All In (The Den Boys Book 1)

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All In (The Den Boys Book 1) Page 1

by A. T Brennan

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Preview of Book Two – Healing Him

  All In

  A.T. Brennan

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  All In

  Trigger Warnings

  Chapter One | Blaze

  Chapter Two | Galen

  Chapter Three | Blaze

  Chapter Four | Blaze

  Chapter Five | Galen

  Chapter Six | Blaze

  Chapter Seven | Galen

  Chapter Eight | Blaze

  Chapter Nine | Blaze

  Chapter Ten | Galen

  Chapter Eleven | Blaze

  Chapter Twelve | Galen

  Chapter Thirteen | Blaze

  Chapter Fourteen | Galen

  Chapter Fifteen | Blaze

  Chapter Sixteen | Galen

  Chapter Seventeen | Blaze

  Chapter Eighteen | Galen

  Chapter Nineteen | Blaze

  Chapter Twenty | Galen


  Preview of Book Two – Healing Him

  About The Author



  Coming Soon/Now Available

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, duplicated, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  Cover Artist: Teresa Connor

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious and are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual events, or locales or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  For questions and comments about this book, please contact the author at

  [email protected]

  Copyright A.T Brennan © 2017

  All rights reserved.

  Trigger Warnings

  Because trigger warnings can give away plot points, I have listed them on the next page. To see if this book contains subjects you may be sensitive to, please scroll forward to read them. If you would like to skip them, please scroll past and begin at Chapter One

  A.T. Brennan

  Trigger Warnings:

  This book deals with sensitive subjects/themes that may trigger or offend some readers.

  *references to sexual assault and rape of a minor, drug use, and also physical and psychological abuse

  Chapter One


  The music pumping through the speakers was like a balm on my soul, making me forget everything except why I was there. The dark atmosphere, punctuated by flashing lights and bursts of lasers was disorienting in the best possible way, creating a sense of blissful anonymity. The crush of bodies, both shirtless and covered, swaying and grinding in time to the heavy beat created an aura of lust and a backdrop of hedonism. I glanced around, waiting for someone to take me up on my offer of availability.

  It wasn’t long before I felt a pair of hands on my hips, and a sweaty, half naked body pressing up against my back.

  “Waiting for someone?” a deep, husky voice asked in my ear as a pair of lips kissed the sensitive skin beneath the lobe.

  The hands on my hips were big and slightly calloused. I could tell the body was strong and built, and a little bit bigger and taller than my own 6-foot frame. I wasn’t a gym rat by any stretch of the imagination, but I did enjoy the benefits of keeping fit so I did what I had to in order to keep in shape.

  Mystery Man was exactly the kind of guy I was looking for.

  I glanced behind me and saw that he was handsome enough, not gorgeous, but he was built and eager.


  I didn’t bother saying a word. I just grabbed one of his hands and started to lead him toward the backroom.

  Envy was the club to hit if you wanted drinks, drugs, and picking up. I didn’t drink or do drugs since I’d gone sober two years ago, and only came here to pick up. Dancing was fun, but I considered it foreplay, and tonight I really didn’t want to play around. I wanted to get in and get out, so to speak.

  When we reached the backroom I yanked the door open and herded my flavor of the evening inside. The backroom wasn’t anything fancy, and it looked like most others I’d been in. Parts of it were dark for those who liked their privacy, but there were other areas with single lights dotting the ceiling so you could put on a show, if you were so inclined. There was no furniture in the room and there were a few pillars around you could use if all of the wall space was taken.

  It wasn’t as busy as usual, probably because it was only ten o’clock.

  I waited for Mystery Man to take the lead and drag me to a spot on the wall, but he just gripped my hand and waited.

  A glance back told me he was still eager, but he wasn’t checking out my ass. He was looking around.

  “You into seeing a show?” I drawled as I pulled him into a darkened corner. I wasn’t opposed to fucking in the open so other guys could watch, but I didn’t want to bother with all the pretense and showmanship. I wanted to get fucked and go home.

  “Don’t need one when I have you to own my ass.”

  Fuck. Mystery Man was a bottom.

  Served me right for judging based on his looks. I’d known massive bears who wanted nothing more than to be dominated by a tight little twink, and had even met a few bodybuilders who were into licking boots and being humiliated. When it came to men, it was impossible to tell what they liked just from their looks, and it wasn’t the first time I’d made a mistake.

  I raked my eyes up and down his body, trying to stir even the smallest hint of interest in bending him over and burying my dick in his ass, but there was nothing. That wasn’t what I’d come here for.

  “How about you show me what that pretty mouth can do while you fuck your hand?” I suggested.

  He eagerly dropped to his knees and pulled out my cock. I was only half hard, and I hoped his oral skills were enough to make me forget about today. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a condom. I was negative but I never messed around without one. It took me a moment to rip it open and roll it on, and while I was busy Mystery Man pulled his own cock out.

  He was average sized and had a massive 70’s bush going on. Dude really needed to look into getting some trimmers to take care of that shit.

  I leaned back against the wall as he brought me into his mouth. He was decent, but his technique was pretty basic. He didn’t use much suction, had no idea what to do with his tongue, and his grip was weak.

  Closing my eyes I ran my hand through his hair, listening to the grunting and moaning going on around me. I was an auditory person by nature and would much rather listen to p
eople fucking than watch it. Just another way I was fucked up.

  “Pull my hair. Hard,” Mystery Man said around my cock.

  I sighed and did as he asked, hoping it would make him suck a bit harder.

  “Slap my face with your dick.”

  I looked down at Mystery Man and resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I grabbed my shaft and did as he asked. He moaned in pleasure and closed his eyes.


  I acquiesced and waited for him to put his mouth back on me.

  “Stroke yourself while I watch.”

  Just. Fucking. Awesome. Not only had I found myself a bottom, he was a fucking power bottom.

  “You really think I’m the kind of dude who’s going to let some random guy top from the bottom?” I asked, looking down at him.

  “If you want me to put your cock back in my mouth you’ll do what I say.” He opened his eyes and gave me a dark grin.

  “Yeah, not worth it.” I ripped off the condom and tossed it aside since they didn’t bother putting garbage cans in the backroom. Then I tucked my dick back in my pants and patted Mystery Man on the top of his head as he stared at me in shock. “Later.”

  I left him on his knees and went back into the main part of the club. I was done. I’d come here for one reason and it hadn’t happened. I wasn’t in the mood to try again so I was just going to go home, put on some porn and jack off. It wouldn’t have the same effect as having some stranger fuck my ass raw, but at least I’d get off.

  I didn’t bother looking around as I left the club. There weren’t any cabs nearby so I veered to the left and started to walk home. My apartment wasn’t far, the twenty minute walk might even help clear my mind. I stuck my hands in my pockets and quickened my pace as my mind began to spin.

  I didn’t want to think right now. All I wanted was to forget, but the best way to do that was off limits. Nothing helped clear my mind like a bottle of whiskey, my drink of choice back in my heyday, or heroin, my then drug of choice.

  I could almost feel the slight prick of a needle in my arm, then the warmth of the drug being injected into my body. I knew it wasn’t real and I had no intention of going back on my sobriety, but fuck if my body didn’t crave it.

  Two fucking years without touching a drop of alcohol or even looking at a needle, and I felt like I was right back where I’d been the day I’d finished withdrawal for the last time and decided to quit for good.

  I was so distracted with my thoughts I didn’t hear anything until it was too late. One second I was trying to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, and the next something solid was striking me right between the shoulder blades.

  I went down with an undignified grunt as pain exploded in my back and radiated all the way down my arms. I hit the ground a lot harder than I would have liked since my reaction time had been slowed down from the shock of being hit, but I managed to roll over before I scraped my face against the pavement.

  There were three guys standing over me. They were wearing black hoodies with the hoods up, jeans, and what looked like work boots. They were as nondescript as they could get, and I was completely at their mercy.

  I didn’t panic as I stared up at them. I’d been in my share of fights, most of them started off exactly like this, and I’d learned that these fuckers fed off the panic and fear they created. If you didn’t react and give them what they wanted then they’d either beat you to death or get bored after a few seconds. I fucking hoped they did the latter.

  I expected some sort of monologue as to why I was on the ground with them towering over me, or at least a few choice slurs before they went to town, but this group was different. They didn’t bother telling me what I’d done to piss them off, although I had a pretty good idea it had something to do with where I’d just walked out of.

  The first few kicks took my breath away. These assholes weren’t just wearing work boots, they were fucking steel toed boots. Thankfully they seemed to want to take their time so only one goon kicked me at a time, and I was able to bend around the strikes to try and protect my organs.

  They were completely silent as they crowded over me, using my body to test the durability of their boots, but I was just as silent. I didn’t cry out, not even when one of the kicks landed just below my ribs and caused pain to shoot out into my entire body. I didn’t grunt or whimper when the toes of another set of boots connected with my ass, barely missing my tailbone as I shifted at the last second.

  I didn’t even flinch as one of the guys bent over me and grabbed my long hair, wrapping it around his fist as he raised the other in preparation of punching me in the face. I just stared at him. If he was going to hit me then he was going to have to deal with me staring at him as he did.

  He used his grip on my hair to turn my face to the side, and as he brought his fist down I ignored the pain that exploded on my scalp, and jerked my head away at the last second so his fist connected with the ground, a sickening crunch echoing in the silent air.

  Dude ripped his hand free of my hair, pulling a good chunk of it out as he did, and howled in pain. He cradled his hand to his chest and I saw that his knuckles were bloody and a few of them looked like they weren’t quite lined up properly anymore.

  That made me smile, and as I looked at the other two thugs I knew I was going to pay for that move, dearly.

  A heavy boot came down on my upper chest, trapping my body in place. I grabbed at it, keeping silent so I didn’t give them any more of what they wanted, and vainly tried to pull it off my chest. But I couldn’t budge it. The guy standing over me was probably a bit smaller than me, but on my back with no leverage and him leaning all of his weight down on it made him feel like a giant.

  Oh fuck.

  I saw the second guy lift his foot and knew what was coming. I was going to get my head stomped. Fuck. I should have just let that asshole hit me in the face. A bruised eye or a broken nose healed. Hell, even broken facial bones didn’t leave permanent scarring. A steel toed boot to the head didn’t heal. It killed.

  I kept my eyes on the boot hovering over me and bit my tongue. If I was going to die then it was going to be my way. Fuck begging. If he was going to kill me then I was going to watch him as he did.


  The shout came out of nowhere, and after freezing comically, my three attackers turned tail and ran like a bunch of cockroaches after the lights were flipped on.

  The guy who’d been stepping on my chest had used me as a springboard, and as soon as he’d pushed off me the breath had rushed out of my lungs and my chest had started to ache.

  “Are you okay?”

  I wanted to tell the Good Samaritan over me that I was fine other than the fact that I couldn’t breathe, but no words came out as I gasped for air.

  “It’s okay, you’re winded.” The voice was calm and gentle above me, and I would have loved to see who it was attached too, but my vision was starting to blur and dim.

  “Breathe in and try to hold it for two seconds.” A warm hand slipped under the back of my head, holding it off the cold ground, as a second one touched my chest. “In, one, two, out.”

  It was hard to concentrate on what the voice above me was saying, but I tried to do as it said. It took three tries before I was able to hold my breath for the two seconds, and the voice merely instructed me to do it again.

  “Okay, you’re doing good,” the voice soothed. “Breathe in, hold it, hold it a little longer, now out.”

  Suddenly my lungs opened up and I was able to pull in a full breath. I didn’t have the brainpower to hold it before letting it out, and pretty soon I was hyperventilating.

  “Calm down, I’ve got you. Just breathe. In and out, buddy. You’ve got this,” the voice encouraged and I focused all of my energy on it and doing exactly as it was instructing.

  I felt the hand on my chest move so it was gripping one of mine, holding it tight as it rested over my injured body.

  “Squeeze my hand, focus on my voice and try to even
out your breathing. You’re okay. You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”

  I had no idea who my Good Samaritan was, but between his voice and his touch, I was able to do exactly what he’d said and started to feel better as my breathing slowed to an almost normal pace.

  The shimmering in my vision faded and the cloud of confusion around me lifted as I was able to pull more and more oxygen into my lungs. And that’s when I was finally able to look up at the body the soothing voice was attached to.

  Hot damn. Even in my slightly confused and vulnerable state I had to marvel at how handsome my Good Samaritan was.

  His hair was such a dark brown it was almost black, and he wore it in a fashionable style where it was long and styled on top while the sides and back were closely shorn. His eyes were a deep blue, like the ocean, and his face was a little angular but still rugged. His facial hair was neatly trimmed and worn short so it looked more like a few days’ worth of growth and not a full beard.

  I couldn’t see much of his body as he crouched over me. He was wearing a black suit that looked to be perfectly tailored to him, and no tie. That was strange. Why would someone bother wearing a suit if they didn’t put a tie on? I pushed that ridiculous thought aside and swallowed, trying to get my composure back.

  My Good Samaritan was one of the hottest men I’d ever seen, and all I could feel were warm hands as he looked down at me with concern shining in his eyes.

  “Are you okay? Do you want me to call an ambulance?” he asked, breaking the spell that had been cast between us.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  Chapter Two


  I tried not to roll my eyes as the guy I was currently leaning over told me he was fine.

  It was obvious he was hurt. If the ragged breaths he was pulling in weren’t my first clue, the way he was bent to the right, like he was cradling his body to protect a vulnerable spot told me he’d been injured.

  “Really? You almost got curb stomped and you’re fine?”

  I nearly laughed at the hard look the man gave me. It might have had more of an effect if he wasn’t still lying on the ground gripping my hand.


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