War's End

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War's End Page 6

by Imogene Nix

  Then he turned and left the tiny shack, followed by Orden. The lights winked out as tears slid down her face once more. These of frustration and anger, more so than pain.

  At least they hadn’t stripped her jacket, she thought. Renjiro would still be able to find her with the help of the tracking device. Questions formed in her mind. Who? Who had told? Who was the person in Renjiro’s office?

  Time passed and blurred.

  The pain overtook her and for the first time in her life, she fainted.

  * * * *

  Renjiro hurried with Carmichael in tow, his heart pounding in his chest as he exerted every bit of energy, pushing out a burst of speed. In his brain came the tattoo of hurry, hurry. His mind screamed that speed was of the essence. The fact that he couldn’t call in his own people angered him. A cuckoo in my own nest. It was insupportable. But he couldn’t afford to tip them off. Not yet. The thought nearly unmanned him. For all his lofty position, there was nothing he could do other than what he was doing, and it wasn’t nearly enough.

  They had reached the eighth level and he moved, knowing exactly where the sheds were, but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly which one, as there were rows of them. He cursed. He might know every inch of this damned moon base from his hours of patrols, but there was no simple fix for determining which one she was in.

  He checked the designation of each shed, the dirty green numbering hard to read, covered in dust and the years of neglect. He opened every unlocked door and peered within. The darkness illuminated only by the small light stick he carried. But each bay he checked was empty.

  He left those latched to come back to, reasoning that surely she’d be in one... One that was already open. It was a vain hope.

  His mind blanked.

  He didn’t want to consider what he might find and couldn’t afford to crack the small modicum of composure he had left.

  At the end of the bays he stopped, scratched the back of his head, and cursed. “Nothing. Start checking the locked ones. I’ll start this end, you on that.”

  Carmichael glanced at him, no doubt wondering if he’d lost his mind. Probably he had now, and surely the man could tell, but he accepted the task without a word. He patted his belt, seeking the key chain. No building or room could be locked against him and his officers. They moved as fast as they dared, rattled each door, then used Renjiro’s master keys to unfasten the old-fashioned locks. As they checked each they called “Clear,” before moving on. Each clear was another nail in the coffin of his tenuous hope.

  Exhaustion was setting in as the adrenaline seeped out. Each empty shed delivered another blow, sapping his will and strength.

  He rested his head for a moment against the next door. Sweat left a wet halo on the metal and he breathed heavily before he pushed away and attempted the next. He noted the new locks. There were several of them as well as tightly wound chains. His heart lifted again and he shoved the door open, peering inside.

  His breath caught.

  He must have cried out because Carmichael was there in an instant.

  He moved quickly, seeing the way she hung, fastened to the girder, her body limp, and a coppery taint filled the air, overriding the stink of oils and rags.

  He heard her shallow breathing and noted the oozing blood that coated her, but gave thanks to every deity as he moved behind her. With shaking hands he found the clasps that held her up and freed her feet before her arms.

  She slumped, but Carmichael was there to catch her in his arms.

  Renjiro cleared a patch of grimy floor. “Lay her down on the ground so I can check her.”

  By the light of the illuminated stick, he tugged out his medical recorder, checking her for serious injuries first, anything life-threatening. The scans showed bruising and lacerations, but no internal damage or broken bones.

  “It’s mainly superficial.” He bowed his head over her supine figure, digging deep in his emotional well.

  She was alive. He could breathe again.

  She was injured, but would make a full recovery.

  Fury hummed and scoured his veins. Heat filled him.

  A sound roused him. Selina was coming to. “Ren... Renjiro?” Her words were weak and slurred. He captured her hand.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m with you.” He squeezed carefully and exulted when she returned the caress.

  She smiled, but it was a weak facsimile of her usual grin. “Orden... He’s working with Winstead. He’s here on the moon base. Meeting with the governor.”

  Alarm filled him. “Damn, we need to get you out of here and into the care of a medic.” She shook her head though and her hair billowed and she hissed, he guessed, with pain.

  “No, I need to come with you. Be there when you get him. Renjiro? He knew about us. Possibly Tomi too.”

  He cursed in all the languages he knew. If Winstead had that information, more than a few could also be in danger. They didn’t have time to get her to a medic. If he made it to the governor’s private level, they had no ability to take Winstead into custody. It was a zone of diplomatic immunity.

  Carmichael was already ordering the men and women who poured toward the shed with new instructions. Most of them took off. While Renjiro really wanted to be there at Winstead’s capture, his place right now was here with Selina.

  He slid his hands beneath her and lifted her against his chest with great care. “I won’t ever let them hurt you again.” Even to himself, his voice sounded rusty and husked.

  “I know.”

  Carmichael fell into step beside him. “Where are you taking her?”

  “To my apartment. I can treat her and clean her up. Then we can make further decisions from there.”

  Much of the stress in Carmichael’s face had leached out by the time Renjiro made it to his door. A contingent of the military officers took up position outside the door. He’d only laid her down on the sofa when Carmichael’s communicator beeped. “Sir, we have Winstead and Orden in custody.”

  Carmichael’s face settled into a harsh smile. “Excellent. Transfer them to the brig on the ship and await my orders.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Renjiro didn’t question the action. He had his own nest to clean out now. He caught Selina with a hard look. “Carmichael will stay with you. I won’t be long.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, he was sure, before she smiled. “Go. But don’t be too long.”

  * * * *

  She stood in the semi-darkness of the stall, having finally talked Carmichael into letting her rise and shower. Carmichael had filled her in. She knew of the mole in the ranks. How they’d found her. None of it settled her anxiety.

  Ren would be back soon, she told herself. But during his absence she was tied in knots.

  “You need to let go of the fear.” Saying the words out loud wasn’t really enough though. Instead, she concentrated on the shower. A quick move had the temperature just right and she sighed, letting the aches melt away.

  The soothing water sluiced down her sides. She’d foregone the offer of a medic, and Carmichael had blustered. Just like he always did. So predictable. She snickered quietly as she ducked her head under the liquid.

  A sound caught her attention and she peered around the guard, dripping on the tiles. Renjiro was stripping off his uniform. His face set in harsh lines, like his shoulders, and in that instant she realized he’d found Jordan. She doubted it had been a pleasant or even easy scene.

  Perhaps she could raise his spirits a little? A seed of devilry caught her up. He needed something to pick him up. He glanced up and she crooked her finger at him.

  His eyes widened then he climbed into the stall, just as she turned around. “Welcome home.”

  He wrapped his strong arms carefully around her midsection. “I thought you could do with some help soaping your back. If you’re up to it.”

  She laughed. “I could always use help like that. Especially when it comes from a man who looks like you.”

  He growled in her ear
, a playful sound that made her giggle. “You mean only from me.”

  “Yeah...” Thoughts splintered as his lips found the sensitive spot below her ear, his tongue tickling her slightly. The laughter died away, replaced by a moan as her body warmed. Her breasts tingled and the spot between her legs turned molten. “Oh... Only you, Renjiro.”

  His hands glided over her wet, hot skin, barely touching. They grazed her breasts and her nipples stood proud, ready for his caress. He tweaked them gently and a bolt of sensation stole her breath. It was pure lightning that streaked through her core. Need pooled within her belly.

  “Renjiro, more!” Her quiet demand was met with a deep chuckle.

  “For you, my love, I’d do anything. Give you anything.” Careful hands now slid down her belly, combing through the thatch of hair to find her vulva, sliding one finger along but not dipping within.

  It wasn’t enough to fill the void inside. “More!”

  He laughed and removed his hands just as she was ready to scream with her frustration.

  “Two can tease, my love.” Her turn to bedevil him came. She reached back and used her hand, finding his fully erect rod. Before he could stop her, she’d grasped him firmly. The bulbous head was soft and she pressed it with her thumb. He hissed in her ear and she gloried in the knowledge that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. “Now, Renjiro. Don’t make me wait.”

  “Even if I wanted to, I don’t think I could.” He acted with speed tempered with gentleness. His hands grasped her waist, and he turned her around and lifted her. She gripped his waist with her thighs as he settled her.

  She felt him at her core, his hardness probed her heat and it was too much. With a squeeze of her thighs she pulled him closer. He plunged deeply. She cried out at the sensation of fullness. Of being one with the man she loved.

  His muscles strained and shook as their lips touched. Open-mouthed kisses swallowed their restless cries as the water slid over their naked bodies.

  Quickly they moved. He turned, leaning against the cool wall, moving her with fast motions as she arched back, away from him. Needing to feel him within her as much as possible.

  Her body coiled tight and the gathering storm within her crashed down quickly. He joined her. Her orgasm spurred his on. Their bodies strained and searched for fulfillment.

  For long seconds they hung there, lost in a world of pleasure, before he lowered her back to the stall floor.

  “Marry me, Selina. Stay with me forever.”

  The question surprised her, but she knew there was only one answer. “I will.”

  * * * *

  Selina watched as her husband of two hours beamed at the guests. They’d gathered for the celebration on Reunion and she scanned the crowd, wine glass in hand. Their commitment ceremony had been everything she ever dreamed of. His cousins, Tomi and Kumi, had arrived. Tomi with a gorgeous redhead on his arm. She was a veritable goddess, tall with bright green eyes. And totally dismissive of his much vaunted position.

  Kumi, on the other hand, was porcelain perfection with her short, dark bob and chocolaty, almond-shaped eyes. Her looks, like Tomi’s, betrayed her Asiatic heritage, as did Renjiro’s, but it was clear that Kumi made the most of it.

  Carmichael seemed to think she was impressive, if his hot and hungry glances were anything to go by. “You know, I think I should introduce Carmichael to Kumi.” She tapped her fingers against her lips.

  Renjiro just laughed and shook his head.

  She turned back to watch the assembled guests once more when a gentle touch caught her attention. “How soon can we leave? We’ve done all that’s been asked—”

  She spoke carefully, her stomach churning with knots of concern. How would he react? “After Tomi makes his announcement.”

  Renjiro frowned.”What announcement is that?”

  “The one he’s just about to make.” She indicated with her wine glass as Tomi pushed his way to the front.

  “Do you know what this is about?” Ren whispered in her ear as she shivered.

  “Why do you think I would know?” The sigh of his breath against her bared skin played havoc with her senses. It was raw need, she acknowledged. Every touch ignited the banked fires that never ceased.

  “Whatever it is, I think you already have received that information.”

  “Hush, my love. Be patient.”

  He wound his arms around her waist, crumpling the soft white gown she wore. But she didn’t care. He was there with her. “I waited five years for you, and that was my limit. I don’t do patience very well.”

  Selina giggled.

  Tomi cleared his throat loudly. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m so pleased you could join us on this happy occasion. Kumi and I welcome our new cousin, Selina, into the Ito Family. As you know, we have a long and proud tradition of serving our people. In the earliest times, our families were warriors and peacemakers. Those who upheld the law. In more recent times, we have made the laws, as members of the senate.”

  He stopped and Selina waited. She knew exactly what he was about to announce. It was the fulfillment of one of Renjiro’s dreams, to join his cousin in the senate.

  “Today, I announce that my gift to Renjiro and Selina is a place for my cousin on the Ruling Senate. Renjiro Ito, you have been offered a place among our peers. Say you will join us.” Tomi smiled and Selina returned it.

  Renjiro stilled behind her, his breath coming faster. “You knew?”

  Have I pushed too far? Too fast? “I did.”

  “Thank you.” The broken whisper reassured her as did the squeeze. “No other woman would understand.”

  “No other woman could understand or love you like I do.” She turned in his embrace, framed his face, and pulled him close for a kiss that went on forever, to the cheers of the assembled crowd.

  About Imogene Nix

  Imogene is a mother of two, compulsive reader, and bookstore owner. She lives in regional Queensland, Australia with her husband, two daughters, dog, cats, guinea pigs, and chooks. She has a particular fondness for vampires, star ship captains, and things that go bump in the night (especially vampire types).

  Imogene has tried many varied roles in her working life including kindergarten assistant, teacher, principal, and kindergarten and child care director, but rates owning a bookstore and writing her own novels as the absolute highlight.

  In her mother and wife alter ego, she has travelled widely and lived in some very unique places including Far Western Queensland, Cape York, and even Tasmania. She loves to travel and rates China and Hong Kong among her favorite destinations.

  She blames Star Trek Voyager, Firefly, and the works of Alexander Kent for her interest in naval activities and later space fleet interest.

  Imogene’s Website:


  Reader eMail:

  [email protected]

  About The Reunion Trilogy

  Book 1: War’s End

  Now Available

  Book 2: The Assassin

  Coming Soon

  Book 3: Executing Justice

  Coming Soon




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