chastity’s malevolent influence.


  In Which Innocence and Chastity are found in the countryside.

  Une just loved to be fucked. But with a cunt as large as hers it took such an effort for her to be satisfied. Generally, one man just wasn’t enough; she’d need two or maybe three simultaneously pounding away in her nether regions for her to be satisfied. It was sometimes awkward to arrange such a meeting of pricks inside her, but practice had given her great facility and imagination. Two was easy enough. One from above and one from underneath both thrusting into her cunt. A third was more difficult, but her more athletic lovers soon found a way of squeezing a penis between two already active members.

  Une was at first reluctant when some friends of Blanche’s asked her if she’d mind them visiting. They were both sisters and she’d not met either of them, and she wasn’t sure they would make pleasant company. Une generally preferred the company of men, particularly if they were deep inside her, - but she had a large old house in the country, so she couldn’t plead lack of space nor was she planning to go away for a while.

  When Innocence and Chastity arrived, Une greeted them in the long white dress she usually wore which flowed loosely from straps around her shoulders, just covering her breasts and reaching down to her bare feet. Her long white hair wisped down about her hips, nearly the same colour as her skin and dress. Evidence that she was no albino was provided in the shining gleam of her blue eyes.

  Une thought Innocence and Chastity were rather curious names for two girls who really didn’t look like they possessed these attributes at all. Her knowing air and the simple dress that only just obscured her groin made Chastity not seem at all chaste. Innocence seemed the more chaste of the two, but it was obvious to Une that innocent she was not. She hoped her male lovers wouldn’t be distracted by these two very pretty women and choose to fuck them instead of her.

  Une showed the two girls around the house and where to put the very few clothes they’d brought. She explained to them, as tactfully as she could, that some country people had some very strange ideas, and that they should be very cautious about how they behaved in public.

  “I’m sometimes considered to be a witch because of my appearance,” she elaborated.

  Chastity sat back on the four poster bed in the bedroom that had been
allocated to her. “What is there about you that makes them think you’re a witch?” she asked in an ambiguously coy way. “You certainly don’t look like my idea of a witch!”

  “There aren’t that many people with such white skin and hair as me,” Une explained.

  Chastity laughed. “I thought witches had pointed black hats and rode on broomsticks.” She looked conspiratorially at Innocence. ”No,” she said thoughtfully. “I think they think you’re a witch from what Alice told us about you.”

  “And what’s that?” Asked Une, both fascinated by what this Alice might have said and annoyed at Chastity’s cheek.

  “Why! That you’ve got the biggest cunt in the world,” Chastity exclaimed. “I’m told you can get three pricks in it at once.”

  “Four on occasion,” corrected Une. “Well, yes I have a very large vagina. But if you think I’m also a lesbian…”

  “Don’t worry,” smiled Chastity. “But I’d love to see your cunt. I really would.”

  “And what could you give in return?” wondered Une who wasn’t at all sure she liked such blatant conversation about her crotch.

  “Why!” exclaimed Chastity as if surprised. “Hasn’t Blanche told you about Innocence? Her attributes make your oversized cunt seem like nothing at all.”

  “I’m sorry I don’t understand.”

  “Come on Innocence. Take off your clothes and show Une your stuff,” ordered Chastity.

  With some reluctance, Innocence removed her pretty white blouse and knee-length skirt. She took her sandals off first, and then unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her full breasts and feminine curves. Then she gradually eased down her dress. Une was feeling rather bored. Nudity really didn’t excite her, even on very attractive girls like Innocence, and what on earth could a girl have that would interest her? A cunt as wide as her own perhaps.

  Une wasn’t prepared for Innocence’s prick that popped out as she pulled down her white knickers. As soon as she saw it, her original feelings of scepticism were replaced by curiosity and a certain amount of lust. Innocence’s penis wasn’t nearly one of the largest Une had ever seen or had inside her, but it was a beautiful well-formed penis - one which surely deserved to be enjoyed.

  “Does it function?” Une wondered.

  Innocence nodded, obviously embarrassed by Chastity’s blatancy.

  “Touch it and see,” instructed Chastity.

  This Une proceeded to do. Knowing what was expected of it, Innocence’s penis immediately stiffened. Une stroked it gently in her hands and watched in great wonderment as it grew and grew just as she’d expect from the penis of any of her friends. So, Innocence certainly didn’t have as large a cunt as Une. In fact, as Une’s examinations swiftly established, Innocence didn’t have a cunt at all. Instead she was blessed with a beautiful penis. And a penis on such a beautiful and feminine body.

  As she saw Innocence’s penis grow to full size, the hunger she felt in her crotch got so great she just had to do something. With one very simple movement she brought her dress off over her head and her otherwise naked body. Her cunt was already moist with lust.

  “Put it in me. Put it in. Now!” she begged looking at the stiffness of it.

  In next to no time, Innocence and she were rolling about and fucking in a way that surprised Une in its intensity. Clearly, Innocence was a girl accustomed to satisfying the lust of people, perhaps several at the same time. And also, as Une became aware from Innocence’s own passion, she was a girl as attracted to Une as she was to her. What surprised her more, was that, although there was still plenty of space spare in her vagina, Une was feeling sexual gratification she’d not felt for a very long time. Not even with three men crawling over her, fucking every orifice.

  Une wasn’t at all sure why Innocence gave her such intense pleasure but it was intense enough and she just wanted more and more and more. Soon enough, Chastity was forgotten. For all Une cared, she might have run off to have sex with one of her lovers who were staying with her. She didn’t care how much pleasure that slut of a girl was giving nor to whom. All that mattered was the passion that Une felt as Innocence’s expert and practised penis thumped in and out of her, occasionally spurting out with warm, delicious semen, and yet still seeming to have yet more erection and come to give.

  For the first time since she’d made love to a real elephant of a man, Une just came and came and came. Her cries of passion were loud enough to fill the whole house. What did it matter how full her cunt was by prick? What mattered was the delight of it! She would experience this again and again, Une resolved. She was going to enjoy the visit of these two suburban girls.

  Une just couldn’t be parted from Innocence. Wherever she went, Innocence had to come with her, and fuck her as hard and as often as possible. They made love in all the rooms of her house and in her large garden. Sometimes Une’s other lovers would join in, turned on not only by Une’s body but also by Innocence’s. Une guessed it was probably the first time that Innocence had had sex with men, and it was clear to her also that although she enjoyed it, it was with her that Innocence got the most pleasure. In any case, Innocence’s anus wasn’t really comfortable with a man fucking her. She preferred putting a man’s prick in her mouth while fucking Une. Although Une didn’t usually like women sharing her men, in this case she made an exception, and of course Innocence was in one crucial way as much man as any of them.

  Une didn’t really care too much what Chastity was doing - Innocence was enough for her. She knew from what her lovers told her that Chastity was making love with each of them, either in turn or together. On one occasion, she came into Chastity’s bedroom to see two of her well-trained lovers pounding away at Chastity’s orifices (in her case, her cunt was only just big enough for two, so she clearly found it more comfortable for one to take her anus and the other her vagina). Normally, Une would find this kind of disloyalty intolerable and would have ordered out both Chastity and her lovers, but now she just didn’t care. As long as she had Innocence’s beautiful feminine body and her wonderful prick inside her, what did it matter?

  It was market day in Une’s village, when people from all around would come and sell their wares. Une persuaded Innocence to come along and so, too, did Chastity. She was aware that Chastity was attracted to her, but as a rule Une really was not interested in women. Innocence was an exception - but then she was an exception in much more than one way.

  The market sold all the wares associated with village markets. There were stalls selling cheap imported tee-shirts, bootlegged videos, cheaply made jewellery, oddities that Une found at best amusing in their cheap vulgarity and wares which would never be accepted by Health and Safety Officers. Une examined the stalls desultorily, as always wondering why she bothered, but also aware that there might always be something there that would make the excursion worthwhile.

  Chastity located a pornographic book-stall, which sold second-hand magazines and books which were a little worn at the edges. She picked up copies, with clearly no intention of buying and viewed them with amusement.

  “How was that goat persuaded to do that!” she exclaimed showing a picture of a girl and a goat. ”It looks pretty awkward for her as well.” She flicked a few pages. “But the sperm looks just the same as human sperm, doesn’t it Une? In fact it looks just like yours, Innocence.”

  Innocence picked up one which concentrated entirely on anal intercourse. “That looks painful!” she commented, putting it down and casting her eyes around at other stalls.

  Chastity dropped the magazine she was reading. “God! This market is so boring!” she remarked. “Is this really the high light of life in the country?”

  Une felt offended by this. It was the country itself, not its market, which made the place worth living in. If Chastity couldn’t appreciate even this little thing, then what hope was there for her?

  The three of them made their way out of the market, and into an inn that was mostly full of market stall holders. They were talking animatedly with each o
ther, while in the corner a video sex machine was flashing images of various scenes of sexual intercourse. Besides Une and her two friends, there were few other women in the pub and those were all old and ugly.

  “Where’s your boyfriends, m’dear?” asked an elderly gentleman walking up to their table.

  Une smiled in the way that she knew would normally devastate the relatively ignorant villagers. “How is your missus’s lumbago, Giles?” she asked considerately.

  “Bearing well. Bearing well,” he said moving back to his company.

  Chastity was clearly very uncomfortable here. “This is fucking boring!” she announced, swallowing her half pint of porter. “Come on, Innocence, let’s go somewhere more exciting.”

  “Where?” wondered Innocence.

  “Anywhere!” announced Chastity. “Anywhere that’s not here, anyway!”

  Une and Innocence followed Chastity as she stormed out of the inn and followed the path out of the village towards Une’s home. She certainly did not appear happy. They passed by a corn-field within sight of Une’s house.

  “What I need,” announced Chastity, stopping suddenly, “is a fuck. A fucking good fuck! And I need it now!”

  “And how are you going to get that?” asked Une, visibly annoyed with Chastity.

  Chastity frowned at Une. “From what you know about Innocence, you need to ask that?” asked Chastity incredulously.

  This was the first time that Une became aware of the incestuous relationship between Innocence and her sister, when boldly, and with no regard for Une’s feelings, Chastity pulled off the slip she was wearing and unbuttoned the pretty little dress that Une had provided Innocence. It was one that had made the young girl look even sweeter, flowing out at the waist and coming to her knees. But this was soon down over her ankles and pushed to one side. Then with the practice that must have come from making love with Une’s lovers, Chastity persuaded Innocence’s penis into erection and straight in her cunt. Une looked on in astonishment as Innocence blatantly fucked away at her sister.


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