Red Blooded (Red Hot & Blue)

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Red Blooded (Red Hot & Blue) Page 23

by Cat Johnson

  Jimmy swallowed the lump from his throat. “I can imagine it was. Did you tell him exactly who it was you met?”

  He firmly tamped down his growing hope. This was a start, but he couldn’t let himself think there could be a future for them. She was still the governor’s daughter and he was the abandoned son of a drunken father.

  “Not yet.”

  And there it was. She wanted him as long as he could remain a secret. He let out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  “No, Jimmy. You’re wrong. I didn’t tell him because I want you to meet him first.”

  He shook his head at her excuse. “I have met him, Lia.”

  “I mean meet him on equal footing, as my date. I have to attend a black-tie cocktail party tonight. Any chance you have a tux lying around?”

  She was asking him on a date? An actual public, meet-my-daddy date. Maybe she was serious about trying to make this thing between them work. Though he had to laugh at her tuxedo question.

  “Yeah, sure. My tux is hanging right next to my opera cape and ascot.”

  Lia ignored his joke. “You can just wear a suit then. Whatever you’ve got will be fine.”

  He sighed. There was nothing he could think of that he would enjoy less than being at this party with a bunch of rich guys in tuxes.

  Even terrorist torture was looking good next to this thing, but he was starting to realize if he wanted to be with this woman he was going to have to work at it. This party tonight was just part of the dues he’d have to pay to be with Lia, but boy would he love to not go.

  He’d have to suck it up and deal with it. Tonight would be the test, as least as far as her daddy was concerned. If he could make it through this party and survive the governor’s scrutiny, they might have a chance together.

  Though there were more people involved here than just the governor.

  “Are Senator Dickhead and son going to be there?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She hesitated before asking, “Is that going to be a problem?”

  Yes, but he’d be damned if he told Lia that.

  This new bit of info changed everything. Now he wanted to go, if only to stake his claim for Lia. He’d knock any idea Dickhead and son had about her right out of their heads.

  “Nope. No problem. I’ll be there. Give me the address. I’ll meet you.”

  After getting the time and address, he hung up with Lia and hoisted himself off the couch.

  In his bedroom, Jimmy stood in front of the open closet. Inside, covered in a dry cleaning bag, were the dress blues he hadn’t worn in a long time. He hadn’t gained any weight so he figured they would still fit fine.

  More importantly, he’d feel better wearing this than any tuxedo or suit. But seeing Lia while wearing his uniform also meant tonight was the night he’d have to confess to her who he really was.

  After he’d slept with her while letting her believe he was just a waiter, and then kissed her when she believed he was a farmer, he had a feeling she wasn’t going to be very happy about finally learning the truth.


  Lia took her own car instead of riding with her father to the party. She made sure she arrived early so she could keep a vigilant watch for Jimmy’s arrival.

  Tonight was going to be challenging enough. She didn’t want him to have to be alone and feel awkward for any amount of time.

  Smoothing the fabric of her black dress one more time, she realized she was feeling pretty awkward herself. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies she hadn’t felt in years, all from the thought of seeing Jimmy again. Not just seeing him, but declaring him her official date for this event to her father, the senator, John and pretty much the world as she knew it.

  She prayed he’d come up with something decent to wear.

  Second-guessing her suggestion he wear a suit to a black-tie event, she realized she really should have arranged for a tux to be dropped off at his house. Though it was doubtful he would have accepted it from her. James Gordon didn’t seem the type to take handouts gracefully.

  More than that, with his muscular build she doubted he would fit in anything off-the-rack anyway.

  To still her jangling nerves, Lia grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray and downed a big swallow much too fast.

  Reconsidering the wisdom of her idea of using alcohol to calm herself, she put the half-empty glass on a nearby table and glanced again at the doorway.

  Maybe she should go out front and make sure that they had Jimmy’s name on the guest list. She was about to do just that when she noticed everyone, the women in particular, staring at the entrance.

  Through the crowd she saw a tall figure dressed in the unmistakable uniform of the Marine Corps.

  As he paused in the doorway, he took off his hat and surveyed the room and that’s when she got her first look at James Gordon in his dress blues.

  He was in the military. Add one more mystery to all the rest already surrounding the man who took her breath away.

  He spotted her and their gazes locked, him looking uncertain as his lips tipped up into a small smile, her trying to recover from the shock and from the fluttering of her heart.

  She returned his smile and made her way across the room, dodging around guests in her path. When she finally stood directly in front of him, she raised a hand and touched one of the many ribbons pinned to his chest.

  “Wow.” Her voice sounded breathy to her own ears.

  “Hey, darlin’.” Jimmy took her hand in his and planted a light kiss on her fingertips.

  She drew in a shaky breath, her gaze rising from the spectacular sight of the uniform to the face of the amazing man inside of it. “Well this raises about as many questions as it answers.”

  His expression turned contrite. “I’m sorry. I know I owe you a lot of explaining. Later, in private. Can you wait until then?”

  Lia could wait for an explanation, but not for a kiss. The buildup of sexual frustration within her couldn’t be denied any longer. She’d lived like a nun for months. Her body remembered too well what Jimmy could do to her and it demanded satisfaction.

  The uniform had initially been a shock, but now the sight of him in it was starting to make the woman in her stand up and take notice.

  Who knew she had a thing for a man in uniform? Although maybe it was just this man in particular, uniform or not.

  Feeling wicked she stepped closer and ran her hands up his chest.

  “I’ll wait for us to talk, but not for other things. Do you think there’s a coat closet around here somewhere?” She glanced around them.

  Grinning, he stilled her hands with his. “You’ll have to wait for that too, darlin’. But I don’t think I can wait for a drink. I’m such a bundle of nerves I’m practically shaking.”

  He hooked her arm through the crook of his elbow and led her toward the bar.

  “Why are you nervous?” She glanced at him as they walked and her gaze caught on his ribbons. Judging by the number, he’d been in a while and seen a lot. Among the things he’d seen and done, some certainly had to be a lot more frightening than a black-tie cocktail party.

  Jimmy covered her hand with his and gave it a small squeeze. “I’m officially meeting my girl’s daddy. Something that monumental tends to make a man nervous.”

  Her heart melted right there in a little puddle on the floor and she fought to not tear up. “I like being your girl.”

  He treated her to his crooked smile. “Good.”

  As they paused near the bar, she took the opportunity to stand on tiptoe and kiss him.

  Jimmy’s eyes drifted closed for a second. He groaned and pulled back from her lips. “Don’t get me started, darlin’. I’ll embarrass myself and the uniform.”

  She liked knowing he couldn’t resist her any more than she could him. She looked forward to them tempting each other much more in the future.

  But besides the chemistry between them, so much more was becoming clear to her. Standing nex
t to Jimmy, she realized that her continuing to plan her life around the incessant round of political cocktail parties to please her father was absurd.

  This was not her place or her responsibility. Her mother was the other half in the Monroe-Carrington political dynasty, not Lia.

  She was done. Starting right now.

  The decision, as well as the enormity of the vow to herself hit her hard. Through misty eyes she noticed her lipstick smeared on Jimmy’s mouth.

  Reaching up, she wiped it from his lips and said, “Let’s get out of here.”

  He opened his eyes wide. “Now? I didn’t even speak with your daddy yet.”

  Frustrated, Lia sighed. He was right of course. She’d invited Jimmy here for a reason. Them sneaking out before meeting her father so she could jump him made no sense.

  “Okay. We’ll talk to my father. Then you’re taking me to your place.”

  He laughed. “I’m warning you, darlin’. It’s a cheap military rental. It’s no mansion like you’re used to.”

  “I don’t care, as long as you’re in it.”

  “That’s good to hear.” He brushed his fingers along her jawline, his eyes looking suspiciously misty as well. “Let’s go find your daddy.”

  Lia dreaded this meeting with every fiber of her being, but with Jimmy next to her and the promise that they could leave and be alone together as soon as it was over, she could face just about anything.

  All too soon she spotted her father in the crowd. Glancing at Jimmy, she asked, “You ready?”

  Squeezing her hand, he tipped his head. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “All right. Here we go.”

  Her father’s eyebrows couldn’t have risen any higher toward his receding hairline when stepped in front of him on Jimmy’s arm and said, “Father. You remember James Gordon from Gordon Equine.”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Sir.” Jimmy extended his hand and her father had no choice but to grasp it.

  Her father didn’t have a chance to comment further since Senator Dickson walked up at the same moment. “Governor. Lia. And whom might this be?”

  Lia smiled sweetly, enjoying it probably a bit too much as she said, “Senator, I’d like to introduce you to my date, actually my boyfriend, James Gordon. You might remember meeting him at his family’s farm this afternoon.”

  The senator’s mouth dropped open just as his son joined them.

  With a soaring heart, Lia repeated the introduction for John Dickson III and watched him pale in reaction.

  Taking control of her life and her future had been far easier and much more satisfying than she’d ever imagined.


  Lia was still riding the adrenaline high when they arrived at Jimmy’s apartment shortly after. Feeling like they were two kids who’d just snuck out of the prom to fool around, she jumped him just inside the front door, crashing her mouth against his.

  Kissing was good, but she was bubbling over with too much energy thanks to her victory to remain quiet long.

  She pulled back and said, “I still can’t get out of my head the expression on the senator’s face when I introduced you as my boyfriend.”

  He slid his hands down and gave her butt a squeeze. “You enjoyed telling him that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I did. Immensely. And so what?” She scowled. “He deserved that and more after he called me naïve today in front of all those men at your farm. And you should talk about enjoying things. You nearly crushed John’s hand when you shook it. Tell me you didn’t love doing that.”

  “Can I help it if I don’t know my own strength?” Jimmy shrugged. “And in my own defense, he was trying and failing to crush my hand first.”

  She laughed as started to unbutton his jacket. “Why don’t you show me how strong you are right now?”

  “Gladly, darlin’.” He groaned, deep and low in his throat. Taking over with the buttons, he got his uniform jacket off and then scooped her up into his arms.

  Jimmy carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Under the moonlight streaming through the window, he finished taking off his uniform, then moved on to undressing her.

  Once they were naked on top of the covers he pulled her close and held her tight. She fit perfectly against him. It was strange. They’d only been together the one night, but being in his arms again felt like coming home.

  Tempted to rush things thanks to the overwhelming need about to explode inside her, she reached for and grasped the hard length of him. He grabbed her hand with his. Raising it above her head, he held it there as he took his time exploring her face and throat with his mouth.

  Admittedly, she enjoyed every sensation as he kissed her inch-by-inch, but she needed so much more.

  “I want you now.” She wrapped one leg around his hip and pulled him closer.

  Jimmy nipped at her earlobe. His warm breath against her skin sent a tingle straight through her. “You’ll get what you want, when I want.”

  “You are an extremely frustrating man, James Gordon.”

  He covered her pout with his lips, soothing her bad mood with the thrust of his tongue.

  Angling her body, she managed to press just the tip of him against her entrance. She felt him laugh against her mouth as he kissed her, even as he pulled his pelvis away far enough to break contact.

  Finally, he raised his mouth from hers. “I couldn’t get you off my mind, not for even a day, the whole time we were apart all those months.”

  His confession brought tears to her eyes. She tried to joke them away. “Neither could I, and believe me I tried. It really pissed me off.”

  He released his hold on her hand and stroked her face. “You don’t have to try anymore because I’m right here.”

  “Yes, you are, and do you think you could make love to me now? Please? I’ve waited a very long time for you, James Gordon, and I don’t usually have to wait for anything.”

  He smiled. “I bet you don’t. I guess I could see clear to giving in to your request, since you asked so nicely and all.”

  After donning a condom he got from the bedside table drawer, Jimmy slid inside her. They’d already had a night of wild, passion-filled sex six months before. She could honestly say this time felt even more wonderful.

  His gaze stayed locked on hers as he loved her. They moved together as one. Slowly. Tenderly.

  It was so different than their first time together. That had been sex. This was definitely making love. Lia hadn’t truly known the difference before. She did now.

  Her body tightened around him. Jimmy drew in a sharp breath in response and pressed closer against her.

  She clung to him as she felt the climax coil within her until it snapped, sending spasms of pleasure through every part of her body.

  Jimmy’s breath and pace quickened as he came right after her. He shuddered with the last of his orgasm and with his face pressed against the pillow next to her head, he said, “I love you.”

  Her eyes flew open. She couldn’t help the reaction. His unexpected post coital confession had come as a total shock. Jimmy looked as surprised that he’d said it as she was hearing it.

  He groaned and tried to roll away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. It just slipped out. Please, forget I said it. I take it back.”

  Tightening her arms like a vise around him, Lia prevented him from moving farther away.

  “Don’t you dare take it back.” She squeezed him hard until he let out a pain-filled wheeze. “Oh, my God. I’m sorry. Did I hurt you? How could I hurt you? You’re so big and strong.”

  He let out a short laugh and pulled her arms from around his rib cage.

  “It’s all right, darlin’.” He blew out a slow, controlled breath. “There’s some stuff I have to tell you and I think now is as good a time as any.”

  Now that the time had come for him to clear up all the mysteries of the past six months, she wasn’t sure she could handle hearing it.

  She nodded anyway. “Okay.”

nbsp; As Jimmy talked, Lia lay silent next to him and listened. He told her everything that had happened over the past six months—at least everything he was allowed to. He explained there was a lot that was confidential, but she didn’t care about that part.

  It didn’t matter to her exactly where in the world he’d been or why he’d been there. What was most important to her was that there was a very real reason why he hadn’t been able to be with her before.

  Even more touching was his confession that he had wanted to be with her each and every day they’d been apart. That thoughts of her kept him going when he thought he couldn’t go on any longer.

  Listening to his voice in the darkened room as he sat propped up against the headboard with his arm around her shoulders, she could barely comprehend all he said.

  He talked about atrocities with a distance that belied the events that had happened to him. She was certain he was giving her only the tip of the iceberg.

  For what he told her, for what she knew he still hid from her, her eyes brimmed with tears. She cried over how he’d been hurt and tortured. She cried out of guilt because she’d hated him for not contacting her even though he’d had no choice in the matter. And she cried that he hadn’t felt he could call her when he’d finally come home to heal.

  “That’s pretty much all I can tell you. I didn’t want to start off with secrets between us.” He reached out and brushed a tear from her cheek.

  More fell in its place as she said, “I’m so sorry.”

  He shook his head. “None of it’s your fault, darlin’.”

  “But I wish I could have been there for you.”

  “You were. Every day. I thought about you constantly while I was there and afterward when I was home. I made love to you thousands of times in my mind.” His laugh held a touch of embarrassment. “And quite a few of those times I imagined telling you I loved you.”

  “Which is why you said it before.” Lia felt her heart ache.

  He was in love with the image of her in his head, the one he had clung to during the horrors he’d been through. He wasn’t in love with the real her.


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